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Author, Title, Summary Subject Price
Sir Henry Keppel ['Harry Keppel'] (1809-1904), Admiral of the Fleet who served in Opium Wars and Crimean War

[Sir Henry Keppel, Admiral of the Fleet.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Harry Keppel') to 'Willis' about his autobiography and the 'neuralgic pains' which he fears may kill him.

1p, 8vo. On aged and worn paper. Attractive letterhead of the hotel and its surroundings. Addressed to 'My dear Willis'. Written in a shaky hand. Clearly writing in reference to his 1899 autobiography 'A Sailor's Life under Four Sovereigns', he states that he is glad that Willis is 'pleased with...

Sir Nigel Playfair [Sir Nigel Ross Playfair] (1874-1934), actor-manager of the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith [Charles Dickens, 'Nicholas Nickleby']

[Sir Nigel Playfair, actor-manager of the Lyric Theatre, Hammersmith.] Autograph Signature ('Nigel Playfair') on the programme for the lyric production 'When Crummles Played -' (based on characters from 'Nicholas Nickleby' by Charles Dickens).

Four-page programme on bifolium, stapled into covers of shiny art paper. In fair condition, worn and aged, with rusted staples. Folded once. The covers are printed on the outside only. On the front are two illustrations in Georgian style, with the caption 'George Barnwell's Contrition'. On the...

Sir Robert Mayer (1879-1985), German-born British musical patron and philanthropist

[Sir Robert Mayer, musical patron, writing in his hundredth year.] Autograph Letter Signed ('R M.') to 'Russell', boasting of being 'young & venturesome', describing plans for an American lecture tour, asking if he could use Lady Drogheda as pianist.

2pp, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice. The content is remarkably sprightly and the handwriting firm. The letter begins: 'My dear Russell, | Telephone: no good. So I guess that you are holiday-making. | Lord Drogheda is my close friend & collaborator. His wife Joan...

Stanley J. Weyman [Stanley John Weyman] (1855-1928), popular novelist of historical romance

[Stanley J. Weyman, novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Stanley J. Weyman') regarding his forthcoming book 'Sophia'.

2pp, 16mo. In fair condition, on aged paper with ruckling caused by glue from mount, traces of the paper from which adhere to blank reverses of both leaves. In a crabbed difficult hand, addressed to 'Mrs [Pugh?]', regarding his forthcoming book 'Sophia', a copy of which he will be sending the...

Gale Pedrick [ Frank Gale Pedrick-Harvey (1906–1970), author, journalist, scriptwriter, and broadcaster.]

[ Gale Pedrick; ENSA ] Four substantial Typed Letters Signed Gale [Pedrick] to theatre historian, W. Macqueen Pope known as Popie, in charge of publicity for ENSA [Entertainments National Service Association]. WITH: multiple ideas (typescripts).

Music and Theatre £300.00
Theobald Mathew ['Father Mathew'] (1790-1856), Irish Catholic priest and temperance reformer

[Theobald Mathew ['Father Mathew'], Irish Catholic priest and temperance reformer.] Autograph biblical quotation against the drinking of wine, signed 'Theobald Mathew' and dated.

Rectangle of paper, cut down from a larger page, with corners trimmed at the diagonal. In fair condition, lightly aged. Laid down on a piece of card. Reads: 'It is good not to eat Flesh, or Drink Wine, or do anything whereby a Brother may be caused to stumble or be made weak. Romans C. 14. V. 21...

Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish poet and author [The Garrick Club, London]

[Theodore Martin, Scottish poet and author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Theodore Martin') intended as a pass for the inspection of the Shakespeare bust and pictures of 'the old celebrities of the English stage' in the Garrick Club.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn, but with slight water staining and damage to blank area at foot of second leaf. The male recipient is not named. The letter begins: 'My dear Sir | If you present the enclosed to the porter of the Garrick Club, I have no doubt all the Art...

Vaughan Nash (1861-1932), Private Secretary to Prime Minister H. H. Asquith, economist, journalist, husband of Rosalind Nash, correspondent of Florence Nightingale

[Vaughan Nash, writing as Private Secretary to Prime Minister H. H. Asquith.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Vaughan Nash') to 'Sir William', conveying the prime minister's regret at a misunderstanding over a royal commission.

1p, 12mo. On aged paper, with closed tear repaired on reverse with brown paper. Folded twice. Addressed to 'Dear Sir William'. The prime minister (Asquith) has asked him to say that he is 'quite at a loss to understand how he came to be so misinformed as to the progress of the negotiations...

John Pye (1782-1874), line engraver, praised by Turner, promoter of professional associations and co-operative movements [William Carpenter (1818-1899), painter; Artists’ Annuity Fund, London]

[John Pye, line engraver.] Autograph Letter Signed, offering the artist William Carpenter his vote ‘at the forthcoming election for Sec[re]t[ar]y of the Artists’ Annuity Fund'.

Pye was an active figure in nineteenth-century British art. According to his entry in the Oxford DNB he was the engravers’ ‘best spokesman’, hoping ‘to raise the fortunes, status, and public profile of engravers by means of professional association and co-operation’. He was the author of a...

Art and Architecture £180.00 Pye
William Leman Rede (1802-1847), playwright who wrote farces and melodramas for the Olympic, Strand and Adelphi theatres in London [Mrs. Keeley]

[William Leman Rede, playwright.] Original holograph unpublished jeux d'esprit, addressed to and concerning Mrs Keeley. Signed 'Leman Rede/'.

1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Thin strip of paper from mount adhering to edge on blank reverse. Folded three times. Signed and dated at foot: 'Leman Rede/ | 31. May 1841'. Addressed at bottom left: 'To | Mrs. Keeley.' The poem, clearly an impromptu effort and not of the...
