[George Wyndham, Conservative politician and author.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to Canon Milford, Rector of East Knoyle, regarding arrangements for the funeral and burial of his father Percy Scawen Wyndham.

George Wyndham (1863-1913), Conservative politician and author, one of the Souls [Canon Robert Newman Milford, Rector of East Knoyle; Percy Scawen Wyndham]
Publication details: 
14 and 16 March 1911. Each on letterhead of Clouds, East Knoyle [Wiltshire].

Wyndham’s entry in the Oxford DNB states that the family estate was ‘some 4000 acres in Wiltshire’. Milford (1829-1913) was his rector at East Knoyle, and the letters inform him about arrangements for the funeral of Wyndham’s father Percy Scawen Wyndham (1835-1911). Both items in good condition, lightly aged, and folded for postage. Each addressed to ‘My dear Canon Milford’ and signed ‘George Wyndham.’ ONE: 14 March 1911. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Begins: ‘I have found a written permission from my Father to have the Funeral - committal to the erth - where I think best.

[John Philip Newman, Chaplain of the United States Senate.] Autograph Signature of ‘John P. Newman / Chaplain of the Senate.’

John P. Newman [John Philip Newman] (1826-1899), Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church of America, Chaplain of the United States Senate
Publication details: 
17 August 1869. [Washington, D.C.]

In addition to his pastoral duties, Newman was a noted orator and lecturer. In 1870 eleven thousand people crammed into the Salt Lake City Tabernacle, to hear him debate the question of polygamy with Orson Pratt, and transcripts of the debate were carried throughout the American papers. On a 14 x 7 cm slip of wove paper. The reverse bears traces of glue from its display in an album, and there is slight loss and a short closed tear at the foot from its removal. The signature and text are firm and clear: ‘John P. Newman / Chaplain of the Senate. / Aug 17 - / 69.’

[‘He as good as called me a liar: Sir Walter Newman Flower, proprietor of London publishers Cassell’s.] Autograph Letter Signed and two Typed Letters Signed to Sir James Marchant, complaining of treatment by Thomas B. Wells of New York firm Harpers.

Sir Walter Newman Flower (1879-1964), proprietor of London publishers Cassell & Co, biographer and literary editor [Thomas Bucklin Wells (1875-1944) of Harper & Co., New York; Sir James Marchant]
Publication details: 
First TLS: 3 January 1928. Second TLS: 11 December 1928. Both on letterheads of Cassell & co. Ltd., La Belle Sauvage, London, EC4. ALS: 18 December 1928, on letterhead of Idlehurst, Sevenoaks.

Publishing history does not get more vivid than this. See Flower’s obituary in The Times, and Wells’s in the New York Times. The three items in good condition, lightly aged. All three folded once and signed ‘Newman Flower’. First TLS (3 January 1928): 1p, 12mo. He writes that although ‘a very apologetic letter from Mr. Wells of Harpers’ has ‘cleared the air entirely’, ‘a reply from Holt’ received at the same time is not very satisfactory’, and ‘in view of the fact that Cassell’s and Harpers will be coming together again, it would, perhaps, be as well not to do anything at present’.

[ Pusey; Oxford Movement ] Thirteen (13) Pamphlets and Leaflets by or relating to Pusey and the Oxford Movement.

E.B. Pusey [ Edward Bouverie Pusey (1800 – 1882), Churchman, one of the Promoters of the Oxford Movement ]
Publication details: 
All printed by Baxter, Oxford, and published in 1843.

All in good condition, with occasional foxing and staining.1. [To Mr. Vice-Chancellor] Two pages, bifolium (second leaf blank), cr. 8vo, petition asking for Pusey to have a hearing. Multiple Signatories include H. Cary, Newman, Mark Pattison. List of signatories concludes with date, Oxford June 8, 1842. Baxter Printer.2. E.B. Pusey, Protest. Christ Church, June 2, 1843. No imprint or colophon.3. A Bachelor of Divinity, To the Reverend the Vice-Chancellor, two pages, cr. 8vo, bifolium, second leaf blank. Re the proceedings […] with regard to Dr. Pusey.

[Orby Shipley, liturgical scholar and Roman Catholic convert.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Orby Shipley') to an unidentified collector of rare theological works, regarding his plans for reprinting Roman Catholic titles, and a meeting.

Orby Shipley (1832-1916), religious writer, liturgical scholar and Roman Catholic convert [William Wilfred Oates, Roman Catholic London publisher; Burns & Oates]
Publication details: 
Both on letterhead of 39 Thurloe Square, S.W. [London] 4 December 1884 and 8 December 1884.

Both in fair condition, lightly aged, on bifoliums, stitched together. ONE: 4 December 1884. 4pp, 12mo. The recipient is not identified. Begins: 'My dear Sir | I am advised by more than one common friend to take the liberty of writing to you. Mr. Oates [publisher], amongst others, tells me that you have great knowledge of old Catholic literature & have collected many curious & valuable books. As I think you see the Tablet, I should like to direct your attention to a letter which I hope may appear in the next or the following number on some points on which I wish for information.

Printed pamphlet: 'The Pope and the Revolution: A Sermon, preached in the Oratory Church, Birmingham, on Sunday, October 7, 1866.

John Henry Newman, D.D.
Publication details: 
London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer. 1866.

48pp., 8vo. Stitched and disbound. In fair condition, lightly aged, but with the spine strengthened with stitching in white thread. Now uncommon.

[ James Spencer Northcote, Roman Catholic convert. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Spencer Northcote.'), as editor of 'The Rambler', to contributor Richard Simpson, discussing items for review, Daniel William Cahill, and the Oratory, Edgbaston.

James Spencer Northcote, Roman Catholic convert, President of Oscott College [ Richard Simpson (1820-1876); Daniel William Cahill (1796-1864); Oxford Movement ]
Publication details: 
The Oratory, Edgbaston, Birmingham. Undated [ 1854 ].

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, on lightly aged paper. The Rambler was hugely unpopular with the Roman Catholic hierarchy in England for its liberal attitude and satirical emphasis. According to his entry in the ODNB, Northcote edited the journal between June 1852 and September 1854. Simpson (whose ODNB entry also see), under co-proprietor Sir John Dalberg Acton, would take over the editorship before turning it over to John Henry Newman, who would resign after a few months due to pressure from the hierarchy, and the magazine would be discontinued in 1864.

[ Renn Dickson Hampden, Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('R. D. Hampden') to the London publisher Richard Bentley, responding to an invitation to write

Renn Dickson Hampden (1793-1868), Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford and Bishop of Hereford, subject of the Hampden Controversy of 1836 [ Richard Bentley (1794-1871), London publisher ]
Publication details: 
Ewelme Rectory. 21 July 1846.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition. Addressed to 'R. Bentley Esq'. Having explained that the delay in replying is due to his absence from Oxford during the vacation, he turns to Bentley's proposal. 'I am much flattered by your applying to me, under the high recommendation which you state, for the work in question. And I cannot but admire your spirit in desiring that a work of that kind should go forth to the world under your auspices.

[ Oxford Catholics ] Autograph Letter Signed "J. B. Dalgairns" to [ Canon Northcote, also Catholic Priest and writer, about "Oxford Catholics.

Rev.J.B. Dalgairns, author and priest
Publication details: 
The Oratory [ London ], 14 March [1871]

Two pages, 12mo, black-bordered, good condiytion. "The paper in the Spectator is for May 13, 1871. | I suspect I made a mistake when I said there were 20 Oxford Catholics. A more accurate person than my informant told me 9. I suspect the truth lies between the two. | What guarantee have you that the authorities at Oxford won't re-tinker their statutes in six months!".

[ Bruce Stewart, actor and scriptwriter.] Typescript of 'Afternoon Theatre' BBC Radio 4 play about John Henry Newman and Edward Bouverie Pusey. With covering BBC postcard and compliments slip, and copy of Radio Times entry.

Bruce Stewart (1925-2005), New Zealand-born actor and scriptwriter, based in England [ British Broadcasting Corporation; BBC Radio 4; the Oxford Movement; John Henry Newman; Edward Bouverie Pusey ]
Publication details: 
[ BBC Bristol. ] Broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on 5 May 1979.

The duplicated typescript of the play is 79pp., folio, on 79 leaves attached with a stud. Aged and worn, with slight staining to early leaves. Accompanied by a BBC compliments slip, with the typed name of the play's producer Shaun MacLoughlin. Also present is a BBC postcard, with short typed message dated 26 July 1979: 'We are sorry but there is nothing in print for the play "Shadowfall".' A carbon copy of the typed letter from Mrs. D. G.

[ Rev. Issac Williams, Oxford Movement cleric. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Isaac Williams') to Rev. W. S. O. du Sautoy, regarding a memorial to Bishop Ken.

Rev. Isaac Williams (1802-1865), prominent member of the Oxford Movement [ Rev. William Stevens Oliver du Sautoy (1809-1865) ]
Publication details: 
No place. 11 September [circa 1845].

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper with a couple of short closed tears at fore-edge. He states that he will derive 'much satisfaction in being allowed to join in any undertaking to do honor to the Memory of Bishop Ken' [ Thomas Ken (1637-1711) ], and subscribes for three guineas. The memorial would appear to have been a stained-glass window in Ken's church at Frome by 'Mr. O'Connor and his son', as reported in the Gentleman's Magazine, February 1845 and February 1849.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Women's Wrongs.

F. W. Newman [Francis William Newman (1805-1897), younger brother of Cardinal John Henry Newman], Secretary, Bristol and Clifton Branch of the National Society for Women's Suffrage
Publication details: 
Published for the Bristol and Clifton Branch of the National Society for Women's Suffrage. ['L. Arrowsmith, Printer, Quay Street, Bristol.'] Undated [1870].

4pp., 8vo. Bifolium with drophead title. In fair condition, lightly-aged, disbound with slight damage to spine. Newman poses the question: 'Why has our law been so unjust to women? - Because woman never had a voice in the making of it, and men, as a class, have not realized the oppression of women as a class.

[Offprint of anonymous article attacking Pusey and the Oxford Movement.] The Thirty-Nine Articles. (Extracted from "The Press and St. James's Chronicle," September 5, 1868.) [Including 'Extract from the Bishop of Worcester's Charge'.]

[The Press and St. James's Chronicle, London; the Oxford Movement; Edward Bouverie Pusey; John David Macbride, Principal of Magdalene Hall, Oxford; Henry Philpott, Bishop of Worcester]
Publication details: 
[London: The Press and St. James's Chronicle, 1868.]

2pp., folio. On single leaf, with the reverse paginated 2. In double column. The article begins: 'No sign of the times appears to us fraught with more emphatic warning than the proposal of Dr. Pusey, that the Universities should abandon subscription to the Thirty-nine Articles, as the practical qualifications for orthodox Church of England Protestant teaching.' A footnote cites a work by Macbride.

[Newman Hall, 'The Dissenters' Bishop'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Newman Hall') to an unnamed recipient.

Rev. Dr Christopher Newman Hall (1816-1902), Congregational minister, known in later life as 'The Dissenters' Bishop'
Publication details: 
[Albion Chapel] Hull [Yorkshire]. 25 December 1850.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged paper, in a windowpane mount. It gives him 'much pain' to refuse the recipient's 'kind and friendly invitation': 'My Sundays for 12 Months are engaged. I fear some kind friends forget I am a settled Pastor & not at liberty to accept one twentieth of the Invitations I get. I have only a few Sundays which I feel I can consistently spend away from home - & these are generally engaged several months in advance'.

[Desmond Flower.] Three Autograph Catalogues of his book collections: first, 'MSS., autograph letters, first & early editions by & relating to François Marie Arouet de Voltaire'; second and third, 'French Literature in first and early editions'.

Desmond Flower [Desmond John Newman Flower] (1907-1997), director of London publishers Cassell & Co, 1931-1971, and book collector [Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet) (1694-1778)]
Publication details: 
Neither catalogue with place or date. [London, from the 1940s?]

All three items in very good condition, in superior bindings. ONE (Voltaire catalogue): Written out by Flower in his neat, calligraphic hand, on the rectos only of 102 leaves, 8vo, with some blanks. In very good condition, in a lightly-wrn red morocco quarter binding, with grey boards and gilt title on spine. Entries are short and businesslike, as the following two examples indicate: 'Commentaire sur le livre des Délits et des Peines, s.l., 1766. Bengesco 1724. pp. viii + 120. A pretty copy in contemporary scarlet morocco. Ex libris Mortimer L. Schiff. | Ditto, s.l., 1766. pp. 104 + iii.

[Presentation copy from the author to his daughter.] A Vision of England and other Poems.

John Rickards Mozley [J. R. Mozley] of King's College, Cambridge, nephew of John Henry Newman
Publication details: 
London: Richard Bentley and Son, Publishers in Ordinary to Her Majesty the Queen. 1898.

[9] + 142 pp., 8vo. In original green cloth, gilt. A good copy, on aged paper, in lightly-worn binding. Inscribed on the front free endpaper: 'E. Mozley | from her father J. R. Mozley | Feb 19. 1898'.

[Printed pamphlet.] A New Art Teaching How to be Plucked, being A Treatise after the Fashion of Aristotle; Writ for the Use of Students in the Universities. To which is added, A Synopsis of Drinking. By Scriblerus Redivivus.

'Scriblerus Redivivus' [Edward Caswall (1814-1878) of Brasenose College, Oxford; Anglican clergyman and hymn writer who converted to Roman Catholicism] [Joseph Vincent, Oxford bookseller and printer]
Publication details: 
Fourth Edition. Oxford: Printed and Published by J. Vincent; 1836.

12mo: viii + 40pp. As a fold-out tipped-in onto p.23 is 'A Synopsis of Drinking, formed according to the Categories of Aristotle' (1p., folio); and following the text is a four-page catalogue of 'Books published by J. Vincent, Oxford; Whittaker and Co.; Simpkin and Marshall; and Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, London.' Side-stitched, in original grey printed wraps. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with small burn-hole to dogeared front wrap, which carries the ownership inscription of 'F. Saunders / Trin Coll'. A satire on the dissolute ways of the Oxford undergraduate.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E B Pusey') from Pusey to the Rev. William Hale Hale of Charterhouse, discussing the controversy over the new Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford, Renn Dickson Hampden.

Edward Bouverie Pusey (1800-1882), Regius Professor of Hebrew at Christ Church, Oxford, and a leader of the Oxford Movement [Rev. William Hale Hale (1795-1870); Renn Dickson Hampden (1793-1868)]
Publication details: 
Postmarked 29 April 1836.

1p., 4to. 18 lines of text. Fair, on aged paper, with a few closed tears. Addressed on the reverse, with three postmarks and Pusey's seal in black wax broken in two, to 'Rev. Wm. H. Hale | Charter-house'. Writing in a tight, difficult hand, Pusey begins with a reference to an 'intended present' from Hale (from the context clearly a copy of Hale's edition of Jeremy Taylor's 'Doctrine and Practice of Repentence'). Pusey praises 'the earnest, energetic truth-speaking language of Bp. Taylor', which he considers 'a voice as from another world'.

Autograph Letter in the third person from Henry Edward Manning, Archdeacon of Chichester, later Cardinal Manning, giving instruction to his tailors, Messrs John Stulz and Samuel Housley of Clifford Street, London.

Henry Edward Manning (1808-1892), Archdeacon of Chichester in the established church, and Roman Catholic Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster [John Lavicount Anderdon (1792-1874); Stulz & Housley]
Cardinal Manning
Publication details: 
11 October 1843; Lavington.
Cardinal Manning

12mo, 1 p. Text clear and complete. On aged and creased paper. As 'Archdeacon Manning was unable to call in Clifford street' on the previous Saturday, he would like 'Messrs Stulz to finish his frock coat, & to send it to 22 Tavistock Square, not to be forwarded.' The address was the home of Manning's brother-in-law John Lavicount Anderdon.

Four Typed Letters Signed and two Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Rex Newman') from the screenwriter and author Greatrex Newman to Eva Lawrence ('Lawrie').

Greatrex Newman (1892-1984), English author and screenwriter [The Fol-de-Rols; theatrical; the London stage]
Greatrex Newman (1892-1984), English author and screenwriter, TLSs and ALSs
Publication details: 
Two undated; the rest between 1951 and 1959. On various letterheads of 39 and 47 Whitehall Court, London.
Greatrex Newman (1892-1984), English author and screenwriter, TLSs and ALSs

Five of the items are 8vo, with the other on a 12mo slip. All texts clear and complete. Fair, on slightly-aged and worn paper. A total of five typed 8vo pages, and two autograph 8vo and two autograph 12mo pages. Four of the lettters have 'The Fol-de-Rols' printed on the letterhead. Dealing with practical everyday theatre matters, with Newman writing, for example, on 19 November 1955: 'I have bought a few costume from the Punch Revue which died an early death at the Duke of York's theatre last Saturday.

Patience and Confidence the Strength of the Church. A Sermon preached on the Fifth of November, before the University of Oxford, at S. Mary's, And now published at the wish of many of its Members. [inscribed to Jenkyns, 'Rev. The Master of Balliol']

Rev. E. B. Pusey [Edward Bouverie Pusey], Regius Professor Hebrew, Canon of Christ Church, and Late Fellow of Oriel College [Richard Jenkyns (1782-1854), Master of Balliol College, Oxford University]
Publication details: 
Oxford: J. H. Parker; J. G. and F. Rivington, London. 1837. [Baxter, Printer, Oxford.]

8vo, xvi + 57 pp. Final blank leaf. Stitched as issued. Text clear and complete. Aged and worn, with damp bloom to prelims and final leaves. INSCRIPTION, in Pusey's hand, at head of title, 'Rev. The Master of Balliol | with the author's respects'. Sermon on Exod. xiv. 13'. Preface begins 'Non-resistance or passive obedience, in the sense to which they are generally limited, are but two sides of the same doctrine, and, together, are only a particular application of a general principle.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('N Card. Wiseman'), in French, to 'Mons Castermann, Editeur, Tournai'.

Cardinal Wiseman [Nicholas Patrick Stephen Wiseman] (1802-1865)
Publication details: 
16 August 1856; Brussells.

12mo: 1 p. On the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium, with the address, with postmark, on the reverse of the second. On brittle, aged paper. The letter has been neatly folded three times, and there are a few closed tears along the crease lines, including one through the initial 'N' of the signature. Wiseman thanks Castermann for the copy he has sent of 'votre nouvelle édition en Français de "Fabiola". Not only is the 'execution typographique de l'ouvrage' deserving of his praise, but also the translation, which leaves nothing to be desired.

Signed publicity leaflet with photographic portrait.

Shula Doniach, pianist, author and composer
Shula Doniach
Publication details: 
Undated [1930s?]; 'All Communications to Harold Holt, 3 Clifford Street, London, W.1. Telephone: Regent 6845'.
Shula Doniach

Octavo bifolium on shiny art paper. A bit grubby, with two horizontal fold lines across photograph of Miss Doniach's head and shoulders in profile. Signed beneath photograph in blue ink. Central section contains twelve press opinions, ranging from Ernest Newman in the Sunday Times to the Amsterdam Handelsblatt.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed 'Friend'.

Publication details: 
5 September 1890; on letterhead 'BUCKFIELD, | LEOMINSTER.'

Newman established the Orphans' Printing Press in 1873 to enable orphans to earn money and learn a trade. One page, 8vo. Folded twice. Good only: paper slightly discoloured with some closed tears and creasing. 'Dear Friend/ | We should be much pleased if you will come & lodge with us at our approaching Quarterly M[eetin]g. on the 16th & 17th Instant | I suppose E. L. Squire is off to America & will be unable to come | Your sincere Friend | Henry Stanley Newman'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Rt Revd Edward Churton (1800-1874), Archdeacon of Cleveland [The Oxford Movement]
Publication details: 
1 May 1861; 'Crayke nr. Easingwold'.

One page, 12mo. Good, on grey paper and with the merest trace of cream mount adhering to blank reverse. The previous month he received 'an engraved Circular' from his correspondent, from which he now quotes a passage stating that his subscription of a guinea [to the Church Institution] is due. 'I have no recollection of having ever promised a subscription to the Institution referred to.

Certificate in favor of R. Battley | Elected a Fellow 9 Nov 1827', signed by Frost, Yarrell and William Newman

Richard Battley (1770-1856), English chemist; William Yarrell (1784-1856), English zoologist; John Frost (1803-40), founder of the Medico-Botanical Society.
Publication details: 
London; 12 October 1827.

One page, roughly eleven inches by eight. On aged paper, with fraying to extremites affecting one word of text. 'Richard Battley Esqre. of Fore Street Cripplegate a Gentleman very conversant in several branches of science particularly Vegetable Chemistry and Pharmacy being desirous of becoming a Fellow of the Medico Botanical Society of London | We whose names are hereunto subscribed do recommend him as highly deserving of that honor & likely to pr an useful and valuable member.' Signed 'J Frost', 'Wm. Yarrell' and 'Wm. Newman'.

A letter to the Rev. E. B. Pusey, D.D., regius Professor of Hebrew, and Canon of Christ Church, on the publication of No. 90. of the Tracts for the Times.

Publication details: 
Oxford: John Henry Parker; J. G. F. and J. Rivington, London. 1841. 'BAXTER, PRINTER, OXFORD.'

Octavo. 13 pages. Disbound pamphlet from the Churchill Babington collection. Good, but foxed and with title grubby and stained. Cutting [from the Guardian, September, 1890] of correspondence relating to Cardinal Newman and the authors of 'Tracts for the times' loosely inserted.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

John Morris
Publication details: 
St Beuno's College, S: Asaph. | October 27, 1875.'

English Jesuit (1826-93). Two pages, 12mo. Very good. He found what his correspondent had to say about Nicholas Roscarrock (an Elizabethan Roman Catholic versifier) very interesting, and is 'glad to hear that you have materials for a memoir of him.' He provides detailed answers to the two questions his correspondent has asked, but 'cannot add to the information you have so industriously collected'. Looks forward to his correspondent's memoir and thanks him for promising to send it.

The pillar of the cloud: "lead, kindly light": Cardinal Newman, 1833. A translation into Latin elegiacs.

Richard Horton Smith [Cardinal John Henry Newman]
Publication details: 
A reprint from 'Notes and Queries,' ninth series, vol. x. p. 425.; November 1902.

Horton Smith is described on the title as 'K.C., M.A., late Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge'. Attractively printed 12mo bifoliate on good quality paper, but with the blank verso of the second leaf still adhering to piece of the paper on which it was mounted. Newman's poem of 1833 and Smith's translation of 1902 facing.

Substantial Part of Autograph Letter Signed [to Charles Dolman], Catholic Bookseller/Publisher.

Nicholas Patrick Stephen Wiseman [Cardinal Wiseman]
Publication details: 
No date (but 1853); on letterhead '8 York Place | Portman Square | London W'.

Four pages. 16mo bifoliate. In poor condition: grubby, creased, stained and worn. Traces of previous mounting along top of two central pages, and of stub along one edge, removal of which has caused a small hole (not affecting text). A letter to the publisher of his 'Essays on various subjects' (3 vols, 1853): '<...> sermons, I have "50 Heaven" "Means of salvation" being "49." | Either therefore our lists do not agree, or one of us has made a mistake.

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