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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
James Blackwood & Co., London publishers and wholesale stationers

Printed notice of relocation, and advertisement for new publications.

4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. Nicely printed with vignette of flowers and ribbons on first page. Fair, on aged paper. The firm, boasting establishment in 1849, is described on the first page as 'late of Lovell's Court, Paternoster Row, E.C.', where the announcement is made 'that they have Transferred...

Book Trade History £45.00
James Blackwood & Co., Publishers and Wholesale Stationers [trade catalogues]

Catalogue of Books published by James Blackwood & Co., Publishers & Wholesale Stationers.

12mo, 24 pp. Unbound. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with rusting to staples. Hundreds of titles, in such series as 'The Unique Library', 'Choice Readings. Books suitable for presents, etc.', 'Universal Library of Standard Authors', 'Blackwood's Edition of the Poets', 'Library of...

Book Trade History £75.00
James Blackwood, Scottish publisher

Autograph Letter Signed to the naturalist Rev. Francis Orpen Morris (1810-1893).

8vo: 2 pp. The 'idea is worth Consideration', but Blackwood 'can hardly see how any large sale cann be depended upon, so as to repay the expense of printing advertising &c.' Asks that Morris send him 'one sermon, to indicate style, length & to estimate cost'. Asks what size of paper...

Book Trade History, Natural History £56.00
James Britten

3 Autograph Letters Signed and 1 Autograph Card Signed [to his publishers?]

Botanist and Roman Catholic propagandist (1846-1924). All but the second letter, which is addressed 'Gentlemen', are addressed 'Dear Sirs'. The letters are all 12mo, and embossed at the head of the first leaf 'NOX VENIT QUANDO NEMO POTEST OPERARI'. In letter 1 (1 page) he asks that his '...

Book Trade History, Natural History £125.00
James C. Pilling, Ethnologist (here Chief Clerk of the Bureau of Ethnology, Smithsonian]

Letter Signed "James C. Pilling", to E.S. Cox, State Geologist, Indianapolis, Ind.

One page, 4to, body of letter secretarial, fold marks, fair condition, complete and legible: Our Library is minus the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th annual report of teh geological survey of your State, nor have we anything later than the 10th. I am directed by Maj. Powell [Director] to ask if you...

Science, Medicine and Technology £65.00
[Yerkes Observatory, Wisconsin; Mary Proctor (1862-1957), Anglo-American astronomer; Alice Hall Farnsworth (1893-1960); Otto Struve (1897-1963); Nicholas Theodore Bobrovnikoff (1896-1988)

[Yerkes Observatory, Wisconsin.] Original group photograph, including the astronomers Alice Hall Farnsworth, Otto Struve and Nicholas Bobrovnikoff, and staff including 'computers'. With caption by the astronomer Mary Proctor.

6 x 8 cm black and white photograph. In fair condition, lightly faded, with crease to one corner. Proctor's caption, in pencil on the reverse, reads; 'A group at Yerkes Obsy, Dec. 10, 1925. | Left to right | Otto Struve (Dr.) | N. T. Bobrovnikoff (student) | E. Zabler (janitor) | Mis Elizabeth...

James Carl (J. A. Wakefield, 1875-1955), 'the Derby Conjuror, Member of the Magic Circle, London', 'Society Magician'

Portrait photograph by Walter Baker of Birmingham and copy of his book 'Practical Conjuring.'

The studio photograph, with printed label of 'Walter Baker, 159, Mosely Road, Birmingham. Highgate Studios.' on reverse, and the manuscript number '24704 | 98'. is a good clear head and shoulders portrait (dimensions roughly three and a half inches by two and a quarter wide), in very good...

G.E.H. [Geraldine E. Hodgson] (OxfordDNB)

[Geraldine Hodgson; James Elroy Flecker] Substantial Autograph Letter Signed G.E.H. [Geraldine E. Hodgson] to Edith [not identified], exclusively about James Elroy Flecker, anticipating her biography of Flecker, published the following year.

Twelve (12) pages, 12mo (3 x bifoliums), good condition. She starts by saying that perpetual illness and being tired of Bristol first drives her to write to her. From then on she concentrates on Elroy Flecker to a correspondent who must be equally an enthusiast and with whom she shares private...

Literature £450.00
Lord Thomson [Christopher Birdwood Thomson] (1875-1930), army officer and Minister for Air in Ramsay MacDonald Labour Government, killed in R101 airship disaster [Sir Reginald Clare Hart (1848-1931)]

[Lord Thomson, Minister for Air in Ramsay MacDonald’s Labour Government.] Typed Letter Signed (‘Thomson’) to Sir Reginald Hart, praising his ‘advanced views on politics’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed to ‘Dear Sir Reginald’. After sympathizing with him on his indisposition he writes: ‘I always felt that you really had more advanced views on politics than most of the Generals in the British Army, and what you...

James Catnach, broadsheet printer, 2 Monmouth Court, Seven Dials, London [ephemera; handbills; broadsides; Victorian printing]

Five illustrated handbills: 'Adam & Eve in Paradise'; 'The Sun of Righteousness', 'A Supposed Conference between a King and a Christian', 'The Rose of Sharon' and 'The Last Day! "Prepare to meet thy God.' Christ coming to Judge the World.'

Each of the five items printed on one side of a piece of wove paper roughly 50 x 37 mm. All five good, on aged and lightly-spotted paper, with text and illustrations clear and entire, and with some wear, chipping and short closed tears to the edges. Each item with a central vertical fold. All...

Literature £500.00