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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Wilhelm Ganz (1833-1914), German-born conductor, pianist, organist, violinist, and composer

[ Wilhelm Ganz, German-born London conductor. ] Autograph signature.

On 5.5 x 11 cm. slip of paper taken from letter. In fair condition, lightly aged. Closely-cropped, with the lower part of the final flourish of the 'z' in Ganz's name shaved off. Ganz established himself as accompanist to singers including Jenny Lind and Adelina Patti. He became sole conductor...

William Fuller Boteler (1777-1845), judge, Commissioner of Bankruptcy and Recorder of Canterbury, Kent [ Sir Robert Peel, Tory prime minister ]

[ William Fuller Boteler, Recorder of Canterbury. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W F Boteler.'), regarding 'Mr Peels present Bills', the prison population, and the erection of new prisons in the 'corporate Towns' of Kent and elsewhere 'in the Kingdom'.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn. With a number of emendations, indicating that the letter is a draft. The recipient is not identified, but is presumably a senior Home Office official such as the Principal Private Secretary to Home Secretary Sir Robert Peel. Beginning: 'I...

J. D. Hales [ John Dixon Hales ] (c.1800-1879), Perpetual Curate of St John, Richmond, Surrey, and anti-Catholic polemicist [ John Pyke Hullah (1812-1884); Lady Katherine Halkett (1790-1848) ]

[ Rev. John Dixon Hales, anti-Catholic polemicist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. D. Hales') on church psalmody, 'Hullah's System' and Lady Katherine Halkett.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The recipient's name, at the foot of the last page, has been scored through. The letter begins: 'My dear Friend, | A note from our mutual friend Sawyer received this Evening informs me that he had transmitted to you some enquiries from me on...

Joseph Cowan (1829-1900, nicknamed 'the Blaydon Brick'), Anglo-Jewish radical Liberal journalist and Member of Parliament, friend of Mazzini, Herzen, Bakunin. Garibaldi and Kossuth.

[ Joseph Cowan, Anglo-Jewish radical Liberal journalist and MP. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jos Cowan') to autograph collector F. W. Finch of Birmingham, expressing relief at being freed from the 'restraints & embarrassments' of Parliament..

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed to 'Mr. F. W. Finch, | Woodbridge Row | Mosley | Birmingham'. He thanks him for his letter and continues: 'I am sorry that you have not been so successful as you wished in collecting autographs, but I hope you will be more fortunate in future...

C. Arbuthnot [Charles Arbuthnot (1767-1850)], Joint Secretary to the Treasury [House of Commons; Houses of Parliament; Napoleonic Wars]

[Parliamentary expenditure in the Napoleonic Wars, including 'the Sum wanted for American Loyalists'.] 'Accounts and Estimates: Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be printed, 11 November 1813.'

6 + [1]pp., folio. Side stitched and unbound. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with light staining at foot of first page. The contents of the document are given as follows: '1. - Account of Sums advanced, for Public Services, from the Civil List Revenues, pursuant to Addresses, not...

Maurice O'Connell (c.1801-1853), Irish politician, Member of Parliament for Tralee 1832-1837 and 1838-1853, son of Daniel O'Connell ('The Liberator') [ Thomas Anson, 1st Earl of Lichfield (1795-1854)]

[ Maurice O'Connell, Irish politician. ] Two Autograph Letters, the first signed and the second in the third person, to the Postmaster General the Earl of Lichfield, recommending individuals for employment in the Post Office.

The two letters are in fair condition, lightly aged and soiled. ONE: 'Friday' (docketed date June 1838). 2pp., 12mo. Applying for 'the Post of Guard to Any of the Roads', on behalf of 'James Poyntz of Tralee'. On the reverse Lichfield has written 'sorry cannot'. TWO: 'Friday' (docketed date 19...

Morgan John O'Connell (1811-1875), Irish politician, Member of Parliament for Kerry, 1835-1852, half-brother of Daniel O'Connell ('The Liberator') [ Thomas Anson, 1st Earl of Lichfield (1795-1854) ]

[ Morgan John O'Connell, Member of Parliament for Kerry. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('M. J: O'Connell') to the Postmaster General the Earl of Lichfield

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Recommending for employment in the Post Office 'Mr. Paul Scollard, who is a young man of most respectable connexions, but whose circumstances are such as to render a very humble situation an object to him - If a vacancy should soon...

Sir William Rothenstein (1872-1945), painter, printmaker, draughtsman, lecturer, and writer on art [Percy Richard Morley Horder (1870-1944), architect]

[Sir William Rothenstein, artist.] Autograph Note Signed ('Wm Rothenstein'), to 'Morley Horder'.

One page, obl.12mo, small stain not affecting text, clear and good condition. Text: I fear the newspapers gave a sensational aspect to a simple matter. [?] you liked [?name indecipherable to me] & his work at the Gallery.. But his salary was quite insufficient. He was given to believe that...

Solomon Joseph Solomon (1860 – 1927), painter

[Solomon J. Solomon] Autograph signature with part subscription, Yours faithfully | Solomon J. Solomon.

One page, 16mo, very good contion. Text as above.

T. A. Preston [ Rev. Thomas Arthur Preston ] (1833-1905) of Marlborough College, botanist

[ Rev. Thomas Arthur Preston of Marlborough College, botanist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. A. Preston') to J. Ramsay, regarding 'the connection between Vegetation & Climate', a subject 'in its infancy'.

12pp., 12mo. On three bifoliums. In good condition, lightly aged. A long speculation - of great interest in the light of subsequent developments - on 'the connection between Vegetation & Climate', beginning with a discussion of 'the case of the Hawthorn'. 'The whole subject', he notes, 'at...

Natural History £150.00