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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
John Murray II (1778 ? 1843), Scottish publisher and member of the John Murray publishing house.

[John Murray II, Scottish publisher] Autograph Note Signed Jno Murray to Gentlemen [Messrs Bell & Bradfute, publishers, Edinburgh = addressees]

One page, 16mo (11 x 12cm), bifolium, apparently trimmed with loss of text only of docketed information in another hand, minor defects, but complete. See Image. Text: Gentlemen | Be so good as to forward the above as early as convenient & oblige [...].

Book Trade History £150.00 Murray
Marguerite Gardiner, Countess of Blessington (n?e Power; 1789?1849), Irish novelist, journalist, and literary hostess

[Countess of Blessington] Autograph Letter Signed M. Blessington to [F. Mansell Reynolds, novelist and editor of The Keepsake(?)]. See description below.

Three pages, 12mo, bifolium, good condition, in her sprawling hand, 1/4in. strip of glue from previous laying down on blank page 4. My dear Sir | Pray do not think me forgetful towards you in not answering your note received many days ago, but I am so occupied and fatigued with writing that I...

Pierce Egan the Younger (1814 ? 1880), journalist and novelist.

[Pierce Egan the Younger] Autograph Letter Signed Pierce Egan to My dear Kenney [Charles Lamb Kenney (1821 ? 1881), journalist, dramatist and writer.]

Two pages,12mo, bifolium, good condition. Embossed heading Perseverantia et Fortitudo. My dear Kenney | In acknowledgment of Mrs Kenney's note Wednesday that between two and four [each] day except Saturdays & Mondays I am to be found here Wednesday I have most leisure & shall be happy to...

Robert Chambers [Robert Chambers (1802 ? 1871), Scottish publisher, geologist, evolutionary thinker, author and journal editor]

[Robert Chambers, Scottish publisher, geologist, evolutionary thinker, etc] Autograph Letters Signed R. Chambers to an unnamed correspondent mentioning a meeting with Dickens and a prospective meeting with Mr Stephenson

Two pages, 8vo. bifolium, small closed tear not affecting text, good condition. He apologises for not remembering today to call on you as proposed, till it was too late. Pary forgive my heedlessness, and also excuse me for to-morrow evening, when I have to meet Mr Dickens at a small dinner party...

[Percy Bysshe Shelley; George Romney] William Salt Brassington, archaeologist and librarian of the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon; Evan Marlett Boddy; Richard Garnett

[Percy Bysshe Shelley: supposed portrait by George Romney.] Five Autograph Letters Signed from William Salt Brassington, Librarian of the Shakespeare Memorial, to the donor of the picture Evan Marlett Boddy.

These five items are part of a collection of correspondence (the rest is offered separately) relating to a supposed portrait of a young Percy Bysshe Shelley by George Romney, which was in a group of paintings donated to the Shakespeare Memorial Association by the appropriately-named anatomist...

Ceylon Tea Plantation: Cymru Estate, Dimbula [Sri Lanka]

[Ceylon Tea Plantation: Cymru Estate, Dimbula [Sri Lanka].] Manuscript containing detailed statistical tables (by British overseer) of every aspect of tea cultivation on the estate.

The Cymru Estate in Dimbula was established in 1870. The invaluable ‘History of Ceylon Tea’ website only has data regarding the estate up to the year 1929. The present item provides a mass of statistical information for the years 1964 to 1972. It is entirely in manuscript, in several hands, and...

David Welsh (1793-1845), Professor of Ecclesiastical History at Edinburgh University, then Free Church of Scotland minister and first Professor of Ecclesiastical History at New College

[David Welsh, Professor of Ecclesiastical History at Edinburgh University, then Free Church of Scotland minister and Professor at New College.] Autograph Signature and valediction to a letter.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Autograph Signature and valediction to letter on 11 x 4.5 cm slip of paper: 'My dear Sir / Yours most truly / David Welsh'. In good condition on lightly-aged laid paper, with neat vertical fold. Tiny slip of paper with pencil note in contemporary hand laid down...

Edward Samuel Byam (1788-1869), genealogist, Chief Magistrate of Mauritius

[Edward Samuel Byam, genealogist, Chief Magistrate of Mauritius.] Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed party, regarding his restoration of family monuments.

4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. A long letter of eighty-seven lines, in a neat close hand. Signed ‘Edward S Byam’. The recipient is not identified. Begins: ‘My dear Sir / I have received yours of 7th Instant enclosing proof Sheet of what you propose saying in...

General Sir David Dundas (c.1735-1820), Scottish soldier, British Army officer in the Seven Years' War and French Revolutionary Wars and military writer, Commander-in-Chief of the Forces

[General Sir David Dundas, Scottish soldier, British Army officer and military author, Commander-in-Chief of the Forces.] Manuscript Document regarding Alexander Adair and the clothing of his regiment, Signed by him with his seal.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, folio. Text clear and entire, on worn and grubby paper, with chipping to edges and slight loss to one corner, with one closed tear repaired with archival tape. Embossed tax stamps at head. Good firm signature at bottom right ‘David Dundas.’, beside small seal...

HMS Alfred [originally HMS Asia] (1811), a 74-gun third-rate ship of the line of the Royal Navy

[HMS Alfred [originally HMS Asia] (1811), a 74-gun third-rate ship of the line of the Royal Navy.] Manuscript statement of ‘Armament of H. M. Ship Alfred June 26th. 1833.-’

Launched at Frindsbury in 1811 as HMS Asia, played an active role in the War of 1812: in the bombardment Fort McHenry, and the attack on New Orleans, and sharing in the proceeds of the capture of the American vessels in the Battle of Lake Borgne in 1814. She was renamed HMS Alfred in 1819. By...
