[Peter Cunningham, author of the 'Handbook of London'.] Autograph Letter Signed, asking for an engraving [for his edition of Walpole's letters], for which the publisher Richard Bentley will pay.

Peter Cunningham (1816-1869), editor and author of the 'Handbook of London', son of the Scottish poet Allan Cunningham [Richard Bentley, publisher]
Publication details: 
18 January 1858. Kensington.

1p, 16mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of mount adhering to reverse of second leaf. Folded once. Signed ?Peter Cunningham?. The recipient (?Dear Sir?) is not named. Written in a tight difficult hand. Clearly with regard to his nine-volume edition of Horace Walpole's letters, published between 1857 and 1859, he asks him to have ?ye enclosed seal cut on wood for me [?] to suit the page description I enclose. .. I will make Bentley pay for it.? I asks to have it ?within ten days of this?.

[Elizabeth Allan, English actress, star of stage and screen.] Autograph Signature to publicity photograph.

Elizabeth Allan (1910-1990), English actress, star of stage and screen
Publication details: 
No date or place.

Publicity photograph on 8.5 x 13.5 postcard. In good condition, lightly aged, with a tiny piece worn away from bottom left. Inscription diagonally at bottom left: ‘Best wishes / Elizabeth Allan’. A black and white head-and-shoulders portrait of a young Allan, against a white background, with short wavy hair and side parting gazing to her left with beatific smile.

[Allan Cunningham, Scottish poet associated with the London Magazine, secretary to sculptor Sir Francis Chantrey.]

Allan Cunningham (1784-1842), Scottish poet and author associated with the London Magazine, superintendant and secretary to the sculptor Sir Francis Chantrey (1781-1841)
Allan Cunningham
Publication details: 
19 December 1835; 30 Belgrave Place [London].
Allan Cunningham

See his entry and Chantrey's in the Oxford DNB. On one side of a trimmed-down piece of paper, roughly 11 cm square. Discoloured, and with damage to the corners (affecting one word at top right) from removal from mount. With postage folds, and evidence on otherwise-blank reverse that Cunningham was re-using an envelope: part of address in another hand to 'Mrs Pa[...]'. Reads: 'Mr. Allan Cunninghams respects to Mr. Tindal and begs to inform him that Sir Francis Chantrey is at Holkham at present and will not likely be back till after Christmas: should he come sooner Mr A. C.

[Julius Harrison, conductor and composer.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Boosey’ [of the music publishers Boosey & Hawkes], giving his opinion of a batch of music manuscripts sent to him.

Julius Harrison [Julius Allan Greenway Harrison] (1885-1963), conductor and composer, Professor of Composition and Director of Opera, Royal Academy of Music [Boosey & Hawkes, London music publishers]
Publication details: 
11 December 1934; on letterhead of 5D Holmesdale Gardens, Hastings.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, with pinholes to one corner. Signed ‘Julius Harrison’. Begins ‘Dear Boosey, / From the recent batch sent, I return the enclosed which I fancy may all be useful in the English market. / I am struck with the “Flowers in the Valley” as a possible Alto lead number. Please see my remarks thereon.’ He explains that he is ‘trying to find an Alto lead piece for Cleethorpes Festival next July’, and could include the ‘Flowers’ if it were ‘published in C as soon as possible’.

[Julius Harrison, conductor and composer.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to 'Francis' regarding examinations he is supervising at Worcester.

Julius Harrison [Julius Allan Greenway Harrison] (1885-1963), conductor and composer, Professor of Composition and Director of Opera, Royal Academy of Music
Publication details: 
ONE: 27 May 1935; 5D Holmesdale Gardens, Hastings, on his cancelled letterhead as Musical Director to the Corporation, County Borough of Hastings. TWO: 23 April 1941; Glencairn, Pickersleigh Road, Malvern, on cancelled Hastings letterhead.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both items in good condition, lightly aged. The first on thinner paper and lightly creased. Both folded for postage. Each addressed to 'My dear Francis' and signed 'Julius Harrision' ONE (27 May 1935): 2pp, 4to. He is supervising examinations at Worcester, and discusses arrangements. 'My people left Stourport for Worcester many years ago, but I rather fancy that Worcester will be too far from Birmingham to stay there. I shall, I think, stay in Birmingham itself.' He will be 'away down the Mediterranean until the 14th.

[Sir Francis Chantrey, sculptor, and his secretary Allan Cunningham, poet.] Manuscript Letter, written and signed by Cunningham on behalf of Chantrey, to William Tindal, regarding a monument to Colonel Page, with letter from Tindal to Mrs Page.

Sir Francis Leggatt Chantrey (1781-1841), sculptor; his secretary Allan Cunningham (1784-1842), Scottish poet and author; William Tindal [Colonel Frederick Page (1769-1834), Royal Berkshire Militia]
Publication details: 
Cunningham (signing as Chantrey) to Tindal: 'Belgrave Place [London] 7 January 1836'. Tindal to Mrs Page, 'Temple 7 Jany 1835'.

An excellent document, providing an invaluable view of the practicalities of commissioning and executing public monuments in the Georgian period. See Chantrey's entry in the Oxford DNB, and Cunningham's, which states: 'In 1814 he was engaged by Chantrey as superintendent of his establishment, and gave up writing for newspapers. He lived afterwards at 27 Lower Belgrave Place, Pimlico. He acted as Chantrey's secretary, conducted his correspondence, represented him during his absence, and occasionally offered artistic assistance. He became a favourite of Chantrey's sitters and visitors.

[Peter Cunningham, author and London topographer.] Autograph Letter in the third person to Lady Theresa Lewis, praising 'the Duchess of Newcastle's Life of her husband' and discussing some questions regarding English art.

Peter Cunningham [Peter Nicholas Cunningham] (1816-1869), author and London topographer, son of the Scottish poet Allan Cunningham [Lady Theresa Lewis (1803-1865)]
Publication details: 
‘Victoria Road Kensington / 24th. September 1850.’

2pp, 12mo. Nineteen lines. Closely written in a neat hand. In fair condition, lightly aged, with strip of dried adhesive from mount along one edge. Folded for postage. Begins: ‘Mr Cunningham presents his Compliments to Lady Theresa Lewis and forwards to Kent House [her Knightsbridge home] the Copy of the Duchess of Newcastle’s Life of her Husband. If lady Theresa derives half the pleasure from its perusal which Mr C.

[Allan Cunningham, Scottish poet and author.] Signed Autograph Manuscript of the words to his ‘The Mariners Song’ (‘A wet sheet and a flowing sea’).

Allan Cunningham (1784-1842), Scottish poet and author, superintendant and secretary to Sir Francis Chantrey (1781-1841)
Publication details: 
Without date (any time from 1822) or place (London?).

See Cunningham’s entry in the Oxford DNB. Neatly written out in his distinctive hand. The present holograph gives the words to one of his most popular songs (an American version substitutes ‘Columbia’ for ‘Old England’). It was first published in the London Magazine in August 1822, and by 1834 was well-enough known to be discussed - and dismissed as ‘Puling nonsense’ - in ‘Sailors and Saints, by the Author of the Naval Sketch Book [i.e. William Nugent Glascock]’ (1834). 1p, 4to, on gilt-edged leaf of wove paper extracted from an album.

[‘My British public is not being discriminated against’: Lawrence G. Blochman, American writer of detective fiction.] Typed Letter Signed to Eileen M. Cond, English autograph collector, discussing English publication of his books.

Lawrence G. Blochman [Lawrence Goldtree Blochman] (1900-1975), American writer of detective fiction
Publication details: 
18 September 1954; 370 Riverside Drive, New York 25, N.Y.

1p, 4to. Twenty-three lines. Large sprawling signature ‘Lawrence G. Blochman’. In fair condition, worn and creased on lightly-discoloured paper. The recipient, an enthusiastic autograph collector, has evidently asked him to sign a bookplate to be stuck in his latest book ‘’Recipe for Homicide’. Her note has finally reached him ‘through channels (via my English publisher through my London agent to my New York agent)’. He is glad she finds the book entertaining, ‘even though you had not yet, at the time of writing, discovered the culprit’.

[‘What a play!’: Percy Merriman, musician and songwriter, mainstay of the Roosters troupe of entertainers.] Autograph Letter Signed to theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope, recalling Sir George Alexander’s 1896 production of ‘The Prisoner of Zenda’.

Percy Merriman [Percival Harry Merriman] (1882-1966), musician and songwriter with the Roosters troupe of entertainers, who began as a First World War concert party [Walter James Macqueen-Pope]
Publication details: 
14 October [no year, but before 1958]. On letterhead of ‘Percy Merriman / Lecturer and Entertainer / 37 Parliament Hill / London / N.W.3’.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers (see his entry in the Oxford DNB). Merriman was accorded the honour of an episode of the BBC’s Desert Island Discs in 1964. 2pp, 12mo. Signed ‘Percy’ and addressed to ‘Dear Popie’. In good condition, lightly aged, with one dog-eared corner and folded twice for postage. Begins: ‘Am not of course seeking any publicity over your book on St. James Theatre [published in 1958] only wish I could help more. / You know of course Allan Ainsworth [sic, for ‘Aynesworth’] is alive the doyen of the Garrick Club! He played often with G[eorge]. A[lexander]. - in Pinero & Wilde.

[Thomas Bywater Smithies, temperance and animl welfare campaigner.] Autograph Letter Signed to W. Allan, who is offering to distribute his periodical gratis.

Thomas Bywater Smithies (1817-1883), temperance and animal welfare campaigner
Publication details: 
16 March 1861. On letterhead of 13 Barnsbury Square, London.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded for postage. Signed ‘T. B. Smithies’ and addressed to ‘W. Allan Esq / 17 South Grove East’. The subject is Smithies’s monthly ‘improving paper’, the ‘British Workman, and Friend of the Sons of Toil’, which he had launched in 1855, and which Allan is clearly offering to distribute gratis.

[Robert Smith Candlish, Free Church of Scotland minister and theologian.] Autograph Letter Signed to Rev. W. Wallace Allan, regarding the ‘rude abuse’ he receives, and Allan’s views on ‘monumental inscriptions in Christian communities’.

Robert Smith Candlish (1806-1873), Free Church of Scotland minister and theologian, a leading figure in the Disruption of 1843 [Rev. W. Wallace Allan]
Publication details: 
18 June 1863; Edinburgh.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Sixteen closely- and neatly-written lines. After thanking him for his ‘kind and seasonable letter’, he states that he is ‘not much affected by rude abuse in parliament or through the press’ as he is ‘pretty well hardened in that respect’, and that he ‘may possibly have an opportunity’, in his own ‘proper place’, ‘of explaining & vindicating’ his position, for the purpose of which he asks Allan ‘for somewhat more particular information in regard to monumental inscriptions in Christian communities’.

[Lady Maud Wilbraham, President of the Silver Thimble Fund.] Autograph Card Signed to ‘Mrs Allan’ [Mrs Evelyn Julia Allan] of the Red Cross, thanking her for a contribution, and deploring the state of the times.

Lady Maud Wilbraham [Lady Alice Maud Bootle-Wilbraham] (1861-1922), President of the Silver Thimble Fund [Mrs Evelyn Julia Allen of the Chelsea Red Cross; Mrs Hope Elizabeth Hope Clarke of Wimbledon]
Publication details: 
1 June 1918. With printed details of ‘The “Silver Thimble” Fund’, its Wimbledon address deleted and replaced by Wilbraham’s: 26 Lower Sloane Street, SW1 [London].

An evocative artefact of one of the most successful British charities of the Great War. The Silver Thimble Fund was founded by Hope Elizabeth Hope Clarke of Wimbledon in 1915, and run from her house. Damaged trinkets made of precious metals, including 60,000 silver thimbles, were collected and melted down, paying for fifteen ambulances for the front and other medical transportation and equipment. The recipient is Mrs. Evelyn Julia Allan, listed in 1918 in the London Gazette as Honorary Secretary, Chelsea Division, British Red Cross.

[Malcolm Elwin, biographer. critic; Detective Fiction; bibliography] Holograph Manuscript entitled The Vogue of the Detective Story Signed T.M.E.11/11/26. WITH: holograph review of new edn ( Collins, c.1930?) of The Murders in the Rue Morgue.

Malcolm Elwin [( 1903-1973), prolific biographer, literary critic and editor.
Publication details: 
[1926]. N.B. The Golden Age of the Detective Story usually spans the 20s and 30s, so Elwin is perhaps the first analyst of the genre..

Pp.1, 2, 4 [missing 3] with additional unnumbered page entitled bibliography of [...] the Detective Story, folio, connected with stud creating hole which only marginally affects the text, good condition. Lightly corrected MS. An early, pioneering study of the genre as it developed, as a phenomenon similar to literary predecessors (Elizabethan drama). He associates the craze for the detective story with the (post) First World War, but (obviously) finds topoi in Sherlcok Holmes and Murders in the Rue Morgue, citing R.

[Frederick Courteney Selous, explorer and hunter, inspiration for Rider Haggard's 'Allan Quatermain'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('F. C. Selous', giving permission to quote from his book, 'Travel and Adventure in South East Africa'.

F. C. Selous [Frederick Courteney Selous] (1851-1917), explorer, big game hunter in Africa, inspiration for Rider Haggard's 'Allan Quatermain', friend of Theodore Roosevelt and Cecil Rhodes
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Heatherside, Worpledon, Surrey. 11 June 1902.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. He begins by informing the unnamed recipient that the reason for the delay in answering his letter is that Selous has 'just returned to this country from a trip to Hungary'. For his part, Selous will be 'very pleased if you will quote anything you like from my book, “Travel and Adventure in S. E. Africa”. He presumes that 'the publishers, to whom the book I suppose really belongs, will have no objection either, as to quote any passage from a book is to call attention to the book itself, which may result in the sale of a copy'.

[ Julius Harrison, English composer, inscribes a work to Sir Courtenay Mansel. ] Copy of the printed sheet music of 'To Chloe | Song for Voice and Pianoforte | Poem by Thomas Moore | Music by Julius Harrison'.

Julius Harrison [ Julius Allan Greenway Harrison ] (1885-1963), English composer [ Thomas Moore (1779-1852), Irish poet ]
Publication details: 
Printed score published by Enoch & Sons (in 'The Enoch Art Song Library'), London. Dated 'June 1920' Harrison's autograph inscription dated 26 October 1920.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. Aged and creased, with chipping and closed tears to edges. Engraved title-page states that the work is 'Copyright 2/- net | No. 1 Low Voice | No. 2 Medium Voice'. Inscribed at top left-hand corner of title-page: 'To my friend Sir Courtenay Mansel with kindest regards from | Julius Harrison | Oct. 26th. 1920'. Moore's poem is printed on the reverse of the first leaf, and facing it, on the recto of the second leaf, is the score. On the reverse of the second leaf is a 'Revised List' of 'The Enoch Art Song Library', with the date of issue ('June, 1920.') at bottom left.

[ Allan Cunningham, Scottish poet and author. ] Autograph Letter Signed to William Jerdan, editor of the Literary Gazette, an amusing letter of introduction for Henry Glassford Bell, editor of the Edinburgh Literary Journal.

Allan Cunningham (1784-1842), Scottish poet and author, a member of the 'London Magazine' circle of John Scott [ William Jerdan; Literary Gazette ; Henry Glassford Bell; Edinburgh Literary Journal ]
Publication details: 
37 Belgrave Place [ London ]. 28 September 1830.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Will. Jerdan Esq | Grove House | Brompton', with second signature 'Allan Cunningham' at bottom left of address. Docketed on the same page, presumably by Jerdan: 'A Cunningham | Introduction of Mr Bell | Ed. Of Edinh. Lit. Journal'. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The author, recipient and subject of the letter are all Scottish. A spirited and amusing letter: 'My dear friend. | Peace and health be with you in spite of captious authors and high-trotting horses.

[ Allan Cunningham, Scottish poet. ] Autograph Note Signed to an unnamed woman ("Madam").

Allan Cunningham (1784-1842), Scottish poet and author
Publication details: 
27 Lower Belgrave Place [ London ]. 'Tuesday one oClock'.

On one side of an 11.5 x 12.5 cm piece of paper, cut down from a larger leaf. In good condition, lightly aged; laid down on a 15.5 x 15 cm piece of card to which a typed biographical slip is attached. Reads: 'Dear Madam | I have just received your note and write in haste to say that I shall do myself the pleasure of waiting upon you tomorrow (Wednesday) about ten oclock. | I remain Dear Madam | Your very respectful Servt. | Allan Cunningham'.'

[ Sir Allan Wolsey Cardinall. ] Printed bibliography: 'A Gold Coast Library by A. W. Cardinall, F.R.G.S., F.R.A.I., Author of "Natives of the Northern Territories of the Gold Coast."'

A. W. Cardinall, F.R.G.S., F.R.A.I. [ Sir Allan Wolsey Cardinall (1887-1956); the Gold Coast; Ghana; Africa; African ]
Publication details: 
Francis Edwards, 83, High Street, Marylebone, London, W.1. 1924.

36pp., 12mo. Stapled in grey printed wraps. On worn and aged paper. A list of 791 titles, with commentary and index. In an introductory paragraph Cardinall explains that as 'the Gold Coast is merely a conventional term for a portion of Western Africa which belongs to the British Crown, and has no definite boundaries save arbitrary ones of European agreement', it is 'impossible to confine oneself to works dealing exclusively with that portion of the world which we know as the Gold Coast.

[ Allan Aynesworth [ Edward Abbot-Anderson ], actor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Allan Aynesworth'), a letter of condolence to Lady Hall on the death of Sir Edward Marshall Hall.

Allan Aynesworth [ Edward Abbot-Anderson] (1864-1959), English actor who had a leading role in the first production of 'The Importance of Being Earnest' by Oscar Wilde [ Sir Edward Marshall Hall ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 78 Portland Place, W.1. [ London ] 24 February 1927.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Addressed to 'Dear Lady Hall', and sending his 'sincere condolences on the death of Dear Ted', from whom he 'had received [...] so many acts of true friendship & kindness'. The loss is great to him and many of Hall's friends. The letter concludes: 'May it be of some solace to you & your Daughter to know how beloved he was!'

{Printed] The Stage Society News, nos. 1-26 (14 Nov. 1903-23 May 1907 = Fifth Season). With an incomplete run of Programmes, 1901-1938.

[The Stage Society; ?Allan Wade (1881 – 1955), actor, theatre director and writer, bibliographer of Yeats.]
Publication details: 

Unbound, 4-16pp, 8vo and 4to, minor damage to two, mainly good condition. Articles, reviews, programmes, information, advertisements. In the first number, for example, there is an introductory, anticipations of Gorki's "Lower Depths", a Brieuz, and Shaw's "Caesar and Cleopatra", "New Members Elected" (inc. Mrs Pethwick-Lawrence), events, former productions, "Managing Committee", "Rules for 1903-1904", "Bye_law (e.g. removal of hats by Ladies), and advertisements.

[ J.M. Barrie ] Original coloured illustrations of Napoleonic costume designs for 1934 production at His Majesty's Theatre, London, of J. M. Barrie's play 'Josephine'

[Costume designs for the 1934 production of 'Josephine' by J. M. Barrie, at His Majesty's Theatre, London] [Lady Helen Beerbohm Tree; George Grossmith Jnr; Lyn Harding; Spencer Trevor; Allan Jeayes]
Publication details: 
1934; His Majesty's Theatre, London.

Twelve pages of illustrations, each on a separate leaf. Seven are portrait folio, four are portrait 8vo, and one is landscape 8vo. All clear and complete, on aged and creased paper. All coloured in watercolour. The seven folio portraits are: Napoleon as First Consul; Talma; Eugene; Moustache ('Mr. Lyn Harding [(1867-1952)]'); two 'Flunkies'; and Austrian Ambassador ('Mr Spencer Trevor [(1875-1945)]'). The four portrait 8vo illustrations consist of: two of Larose ('Lady Tree [Lady Helen Beerbohm Tree (1858-1937)]'); Louise ('Miss Lemand') and the overcoat of Talma ('Mr.

[ Slade School, University College London. ] Black and white school photograph titled 'University College, London, Slade School | June, 1947'. With names of 45 of the subjects on reverse in the autograph of student Beatrix Blake.

[ Slade School, University College London, 1947; Beatrix Blake ] [ Randolph Schwabe; Alfred Gerrard; Aelred Bartlett; Allan Gwynne-Jones; George Charlton; Peter Alfred Brooker; Richard Beer ]
Publication details: 
[ Slade School, University College London. June 1947. ] Print by Panora Ltd, London, WC1.

Black and white photographic print on 20 x 82 cm piece of paper, with image size 14.5 x 78 cm. In good condition, with light signs of age and wear, tightly rolled. Printed caption below image, and photographers' details at bottom right. The year's intake and the tutors are placed in five rows on the grass in front of the main building.

[ Ruth Ellis Messenger, hymnologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ruth E. Messenger') to 'Mr. Wilshire' [ Frederick Allen Wilshire ], thanking him for providing her with an 'open sesame' to the Inns of Court in London.

Ruth E. Messenger [ Ruth Ellis Messenger ] (1896-1993), American hymnologist [ Frederick Allan Wilshire (1868-1944), Recorder of Bridgwater ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Cumberland Hotel, Marble Arch, London W1. Undated, but marked as 'Rec[eive]d 17 . 7. 39. [ 17 July 1939 ]'

4pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with minor rust marking from a paperclip. She writes that she and her sister have that day 'worshipped at the Temple Church and enjoyed to the full all the delights that were spread before us, in that rare environment'. His cards have 'proved an "open sesame" wherever we went', and they have 'enoyed the Hall with its associations, and indeed, every bit of the section. Just to look at the courts and walls was an experience not to be forgotten'.

[ 'Allan Aynesworth' [ Edward Abbot-Anderson ], English actor. ] Five Autograph Letters Signed, one to Cyril Maude and rest to W. Macqueen-Pope, about a benefit performance for Maude at the Haymarket Theatre, and containing biographical information.

Allan Aynesworth [ born Edward Abbot-Anderson ] (1864-1959), English actor whose career spanned six decades [ Cyril Maude; W. Macqueen-Pope ]
Publication details: 
Both from Larkwood, off Chobham Road, Camberley, Surrey. Letter to Maude dated 14 February 1942; letter to MacQueen-Pope dated 9 April 1942.

BThe five items in fair condition, lightly-aged, with slight rust staining from paperclip. In a difficult hand. ONE: ALS to Macqueen-Pope, 20 March 1941. On his Larkwood letterhead, with 'From Allan Aynesworth' at head. Undated. 3pp., landscape 12mo. Providing a deal of information about his association with Maude, the last page beginning: 'Friendship about 50 years. We joined the Garrick & Beefsteak Clubs where we dined together with so many of our Theatre Friends Inc. Wyndham Irving Alexander Hare & Kendal to name a few.

[ Ralph Bartlett Goddard, American sculptor. ] Illustrated pamphlet advertising 'Portraits of Eminent Men in Bas-Relief', including extracts from letters from relations of Longfellow, Poe and Hawthorne.

Ralph Bartlett Goddard (1861-1936), American sculptor [ The Library Bureau, London ]
Publication details: 
The Library Bureau, 10, Bloomsbury Street, London, W.C. [ 1890s. ]

4pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The second page carries photographic reproductions of the bas-reliefs of Tennyson and Carlyle, in frames. The third page gives details of the twelve portraits (Carlyle, Tennyson, Hawthorne, Longfellow, Dickens, Whittier, Lowell, Thackeray, Bryant, E. A. Poe, Ambriose [sic] Thomas, O. W. Holmes), executed by 'Mr. RALPH BARTLETT GODDARD, the eminent Sculptor', stating that they are available in plaster or bronze, and 'form a most suitable adornment for the walls of a private or public library, schoolroom, or study'.

[Charles Mercer.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to John Jackson, MP for Dover, the first, with account, regarding payments by the banker Sir William Forbes to Lord Keith and Miss Mercer Elphinstone, and the second regarding various payments.

Charles Mercer [of Allan Park, Stirling?] [Sir John Jackson, 1st Baronet (1763-1820), Member of Parliament for Dover, 1806-1820; Sir William Forbes of Pitsligo, 7th Baronet (1773-1828)]
Publication details: 
First Letter: Edinburgh. 3 August 1814. Second Letter: Hope Park, Edinburgh. 17 January 1815.

Both letters 1p., 4to, and both addressed, with two postmarks, on the reverse, to 'John Jackson Esqr. M.P. | New Broad Street | London'. Both are docketted by Jackson. ONE: Headed by accounts of payments by Sir William Forbes and Messrs Robert Stein & Co, totalling £4600 14s 3d, against the shares of Lord Keith and 'Miss Mercer Elphinstone'. In the letter Mercer explains that Stein's share is for 'his Rent to Lord Keith'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Davis Richter') from the English painter H. Davis Richter to Dorothy Swan

H. Davis Richter [Herbert Davis Richter] (1874-1955), English artist [Dorothy Swan]
Publication details: 
Letter on letterhead of 5 Redcliffe Square, South Kensington, SW10. 28 January 1946.

Item One: Autograph Letter Signed from Richter to Swan. 1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly spotted paper. From the letter it would appear that in 1946 Richter was acting as one of the selectors for the 59th Exhibition of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters, at the Royal Academy of Arts, Piccadilly, London. He writes that he is enclosing 'the mighty deed [a book, as the letter explains], also the invitation for the exhibition at the Royal Academy valid from Feb. 13 to March 17.

Typed Letter Signed ('Alistair') from the historian of France Alistair Horne to the Sandhurst lecturer Antony Brett-James, regarding the trouble he has put him to over 'the Macmillan speech'.

Sir Alistair Horne [Sir Alistair Allan Horne] (b.1925), British historian of modern France [Major Antony Brett-James (1920-1984), lecturer at Sandhurst]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 24 Lansdowne Road, London W11. 21 September 1979.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightl-aged paper. A short letter, in which he thanks Brett-James for writing to him 'about the Macmillan speech': 'I really feel badly at having put you obviously to so much trouble'. He suggests that Brett-James sends him 'the tape' and lets him 'have it transcribed here, by my secretary'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('T. Campbell') from Thomas Campbell, editor of the New Monthly Magazine, to fellow Scottish poet Allan Cunningham, introducing his 'Cousin and friend Mr Gray of Glasgow'.

Thomas Campbell (1777-1844), Scottish poet and editor of the New Monthly Magazine [Allan Cunningham (1784-1842), Scottish poet and author]
Thomas Campbell
Publication details: 
10 Seymour Street West, London; 3 September [no year].
Thomas Campbell

1p., 12mo. Fair, on aged paper, wtih two small unobtrusive closed holes to the paper. Placed in narrow paper windowpane border. The letter reads 'My dear Cunningham | This will be delivered to you by my Cousin & friend Mr Gray of Glasgow - He is ambitious of paying his respects to you - I need say no more - I am sure that you will soon be good acquaintances - With the greatest regard | Believe me | Yours truly | [signed] T. Campbell'.

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