[St Theresa’s bones.] Roman Catholic Printed certificate, in Latin, completed to declare St Theresa’s bones authentic. Signed by ‘J. Patr. Constantinop. Vicesgs.’ (vicegerent to Latin Patriarch of Constantinople), with stamp of Cardinal Zurla.

[St Theresa’s bones] Latin Patriarch of Constantinople; Roman Catholic; Placido Zurla (1769-1834), Cardinal Vicar of Rome
St Theresa’s bones
Publication details: 
St Theresa’s bones

On one side of 31 x 21 cm. A frail survival, worn, aged and with closed tears, with the backing damaged and stained. Text clear and entire in Greek key border. Blind stamp of Cardinal Zurla at bottom left. Signed by 'J. Patr. Constantinop. Vicesgs.' and by the scribe who completed the printed document in manuscript. Somewhat crudely printed, with Zurla's arms at the head. Headed: 'D. PLACIDUS ORDINIS S. BENEDICTI / CONGREGATIONIS CAMALDULENSIS / TITULI S. CRUCIS IN JERUSALEM S. R. E.

[Saint Nihal Singh, trailblazing Indian journalist.] Typed Card Signed to W. Macqueen-Pope, querying their possible acquaintance during his years of ‘London journalism’, and the Indian reception of MP’s BBC radio broadcasts. With carbon reply by MP.

Saint Nihal Singh [St Nihal Singh] (1884-1949), trailblazing Indian journalist and author, for a time based in England [W. J. Macqueen-Pope [Walter James Macqueen-Pope] (1888-1960), theatre historian]
Publication details: 
3 November 1951; Suryasthanam, 16, Nemi Road, Dehra Dun, Uttar Pradesh, India.

From the papers of W. J. Macqueen-Pope (see his entry in the Oxford DNB). Addressed in autograph to MP care of the BBC, and then forwarded to his office, 359 Strand. Pencil annotation by MP. On one side of an unillustrated postmarked printed British ‘Indian Postage’ air mail card with Indian postage stamp. In good condition, aged and lightly-worn. Also in Singh’s autograph is the salutation to ‘Dear Pope’ and the valediction ‘Your sincere / St Nihal Singh ST NIHAL SINGH’.

[Philippe de Courcillon, Marquis de Dangeau.] Vellum Certificate, Signed as Grand Master, admitting Jacques Giraud de Moucy into the Ordre de Notre-Dame du Mont-Carmel et de St. Lazare de Jerusalem. With Signed Note by Louis-Marie Pidou de Saint-Olon

Philippe de Courcillon, Marquis de Dangeau (1638-1720) [Louis-Marie Pidou de Saint-Olon (1637-1717), Bishop of Baghdad; Jacques Giraud de Moucy; Ordre de Notre-Dame de Mont-Carmel; Louis XIV]
Publication details: 
[Ordre de Notre-Dame du Mont-Carmel et de Saint Lazare de Jérusalem.] Paris, 16 July 1700.

See A. de Marcy's 'Liste des Chevaliers' (1875), which reproduces from the registers the notice of the admission into the order on 16 July 1700 of 'Jacques Giraud de Moucy, cy-devant mousquetaire, commandant des gardes de S. A. R. Madame la duchesse d'Orléans'. On a 37 x 51 cm piece of vellum, folded three times into a 30 x 12.5 cm packet. In good condition, clean and crisp.

[Sybil Thorndike, celebrated actress for whom Bernard Shaw wrote 'Saint Joan'.] Autograph Letter Signed to Secretary, Royal Literary Fund, explaining that 'pressure of work' will prevent her from acting as steward at Guildhall anniversary banquet.

Sybil Thorndike [Dame Agnes Sybil Thorndike] (1882-1976), celebrated actress for whom Bernard Shaw wrote 'Saint Joan', noted for her Shakespearian roles
Publication details: 
23 June 1921. 'Little Theatre | Adelphi | W.C. [London]'

1p, 8vo. Fifteen lines of text, in green ink. In fair condition, lightly aged, folded twice, with short closed tear to edge of one crease. Signed 'Sybil Thorndike'. Although 'deeply gratified', her 'present duties' will detain her 'at the Theatre every evening until 11 o/c', so that she will not be able to 'act as a Steward at the Anniversary of the Royal Literary Fund at the Guildhall, next Wednesday'.

Printed pamphlet: 'The Priory of the Blessed Virgin and Saint James, Birkenhead. A Paper, read before the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 20th March, 1890.'

Charles Aldridge, F.R.I.B.A. [ The Priory of the Blessed Virgin and Saint James, Birkenhead ]
Publication details: 
Liverpool: Printed by Thomas Brakell Limited, 58, Dale Street, 1892.

20pp., 8vo. With eleven plates, one of them a double. Stitched and unbound. Grey paper front cover with title present, but lacking rear cover. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with stitching added to strengthen spine. Tastefully presented. Begins: 'As an architect resident in Birkenhead for nearly twenty years, I have naturally taken considerable interest in the one relic of antiquity in that most modern of English towns.

[ Thomas Arnold the Younger. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. Arnold') to Rev. R. Hutchinson, regarding the views of St Augustine on 'Perseverance and Predestination' and 'the good works of the heathen'.

Thomas Arnold the Younger [ Tom Arnold ] (1823-1900), Professor at University College, Dublin, son of the headmaster of Rugby School and brother of the poet Matthew Arnold, literary scholar (Wikipedia
Publication details: 
Laleham, The Parks. 22 December 1872. [ Laleham on Thames, Middlesex (now Surrey). ]

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Arnold, whose conversion to Roman Catholicism hindered his academic dvancement in England, was grandfather of the writer Aldous Huxley, and taught James Joyce at Dublin. At the time of writing he was running a private tutoring establishment at Oxford. He begins the letter by explaining that it has hardly been possible to reply to Hutchinson 'during term time [...] I had so much work on my hands'.

[ Sir John Jeremie, Governor of Sierra Leone. ] Autograph Note in the third person, inviting '- Payne Esqr.' to dinner.

Sir John Jeremie (1795-1841), British judge and diplomat, Chief Justice of Saint Lucia and Governor of Sierra Leone, whose writings contributed to the abolition of slavery.
Publication details: 
Government House, Freetown [ Sierra Leone ]. 10 January 1841.

1p., 12mo. On a bifolium, part of the second leaf of which has been torn away, but with address by Jeremie to 'Payne Esqr. | Commanding the G

'. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Reads: 'Sir John Jeremie presents his compliments to Mr. Payne & begs he will do him the favor of dining with him on Tuesday at half past six o'clock.'

[ George Sanders, English film actor. ] Typically-caddish Autograph Inscription to a six-year-old girl, given during shooting of 'The Saint in London'. With autographs of the brothers John Paddy Carstairs (director) and Tony Keys.

George Sanders (1906-1972), English film actor; John Paddy Carstairs [ born John Keys ] (1910-1970), film director, and his brother Tony Keys, film producer associated with Hammer Films
Publication details: 
No place [ Twickenham Film Studios]. April 1939.

The three inscriptions are all on one side of an 18 x 16 cm leaf taken from an album. In good condition, lightly-aged. Given during the shooting of the RKO film 'The Saint in London' (1939), which Sanders starred in and Carstairs directed. Sanders writes, at the head of the page, 'To Anne | I want to see you in about 8 years time! | George Sanders | April 1939.' Beneath this is: 'Anne - let's make it seven! | John Paddy Carstairs: | '39.' And beneath Carstairs' inscription: 'Six years. X. | Tony Keys'. The recipient was the daughter off a cameraman at Twickenham Film Studios.

[Printed booklet with introduction by Winston Churchill; a bookplate by Gooden loosely inserted.] The Trumpeter of Saint George. An Engraving by Stephen Gooden A.R.A. with verses by G. Rostrevor Hamilton.

Stephen Gooden; G. Rostrevor Hamilton [Winston Churchill]
Publication details: 
London: George G. Harrap & Company Limited in association with the Royal Society of Saint George. 1941. [Printed by Harrison & Sons, Ltd, Printers to His Majesty The King, 44-47 St. Martin's Lane, London, WC2.]

16pp., 8vo. Stapled, unpaginated pamphlet with five blank versos. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Typed label laid down at head of reverse of first leaf: 'Issued by the Royal Society of St. George in W.W.W. London had been severely burned by incendiaries, the Guildhall and eight Wren churches destroyed. | Original contribution by Winston Churchill.' Circular reproduction of black and white engraving, somewhat in the style of a seventeenth-century emblem book, showing the trumpeter riding a carved lion on a globe overlooking a landscape.

Unpublished manuscript poem, titled 'The lament of a gyp', humourously recounting the 'troubles of a Cambridge man, a careful hardworked gyp' on the disappearance of Bushell on a mountaineering trip.

[William Done Bushell (1838-1917) of St John's College, Cambridge University; later assistant master and honorary chaplain at Harrow School; Victorian mountaineering
Publication details: 
Undated (around 1861).

From Bushell's own collection, and possibly in his hand. On both sides of a piece of light-blue paper, 27 x 22 cm. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with four labels from previous mounting (one with small closed tear) on the reverse. A delightful item, casting light on the social history of Victorian Cambridge. Thirty-six lines in couplets. Written from the point of view of Bushell's 'gyp' (college servant). Begins 'Oh! listen to me now all ye who give anyone the slip.

Autograph Letter Signed ('G. F. Hamilton') to 'My dear Harmsworth' (Viscount Northcliffe?). With a copy of his booklet translation: 'In St. Patrick's Praise: The Hymn of St. Secundinus (Sechnall)'.

[G. F. Hamilton, Rector of Moylough, Co. Galway] [Alfred Harmsworth, 1st Viscount Northcliffe]
Publication details: 
Letter dated 13 March 1919; on letterhead of the Rectory, Moylough, Co. Galway. Booklet: Dublin: The Church of Ireland Printing and Publishing Co., Ltd., 61 Middle Abbey Street.

Letter: 12mo, 1 p. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Begins 'Your hands must be full just now, judging from the Daily Papers.' He presents the 'booklet' as 'a small memento of friendship for you', and describes as 'just published by me on a hymn considered (by Bernard, Bury etc.) to be a contemporary of St. Patrick. An 11th. cent MS. containing it is in T. C. D. Library. And it is also given in a 7th. cent. MS. at Milan.' Postscript referring to an article he has sent Harmsworth, 'for which I received thanks (quite unsolicited) of the Prof. of English Literature, T.C.D.!

No. 271. Essai sur le Plaisir, considéré relativement a la Médecine; Thèse présentée et soutenu a la Faculté de Médecine de Paris, le 28 novembre 1820, pour obtenir le grade de Docteur en medecine.

Augustin Haguette, de Saint-Denis, Départment de la Seine [Didot le jeune, Paris printer]
Publication details: 
A Paris, De l'Imprimerie de Didot le Jeune, Imprimeur de la Faculté de Médecine, rue des Maçons-Sorbonne, no. 13. 1820.

4to: viii + 47 pp. Disbound. On foxed paper with occasional light staining. On the title-page Haguette is described as 'Bachelier-ès-lettres; ex-Officier de santé des armées; ancien Elève de l'Ecole pratique et des hôpitaux civils de Paris.' 'No. 9.' in manuscript at head of the title-page. Dedicated, somewhat unusually for a thesis, 'Au meilleur des pères. A la mère la plus tendre. Leur fils reconnaissant. A Monsieur Fouquier, [...] Hommage de respect et de reconnaissance. Aug. Haguette, son élève.

Autograph Note Signed ('J. M. Weston') to James Rees, with the latter's docketing addressed to 'F Powell'.

J. M. Weston, 'comedian', playwright and stage manager of the Charles Street Theatre, Baltimore [James Rees; F. Powell]
Publication details: 
[6 April 1847]; place not stated.

One page. On piece of paper roughly seven inches by three and a half wide. Bottom part of letter cut away. Reads 'Dr Sir | In compiance with your wish | I subscribe myself | truly yours | [signed] J. M. Weston | To/ | Jas. Reese Esq'. Docketed by Rees 'The above autograph is that of my friend J M Weston, Stage Manager of the St Charles Theatre - he is the Author of Several popular pieces, among which is the beautiful drama of Lucretia Borgia'. Dated in another hand on reverse. Not much appears to be known about Weston, whose translation of Victor Hugo's play was first published in 1850.

The lawfulness and obligation of oaths. A dissertation which obtained the Hulsean Prize for the year 1844.

F. J. Gruggen, Scholar of Saint John's College, Cambridge
Publication details: 
Cambridge: printed at the University Press [...]. 1845.

Octavo. 84 pages. A disbound pamphlet from the Churchill Babington collection. Very good with light foxing to prelims. 'Amongst all the institutions which contribute to strengthen the bonds of society, by establishing and confirming that mutual trust and confidence among men which is necessary to its very existence, there is none which exercises a more considerable and beneficial influence than that of oaths, when applied to those purposes for which it was intended.' Scarce: only three copies on COPAC.

Typed Letter Signed to G. K. Menzies[, Secretary], Royal Society of Arts.

Robert Atkinson
Publication details: 
24 November 1932; on letterhead '126 WIGMORE STREET | W.I'.

British architect (1883-1952) who worked on 'the Bath Improvement Scheme, Saint Catherine's Church, Hammersmith, W., The Regent Theatre, Brighton, The Picture House, Edinburgh, Gresham Hotel, Dublin, and many private and other works' (Who's Who). One page, quarto. Very good. Docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. Headed 're Architectural Decoration Committee'. He assumes that 'the Agenda of a meeting of your Committee on the 30th November at 4 p.m.' has been sent to him in error, as he has written a letter declining the invitation to serve on it.

Printed document, filled in in manuscript, ordering the induction of Thomas Hutton into the 'Rectory and Parish Church of Beeston Saint Laurence'; together with printed and manuscript certification.

John Oldershaw, Archdeacon of Norfolk [Beeston Saint Laurence, Norfolk]
Publication details: 

Two pages, dimensions roughly thirteen inches by eight inches. Discoloured, creased and folded, with several closed tears. Papered seal of office of the Archdeacon of Norfolk. Signed by Henry Francis, deputy registrar. On reverse a printed form, filled in in manuscript, and signed and witnessed, by which John Gunn, vicar of the parish of Banton Turf with Instead, certifies Hulton's induction.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

John Morris
Publication details: 
St Beuno's College, S: Asaph. | October 27, 1875.'

English Jesuit (1826-93). Two pages, 12mo. Very good. He found what his correspondent had to say about Nicholas Roscarrock (an Elizabethan Roman Catholic versifier) very interesting, and is 'glad to hear that you have materials for a memoir of him.' He provides detailed answers to the two questions his correspondent has asked, but 'cannot add to the information you have so industriously collected'. Looks forward to his correspondent's memoir and thanks him for promising to send it.

Autograph Letter in the third person to E[dward]. F[rederick]. Lecks, Secretary[, the Royal Asylum of St Ann's Society].

Lieutenant General Sir George Cathcart
Publication details: 
Hulton Park Dec[embe]r 12. | <?>'.

British military officer (1794-1854). One page, 12mo. In good condition, but with traces of brown-paper mount adhering to the blank reverse. Formal letter in the third person. 'Lt Genl Lord Cathcart is continually receiving so many applications of a similar nature, that he is although with regret obliged to decline to comply with any of them.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent (Edward Frederick Lecks, Secretary, the Royal Asylum of St Ann's Society).

Sir Lancelot Shadwell
Publication details: 
27 March 1837; no place.

Last Vice-Chancellor of England (1779-1850). Two pages, 12mo. Good, but lightly spotted, and with the lower third ruckled by attachment of verso to piece of brown paper. He says he will have great pleasure in 'being a Steward at the Anniversary Festival of the Saint Ann's Society Schools'. He would have answered the note before, 'but it came at a time when I was much occupied & I put it by with the accompanying Papers till the Vacation arrived'. Signed 'Lancelot Shadwell'.

Autograph letter signed to 'Mr Thornton'.

William Charles Edmund Newbolt, Canon of St Paul's Cathedral
Publication details: 
On letterhead '3, Amen Court, | St. Paul's E.C.'; 4 August 1908.

Clergyman and theologian (1844-1930), Canon of St Paul's Cathedral, London. One page, 16mo, on grey paper. In good condition. Possibly referring to a volume in the 'Oxford library of practical theology' of which he was co-editor. 'I am sorry to hear that a proof is coming. It is worse than preaching the Sermon. I hope to be here all August - I hope you are havinng a holiday.' Signed 'W Newbolt'.

Approximately fifty Autograph and Typed Letters Signed to Laurence Rivers, Inc., along with cuttings, etc., concerning Segall's play 'Lost Horizons'.

Harry Segall on Broadway
Publication details: 
Most from New York on various dates in 1934.

Lost Horizons by Harry Segall (1897-1975) opened at the St James Theatre on Broadway on 15 October 1934. An impressive testament to the efficient marketing of mainstream entertainment in early-twentieth-century America. Laurence Rivers, Inc., of 19 West 44th Street, New York City, were clearly the play's publicists, and the majority of these letters are from the representatives of various religious organisations in New York, thanking William Fields of the company for the gift of free tickets.

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