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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
[ The Savage Club, London; James Agate; C. R. W. Nevinson; Aubrey Hammond, John Ansell; Reginald Arkell; Herman Finck [ born Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), composer and conductor ]

[ The Savage Club, London. ] 53 signatures of members, including those of James Agate, C. R. W. Nevinson, Aubrey Hammond, Reginald Arkell and John Ansell, sent to the composer Herman Finck in his final illness. ]

4pp., 12mo. On bifolium of grey paper. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. 53 signatures over four pages, written after the following: 'April 1939 | Dear Herman: Keep up your Heart & Get well soon. We need your kingly, cheery presence'. One signatory has written a bar of music, another...

John Braham, (c.?1774–1856), tenor opera singer

[ John Braham, opera singer ] Autograph Letter Signed "J. Braham" to unnamed correspondent (theatre manager?), an interesting letter about an engagement offered, giving terms, and incidentally his imminent marriage.

One page, 4to, pasted to card frame, grubby and stained but text readable and complete. "I confess your offer to be liberal in the extreme - and if [excision] I possibly can,will be with you about the second week in January - I am now interestingly engaged being on the point of marriage with a...

Finlay Dunn (fl. 1917), British entertainer, manager and stage director, one of the first ‘stand-up comedians’ [Walter James Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian]

[Finlay Dunn, one of the first of the ‘stand-up comedians’.] Autograph Original Rhymed Poem about himself [sent to theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope], with reproduction of photographic portrait of him affixed.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers, and evidently received by him. (See his entry in the Oxford DNB.) Of Dunn an online source states: ‘On the 10th of November 1917, the Stage Gossip feature in the Yorkshire Evening Post recounted the career of Finlay Dunn, a stage actor. According to the report,...

Sir Edmund Beckett Denison [afterwards Edmund Beckett, Lord Grimthorpe] (1816-1905), lawyer, architect and horologist who designed the Big Ben clock [Edward Hayes Plumptre (1821-91); Queen’s College]

[The horologist who designed the Big Ben clock: Sir Edmund Beckett Denison (latterly Lord Grimthorpe).] Three Autograph Letters Signed to Edward Hayes Plumptre, regarding the business of Westminster girls’ school Queen’s College.

The third of these letters in particular gives a good indication of his Yorkshire bluntness (his entry in the Oxford DNB describes him as ‘a man of arrogance and bile, [...] capable of generosity, strong friendships, and kindness towards people in need of help’). The three items are in good...

C.L. Eastlake [ Charles Lock Eastlake ](1793–1865), painter, gallery director, collector and writer

[ C.L. Eastlake ] Autograph Letter Signed "C.L. Eastlake" to W. Popham Lethbridge, about an art collection in Antwerp.

Two pages, 12mo, bifolium, good condition. He acknowledges his letter about "Mr Andrew Baillie's collection at Antwerp. I know the pictures but had not heard of the day of sale. I cannot possibly leave England at the time. This is not however of much consequence for, without at all meaning to...

Peter Ustinov [ Sir Peter Alexander Ustinov ] (1921-2004), English actor and author [ Robert Donat (1905-1958), Oscar-winning actor ]

[ Peter Ustinov, actor and playwright. ] Corrected typescript of his unpublished play 'The Man behind the Statue', performed under the management of Robert Donat at the Opera House, Manchester, in 1946.

158pp., 4to. Typed text on rectos only. With manuscript emendations (possibly in the hand of Judith Spearman, stage manager) throughout, including deletions and a few short additional passages, as well as stage directions. Makeshift thumb index at head. In fair condition, with moderate signs of...

Charles Robert Spencer (1857-1922), 6th Earl Spencer [ styled Viscount Althorp between 1905 and 1910 ], Lord Chamberlain of the Household, 1905-1912

][ Charles Robert Spencer, 6th Earl Spencer. ] Printed 'Stage Play License', completed in manuscript, and signed by Spencer ('Althorp') as Lord Chamberlain, permitting performance of 'The Assignation' at the New Theatre, St Martins Lane, London.

On aged and worn paper, with some staining at head. A somewhat grand memorial of English censorship. The license is printed in engraved copperplate beneath the royal crest on a 31.5 x 21 cm piece of watermarked laid paper. It folds into a packet, and on the reverse is a printed 'Mem[orandum].'...

W. Macqueen-Pope [ Walter James Macqueen-Pope ] (1888-1960), theatre manager and historian [ Sydney Walton, publicist ]

[ W. J. Macqueen-Pope, theatre manager and historian. ] Typescript of an unpublished account of the work of British millers and bakers during the war: 'No Medals for This (The Story of Bread in the Blitz)'. With two related Typed Letters Signed

148pp., 4to. Bound with pink ribbon into grey card wraps with typed label on cover. In fair condition, on aged paper, in worn and aged binding. Pencil note on title page states '40000 words'. An interesting piece of social history during wartime. In a foreword Macqueen-Pope thanks a number of...

Johann Gaspar Spurzheim (1776-1832), German physician, a leading proponent of phrenology

[Johann Gaspar Spurzheim, German physician and celebrated phrenologist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Spurzheim.'), in English, to an unnamed woman, regarding his treatment, 'as friend and not a practioner', of 'our little patient'.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to the blank reverse. Refusing payment for his services, Spurzheim writes: 'Sat. Mg. | Dear Madam | We had agreed that I would give You my opinion as medical Man with the greatest pleasure as friend and not a...

Cecil Day-Lewis [C. Day-Lewis] (1904-1972), Anglo-Irish poet and British Poet Laureate who wrote crime fiction under the pseudonym of Nicholas Blake [D. Kilham Roberts, Society of Authors, London]

[Cecil Day-Lewis, poet laureate; Nicholas Blake.] Autograph Card Signed to D. Kilham Roberts, casting his vote for Osbert Sitwell as the next chairman of the Society of Authors.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. An unillustrated post card, apart from the letterhead. Addressed, with stamp and Paddington postmark, to ‘Dr William Roberts / Briarlea / Mortimer / Berks.’ The message reads: ‘I vote for Osbert S. [i.e. Osbert Sitwell] as next chairman Soc. Authors [etc?] / Yrs...
