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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Arthur Murphy, Barrister and Author [(1727–1805), Irish writer.

[ Arthur Murphy, Irish writer ] Autograph Instruction Signed to Cadell Esq [publishers].

Paper, 15 x 9cm, trimmed with minimal loss of text, some staining, text clear and legible. Pay to Lady Montfort's Bearer the sum of Eighy seven Shillings & charge the same to | Your Humble Servt. | Arthur Murphy. A bold and impressive signature. Note: A, He studied at Jesuit run Saint-Omer...

Law, Literature, Music and Theatre £500.00 Murphy
Mary Somerville [née Fairfax, sometime Greig] (1780-1872), Scottish scientist and author after whom Somerville College, Oxford, is named

[Mary Somerville, Scottish scientist after whom Somerville College, Oxford, is named.] Autograph Signature ('Yours truly | Mary Somerville') cut from letter.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. Since 2017 she has been depicted on the Scottish ten pound note. On 2.5 x 8.5 cm slip of paper, cut from letter. In good condition, lightly aged. Laid down on 4 x 9.5 cm piece of paper. Reads 'Yours truly | Mary Somerville'.

Mother Mary of Stella Maris [Les sœurs de Marie-Réparatrice; Jerusalem].

[Mother Mary of Stella Maris; Jerusalem; Khartoum] Autograph Postcard Signed Mother Mary of Stella Maris | Convent of Marie Reparatrice | P.O.B. 29 Jerusalem to [Khartoum -see full statement below]. Recommendation.

Postcard, 13 x 10cm, good condition. With the stamp of the Convent, see image.Text: To the Religious (Catholic Communiteis at Khartoum - | This is to recommend most warmly a great friend of ours Capt. Gerald Wynne Rushton, who is about to start for Khartoum as Administrator of the Area - | He is...

Religion £100.00 Catholic
Sir Charles Oman [Sir Charles William Chadwick Oman] (1860-1946), military historian [George Townsend Warner (1865-1916), historian; Battle of Agincourt; archery; toxophily]

[Sir Charles Oman, military historian, and the English archers at Agincourt.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'C. Oman') to George Townsend Warner, summing up the battle and giving a detailed description of the set up of the English archers.

Both letters annotated in pencil in contemporary hand 'To Townsend Warner Historian'. (Warner was a history master and head of the ‘modern side’ at Harrow School, and co-editor of one of the most popular British history textbooks of the period. His only child was the novelist Sylvia Townsend...

Sir Edward Marsh [Sir Edward Howard Marsh] (1872-1953), civil servant, promoter of Georgian poetry, classical scholar, friend and secretary to Winston Churchill [Royal Literary Fund, London]

[Sir Edward Marsh [Sir Edward Howard Marsh], author, editor and classical scholar, friend and secretary to Winston Churchill.] Autograph Note Signed ('E Marsh') to the Secretary, Royal Literary Fund, declining to become a steward at a dinner.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Dear Sir | I regret that I am an [sic] unable to become a Steward at the Royal Literary Fund dinner, but I have pleasure in sending a small donation to the fund.'

Robins Millar, Robins Millar (1889-1968), emigre Canadian journalist, playwright, artist poet and writer.. based in Glasgow.

Robins Millar; Canadian emigre in Scotland; Playwright ] Eleven, usually substantial, Typed Letters Signed Robins to theatre historian, W. Macqueen-Pope (Popie).

Twelve TLSs, 1-3pp. each, total 27pp., 4to. His subjects are predictable: his plays, his portraits, the contemporary theatre, performances (Brigadoon etc), actors, films, art exhibition, personal matters (eg his wife's ill heath, children), his writing activities,Popie's works (showing...

Lauri Wylie [Lauri Wylie (1880 – 1951), originally Maurice Laurence Samuelson Metzenberg, British actor and author, inc. the play Dinner for One (most frequently repeated TV programme ever).]

[ Lauri Wylie; playwright; Dinner for One; Der 90. Geburtstag ] Three Typed Letters Signed Lauri (2) and L. (1) AND one Autograph Letter Signed Lauri | LAURI WYLIE to theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope, about theatre topics including his own writing.

Total 4pp., 4to, one with corner torn off, all a little battered but texts clear and complete. Letter One: He asks if anything can be done with [his] book, and discusses his re-writing another straight play. They don't seem to be able to stop me. I roughed it out during the war but have now done...

Music and Theatre £250.00
Sybil Thorndike [Dame Agnes Sybil Thorndike] (1882-1976), celebrated actress for whom Bernard Shaw wrote 'Saint Joan', noted for her Shakespearian roles

[Sybil Thorndike, celebrated actress for whom Bernard Shaw wrote 'Saint Joan'.] Autograph Letter Signed to Secretary, Royal Literary Fund, explaining that 'pressure of work' will prevent her from acting as steward at Guildhall anniversary banquet.

1p, 8vo. Fifteen lines of text, in green ink. In fair condition, lightly aged, folded twice, with short closed tear to edge of one crease. Signed 'Sybil Thorndike'. Although 'deeply gratified', her 'present duties' will detain her 'at the Theatre every evening until 11 o/c', so that she will not...

Alexander Knox (1757 – 1831), Irish theological writer.

[Alexander Knox, the sage of Bellevue] A very substantial Autograph Letter Signed Alex Knox, to a Mr [Mangen?], more an Essay than a letter, including a personal credo, comment on John Wesley, and on current politics (agitators; Castereagh)

Eleven (11) pages, 12mo, 3 bifoliums, remnants of crude binding (sewing with paper spine), text complete, final page chipped with no loss, foxing and staining NOT obscuring text. More an Essay than a Letter. He asks that a packet that accompanied this letter should be forwarded (NOT present) and...

Sir Thomas Baring (1772-1848), 2nd Baronet, banker, Member of Parliament, Art Collector.

[Sir Thomas Baring, 2nd Baronet, banker and Member of Parliament.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Tho. Baring’) regarding the sending of his ‘Pictures’ to his estate at Stratton.

See the entries in the Oxford DNB for his father Sir Francis Baring (1740-1810) and his son Thomas Baring (1799-1873). At the time of writing he was working with the merchant bankers Hope & Co. in Amsterdam, but growing 'so disgusted with the drudgery of the counting house' that he wanted to...
