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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Juliette Huxley [Lady Marie Juliette Baillot] (1896-1994), wife of the English scientist Julian Huxley (1887-1975) [Frank Richard Cowell]

Typed Letter Signed ('Juliette') to 'Dick' [Frank Richard Cowell, b.1897], together with carbon of typed reply.

Juliette Huxley's letter is 4to: 2 pp. Good, though lightly creased and attached to the other items by a paperclip. The correspondence mainly concerns a book by Cowell's eventually published under the title 'The garden as a fine art: from antiquity to modern times' (1978). She begins by...

Women £125.00
Julius de Geyter (1830-1905), Flemish poet

Autograph Letter Signed ('Julius de Geyter'), in Flemish Dutch.

12mo: 1 p. Seven lines of text. Monogram in red in top left-hand corner. On creased and aged paper, with pinholes at head (not affecting text). Scan on request.

Literature £35.00
Julius Löwenberg [Lowenberg]

Alexander von Humboldt : bibliographische Übersicht seiner Werke, Schriften und zerstreuten Abhandlungen.

8vo: 68 pp. In original printed wraps. Good, with light vertical crease to front wrap. Six copies on COPAC, but none at the British Library.

Travel and Topography £56.00
Florence Austral, Australian opera soprano.

Bold signature and image on detached album leaf.

Deatached page from album, 17 x 14cm , good condition, yours sincerely | Florence Austral [underlined], with image of head and shoulders cut from magazine and laid down.

Music and Theatre, Women £56.00 Florence Austral, Australian opera soprano.
Justin McCarthy (1830-1912), Irish politician and writer [Frank Harrison Hill (1830-1910)], editor of the Daily News]

Autograph Letter Signed ('Justin Mc.Carthy') to 'F. H. Hill Esq'.

12mo: 1 p. Fourteen lines of text, neatly and closely written. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. 1 cm closed tear to a margin (not affecting text). He accepts Hill's proposal 'with regard to the Parliamentary leaders of the Daily News'. He hopes the 'condition [...] as to notice of...

History, Literature £56.00
Justus von Liebig

Reden und Abhandlungen.

Orig. bds, worn, rebacked, pp. viii.334, with two-page list of books published by Winter'sche (Liebig's and others). Laid down on front cover: a one-page list of readers at a German library, headed by the title of the book, publishing information (1774, etc) and cost, and with a list of dates...

Science, Medicine and Technology £250.00
Karel Reisz

Typed letter signed and one typed note signed, both to Sewell Stokes,

Film director (1926-), husband of the actress Wendy Hiller (1912-). The note, 9 December, 1971, one page, 4to. "Here is David's response to my cry for help. Could you read it and give me a ring suggesting what should be done next. And please send David's letter back to me. The photo of the...

Music and Theatre £100.00
Karl Kautsky

Die Klassengegensätze von 1789 Zum hundertjährigen Gedenktag der grossen Revolution.

One of the best-known theoreticians of the Second International (1854-1938). Subtitled 'Separat-Abdruck aus der "Neuen Zeit", Heft 1-4, 1889.' 79 pages, 8vo. In original grey printed wraps. Paper browning and with some fraying to corners of prelims, but good and tight with last gathering...

History £150.00
Christopher Chataway [Sir Christopher John Chataway (1931–2014), often known as Chris Chataway, British middle- and long-distance runner, TV news broadcaster, and Conservative M.P.

[ Chris Chataway, runner and politician ] Autograph Letter Signed "Christopher Chataway" to "Sir James" [?] declining an invitation to give a lecture.

Two pages, 8vo, very good condition. "It was very good of you to invite me to give the Trueman Wood Lecture, and I was most honoured. | As you will have heard, however, I came to the conclusion somewhat regretfully that I could not really do justice to the occasion. Althugh I am becoming...

Karl Wilhelm Pauli.

Autograph Letter Signed to “Taylor”.

German jurist and historian (1792-1879). In English. 2pp., 8vo, good. He discusses difficulties with a passport which he can help with.
