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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Sir John Lavery (1856-1941), RA, Irish painter [Sir Arthur Stockdale Cope (1857-1940), RA, portrait painter; Artists' General Benevolent Institution, London]

[Sir John Lavery, Irish artist, to Sir Arthur Stockdale Cope, portraitist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('John Lavery'), regarding the Artists' General Benevolent Institution and a man who has 'pestered' him 'by his visits and letters'.

2pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Addressed to 'My dear Cope'. After thanking him for his letter Lavery writes: 'Our “friend” [Braynard?] when he called to ask for my signature told me many things, amongst others that the A. G. B. I. had already given him a grant some time...

Sydney Smith (1771-1845), 'The Smith of Smiths', wit, author and cleric [Elizabeth Emma Cunliffe Offley (1780-1850), daughter of Lord Crewe and wife of MP Foster Cunliffe Offley]

[Sydney Smith, 'The Smith of Smiths', wit and author.] Four Autograph Letters Signed to 'Mrs Cunliffe' [Elizabeth Emma Cunliffe Offley, daughter of Lord Crewe], good natured and vivacious.

The four items in good condition, lightly aged, with stubs from mounts still adhering. The first three are bifoliums, carrying seals in red wax (that to the third letter broken). The second letter is addressed to her at Grosvenor Square; the third and fourth to her at Upper Brook Street. ONE: No...

Eliza Cruikshank (wife of the English caricaturist George Cruikshank, 1792-1878); William Henry Kearley Wright (1844-1915), Plymouth antiquary and librarian and editor of the Ex Libris Society journal

[Wife of George Cruikshank] Autograph Letter Signed from 'E. Cruikshank' to Wright with autograph initials of George.

One page, on paper roughly four and a half inches by seven wide. Very good on lightly aged paper. She is enclosing her husband's signature. '[H]e desires me to thank you for your clever and truthful verses of An appeal to the Protestants of England [Plymouth, 1873]; which he has seen before; and...

William Ewart Gladstone, Liberal Prime Minister [Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna of Russia (1874-1900), daughter of Tsar Alexander II of Russia and Duchess of Edinburgh as wife of Prince Alfred]

[William Ewart Gladstone, as Prime Minister, to the Duchess of Edinburgh (Grand Duchess Maria Alexandrovna of Russia).] Autograph Letter Signed ('W E Gladstone'), sending her 'specimens of labour performed in a field which is now not much frequented'

2pp, 12mko. In fair condition, aged and worn, with slight discoloration along central horizontal fold. Addressed to 'Her Imperial & Royal Highness | The Duchess of Edinburgh'. Reads: 'Madam | At Windsor Your Imperial & Royal Highness was good enough to say I might send these specimens of...

William Shenstone (1714-1763) of the Leasowes, poet and landscape gardener

[William Shenstone of the Leasowes, poet and landscape gardener.] Autograph Ownership Inscription on flyleaf of book: 'Guillaume Shenstone du College de Pembroke en Oxford'.

On one side of what is clearly a fly-leaf removed from a book. In fair condition, aged and worn, skilfully placed in a windowpane mount of cream paper, to which a white stub still adheres. Written in a small hand at the head of the recto: 'Guillaume Shenstone | du College de Pembroke | en Oxford...

George Hamilton Chichester (1797-1883), 3rd Marquess of Donegall [Earl of Belfast, 1799-1844)], Vice-Chamberlain of the Household, Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard, Lord Lieutenant of Antrim

[George Hamilton Chichester, 3rd Marquess of Donegall.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Donegall') to a 'Friend', regarding his witnessing of a will, and remuneration for his 'moderate account'.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, lightly aged, with traces of mount adhering to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded once. The letter begins: 'My dear Friend | I got yr kind note with many thanks – I wish you to understand that by dealing [Dacus'?] intentino if as to...

Lord Castlereagh [Robert Stewart, 2nd Marquess of Londonderry; styled Viscount Castlereagh, 1769-1821] (1769-1822), Tory Foreign Secretary at Congress of Vienna, hated by Byron, Shelley and radicals

[Lord Castlereagh, Tory Foreign Secretary at the Congress of Vienna, hated by Byron and Shelley.] Autograph Letter in the third person, as 'Lord Londonderry', asking him to present a book to the king from 'Monsieur de Martens'.

2pp., 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Lord Londonderry presents his compliments to Mr Watson and begs to forward to him a letter and book which he has been requested by Monsieur de Martens to present to His Majesty'. Londonderry was considered a repressive figure by...

James Joyce [Shakespeare and Company, Paris; Herbert Clarke, printer]

Pomes Penyeach

16mo, twelve leaves (last leaf blank). Unpaginated: a total of twenty printed pages, comprising four prelims, fifteen pages of poems, colophon. Stitched into light brown boards, with 'POMES PENYEACH | by | JAMES JOYCE' printed in green on front board, and 'PRICE ONE SHILLING | Herbert Clarke,...

Jan Zygmunt Skrzynecki (1787-1860), Polish general, Commander-in-Chief of the November Uprising against Russia, 1830-1831

[Jan Zygmunt Skrzynecki, Commander-in-Chief of the November Uprising.] Conclusion of Autograph Letter Signed ('Skygnecki.'), in French, to 'Le General Lt. de Tahlen', regarding the needs 'de la nation Polonoise' for religion and liberty.

Lower half of a 4to leaf. In good condition, lightly aged, with stub from mount adhering. Written in old-fashioned, and not entirely grammatical, French, the text reads: '[…] de la nation Polonoise a la quelle S. M. donneroit le garanties necessaires, sous le respect de la stabilité des droits...

Lucy H.M. Soulsby, Headmistress (Oxford DNB)

[ Lucy Soulsby; Headmistress ] Autograph Note Signed Lucy H.M. Soulsby to Mr Cochrane, about someone seeking employment

Two pages, oblong 12mo, creases, foxing but legible. My delay in writing to you has been caused by some change of place on Miss Scrivens part. Just after seeing you, I heard she had found work which suited her; - yesterday she told me that she has finally reg=fused this work & hoped to make...
