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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Fanny Parnell [Frances Isabel Parnell] (1848-1882), sister of the Irish nationalist leader Charles Stewart Parnell

[Fanny Parnell [Frances Isabel Parnell], sister of the Irish nationalist leader Charles Stewart Parnell.] Contemporary manuscript copy of her poem ?Post Mortem? (?Shall mine eyes behold thy glory, O my country??).

See her entry and her brother?s in the Oxford DNB. The item is from the collection of Irish nationalist autographs assembled by Miss Burgess of Norfolk in the 1890s, who has endorsed one leaf in her distinctive hand ? ?Post Mortem? / By Fanny Parnell?. Undated. 3pp, 4to. On two leaves of paper...

Henry Harrison (1867-1954), close confidant of Charles Stewart Parnell and his wife Katharine (?Kitty O?Shea?), Irish Parliamentary Party MP in British House of Commons, decorated British Army captain

[Parnell's 'bodyguard and aide-de-camp': Henry Harrison MP MC, member of the Irish Parliamentary Party.] Autograph Letter Signed, written within months of the death of Charles Stewart Parnell, on behalf of his widow Katharine ('Kitty O'Shea').

Parnell had died around ten weeks before, on 6 October 1891. See Harrison's entry in the Oxford DNB: 'After the party broke in two in December 1890, Harrison campaigned with his chief in Ireland, constituting himself a bodyguard and aide-de-camp. After Parnell's death in October 1891 Harrison,...

James Grattan [M.P. Co. Wicklow; see historyofparliamentonline for details].

[James Grattan, Irish M.P.] Autograph Letter Signed, almost illegibly, J Grattan to Frederick Page, writer on Poor Law and poverty, and known to visit southern Ireland

Two pages, cr. 8vo, bifolium, good condition, a challenging script. I return you many thanks for the 2 pamphlets of yours which I received & should have written to you before now but I only got your letter this day. | I have read them of rather one of them & have derived very useful...

Michael McCartan (1851-1902), Irish nationalist, MP with the Irish Parliamentary Party in the British Parliament, anti-Parnellite

[Michael McCartan, Irish nationalist MP in the British Parliament.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Burgess', looking forward to the freedom of Ireland, and attacking 'Toryism' in Norwich.

3pp, 12mo. On bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Forty-eight lines of text. Addressed to 'Miss Burgess[,] Norwich' and with smudged signature 'Michael McCartan'. 'If we had in every County in England a few ladies like some of those whom I have the pleasure of...

Patric Dickinson, poet

[Patric Dickinson, Poet] Letters and poems (large quantity) sent to his Mistress and Muse, Sarah Hamilton; 'My Pallas, O Athene', 'the best Muse in the business'

171 original poems by Patric Dickinson (mostly unpublished), with 474 autograph letters (a total of 991 pages of correspondence) and 349 postcards to his mistress and 'Muse' Sarah Hamilton, along with an early draft of his autobiography, and other items including letters to Hamilton from...

‘Hesba Stretton’, pseudonym of Sarah Smith (1832-1911), evangelical novelist and writer of children’s books [Religious Truth Society, London]

[‘Hesba Stretton’ (Sarah Smith), evangelical novelist and writer of children’s books.] Autograph Letter Signed [to the Secretary of the Religious Truth Society] regarding a manuscript she has titled ‘From Bethlehem to Olivet’.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB, and Elaine Lomax’s 2016 book, ‘The Writings of Hesba Stretton: Reclaiming the Outcast’. 1p, 16mo. Cut down to 11.5 x 12 cm. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded once for postage. The recipient is not named, but is clearly the secretary of the...

Algernon Ashton [Algernon Bennet Langton Ashton] (1859-1937), English composer, Professor of Piano, Royal College of Music [William Hayman Cummings (1831-1915), Principal, Guildhall School of Music]

[Algernon Ashton, composer, Professor of Piano at the Royal College of Music.] Autograph Letter Signed, asking W. H. Cummings to consider him if a vacancy for a professorship should occur at the Guildhall School of Music.

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. Folded once for postage. Addressed to ‘Mr. Cummings’ and with large bold signature ‘Algernon Ashton.’ He writes: ‘I venture to express a hope that whenever there should be a vacancy for a Pianoforte Professorship at the Guildhall...

Captain William Robert Anderson (1921-2007), United States Navy, commander of the world’s first nuclear submarine USS Nautilus, which he took under the arctic icecap, and a Democratic congressman

[USS Nautilus, the world’s first nuclear submarine.] Typed Letter Signed written from the vessel by its commander Captain W. R. Anderson, to J. G. Gillman, following its transit of the North Pole.

1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Addressed to ‘Mr. J. G. Gillman / 50 High Street / Chislehurst, Kent / England’. Good firm signature, ‘W R Anderson’, with ‘Commander, U.S. Navy / Written following the Nautilus’s arctic transit, 3 August 1958: ‘Thank you for your...

Military and Naval History £120.00 Nautilus
Charlotte M. Yonge [ Charlotte Mary Yonge; C. M. Yonge ] (1823-1901), English novelist associated with the Oxford Movement

[Charlotte M. Yonge, Victorian novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed discussing arrangements regarding proofs over Christmas.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On grey paper. In fair condition, with blocks of discoloration. Addressed to 'Dear Madam' and signed ' M Yonge'. She cannot tell her 'how late the final proof must be, as it depends on the printers, and the Christmas week so disturbs arrangements that...

Ebenezer Prout (1835-1909), composer, musicologist, music critic of the Athenaeum, London

[Ebenezer Prout, composer, musicologist, music critic of the Athenaeum.] Autograph Letter Signed explaining his inability to get the piece 'Christophorus' performed.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Forty-nine lines. Bifolium. On aged and worn paper, with the reverse of the second leaf laid down on cut-down remains of leaf of autograph album, with a number of autographs on slips laid down on the reverse, including that of Charles Hallé, cut from a...
