Search results
Author, Title, Summary | Subject | Price | |
Charles Vandeleur Creagh (1842-1917), Governor of North Borneo and botanist who donated his collection of Borneo plants to Kew Gardens, London [W. J. Chadwick, Manchester maker of optical instruments] 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded three times. In order to mark the request as dealt with, the recipient has written a thin ink line across the page. Reads: ‘W J Chadwick Esqre / Sir / Please send me price list of your Teacher’s Patent Lantern Microscope / Yours truly / C. V.... |
£80.00 | ||
Lord Hastings [ Jacob Astley, 16th Baron Hastings; styled Sir Jacob Astley, 1817-1841 ] (1797-1859), British peer and Whig politician; Lydia Baldwin, Norfolk fishwife 2pp., 12mo. Hastings's letter, in the third person, is on the recto, and Baldwin's reply on the reverse. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. One wonders what the fishwife made of Baldwin's handwriting, which is somewhat opaque. He 'requests Mrs Baldwin to send a Dish of Fish for Friday... |
£100.00 | ||
Lucius Cary, 10th Viscount Falkland (1803-1884), Liberal politician and Governor of Nova Scotia 1p., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged, with loss caused by breaking of the red wax seal, which is present on the reverse, and biographical details typed in small line at head. Frank on reverse reads: 'London June fifteen | Mr. Geo: Brigham, | Windy Hill, | Stokesly | Yorkshire.' Franked in... |
£150.00 | ||
Margaret L. Woods [ Margaret Louisa Woods, née Bradley ] (1855-1945), novelist and poet [ Douglas Sladen [ Douglas Sladen [ Douglas Brooke Wheelton Sladen ] (1856-1947), author ] 2pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged. She condoles with her over her 'sad loss last June. I had no idea of it, or I should have written to express my sympathy at the time. I was so much interested to meet your son, & hear how splendidly he had done.' On receiving Sladen's letter she... |
£90.00 | ||
E. T. Reed [Edward Tennyson Reed] (1860-1933), political cartoonist and illustrator, associated with Punch Magazine See his entry by E. V. Knox in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with dog-eared corner. Folded once. Reads: ‘Dear Mr. Denselow, / If my erratic and unenviable handwriting has any interest for anyone - except my tailor (who seldom sees it!) you are very welcome to a... |
£45.00 | ||
Pollock's Toy Museum, London [ Miss E. L. Pollock [Louisa Pollock ]; Benjamin Pollock's Toy Shop; founded by John Redington (1819–1876), and continued by his son-in-law Benjamin Pollock (1856-1937)] Five items. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. ONE: Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'E. L. Pollock') to W. H. Prince. A total of 6pp. The writer, 'Miss E. L. Pollock', is Benjamin Pollock's daughter Louise, who with her sister Selina managed the shop after his death. All three... |
£320.00 | ||
'Ann Bridge', pseudonym of Mary Ann Dolling Sanders O'Malley (1889-1974), also known as Cottie Sanders, English novelist and friend and biographer of the mountaineer George Mallory 1p., 4to. She thanks her for her letter, and agrees to inscriber her bookplate. 'I am so glad that you have got "The Malady in Madeira"; I do hope you will enjoy it, especially as you know Madeira. I think it was rather fun, and the plot really up-to-date.' She thanks her for advertising her... |
£45.00 | ||
'Anya Seton', pen name of Ann Seton Chase (1904-1990), bestselling American author of historical romances 2pp., 8vo. 2pp., 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged. She begins, after stating that she is returning her bookplate (which she has signed), with details of a forthcoming visit to England, involving a drive 'up North to my father's birthplace', where she will 'stay in Northumberland a fortnight... |
£50.00 | ||
George Saintsbury [ George Edward Bateman Saintsbury ] (1845-1933), literary historian and critic [ Sir Courtenay Mansel (1880-1933), Welsh Liberal (later Conservative) politician and poet ] The three items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Postage stamp and paper beneath torn from third letter,, resulting in loss of full date All three signed 'George Saintsbury'. Saintsbury's handwriting is difficult to decipher and the following description only gives a phrase from each of... |
£75.00 | ||
Carl Dolmetsch [ Carl Frederic Dolmetsch ] (1911-1997), classical musician, leading figure in the twentieth-century revival of the recorder, for 56 years Director of the Haslemere Festival Signature on an irregular piece of paper torn from the bottom right-hand corner of a leaf. The valediction to a typed letter. Reads: '[...] gards from us all. | [...] ncerely, | Carl Dolmetsch'. |
£15.00 |