
[[Max Beerbohm] John Drinkwater, Poet and Dramatist] Apparently Unpublished humorous verse reported by Drinkwater as by Max Beerbohm about contemporaneous writers (Gibson, Lascelles Abercrombie, Sims, Clement Shorter) and others.

[Max Beerbohm] John Drinkwater, Poet and Dramatist
Publication details: 
No place or date

One page, 26 x 20cm, pronounced fold marks, small hole not affecting the text, card backing half the page, top edge stained with remnants of backing[?], text clear and complete. Entitled Lines Written in Depreciation, Commences: Just as a play by Aeschylus or Ibsen | Doesn't inspire one to compose charades, | So am I loth to follow Mr Gibson | With one of my ignoble pasquinades. [Two further verses, concluding]: Though Burns has (doubtless) said 'All men are brothers' | Let me not spoil your lovely album [withers?] | By | Max Beerbohm | J.D. See image for full text.~ ~ ~

[Independent Company of Invalids [Royal Navy]] Manuscript entitled Return of Levy money & subsistence for Captain Thomas Hardymans Independent Company Subsisted from the dates of attestations till disposed of. Signed T.J. Hardyman | Captain[...]

Independent Company of Invalids [British Army]
Publication details: 
[1790 ish]

Two pages, fol., bifolium (partly separated), aged, closed tears, text apparently complete. The text comprises columns headed as follows: Names; Subsisted From/To; [Days?]; Amount; Remarks. Example: [Serjeants] John Johnston; 15 Oct.1790/21 Jan.1791. Forty Five soldiers were invalids delivered to the Town Mayor of Portsmouth.

[Sir Winston Churchill: an unpublished assessment by a close colleague.] Two documents from the papers of Sir Noel Galway Holmes: an autograph account and assessment of his wartime relationship with Churchill; and a typescript describing his own work

[Sir Winston Churchill: assessment by close colleague] Major General Sir Noel Galway Holmes (1891-1982), KBE CB MC, Irish soldier and senior World War Two British Army officer, D.Q.M.G. ( Movements)
Sir Winston Churchil
Publication details: 
Undated, but 1950s or 1960s.
Sir Winston Churchil

Two very interesting unpublished documents, the first giving an assessment of Churchill by a colleague who worked closely with him throughout the Second World War, and the second describing the important part that individual himself played in the logistical management of the war, from before Dunkirk to after D-Day. This material is from Sir Noel Galway Holmes’s private papers, another batch of which, comprising confidential reports on him, recommendations by superior officers, and particulars of his service, is offered separately.

[Anonymous; Lord Byron] Manuscript entitled LORD BYRON LIVES!, giving insights into Byron and his life in his own words from his letters and poems.~Not dated.~Thirty (30) pages (some material on the verso also), 8vo, good+ condition, an attractive handwri

Anonymous [Lord Byron]

Thirty (30) pages (some material on the verso also), 8vo, good+ condition, an attractive handwriting. The first nine page are paginated; the last 21 not. [[P.18] announces "INTERVAL" after a few lines, and [P.19] commences "PART TWO. It comprises substantial and attractive transcriptions (quotations from) of Byron's letters and poems, reflecting Byron's life and relationships in his own words. I.e. autobiographical.  I would theorise that, given the length of the work, it was a lecture/performance to/for dedicated students of Byron, perhaps even The Byron Society.

[Ralph Bernal, Whig politician, slave owner and art collector.] Autograph Signature to frank addressed to William Smith, with postmark.

Ralph Bernal (1783-1854), Whig politician of Sephardic Jewish extraction, archaeologist, slave owner and art collector
Publication details: 
‘London January twenty nine 1831’.

See his entries in the Oxford DNB and History of Parliament. Frank cover, laid out in the customary fashion, on 12.5 x 7 cm panel cut from front of envelope. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper. Usual red frank postmark: ‘FREE / 29JA29 / 1831’. Reads: ‘London January twenty nine 1831 / Willm. Smith Esqr. / at Smith Wright’s Esqr / Kempston / Loughboro Notts / per / R Bernal’. See Image. On reverse, in contemporary hand: ‘R. Bernal. MP for Rochester / Chairman of the Committee / of the House of Commons / on the Reform Bill.’

[Sarah Trimmer, author, educationalist and editor.] Autograph Signature with valediction to a letter.

Sarah Trimmer [née Kirby] (1741-1810), educationalist, author, educationalist and editor of ‘The Family Magazine’ and ‘The Guardian of Education’
Sarah Trimmer
Publication details: 
No place or date.
Sarah Trimmer

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. On 12.5 x 3 cm slip of paper cut from letter. Aged and worn, with nick lost from left side, and remains of mount on reverse. Reads: ‘I remain / Yours very truly & affectionately / Sarah Trimmer’. See Image.

[Philip James Bailey, Victorian ‘spasmodic’ poet.] Autograph Document Signed, giving a ten-line extract from his celebrated poem, ‘Festus’.

Philip James Bailey (1816-1902), Victorian poet, author of ‘Festus’ and considered the father of the ‘spasmodic’ school of verse
Publication details: 
‘Blackheath / May 14th. 1888.’

Bailey’s entry in the Oxford DNB describes the ‘remarkable popularity’ of the second edition of Festus in America: ‘seventeen ‘editions’ of a version pirated in Boston were called for in the first nine years, and it was also reprinted numerous times in Philadelphia, Louisville, and New York. Bailey became something of a 'lion' for visiting Americans of the transcendental stamp’, with Hawthorne visiting in the 1850s. 1p, 8vo. On brittle woodpulp paper, now discoloured with chipping to edges (resulting in loss to the word ‘Festus’ at the head) and with closed tears to the two folds.

[The Abdication Crisis, 1936: Sir Osbert Sitwell.] Mimeographed copy, marked ‘Private’, of the unexpurgated version of the satirical poem ‘RAT WEEK. / by Osbert Sitwell’, the cause of a legal action with ‘Cavalcade’.

The Abdication Crisis, 1936: Sir Osbert Sitwell [Sir Francis Osbert Sacheverell Sitwell, 5th Baronet] (1892-1969) [King Edward VIII and Mrs Wallis Simpson; Abdication, 1936; Cavalcade]
Publication details: 
Undated, but circa 1936. On paper watermarked 'BELFAST BOND / MADE IN CANADA'.

See Sitwell’s entry in the Oxford DNB. In his 1999 biography Philip Ziegler describes how the ‘doggerel polemic Rat Week’ ‘excoriated’ the supporters of the Edward VII and Mrs Simpson: ‘Osbert realised that this diatribe, if published, might land him in a flurry of libel actions, but he could not resist having a few copies made and distributed to his closer cronies; Mrs. Greville, Lady Aberconway, Lady Cholmondeley and Philip Frere among them.

[Braes of Lorn, Argyllshire.] Manuscript 'D[ra]ft. Regulations for Braes of Lorn', regarding the duties of tenants.

[Braes of Lorn, Argyllshire, Scotland; John Campbell (1762-1834), 4th Earl and 1st Marquess of Breadalbane, Scottish landowner]
Publication details: 
Circa 1817

From the papers of John Campbell, 4th Earl and 1st Marquess of Breadalbane. Without place or date [Lorn, Argyllshire? Circa 1817.] On paper watermarked 'C WILMOTT | 1817'. 3pp., foolscap 8vo. Bifolium. 69 lines of neatly-written text, with three minor corrections. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. No clue to the identity of the author, or time and place of writing, but from the papers of the 1st Marquess of Breadalbane. Headed 'Dft.


A relation of A Book of the Valuations of all the Ecclesiasticall Preferments in England and Wales entituled Nomina & Valores . . .(Published in 1680). Comparison and contrast discussed later. This manuscript

Ecclesiasticall Preferments
Publication details: 
Ecclesiasticall Preferments

221pp., 4to, recased, marbled boards, worn.. A relation of "A Book of the Valuations of all the Ecclesiasticall Preferments in England and Wales entituled Nomina  & Valores . . .(Published in 1680). Comparison and contrast discussed later.  This manuscript comprises: an index (2pp, leaf detached) listing Bishops, major landowners, and Royal Patronages (usually in Counties); listings of Preferments in the Patronage of the . . .

[Frank Greenwood, painter, etcher and illustrator.] Autograph Receipt for ‘Pen & Ink Sketch / Stokesay’, made out to J. D. Hughes of Sherratt & Hughes, with ink caricature self-portrait.

Frank Greenwood (1883-1954), painter, etcher and illustrator [Joseph David Hughes (d. 1951) of the Manchester booksellers Sherratt & Hughes]
Frank Greenwood
Publication details: 
No date. On letterhead of Sherratt & Hughes, Booksellers and Publishers, 34 Cross Street, Manchester.
Frank Greenwood

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, on discoloured and lightly-creased paper. Beneath letterhead: ‘to J D Hughes Esq’. Around middle of page: ‘Pen & Ink Sketch / Stokesay 15/-’. On lower part of page: ‘Recd with thanks / Frank Greenwood’. Beneath the signature is a simple stylized cartoon depicting the head and shoulders of a smiling walrus-faced figure (Greenwood?) in a trilby, with stiff-colour shirt and black bow tie.

[Tom Chetwynd, author on spirituality.] Typescript (of the second part of his dystopian first novel ‘The Copper Cow’?) titled ‘The GHOSTLY and the BEASTLY. Part II.’

Tom Chetwynd [Tom Wentworth Guy Chetwynd] (1938-2012), author of many works on spirituality [dystopian science fiction]
Publication details: 
No date (circa 1962?). On title-page: ‘Tom Chetwynd, / 12 Mornington Terrace, / N.W.1. / 387-7709.’

Apparently an earlier version of the concluding part of Chetwynd’s dystopian first book, ‘The Copper Cow’, published in London by Anthony Blond in 1962 which gives a surrealistic description of a Britain of the near future. Duplicated typescript, double-spaced and printed on rectos of leaves only, all attached with metal stud. Paginated 115-210, preceded by title page and section title. In good condition, lightly aged. With deletions and manuscript corrections duplicated, but no actual manuscript emendations.

[G. J. Romanes; Darwin; Canadian-born evolutionary biologist, friend and disciple of Charles Darwin.] Part of Autograph Draft of biographical entry on himself, with deleted passage.

G. J. Romanes [George John Romanes] (1848-1894), evolutionary biologist, born in Canada, friend and disciple of Charles Darwin
G. J. Romanes
Publication details: 
No date, but from internal evidence written in 1893. No place.
G. J. Romanes

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The present item is clearly part of a draft of an intended biographical entry, penned by Romanes himself in his close and distinctive hand. On one side of a cm piece of laid paper with the reverse blank. Reads: ‘His extensive treatise entitled “Darwin and after Darwin,” which is now being published in successive volumes, is an outgrowth of the lectures delivered in both capacities.

[Edward Christian, Cambridge law professor, and Philip Manington, Governor of Prince of Wales' Islad (Penang).] Parts of Signed Autograph Documents by the two men, regarding a case of 'combination and confederacy.

Edward Christian (1758-1823), Cambridge law professor, elder brother of Fletcher Christian of the Mutiny on the Bounty; Philip Mannington (d.1806), Governor of Prince of Wales' Island (Penang)
Publication details: 
No date or place. [Late eighteenth century England.]

See Christian's entry in the Oxford DNB. (He was the newly-created Downing Professor of the Laws of England at Cambridge from 1788 to his death.) 1p, landscape 8vo. On one half of a 4to leaf that has been torn in two. In fair condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of tape at the right-hand edge, and two punch holes at the left-hand edge of Manington's side. ONE (Christian): Conclusion of autograph draft legal document, numbered '(9)' and signed at bottom left 'Ed. Christian'. With several deletions. Relates to 'Jno Hutchings & Son', who deny 'Combin[ation] & Confederacy &c'.

[Croquet in the Raj.] Anonymous nineteenth-century manuscript poem titled ‘Lines on a picture of “Croquet at Materan” [Matheran hill station] by a Cynic.’ With cartoon of bewhiskered man behind mask of comedy.

Croquet in the Raj [Matheran hill station; British India; Edward Lear (1812-1888)]
Croquet in the Raj
Croquet in the Raj
Publication details: 
No date (mid-Victorian). On ‘J WHATMAN’ laid paper.
Croquet in the Raj
Croquet in the Raj

Although there is no clear connection, the present unpublished poem dates from around the same time as Edward Lear was drawing watercolours in the place referred to in it. Vidya Dehejia’s‘Impossible Picturesqueness / Edward Lear’s Indian Watercolours, 1873-1875’ (1989) describes how Lear visited ‘The two small hill-stations of Matheran and Mahabaleshwar near Bombay’. Of the former Lear wrote: ‘Matheran by the bye, has most probably been the original Eden - I don’t mean the first Lord Auckland, - but Paradise -’.

[Andrea Maffei, Italian poet and librettist for Verdi and Mascagni.] Autograph Manuscript of his poem ‘Il tramonto’ (put to music for voice and piano by Verdi), signed ‘Andrea Maffei.

Andrea Maffei (1798-1885), Italian poet, librettist for Giuseppe Verdi
Andrea Maffei
Publication details: 
No date or place.
Andrea Maffei

Holograph of sixteen-line poem in four four-line stanzas, headed ‘Il tramonto’ and signed at bottom right ‘Andrea Maffei’. 1p, 16mo. Text entirely clear and complete, on discoloured laid paper with chipping and slight loss at right-hand margin. Begins: ‘Amo l’ova del girono che muore / Quando il sole già stanco declina,’. No variations from the version printed in the 1864 Florence edition of Maffei’s works, apart from ‘Una età’ beginning l.6 here, as opposed to ‘Un' età’ there.

[Allan Cunningham, Scottish poet associated with the London Magazine, secretary to sculptor Sir Francis Chantrey.]

Allan Cunningham (1784-1842), Scottish poet and author associated with the London Magazine, superintendant and secretary to the sculptor Sir Francis Chantrey (1781-1841)
Allan Cunningham
Publication details: 
19 December 1835; 30 Belgrave Place [London].
Allan Cunningham

See his entry and Chantrey's in the Oxford DNB. On one side of a trimmed-down piece of paper, roughly 11 cm square. Discoloured, and with damage to the corners (affecting one word at top right) from removal from mount. With postage folds, and evidence on otherwise-blank reverse that Cunningham was re-using an envelope: part of address in another hand to 'Mrs Pa[...]'. Reads: 'Mr. Allan Cunninghams respects to Mr. Tindal and begs to inform him that Sir Francis Chantrey is at Holkham at present and will not likely be back till after Christmas: should he come sooner Mr A. C.

Harry de Windt [Captain Harry Willes Darell de Windt], explorer and travel writer.] Autograph Note Signed: a quotation with signature provided for an autograph hunter.

Harry de Windt [Captain Harry Willes Darell de Windt (1856-1933)], explorer and travel writer, aide-de-camp to his brother-in-law Charles Brooke, Rajah of Sarawak
de windt
Publication details: 
No date or place.
de windt

See the entry for Sir Charles Brooke in the Oxford DNB. On one side of an 18 x 9 cm piece of paper, the upper part torn from a larger sheet, with neatly-torn bottom edge resulting in a little loss to the flourish beneath the signature and the tip of the downstroke of the ‘y’ in ‘Harry’. In fair condition, lightly aged, with a central vertical fold. The text, in a bold hand, reads: ‘ “Though obstacles beset you - struggle still!” / Even a worm may climb this highest hill! / Yrs Sly / Harry de Windt’ See Image.

[Alaric Watts [Alaric Alexander Watts], poet and journalist, editor of the ‘Literary Souvenir’.] Autograph Signature on envelope elegantly addressed by him to ‘the Honble. Spencer Ponsonby’.

Alaric Watts [Alaric Alexander Watts] (1797-1864), poet and journalist, editor of the ‘Literary Souvenir’ [Sir Spencer Cecil Brabazon Ponsonby-Fane (1824-1915), cricketer and civil servant]
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On the front cover of a 12 x 7 cm envelope, from which the seal has been torn away on the reverse. Otherwise in very good condition. A pleasing piece of calligraphy, with the word ‘Private’ centred and underlined at the head, and the address to ‘The Honble. Spencer Ponsonby. / Foreign Office’ across the central band, with the signature at bottom left: ‘Alaric Watts.’ See Image.

[American War of Independence: Tarleton’s Raiders (in fact Tarleton’s Legion).] Autograph text of newspaper advertisement by Sir Banastre Tarleton, for his ‘Southern Campaigns in America [...] by Major General Tarleton.'

American War of Independence: Tarleton’s Raiders [in fact Tarleton’s Legion]. Sir Banastre Tarleton (1754-1833), British soldier and Whig politician
Publication details: 
Undated, but circa 1787, when the work was published.

Tarleton has become a quasi-mythical figure in the early history of the United States, his actions misrepresented and his character traduced. See his entry in the Oxford DNB, and the magnificent portrait by Sir Joshua Reynolds, in the National Portrait Gallery, London. The present item is 1p, landscape 12mo, on one side of an 18 x 10.5 cm piece of gilt-edged watermarked laid paper. In fair condition, aged, worn and lightly creased, with central horizontal and vertical folds, and evidence of mount on the blank reverse.

[Wilfrid Pippet, member of noted Solihull family of ecclesiastical artists and designers.] Eleven signed original illustrations for Thomas Wright of Olney’s ‘Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire Ballads’ (including 'The Three Men of Yardley Chase').

Wilfrid Pippet (1873?-1946?), illustrator and designer, member of Solihull family that worked with Gothic Revival firm Hardman & Co. [Thomas Wright (1859-1936) of Olney]
Publication details: 
Three editions, Olney, [1924? and] 1925.

The Pippets of Solihull were a Roman Catholic family that worked closely on ecclesiastical designs with the Gothic Revival firm Hardman & Co (whose archives are held by the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery). Wilfrid also collaborated with J. B. Trinick on the striking illustrations to A. E. Waite’s rosicrucian ‘Album of the Great Symbols of the Paths’ (1917-21; copy in the British Museum Department of Prints and Drawings). Eleven attractive illustrations in black ink (over pencil draft).

[Oxford University Cricket Club, 1922.] Autographs of the eleven, including future England Captain Greville Stevens, the Australian R. H. Bettington, R. C. Robertson-Glasgow and R. L. Holdsworth.

Greville Stevens [Greville Thomas Scott Stevens; G. T. S. Stevens] (1901-1970), Oxford University Cricket Club, 1922; England captain [R. H. Bettington; R. L. Holdsworth; R. C. Robertson-Glasgow]
Publication details: 
No date or place, but the same eleven that played at Oxford in May 1922.

On a 16.5 x 20 cm piece of faded and lightly-worn light-green paper, with small diagonal cuts at corners where the item was mounted in an album. The players’ names are neatly presented in a column (there is no other text on either side): ‘OUCC | Greville Stevens | R. L. H. Holdsworth | J. D. Percival | V. R. Price | R C Robertson Glasgow | P E Lawrie | M Patten | R H Bettington | T B Raikes | L. P. Hedges | R R P Barbour’. This is the same eleven which won a match at Oxford against the Free Foresters on 20 May 1922.

[George IV as Prince Regent, and former Prime Minister Lord Sidmouth as Home Secretary.] Warrant Signed by 'George P R.' and 'Sidmouth', directing that Matthias Maher be removed from the Lunatic Asylum in St George's Fields to Newgate Prison.

George IV as Prince Regent; Lord Sidmouth [Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth] (1757-1844), Prime Minister; William Erasmus Hardy of Newgate Prison; Matthias Maher [Transportation; Australia]
George IV as Prince Regent
Publication details: 
'Given at Our Court at Carlton House the Thirty first day of July 1819, in the Fifty ninth Year of Our Reign.'
George IV as Prince Regent

This document, signed by George IV as Prince Regent, and by the former Prime Minister Lord Sidmouth as Home Secretary, relates to Matthias Maher (1798-1865), a Royal Navy officer who was twice tried at the Old Bailey on a charge of forgery. On the first occasion, 6 May 1818, he was found not guilty by reason of insanity; and removed to the criminal asylum in St George's Fields. Maher was found sound of mind – as the present document reveals by Sir George Leman Tuthill (1772–1835) and Edward Wright (c.1788-1859), the latter to die of disgrace in Australia.

[George IV and Home Secretary and future Prime Minister Sir Robert Peel.] Autograph Signatures of the King ('George R.') and Peel ('R Peel') to 'Warrant for the removal of John Raddon to the Criminal Lunatic Asylum in St Georges Fields'.

George IV (1762-1830), King of Great Britain; Sir Robert Peel (1788-1850), Prime Minister and creator of the British police force
George IV
Publication details: 
'Given at Our Court at Carlton House the Fifth day of February 1824, in the Fifth Year of Our Reign.'
George IV

2pp, foolscap 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to one edge. Folded twice. Large heavily-smudged signature of the king ('George R.') at head of first page, which has the royal seal under paper in the left-hand margin. Signed at end of document ('By His Majesty's Command') by the Home Secretary and future Prime Minister: 'R Peel'.

[Frederick Spencer Gore] Anonymous pencil drawing of him painting at an easel.

Frederick Spencer Gore [(26 May 1878 – 27 March 1914) was a British painter of landscapes, music-hall scenes and interiors, usually with single figures.]
Frederick Spencer Gore
Publication details: 
Without date or place.
Frederick Spencer Gore

English Camden Town Group Painter (1878-1914). Dimensions seven inches by ten inches. Grubby, but in good condition. From the Mark Bonham Carter collection. Captioned 'Spencer Gore | Freddy', with an arrow pointing to impressionistic representation of figure, nine inches high, of the artist in a suit, with high-collared shirt, holding a palette in his left hand and with his right hand outstretched and painting onto a canvas. Around the figure dabs of watercolour and a representation of a foot. Crude drawing of seascape on reverse. Together with scrap of paper reading 'MR.

[Richard O'Gorman, outlaw or Irish Nationalist; Rising in July 1848] [COPIES] Letter from Mick Blake, of the Barque Barbara, to the Captain of Police, about O'Gorman'smovements. WITH COPY (verso) Letter from Nath[anie]l Spiner to Earl of Bantry

Mick Blake, Captain of the Barque Barbara, and another [Richard O'Gorman Jr, outlaw or Irish Nationalist]
Publication details: 
[Blake] Barque Barbara, Valentia Harbour 23 August 1848; [Spiner] Castletown, 23 August 1848

Contemporary copies (all in same hand);original letters untraced. Good condition but rough edge on left indicates removed perhaps from a collection.

[Newcastle and Berwick Railway, 1846.] Manuscript 'Minutes on projected Railways in the Manor of Tynemouth' by 'Thorp & Dickson', Alnwick attorneys, 'Read to Mr. Hudson' (i.e. George Hudson, 'the Railway King').

Newcastle and Berwick Railway, 1846: Thorp and Dickson, Alnwick attorneys [George Hudson (1800-1871), 'he Railway King'; Duke of Northumberland; Manor of Tynemouth]
Publication details: 
?Alnwick October 23 - 1846?. ?Thorp & Dickson?.

See Hudsons's entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, foolscap 8vo, on three leaves, with fourth covering leaf ('23rd Oct. 1846. / Copy / Railway Minutes / Thorp & Dickson / &c &c'). Attached at one corner with red ribbon. Headed: 'Alnwick October 23 - 1846 / Minutes on projected Railways / in the Manor of Tynemouth - / Read to Mr. Hudson, of which he requested a copy.' There are five minutes, the last covering two pages. The first three read: '1.

[Author of the first million-seller: Hall Caine, the most popular novelist of his day.] Autograph List of Corrections ‘With Sir Hall Caine’s Compts’, to [Daily Telegraph propaganda?] articles entitled ‘Downfall of a Nation’ (revolutionary Russia).

Hall Caine [Sir Hall Caine; Sir Thomas Henry Hall Caine] (1853-1931), the most popular novelist of his day, author of ‘The Eternal City’, the first million-seller, with strong Isle of Man connections
Hall Caine
Publication details: 
No date or place. (Circa 1917)
Hall Caine

See the description of Caine’s political views in his entry in the Oxford DNB. He began as a communist, but became a Christian Socialist, and a supporter of the Liberal Party on the mainland of Britain (he was a member of the Isle of Man House of Keys from 1901 to 1908) and a follower of the Church of England. The present item would appear to relate to the ‘impassioned propaganda’ that Caine published in the Daily Telegraph from September 1914 (ODNB). It is 1p, 4to.

[Sir Robert Howard, playwright and politician.] Two Autograph Signatures (both ‘Ro: Howard’) among extensive manuscript endorsements of Exchequer document regarding ‘Sr Thomas Player in repaymt. of Loane.’

Sir Robert Howard (1626-1698) of the Receipt Office, royalist politician, playwright, poet and friend of John Dryden [Sir Thomas Player (d.1686) of Hackney]
Sir Robert Howard
Publication details: 
[Exchequer Office, Whitehall.] 20 May 1679.
Sir Robert Howard

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB and History of Parliament. Howard was Auditor of Receipt from 1673 to his death. The document is damaged, with the lower part torn away, leaving an area 23cm high and the same wide, but with part of one lower corner torn away. The paper is aged, and there are chipping and closed tears to edges. Howard’s two signatures (both ‘Ro: Howard’) are both undamaged, and the item is of some interest. On the front is the printed form, completed in manuscript, with ‘Sr. Thomas Player in repaymt. of Loane./’ in manuscript in right-hand margin.

[Alfred Parsons, landscape painter and garden designer.] Original pen and ink drawing of a clump of daffodils growing in front of mass of other foliage. Monogram signature on the drawing ‘AP.’, and with second full signature and date on mount.

Alfred Parsons [Alfred William Parsons] (1847-1920), landscape painter, illustrator, and garden designer
Alfred Parsons
Publication details: 
‘Alfred Parsons. / Loseley Park. May 26th. 1893.’
Alfred Parsons

An attractive and highly-finished production, in black ink, on 17.5 x 20.5 cm piece of wove paper, glued on the reverse at the four corners to a leaf extracted from the autograph album of the novelist George Meredith and his daughter Marie Eveleen (Mariette; 1871-1933), wife of Henry Parkman Sturgis (1847-1929), American-born banker and Liberal politician. Parsons' monogram signature 'AP. in its two-bordered square is at the bottom left of the drawing, and there is an additional autograph signature with date to the right of the drawing on the leaf of the Meredith album: 'Alfred Parsons.

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