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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
P.F. Fitzgerald

A Protest against Rationalism. The Rationale or Philosophy of Belief

Brown boards, gilt, bumped and some staining of edge, contents good. INSCRIBED by author: "With the Authoress's love".

P.G. Konody.

Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed correspondent.

Art critic. Two pages, 8vo, good condition. He informs his correspondent of his belief that S.H. Sime, illustrator and artist, is still alive [in fact died 1941 re. George Locke]. H e runs obver the main events of Sime's life getting a small fortune, starting life as a coal miner, "fantastic...

Art and Architecture, Literature £95.00
Francis G. Pease [Francis Gladheim Pease] (1881-1938), American astronomer at the Mount Wilson Observatory, California [Edwin Hubble [Edwin Powell Hubble] (1889-1953); Charles Chilton (1917-2013)]

[Francis G. Pease's photographs of space, used by Edwin Hubble to identify new galaxies.] Five framed photographic astronomical prints of images by Pease, taken from Mount Vernon. Owned by Charles Chilton ('Journey into Space').

Five black and white prints, all laid down on mount and in glass frame. Later prints (1940s) rather than the early silver gelatin ones. Each with manuscript caption at foot of mount, and Negative Number written in manuscript on reverse of frame. Each print in excellent condition. All five behind...

Science, Medicine and Technology £1,500.00 Hubble
H. F. Maltby [Henry Francis Maltby] (1880-1963), playwright and actor on stage and screen [Walter James Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian]

[H. F. Maltby [Henry Francis Maltby], playwright and actor on stage and screen.] Typed Letter Signed to theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope, giving reminiscences of his visit to the tomb of ‘Maggoty’ Johnson, and visits to London theatre productions.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 4to. Sixty lines of text. Aged and worn, but entirely legible. Signed ‘H. F. Maltby’ and addressed to ‘My dear Pope’. Most of the letter concerns the tomb of ‘Maggoty’ Johnson: ‘I first met that interesting old gentleman over...

Pa´draic O´ Conaire

No´ra Marcuis Big,agus Sge´alta eile.

64pp., [12mo], original tan wraps restored (formerly detached and badly chipped, and recased in green paper wraps, staining and marking but contents mainly good. Title label on front mispelt (Marcus" for Marcuis"). Very scarce. I have found only one copy recorded (Harvard).

Literature £450.00
Padraic Colum

Studies. Being Number Two of the Tower Press Booklets Second Series

50pp., 12mo, original printed grey wraps, chipped and marked, contents good.

Literature £75.00
Padraic H. Pearse [Padraic mac Piarais; Pha´draig mhic Phiarais]


Original green cloth, 268pp, 8vo, corners bumped, covers marked, endpapers yellowed, contents good. First collected works [?]. Scarce: three copies listed by COPAC which also lists an edition (of the same book?) which it dates [1917 ("Dublin: Phoenix").

Literature £250.00
Padraic O Conaire


130pp., 8vo, lacking back wrap rebound in green paper wraps with label on front, contenst good, some wear to front cover/titlepage. Scarce: No copy on AddAll, and COPAC lists only later editions.

Literature £100.00
Padraic O Conaire

Seacht mbuaidh an eirghe-amach

Short stories. First Edition, original brown cloth, minimal damage and staining, mainly good. Scarce.

Literature £90.00
Pádraig Breathnach [Father Patrick Walsh (c.1885-1927), Irish cleric, republican and folklorist]

Cnuasachd bheag amhrán. Le haghaidh aos óg na Gaedhilge d'foghluim ins na sgoileannaibh. An t'Athair Pádraig Breathnach do chruinnigh. [Cuid a tri.]

16mo (15 x 12 cm), 32 pp. Stapled pamphlet, in original green printed wraps. Text complete and clear, on aged and dogeared paper. Wraps worn and stained. Part three only of an annotated collection of ballads. Six-page English glossary at rear. Scarce: the National Library of Ireland only appears...

Literature £50.00