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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Percival Stockdale (1736-1811), author, editor of the Critical Review and Universal Magazine, and radical abolitionist [James Fittler (1758-1835), engraver; John Downman (1749-1824), portrait painter]

[Percival Stockdale, author, editor of the Critical Review and radical abolitionist.] Stipple engraving by James Fittler from portait of Stockdale by John Downman.

Sitter, artist and engraver all have entries in the Oxford DNB. No copy in the National Portrait Gallery. In good condition, lightly aged, on good paper with small embossment of castle. Dimensions of paper, 14.25 x 22.5cm. Dimensions of print, 12.5 x 17.75cm. Oval portrait, 10 cm wide and 13 cm...

Sir David William Smith (1764-1837), property manager for the Duke of Northumberland [Farne Islands, Northumberland]

Autograph Letter Signed (Sr. D. W. Smith') to Messrs Thorp & Dickson, Alnwick.

4to bifolium: 2 pp. Good, with slight loss to second leaf from breaking of red wax seal, traces of which still adhere. Twenty lines of text. Docketed in pencil and ink on second leaf. Asks them to furnish him with 'all the particulars relative to the Farne Islands [...] who the Lessee? - their...

H. Irene Champernowne, pioneer in the field of art therapy, founder with her husband Gilbert Champernowne of the Withymead Therapeutic Centre, Oxfordshire [ Karl Gustav Jung; Toni Wolff ]

[ H. Irene Champernowne, pioneer in the field of art therapy. ] Typescript of her Jungian paper 'Woman and the Community', with a personal reminiscence of the Jung circle.

Much of Tessa Adams's paper on Toni Wolff in 'The Feminine Case: Jung, Aesthetics and Creative Process', ed. Adams and Duncan (2003), concerns the 'remarkable woman' Irene Champernowne and her relations with Wolff and Jung, with a discussion of Champernowne's Withymead Therapeutic Centre in...

Miscellaneous, Women £350.00
Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace (1841-1919), foreign correspondent of the London 'Times' who published an important work on Russia

Autograph Note Signed ('Donald Mackenzie Wallace') to unnamed female correspondent.

One page, 12mo. Good, on aged and lightly spotted paper, but with blank verso showing traces of previous mounting. Nine-line printed biographical cutting laid down in top left-hand corner. Reads 'Madam, In accordance with your request I enclose my autograph'.

Sir Donald Maclean

Typed Note Signed to author and journalist M[yer]. J[ack]. Landa.

British Liberal politician (1864-1932; DNB). 1 page, 4to. In good condition though dusty. 'My dear Landa, | Thank you very much for your kind note, which I greatly appreciate. [manuscript interpolation: '^ It was a difficult Parliamentary job.'] I also appreciate the [kind] note about the speech...

Sir Donald Sinden

typed letter signed to theatrical bookseller I. F. Fletcher

English thespian. Thanks Fletcher for his catalogue of autograph letters of nineteenth-century actors. 'I doubt if I will be able to get in before Christmas but hope to see you and them as soon as possible.' Signed 'Donald Sinden'. Creased and with some unobtrusive calculations on the reverse....

Book Trade History, Music and Theatre £20.00
Sir Douglas Fox

Autograph Note Signed to Mrs Sawyer [wife of American Unitarian minister Thomas Jefferson Sawyer (d. 1899)?]].

British civil engineer of the Victorian period (DNB). One page, 16mo, good condition, with remains of four pieces of gummed paper still adhering to blank reverse. Expresses his sincere regret at learning of the death of his 'old friend' the correspondent's husband. 'May the God of all...

Science, Medicine and Technology £35.00
Sir Edmund Robert Fremantle (1836-1929), English naval officer, Commander-in-Chief at Devonport

Autograph Note Signed ('E R Fremantle') to William Henry Kearsley Wright (1844-1915), Plymouth Borough Librarian, naval historian and antiquary.

12mo, 1 p. Very good on lightly-aged paper. Reads 'Dear Mr Wright, | I am sending you a photograph which I hope you will like, | Yours faithfully, | [signed] E R Fremantle'.

Military and Naval History £28.00
Sir Edward Baines

Autograph Letter Signed to William <Wantjl?>.

Journalist, economist and politician (1800-90), M.P. for Leeds. Two pages, 12mo. In poor condition: grubby, folded three times and with two spike holes at foot. 'I am not aware that I have any power to obtain a Midshipman's Commission for any one: but if I had, I should not think it right to use...

Book Trade History, Military and Naval History £50.00
Sir Edward Baines [Edward Baines junior] (1800-1890), nonconformist English newspaper editor and Member of Parliament

Autograph Letter Signed ('Edw. Baines') to 'Robt. <Scarbrow?>'.

12mo, 2 pp. In bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Difficult hand. He has not considered the question carefully, but his impression is that 'the Monopoly of the printing of the Holy Scriptures in Scotland and Ireland might cease by the Kings Printers not only without injuring but with benefit...

Book Trade History, Printing History, Social history £45.00