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Author, Title, Summary | Subject | Price | |
Arthur Hacker (1858-1919) RA, versatile and popular English artist who trained at the Royal Academy Schools and in the Paris atelier of Léon Bonnat 1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter reads: 'Dear Sir/ | I am very pleased to hear you like my pictures and seem so well acquainted with them - | I hope you will go on taking an interest in Art. | I am | Yours Sincerely | Arthur Hacker'. |
£90.00 | ||
[Alfred Edward Chalon (1780 – 1860), Swiss portrait painter, sometime Portrait Painter in Water Colour to Her Majesty] [Alfred Edward Chalon; 'booklet'] La Giraffe dediee sans permission á Mademoiselle Chalon 1828 Booklet, stabbed (thread through two holes at (spine) edge), chipped at one corner, sl. grubby wraps (with title), small closed tears on back wrap. A crude production with decent charicatures. It comprises: title and seven caricatures illustrating the comic effects of having a giraffe-style... |
£500.00 |
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Pandit [Jawaharlal] Nehru, Indira [Nehru] Gandhi and her Sons, with dog. Photograph, c.16 x 11.5cm, very good condition, tipped on to card of same size crudely taped,and with wire for hanging as with a picture, with inscription on verso, All good wishes for the New Year | Indira Gandhi. Some philistine has added to the inscription in blue ink and capitals, WITH THE... |
History | £450.00 |
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Committee of Deputies, appointed to protect the Civil Rights of the Three Denominations of Protestant Dissenters (John Webster, Secretary) [ Dr. Williams's Library, London; Dissenters; Unitarians] 2pp., folio. On a bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper repaired with archival tape. The printer's slug is at the foot of both pages of text. At the head of the recto of the first leaf is Webster's printed letter, reading: 'Reverend Sir, | I am directed by the Committee of Deputies... |
£280.00 | ||
[George Hogarth (1783-1870), Scottish music journalist, father-in-law of Charles Dickens; Queen Victoria; Windsor Castle] 172pp., 16mo (10 x 6.5 cm.). In original green leather quarter-binding, with marbled endpapers and label on front cover: 'No 1 | DECEMBER | 1837 | 1838'. Aged and worn, with the contents of the volume detached from the binding, and the signatures loose through breaking of the stitching. In... |
£550.00 | ||
Dr Thomas Guthrie (1803-1873), Scottish divine and philanthropist, one of the most popular preachers of his day in Scotland, where he was a leader of the temperance and Ragged School movements Written in ink on both sides of an irregular slip of paper (roughly 9 x 19cm), with a few words inserted in pencil. Aged and worn. In Guthrie's hand, and with 'Dr Guthrie's' in pencil at head of first page. The text comprises the upper part of the first leaf of the draft of a speech of thanks by... |
£180.00 | ||
Dr. Williams's Library, London (Thomas Morgan and J. L. Towers, Registrars) [ Thomas Cooper of Homerton; Rev. Israel Lewis; Benjamin Seaton of Chatham; Jacob George Bryant; Dissenters; Unitarians ] The two documents are printed forms, completed in manuscript. Both are tipped-in onto a leaf removed from an album. Both in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. ONE: 'C No 1429'. Dated 12 October 1798 and signed by 'J L Towers', 'Register.' Recording the birth of Sarah Cooper, daughter of... |
£150.00 | ||
Women’s National Anti-Suffrage League; Frances J. Balfour, Hon. Sec. of the Sheffield & District Branch [Rev. A. H. Sayers of Monmouth] 1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Considering the tone of the letter, the similarity between the signatories name and that of the prominent suffragist Lady Frances Balfour (1858-1931), and the fact that there is no record of a Sheffield branch of the WNASL, nor of a place... |
£120.00 | ||
Henrietta S. Montalba [ Henrietta Skerrett Montalba ] (1856-1893), British sculptor, daughter of Anthony Rubens Montalba (1813-1884) [ Sir William Henry Allchin (1846-1912), physician ] 1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Evidently responding to an order from an exhibition catalogue for one of her sculptures, she thanks her for her 'note and enclosed cheque which was quite right - Number 16 is not yet taken so I will put it down to your name'. |
£120.00 | ||
Jeremy Thorpe [ John Jeremy Thorpe ] (1929-2014), disgraced Liberal Party leader [ Peter Morley [ Franz Peter Meyer ] (1924-2016), television documentary maker; Apartheid; South Africa ] Both items in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, and stapled together. Between 1960 and 1963 Morley was producer of ITV current affairs series 'This Week'. ONE: ALS from 'Jeremy' to 'My dear Peter'. 3 June 1960. 1p., 12mo. Enclosing the 'preliminary Memorandum', and giving his contact... |
£180.00 |