[Admiral Sir Percy Scott, Royal Navy officer, pioneer of naval gunnery with his ship HMS Terrible.] Autograph Signature cut from end of letter.

Admiral Sir Percy Scott [Sir Percy Moreton Scott] (1853-1924), Royal Navy officer and engineer, pioneer in the field of naval gunnery, with his ship HMS Terrible active during the Boxer Rebellion
Publication details: 
No place or date.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. A 10 x 3 cm slip of paper, cut from the end of a letter in response to a request for an autograph. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: ‘Yours Sincerely / Percy Scott’. Beneath this, in contemporary hand, in pencil: ‘Admiral Sir Percy Scott (Terrible)’.

[Percy Bysshe Shelley: supposed portrait by George Romney.] Five Autograph Letters Signed from William Salt Brassington, Librarian of the Shakespeare Memorial, to the donor of the picture Evan Marlett Boddy.

[Percy Bysshe Shelley; George Romney] William Salt Brassington, archaeologist and librarian of the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon; Evan Marlett Boddy; Richard Garnett
Publication details: 
Three of the five from 1900 (28 and 31 August, and 4 September); and two from 1901 (5 and 13 December). All on letterheads of the Shakespeare Memorial, Stratford-upon-Avon.

These five items are part of a collection of correspondence (the rest is offered separately) relating to a supposed portrait of a young Percy Bysshe Shelley by George Romney, which was in a group of paintings donated to the Shakespeare Memorial Association by the appropriately-named anatomist Evan Marlett Boddy. (The Shelley portrait is reproduced in ‘The Magazine of Art’, 1901, with the caption ‘Reputed portrait of Shelley as a boy, by Romney. In the Shakespeare memorial, Stratford-on-Avon.’, in an article on ‘Portraits of Shelley at the National Portrait Gallery’, p.

[Andrew White Tuer, proprietor of the Leadenhall Press, London.] Autograph Card to Percy Fitzgerald, Anglo-Irish author and critic, painter and sculptor, regarding his 'London City Suburbs' which he has just published.

Andrew White Tuer (1838-1900), proprietor of the Leadenhall Press, London [ 'Ye Leadenhalle Presse'] [Percy Fitzgerald (1830-1925)]
Publication details: 
29 May 1893; on letterhead of 'The Leadenhall Press, Ltd: / 50, LEADENHALL STREET, LONDON, E.C.'

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On one side of a 12 x 7.5 cm post card. On brittle, discoloured card, with chipping to corners and some repair with archival tape. Self-printed with stamp, addressed, with postmark, to 'Percy Fitzgerald, Esq. / 37 St. George's Road / SW.' On other side, with letterhead in fancy type, regarding Fitzgerald's book 'London City Suburbs', which he has just published, reads: 'See todays & last Saturdays Daily Telegraph new no. (June) of Art Journal for notices L. C. Suburbs. Stamped at bottom right: 'The Leadenhall Press, Ltd:' See Image.

[George Wyndham, Conservative politician and author.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to Canon Milford, Rector of East Knoyle, regarding arrangements for the funeral and burial of his father Percy Scawen Wyndham.

George Wyndham (1863-1913), Conservative politician and author, one of the Souls [Canon Robert Newman Milford, Rector of East Knoyle; Percy Scawen Wyndham]
Publication details: 
14 and 16 March 1911. Each on letterhead of Clouds, East Knoyle [Wiltshire].

Wyndham’s entry in the Oxford DNB states that the family estate was ‘some 4000 acres in Wiltshire’. Milford (1829-1913) was his rector at East Knoyle, and the letters inform him about arrangements for the funeral of Wyndham’s father Percy Scawen Wyndham (1835-1911). Both items in good condition, lightly aged, and folded for postage. Each addressed to ‘My dear Canon Milford’ and signed ‘George Wyndham.’ ONE: 14 March 1911. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Begins: ‘I have found a written permission from my Father to have the Funeral - committal to the erth - where I think best.

[?Bazaar of Nations?, Ealing Town Hall, London, 1920.] Printed ?Book of the Bazaar?, ?Complete Guide to Bazaar, containing a Detailed Account of the Stalls, Entertainments, Side Shows, also Names of Stall Holders, Helpers, &c.?

?Bazaar of Nations?, Ealing Town Hall, London, 1920
Publication details: 
Town Hall Ealing, 8, 9 and 10 June 1920. Francis A. Percy, Printer, West Ealing.

A nice piece of Ealing ephemera, and scarce: no other copy traced, either on WorldCat or JISC. 48pp, 12mo. Stapled into grey wraps, with heavily-inked cover illustration by Joan Murrell, depicting six figures from various nations (Japanese geisha in the middle), beneath bunting of five flags with Union Flag in centre, and with 'BAZAAR OF NATIONS' at head. Title page reads: ?Book of the Bazaar / held at the / Ealing Town Hall, / Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, / June 8th, 9th, 10th / 1920.

[John Carter and Percy Muir, Editors; enclosed Prospectuses, one inscribed &annotated by John Carter] PRINTING AND THE MIND OF MAN. A Descriptive Catalogue Illustrating the Impact of Print on the Evolution of Western Civilization [...]..

John Carter and Percy Muir Editors
Publication details: 
London and New York Cassell & Co. 1967. First Edition.

Pp.[xxxiv].280, dj sl. worn edges, end of front endpaper with fold marks, book in very good condition. Illustrated throughout and with the fine double-page title printed in red and white (by Reynolds Stone). Note: Barbara Kaye (Muir), Percy Muir's widow, purchased this copy at auction (Bloomsbury) and sold it to me after exhibiting it at the Cafe Royal in 1996. She added a pencil note to the front endpaper: Presentation copy from co-editor [John Carter] to John Rayner. With cutting of review of book by Head Master of Eton Dr Robert Birley.

[Percy Linaker, journalist, editor of the Oxford Chronicle.] Offprint of article ‘A Journalist’s Ideals’.

Percy Linaker (1860-1938), journalist, editor of the Oxford Chronicle, manager of the Leamington Chronicle [J. Cuming Walters (1863-1933), editor of the Manchester City News]
Publication details: 
‘Paper read by Mr. Percy Linaker (Leamington), at the Quarterly Meeting of the Birmingham and Midland Counties District of the Institute of Journalists, held at Wolverhampton, March 7th, 1896.’

A scarce item, no other copy discovered on ViaLibri, WorldCat or JISC LHD. 4pp, 12mo. Paginated bifolium in small print. Aged and worn, with short closed tear in gutter. Folded twice.

[‘What a play!’: Percy Merriman, musician and songwriter, mainstay of the Roosters troupe of entertainers.] Autograph Letter Signed to theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope, recalling Sir George Alexander’s 1896 production of ‘The Prisoner of Zenda’.

Percy Merriman [Percival Harry Merriman] (1882-1966), musician and songwriter with the Roosters troupe of entertainers, who began as a First World War concert party [Walter James Macqueen-Pope]
Publication details: 
14 October [no year, but before 1958]. On letterhead of ‘Percy Merriman / Lecturer and Entertainer / 37 Parliament Hill / London / N.W.3’.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers (see his entry in the Oxford DNB). Merriman was accorded the honour of an episode of the BBC’s Desert Island Discs in 1964. 2pp, 12mo. Signed ‘Percy’ and addressed to ‘Dear Popie’. In good condition, lightly aged, with one dog-eared corner and folded twice for postage. Begins: ‘Am not of course seeking any publicity over your book on St. James Theatre [published in 1958] only wish I could help more. / You know of course Allan Ainsworth [sic, for ‘Aynesworth’] is alive the doyen of the Garrick Club! He played often with G[eorge]. A[lexander]. - in Pinero & Wilde.

[Percy Nash, film producer and director, key figure at Elstree Studios.] Typed Letter Signed to theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope, recounting an anecdote about his time at His Majesty’s with Sir Herbert Beerbohm-Tree; with a signed Typed CV.

Percy Nash (1869-1958), British film producer and director, key figure in creation of Elstree Studios [W. J. Macqueen-Pope [Walter James Macqueen-Pope] (1888-1960), theatre historian]
Publication details: 
Letter: 12 November 1948. On letterhead of 2 Bristol Court West, Marine Parade, Brighton. CV undated, but with autograph address 'Percy Nash / 2 Bristol Court West / Marine Parade. / Brighton. / Sussex'.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. (See MP's entry in the Oxford DNB.) Nash made around 70 films between 1912 and 1927, and was a key figure in the creation of Elstree Studios. His career as a film maker was effectively ended following the screening of his 1921 film 'How Kitchener was betrayed'. See Bernard Ince, ' “For the Love of the Art”: The Life and Work of Percy Nash, Film Producer and Director of the Silent Era’, ‘Film History’, September 2007. Both items in good condition, lightly aged, each with light rust staining at one corner from paper clip. LETTER: 1p, 4to. Signed ‘Percy Nash’.

Two Autograph Postcards Signed, one John Carter, the other John to Lord Ritchie of Dundee about Minding My Own Business etc.

John Carter, Bookman
Publication details: 
No place, 8 Jan. 1968 and no date readable [postmark obscured].

Good condition. [1968] About an appointment. [obscured date] Well, yes, I suppose some of the fun & games of those days ought to be recorded before we're all dead. I must think about it. Percy Muir covered some of the ground in his Minding my own Business [title underlined], 1956, ch.8 [= Sherry and Shibboleths], but he got a good many things wrong. He discusses the place where Ritchie lives, saying the aounts who also live there were worth knowing.

[Percy Nash, British cinema pioneer.] Eight Typed Letters Signed to theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope, with personal reminiscences. With carbons of two replies, and typescript of reminiscences titled ‘The Tragic Comedians / Laughter and Tears’.

Percy Nash (1869-1958), British film producer and director, key figure in the creation of Elstree Studios [W. J. Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian]
Publication details: 
Nash’s eight TLsS from between 4 July 1949 and 10 October 1951; all on letterheads of 2 Bristol Court West, Marine Parade, Brighton. Macqueen-Pope’s carbons from 1949 and 1951. ‘The Tragic Comedians’ undated.

Nash made around 70 films between 1912 and 1927, and was a key figure in the creation of Elstree Studios. His career as a film maker was effectively ended following the screening of his 1921 film 'How Kitchener was betrayed'. See Bernard Ince, ' “For the Love of the Art”: The Life and Work of Percy Nash, Film Producer and Director of the Silent Era’, ‘Film History’, September 2007. See also Macqueen-Pope’s entry in the Oxford DNB. The collection of eleven items is in fair overall condition, with minor creasing and aging to some items.

[Percy Nash, pioneering British film director rewrites Oliver Goldsmith’s ‘She Stoops to Conquer’.] File of related material, including a typescript of Nash’s version, and letters from theatre impressario Jack Gladwyn and Stanford Robinson of BBC.

Percy Nash (1869-1958), film producer and director, key figure in the creation of Elstree Studios; Jack Gladwyn, theatre impressario; Stanford Robinson of the BBC; Gladys Ripley; Oliver Goldsmith]
Publication details: 
Material dating from 1949 and 1950. Nash’s letterhead of 2 Bristol Court West, Marine Parade, Brighton. Robinson on letterhead of Broadcasting House, London. Gladwyn on his letterhead, Cecil House, 41 Charing Cross Road, London.

Ten items relating to Percy Nash’s unsuccessful attempt to turn Goldsmith’s ‘She Stoops to Conquer’ into a musical, casting light on English theatre production practices in the immediate postwar period. Despite interest from the theatre impressario Jack Gladwyn, the project stalls. Percy Nash (1868-1958), who made around 70 films between 1912 and 1927, was a key figure in the creation of Elstree Studios. His career as a film maker was effectively ended following the screening of his 1921 film 'How Kitchener was betrayed'.

[Sir Charles Travis Clay, Librarian of the House of Lords, antiquary and genealogist.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Charles Clay’) to the mediaevalist Austin Lane Poole, regarding his work on the entry on the Percy family in the Complete Peerage.

Sir Charles Clay [Sir Charles Travis Clay] (1885-1978), antiquary and Librarian of the House of Lords [Austin Lane Poole (1889-1963), British mediaevalist, son of historian Reginald Lane Poole]
Publication details: 
26 February 1942; on House of Lords Library letterhead.

2pp, 4to. 34 lines of closely-written text. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Addressed to ‘Mr. Poole’. After expressing a hope that they will be meeting Poole now that they are both on the council of the Royal Historical Society, he explains that he is writing in relation to his redrafting of ‘the early part of Percy for the Complete Peerage’, noting that ‘the present draft is certainly alarming’. He is taking it ‘down to 1245’ and finds it ‘full of snags’. He has ‘just finished a draft of Jocelin, Agnes de Percy’s husband’, and L. C.

[Charles Harold Herford, literary scholar, editor of Ben Jonson, professor in Wales and in Manchester.]

C. H. Herford [Charles Harold Herford] (1853-1931), Manchester-born literary scholar, editor of Ben Jonson with Percy and Evelyn Simpson, professor in Wales and Manchester
Publication details: 
[1922.] No place. (Published in 'Poetry Review' (London) in July 1922.)

6pp, 12mo. Paginated [1]-6. Lightly aged and a bit grubby. Folded twice. On six leaves of paper, which Herford has made up by tearing in half the 4to leaves of one of his students' essays. Complete, and signed at the end 'C H Herford'. Written in a close hand, with numerous deletions and emendations. He begins by describing how Shelley met his death, and his final writing, before dismissing the suggestion that he committed suicide: 'we may dismiss the utterly uncalled for suggestion that his own hand lifted the veil'.

[Horace Smith, poet and friend of Shelley, author with his brother Joseph of the 'Rejected Addresses'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Horatio Smith'), playfully thanking Joseph Blunt for making him 'a present of a pair of horns'.

Horace Smith [Horatio Smith] (1779-1849), poet, author his brother Joseph Smith of the 'Rejected Addresses' (1812), friend of Percy Bysshe Shelley [Joseph Blunt]
Publication details: 
3 November 1831. Brighton.

2pp, 12mo. On bifolium. Twenty lines of text. In fair condition, aged and worn, with chipping and short closed tears to extremities. Folded twice. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Joseph Blunt Esqre.' Signature underlined with a flourish.

[Percy Nash, film director; his nephew Bournemouth artist Eustace Nash.] Two synopses (one signed) of Percy Nash's review 'The Charm', with text of anti-Labour and pro-Churchill song. With watercolour of backdrop and covering letter by Eustace Nash.

Percy Nash (1869-1958), film director; his nephew the Bournemouth artist and cartoonist Eustace Nash (1886-1969)
Publication details: 
Second synopsis dated to 1951. Eustace Nash's letter dated 8 December 1952, on his and his brother's firm's letterhead , as 'Nash & Co. Studios Artists for Advertisers' ('Partners: | L. F. N. Nash | E. P. E. Nash'), 8 Albert Road, Bournemouth.

An interesting period piece. Two synopses of Percy Nash's review 'The Charm', the second dated by him to 1951, and with reference to the nationalisation of the coal industry. Together with the typescript of a song from the play about the 'Man of Might' Winston Churchill, and the Labour Party, who 'Have sullied the Fair name | of dear old England'. Also present is a watercolour drawing by Percy Nash's nephew the Bournemouth artist Eustace Nash of the intended backdrop to the first act of the review, together with an ALS discussing his ideas for the design of the piece.

[Charles Harold Herford, literary scholar, editor of Ben Jonson, professor in Wales and in Manchester.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'C H Herford') to 'Armstrong', regarding an 'indiscretion' and 'more timid & more cruel' proposals.

C. H. Herford [Charles Harold Herford] (1853-1931), Manchester-born literary scholar, editor of Ben Jonson with Percy and Evelyn Simpson, professor in Wales and Manchester
Publication details: 
25 and 26 September 1914. Each on letterhead of 5 Parkfield Road, Didsbury, Manchester.

Both in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: 2pp, 12mo. He 'must bear the entire blame' for 'an indiscretion', and is 'exceedingly sorry'. 'Nothing was said between us in regard to the giving or withholding of addresses, & I had not at that time considered the point.

[Percy MacQuoid, threatre designer and expert on English furniture.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Percy Macquoid.') to 'Terrell', including a discussion of the significance of 'English Plate'.

Percy Macquoid [Percy Thomas MacQuoid] (1852-1925), theatre designer, illustrator and expert on English furniture
Publication details: 
20 March [no year]. On letterhead of The Yellow House, 8 Palace Court, Bayswater, London, W.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. He begins by thanking him for his 'kindness in the matter of the plate at New'. He called there that morning and has 'sent on Dr Russells letter of introduction', and has 'written to Dr Moyle', explaining his object, and he hopes he will give him permission to have the [?] photod. wh: I consider about the finest piece of dated H English Plate in existence -'.

[Percy Anderson, painter and D'Oyly Carte stage designer.] Autograph Letter Signed to Cecil H. Broadhurst, regarding the 'tremendously fantastic' dresses he has designed for Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree's production of 'Joan of Arc'.

Percy Anderson (1851-1928), painter and stage designer with the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company and Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree [Cecil Herbert Broadhurst (1866-1934); Gilbert and Sullivan]
Publication details: 
6 October 1913; on letterhead of 55 York Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W.

2pp, 12mo; and 1p, 8vo. On a bifolium, with the 8vo page written lengthwise across the central pages. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice. Signed 'Percy Anderson.' According to a pencil note Broadhurst was Beerbohm Tree's 'press agent'. He has received Broadhurst's letter late the same night, and begins by informing him that he cannot go to Covent Garden the following day as he will be with a sitter.

[Percy Anderson, D'Oyly Carte stage designer.] Four Autograph Letters Signed to theatrical wigmaker William Berry Clarkson, praising the work he has done on his behalf, in connection with several productions.

Percy Anderson (1851-1928), stage designer and painter with D'Oyly Carte Opera Company and Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree [William Berry Clarkson (1861-1934), theatrical wigmaker; Gilbert and Sullivan]
Publication details: 
12 March 1912, 31 December [1912], and the other two without year; all on letterheads of 55 York Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W.

Total of 7pp, 12mo. All in good condition, lightly aged and worn. Each folded once. All signed 'Percy Anderson'. ONE: 12 March 1912. Begins: 'Your properties are quite splendid.' He thanks Clarkson and his assistant for the trouble they have taken 'over the “M[?]”'. Ends: 'I thought everything as good as it cd be – I refer to yr work of course'. TWO: 31 December [1912]. He thanks him for his 'delightful' card, and for 'yr. good wishes & for the tickets you so kindly send me for The Miracle.

[T. E. B. Clarke, Oscar-winning screenwriter and crime writer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Tibby') to the novelist Barbara Kaye, discussing common acquaintances after the episode of the TV programme 'This Is Your Life' devoted to him.

T. E. B. Clarke [Thomas Ernest Bennett 'Tibby' Clarke] (1907-1989), screenwriter who won an Oscar for 'The Lavender Hill Mob', and crime writer [Ealing Comedies; Barbara Kaye, novelist]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Tanners Mead, Oxted, Surrey. 10 November 1960.

Other than 'The Lavender Hill Mob', for which he won an Oscar, Clarke's screenplays include 'The Blue Lamp' and 'The Titchfield Thunderbolt'. For the recipient Barbara Kaye [Barbara Kenrick Gowing] (1908-1998), writer, bookseller and wife of Percy Muir, see her obituary by Nicolas Barker in the Independent, 12 March 1998. The present letter was written a few days after Clarke's appearance on 31 October on the television programme 'This Is Your Life'. 2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, aged and worn. Folded once. The letter begins: 'Dear Barbara, | Many thanks for your kind letter.

[Sir Rupert Hart-Davis, publisher.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Rupert') to antiquarian bookseller Percy Muir, praising his catalogues as his 'favourite reading', and ordering items while 'saving up' for his daughter's wedding.

Rupert Hart-Davis [Sir Rupert Charles Hart-Davis] (1907-1999), publisher, editor and letter-writer [Percy Muir [Percy H. Muir] (1894-1979), leading bookseller with firm Elkin Mathews]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Bromsden Farm, Henley-on-Thames, Oxon. 20 April 1963.

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with three punch holes to margin, and endorsement of number in a circle. The letter begins: 'My dear Percy | Your catalogues – especially the literary parts of them – are my favourite reading. You find such unusual books, and describe them with such care and skill.' He asks him to send him, 'to Soho Square', the two Rothenstein items nos 260 and 260 a'. He explains that while he longs 'for some of the Blunts', his daughter is getting married that June, and he is 'saving up for that'.

[Robert Harling, typographer who may have served as model for James Bond.] Typed Letter Signed ('Luv Robert') to the bookseller Percy Muir, on his eightieth birthday, discussing their lives and criticising their old friend, Ian Fleming's wife Ann.

Robert Harling [Robert Henry Harling] (1910-2008), typographer, designer, journalist and novelist, friend of Ian Fleming and possible model for James Bond [Percy Muir (1894-1979), bookseller]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Glebe House, Godstone, Surrey. 17 January 1975.

See Harling's entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice. The salutation ('My dear Percy'), valediction ('Luv Robert'), and one additional word in autograph; the rest typed. He begins by thanking Muir for a copy of 'PHM 80', the volume celebrating Muir's eightieth birthday.

[Edgar Jepson, popular novelist; .] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edgar Jepson'), replying to a fan letter from 'Miss Gowing' [novelist Barbara Kaye] by suggesting that they meet to prevent him from injuring his constitution by 'industrious excess'

Edgar Jepson [Edgar Alfred Jepson, pseudonym 'R. Edison Page'] (1863-1938), popular author of adventure, detective, supernatural and fantasy fiction [Barbara Kaye [Barbara Kenrick Gowing] (1908-1998)]
Publication details: 
120 Adelaide Road, Chalk Farm, London NW3. 8 July 1920.

2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Folded once.

[Sir William Rothenstein, artist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Will Rothenstein'), to 'Horder', i.e. the architect Percy Morley Horder, giving a humorous spoof autobiographical entry, as a jokey suggestion of how Horder should approach the topic.

Sir William Rothenstein (1872-1945), painter, printmaker, draughtsman, lecturer, and writer on art [Percy Richard Morley Horder (1870-1944), architect ]
Publication details: 
'Chelsea – Glebe Place | Sunday'. No place.

1p, 8vo. Text clear and complete, on heavily chipped and worn thin paper, with loss to extremities. An unusual and revealing letter, in which Rothenstein gives his own jokey suggestion of how Horder should approach a biographical entry he has been asked to write, begins: 'My dear Horder – of course you will do it! “Mr W. R.

[Sir Day Hort Bosanquet, Governor of South Africa.] Autograph Note Signed ('Day H. Bosanquet'), from the papers of marine artist William Lionel Wyllie, regarding his work for a Conservative candidate in a General Election.

Sir Day Hort Bosanquet (1843-1923), Governor of South Africa, 1909-1914, and Royal Navy admiral
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [1900?]

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, wtih light paperclip damage at one corner. The recipient is not named, but the item is from the Wyllie papers. Reads: 'I have been in Herefordshire working for Captain Clive the Conservative candidate - I daresay you may have seen we got him in. | Yours very truly | Day H. Bosanquet'. Percy Archer Clive (1873-1918) was member of parliament for Ross, Herefordshire, 1900-1906 and 1908-1918.

[Hodder & Stoughton, London publishers.] Typed Note Signed by two of the firm's directors, the brothers R. Percy Hodder-Williams and Ralph Hodder-Williams, asking Jackson Gregory to accept a 'special copy' of his 'Riders across the Border'.

Hodder & Stoughton, London publishers, founded 1868: Robert Percy Hodder-Williams (1880-1958) and his brother Ralph Hodder-Williams (1890-1961), directors
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Hodder & Stoughton Ltd, St. Paul's House, Warwick Square, London, E.C.4. 6 December 1938.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. The brothers ask Gregory to 'please accept this special copy of RIDERS ACROSS THE BORDER, with our warmest regards, and with every good wish for Christmas and the New Year.' Gregory had published his book with the firm earlier in the year.

[Titus Oates and the Popish Plot, 1678-1681.] Long list in a contemporary hand of tracts relating to the Popish Plot.

[Titus Oates and the Popish Plot, 1678-1681]
Publication details: 
Without place or date [late seventeenth or early eighteenth century].

2pp., foolscap 8vo. On watermarked laid paper, and plainly intended as an index to a volume of bound tracts. Aged and worn, with chipped edges, and a small part of the bottom outer corner of the leaf torn away, resulting in the loss of two numbers from the pagination. The document is headed 'The Contents of the 2. Volume', and is closely written in a clerk's hand. Both pages divided into two columns.

[ Percy Craft and Stanhope Forbes, Newlyn School artists. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Percy R. Craft') from Craft to Forbes, sending condolences on the death of his father.

Percy Craft [ Percy Robert Craft; Percy R. Craft ] (1856-1934) and Stanhope Forbes [ Stanhope Alexander Forbes ] (1857-1947), RA, English artists of the Newlyn School, Cornwall
Publication details: 
Pyne Villa, St Ives, Cornwall. 7 December 1888.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Craft and his wife have 'just heard with surprise of the great loss' Forbes has 'so suddenly sustained', and send their 'sincere sympathy for you in so sudden a bereavement'. They extend their condolences to Forbes's mother, and Craft explains that his wife has not written to her personally, as she did not wish 'to add to the burden that unfortunately she is now compelled to bear'. From the Forbes papers, from which other Newlyn items are offered separately.

[ 'Engineering', London journal. ] Autograph register of contributions compiled by editor Thomas Walley, in form of table of articles and authors, with meticulous printing and publication details.

Thomas Walley (1872-1947), editor of 'Engineering', London journal founded in 1866 [ Lieut-Col. Percy John Cowan (1876-1954) and Herbert Henry Johnson (c.1875-1957), joint editors ]
Publication details: 
[ London: Engineering. ] Entries dating from 27 November 1925 to 17 January 1934.

Walley has converted one volume of a printed diary ('The Business Year Book' for 1923, by the R. C. Maxwell Co., Trenton, New Jersey) into a continuous table listing all the articles contributed between 27 November 1925 and 17 January 1934. Entries are compiled with the meticulous attention to detail one would expect from an engineer, giving a range of information including the times of receipt of material to the minute, and even the typeface in which an article was printed.

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