[Manuscript] Junior Green Room Visitor's [sic] Book.
Not bound, 27pp., folio, first and last leaf, and another, loose, others conjoined, somewhat stained, main body presumably lacking leaves but covering the period 18 September 1933 to 24 May 1934, typed title and headings for columnised pages, c.39 entries per page (many names repeated, visitors and members signing in): Date | Visitor's Name | Address | Members Name. A club which catered to the theatre and arts, but usually at the level of people whose fame has not survived them But there are a few interesting names. including: Lovat Dickson (visitor), John Gawsworth (member and visitor), H. Golombek (member), Gilbert H. Fabes (visitor), Dennis Wheatley (visitor), Zillah Bateman (member), Hugh MacDiarmuid (x3, visitor accompanied by Gawsworth), R[ussell] Thorndike (visitor),