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Author, Title, Summary Price
W.H. Murray Walton

Signature only

Explorer in Japan. Good signature on pasaper, 3 x 1" approc. With: additional pencil note "Distinguished explorer in Japan made first ascents of many mountains" ascribed on the paper on which the signature is laid sown to "Dr [Howard] Somervell of Mt Everest Expedition" (1953 expedition,...

W.J. Locke

autograph letters signed (x 3) to Walter Jerrold, editor, etc.

Novelist. Total 4pp., 8vo, in the most substantial of which he confesses to being "a most barren person . . . the very act of composition is one of exceeding pain & travail". He is considering a proposal to write something to help the Journalists Orphan Fund. One note concerns the Thackeray...

W.W. Jacobs

autograph notes signed (x 3) to G.F. Troup Horne

Humorous writer (1863-1943), one large 8vo page each. (1929) He is returning some "sketches", commenting on the difficulty of a beginner to get published despite merits, and the need for a little revision. (I have found nothing by Horne in the BLCat.)(1930) His handwriting is even more difficult...

Walter Crane

Autograph Letters Signed to unknown correspondent(s?),

Artist and Poet (1845-1915). Two Autograph Letters Signed, 2 pages and one page respectively, 4to, staining and damage especially to 1910 letter, but texts clear. (1904) Crane outlines his understanding of "the terms under which 'The Golden Primer' was produced" based on his co-author's (...

William Agnew

Autograph letter signed to Mrs Holdsworth

Art dealer and Member of Parliament ((1825-1910). He is writing to her because hers is the first name on a list of "ladies" who have signed a petition "in favour of the extension of the suffrage to women householders". He has presented the petition with which he sympathises.

William Archer

Autograph letter signed to Sybil Rosenfeld,

Scotch critic and playwright (1856-1924), the Mr Gunn of G. B. Shaw's "Fanny's First Play". One page, 12mo, on the inside of a self-sealing stamped printed envelope addressed in autograph. "Dear Miss Rosenfeld / As I have had no answer to a letter I wrote to Mr Allardyce Nicoll [theatre...

William Aylmer Gowing ["Walter Gordon"]

autograph letters signed (x 2) to Mr [?] Brailsford,

Playwright under the name Walter Gordon. The first, 4 pp, 12mo, on mourning paper, 24 August 1887, c/o Mrs H. E. Rose, Buxton on the Water, Glos. "I went to Town yesterday to attend the Funeral of my old friend [John] Palgrave Simpson [dramatist and novelist, 1807-1887, DNB], returning here...

William Cavendish, 7th Duke of Devonshire (1808-1891)

Autograph letter signed to J. Dixon Spain,

One page, 12mo, with mourning border. "Sir / I enclose a cheque for 3£ the amount which I have subscribed during the last 2 or 3 years to the Lichfield Diocesan Church of England Temperance Society. As however Derbyshire is no longer in the diocese of Lichfield I cannot undertake to subscribe to...

Baron Bunsen.

Autograph Letter Signed to the Lord Mayor of London.

Baron C.C.J. Bunsen, Prussian diplomat and scholar (1791-1860). He helps the Lord Mayor with his plans for returning the visit of the King of Prussia in January 1842. He gives detailed information on the route and means of transport, including timings, instructs him on the protocol of contacting...

Bertie Alexander Meyer and Derrick de Marney.

Typed Agreement on the production of Christie's "Appointment with Death".

Agreement "to be associated in the exploitation of the said Play", 4pp., folio, manuscript correctionsand additions initialled throughout by the above parties, and finally signed by both. WITH: Typed copy of the agreemen,t5 May 1944, between Agatha Mallowan (Christie) and Bertie Alexander Meyer...

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