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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
[ Finland: the Winter War with the Soviet Union, 1939-1940; Communist Party of Great Britain; Jimmy Shields (1900-1949) ]

[ Finland, The Winter War with the Soviet Union, 1939-1940. ] Duplicated Typescript [ by the Communist Party of Great Britain ], headed 'FINLAND', defending the Soviet Union over its actions in the Winter War, 1939-1940.

3pp., 8vo. In fair condition, single-spaced, on three leaves of aged and worn paper, held together with a small rusted pin. Designed to clearly state the party line. Begins: 'If we want to understand what is going on, we must understand the Background.' Sections titled 'The Background' and 'The...

Eton, Winchester, Charter House, St. Paul's and Harrow Schools [the Public School Latin Primer]

Printed letter, with names, by the 'Assistant Masters of Eton, Winchester, Charter House, St. Paul's, and Harrow Schools' to their headmasters, urging a 'reconsideration of their announced intention with respect to the Public School Latin Primer.'

4to, 2 pp. Bifolium, with each printed page on the recto of the leaf. Good, on aged paper. With part of the previous mount adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf. Five objections are given, including the fact that the primer is 'unattractive in its present form'. The final objection...

Education £95.00
Eugène Auguste Ernest Havet (1813-1889), French scholar.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Ernest Havet'), in French [to someone living in Sainte-Beuve's old house].

16mo: 1 p. 14 lines of text. Close hand. He is touched that Sainte-Beuve has found time, in the midst of his labours, to write a letter expressing his 'adhésion'. 'Je suis heureux de penser, en vous écrivant rue Montparnasse [Sainte-Beuve lived at no. 11], que la philosophie et l'esprit d'...

French, Literature £56.00
Eugène Flachat (1802-1873), French civil engineer who worked on the first French passenger railway (Paris-Le Pecq, 1837), on the Paris-Rouen line and the Gare Saint-Lazare, Paris, 1851 [steam engines]

Autograph Letter Signed, in French, to the Paris bookseller Paul Daffis.

12mo: 1 p. Fifteen lines of text. Good, on aged and lightly-creased paper. Minor foxing. Difficult hand. Begins 'Je voudrais avoir cette année la collection des Documents parlementaire qui seront distribué au corps legislatif. | Autrefois j'étais abonné pour une petite somme [...]'.

French, Science, Medicine and Technology £85.00
Eugène Flachat (1802-1873), French civil engineer who worked on the first French passenger railway (Paris-Le Pecq, 1837), on the Paris-Rouen line and the Gare Saint-Lazare, Paris, 1851 [steam engines]

Secretarial note in French, signed by Flachat.

12mo: 1 p. Good, on lightly creased paper. Reads 'Je remets à Mr Pulin, porteur de la présente, la lettre de Mr Savoye pour l'aider à retirer les exemplaires des médailles et les diplômes donnés à MM les Membres du Jury.' Presumably relating to the awarding of prizes at an industrial exhibition...

Science, Medicine and Technology £56.00
Eugene Scribe, playwright and librettist

Autograph Note Signed "E. Scribe" to an unnamed friend and collaborator

One page, c.10 x 13cm, creased and dulled but text clear and complete. "Mon cher ami/ Voila tout ce wue j'ai et prenez garde d'egarer ce scenario du second acte - je n'en ai pas d'autre copie et s'il la perdait, je ne pourrai jamais me rappeler un seul mot du contiens.- / Mille [?] tendres...

Music and Theatre £200.00
[Lord Montagu of Beaulieu and others]

[Printed Prospectus] The Road Club of the British Isles

8pp., large 4to, printed paper wraps, one third of back wrap (originally blank?) torn away and lost, surviving portion with address of Richard Bentley, former publisher, and postmark, some spotting and some damage to spine and edge with no further loss. An attractively produced brochure in red...

Social history £180.00 The Road Club of the British Isles
Eugenia Ratmirova, actress [Queen's Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue]

Autograph Letter Signed ('E. Ratmirova') to 'Mr. Bass' of Manchester, regarding the play 'The Fold'.

4to, 2 pp. Fair, on aged and lightly-creased paper. The play 'is a great success in London and is likely to have a long run there, yet at the same time we are all looking forward to coming back to Manchester, where the play started and everybody was so kind to us'. She concludes with some...

Music and Theatre £35.00
Eugenie Nau, French actress, active in the cinema between 1908 and 1924

Autograph Letter Signed, in French, to unnamed male correspondent. With manuscript English translation.

Octavo, one page. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper, with the merest hint of a damp stain. English translation in contemporary hand on separate piece of 12mo paper, with slight loss at head (not affecting text). She has received no acknowledgement from him for 'the autograph which I sent...

Music and Theatre £75.00
Eva Mohr [Pablo Neruda]

Dein Sternbild Leuchte Auch Uns. Fünf Gedichte an Nelly Sachs.' and 'Pablo Neruda Friede für die Dämmerungen'.

Item One: 'Dein Sternbild' (1960). 8vo: 7 pp. In original cream printed wraps. Stitched. Printed on the rectos of seven leaves. Good, in slightly grubby and worn wraps. German inscription to Nelly Weiss. German poem. Nicely printed on watermarked laid paper. Item Two: 'Pablo Neruda' (undated)....

Literature £56.00