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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
John Edmund Reade (1800-1870), Victorian poet and author who met 'the contempt of the literary world'

[ John Edmund Reade, poet and author. ] Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed party, describing how his 'audience hitherto have been fit tho few'.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, tipped in onto leaf removed from album. After apologising for the late reply to the recipient's note he acknowledges 'the Compliment you make me'. He continues in his customary vainglorious style, appropriating Milton's words to himself: 'I am so...

John Glynn (c.1722-1779), Serjeant-at-Law and Member of Parliament, supporter of John Wilkes and American Independence; Richard Way, London attorney

[ John Glynn, Serjeant-at-Law and Member of Parliament. ] Autograph Legal Opinion, given to a 'Case' presented to him by London attorney Richard Way (a property dispute between Messrs Fisher and Carter).

The case concerns a disagreement between 'Mr. Carter' and 'Mr Fisher', the latter having – with his 'Ancestors' – 'enjoyed this Estate for 70 Years past without any Interruption whatsoever'. The main body of the text is in the hand of Way or an employee, with Glynn's autograph opinion on two...

Law £200.00
Albemarle House Girls School, Wimbledon Common [ Miss Parratt; Mrs. Hugh Wallace, II (Gertrude Watts); Miss M. Notley; Mrs. Tom Mott (Helga Baumann); Miss Irene Fenwick ]

[ Printed illustrated newsletter. ] Old Girls' Association. Albemarle House, Wimbledon Common. [ With 'List of Members, 1931' and '1931 Chronicle'. ]

Scarce: no other copy traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC. 16pp., 12mo. With an additional two central pages of illustrations on shiny art paper. Stapled and unbound. In fair condition, aged and worn, with light pen mark at foot of cover. A final page headed 'A Sunset Abroad. | (From a...

Alice Philpot [ The Philpot Window, Winchester Cathedral ]

[ Winchester Cathedral, the Philpot Window. ] Detailed coloured drawing by Alice Philpot of the stained glass window she donated to the Cathedral in memory of her husband, son and family. With newspaper cutting of long article describing the window.

John Vaughan, in his 'Winchester Cathedral, its Monuments and Memorials' (1919), describes the Philpot Window on p.303, stating that it was executed by Messrs. Powell of Whitefriars, and was 'the gift of Mrs. Alice Philpot, whose husband and son are also commemorated'. On the strength of the...

Mabel Dearmer [ Jessie Mabel Prichard Dearmer, née White ] (1872-1915), English illustrator, writer, nursing orderly and pacifist

[ Mabel Dearmer, author and pacifist. ] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Dearest Molly'

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. A warm and characteristically solicitous letter. She has heard 'such a sad account' of the recipient, and hopes she is 'quite well & fit again now'. The Dearmers 'couldn't manage Paris but we should have loved it - There has been so much...

Rev. Richard Harington D.D. (1800-1853), Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford; Rev. Richard Jones, Secretary of the Royal Commission on Cathedrals in Whitehall

[ Royal Commission on Cathedrals, 1853 ] Signed Copy of long Autograph Letter from Rev. Dr Richard Harington, Principal of Brasenose College, responding to circular letter signed by Richard Jones, Secretary. With printed 'copy of the Commission'.

Three items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Harington's 28-page letter is a significant assessment, by a senior member of the university, of the situation in the period immediately preceding the Oxford University Act of 1854. ONE: Signed Autograph Copy of Letter from 'Richd Harington'...

Robert Gilbert Vansittart, Baron Vansittart (1881-1957), diplomat [ Sir Richard Harington of Ridlington (1861-1931) 12th Baronet; the Mexican Revolution, 1910-1920; railways of Mexico; Thomas Linton ]

[ Mexican Revolution and British interests. ] Typed Letter Signed from Robert Vansittart, Foreign Office, to Sir Richard Harington, regarding 'Mexican Railways'. With two printed documents: one ('Confidential') on 'Anglo-Mexican Claims Convention'.

ONE: Typed Letter Signed from 'Roger Vansittart' to 'Sir Richard Harington, Bart., | Whitbourne Court, | Worcester.' Foreign Office; 13 April 1927. 1p., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition aged and worn. He is 'directed by Secretary Sir Austen Chamberlain to refer to your letter of the 5th instant...

Sidney Herbert, 1st Baron Herbert of Lea [ Lord Herbert of Lea ] (1810-1861), Conservative politician, close associate of Florence Nightingale [ Stratford Canning, Viscount Stratford de Redcliffe ]

[ Sidney Herbert, Lord Herbert of Lea. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Sidney Herbert') to 'Canning' [ i.e. the diplomat Stratford Canning ], regarding matters relating to a 'perfect gentleman' and a 'rat dog'.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn, with minor marking to first and last pages. A high-spirited missive, headed 'Private' and difficult to decipher. He begins by asking him to 'read the enclosed, a perfect gentleman is certainly cheap at 12s. a week. | My interest in the...

T. A. A. Broadbent [ Thomas Arthur Alan Broadbent ]; G. A. Garreau [ Gabriel Armand Garreau ]; C. Dudley Langford; T. B. W. Spencer; Arthur Spencer Gosset-Tanner; J. Travers [ Sir Richard Harington ]

Sir Richard Dudley Harington: mathematical correspondence with T. A. A. Broadbent, G. A. Garreau, C. Dudley Langford, T. B. W. Spencer, A. S. Gosset Tanner and J. Travers.

16 Autograph Letters Signed, 10 Autograph Cards Signed and one Typed Letter Signed. The letters total 32pp. The collection is in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The correspondence deals exclusively with mathematical questions raised in the Mathematical Gazette, with the writers providing...

W. S. Dallas [ William Sweetland Dallas ] (1824-1890) of the Geological Society, zoologist, friend and 'collaborateur' to Charles Darwin, as also Huxley, Owen and Lyell

[ William Sweetland Dallas, zoologist, 'collaborateur to Darwin'. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. S. Dallas') to 'G. Masters', agreeing under duress to allow a visit to the Geological Society collection, the scope of which he discusses.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. He begins by conveying his irritation that Masters had arranged 'a visit to the Society's Museum' without consulting 'the authorities'. However, as the notices have been distributed, and 'the party will be a very small one, we must do the...
