Art and Architecture

[G.F. Watts, painter and sculptor; Rothschild] Autograph Note Signed G.F. Watts to Dear Baroness [Juliana, wife of Baron Mayer de Rothschild] co9ncerning his portrait of Miss [Hannah] de Rothschild later married to the Earl of Rosebery

G.F. Watts [George Frederic Watts (1817 – 1904) painter and sculptor associated with the Symbolist movement.]
Publication details: 
Little Holland House, 5 Feb. 1873.

One page, 12mo, fold marks, good condition. Dear Baroness | I will send the picture as you dsire & shall be ready to finish Miss de Rothschild when convenient to her to sit.Note: a. A particularly significant portrait was of the 23 year old Hannah de Rothschild painted in 1874, four years before her marriage to Lord Rosebery. The small portrait (it was only 10×12) gave Lord Rosebery such pleasure that, after Hannah’s early death in 1890, he told Watts that he carried it wherever he moved as he could not bear to be parted from it; b.

[Ralph Bernal, Whig politician, slave owner and art collector.] Autograph Signature to frank addressed to William Smith, with postmark.

Ralph Bernal (1783-1854), Whig politician of Sephardic Jewish extraction, archaeologist, slave owner and art collector
Publication details: 
‘London January twenty nine 1831’.

See his entries in the Oxford DNB and History of Parliament. Frank cover, laid out in the customary fashion, on 12.5 x 7 cm panel cut from front of envelope. In fair condition, on lightly aged paper. Usual red frank postmark: ‘FREE / 29JA29 / 1831’. Reads: ‘London January twenty nine 1831 / Willm. Smith Esqr. / at Smith Wright’s Esqr / Kempston / Loughboro Notts / per / R Bernal’. See Image. On reverse, in contemporary hand: ‘R. Bernal. MP for Rochester / Chairman of the Committee / of the House of Commons / on the Reform Bill.’

[Frank Greenwood, painter, etcher and illustrator.] Autograph Receipt for ‘Pen & Ink Sketch / Stokesay’, made out to J. D. Hughes of Sherratt & Hughes, with ink caricature self-portrait.

Frank Greenwood (1883-1954), painter, etcher and illustrator [Joseph David Hughes (d. 1951) of the Manchester booksellers Sherratt & Hughes]
Frank Greenwood
Publication details: 
No date. On letterhead of Sherratt & Hughes, Booksellers and Publishers, 34 Cross Street, Manchester.
Frank Greenwood

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, on discoloured and lightly-creased paper. Beneath letterhead: ‘to J D Hughes Esq’. Around middle of page: ‘Pen & Ink Sketch / Stokesay 15/-’. On lower part of page: ‘Recd with thanks / Frank Greenwood’. Beneath the signature is a simple stylized cartoon depicting the head and shoulders of a smiling walrus-faced figure (Greenwood?) in a trilby, with stiff-colour shirt and black bow tie.

[Sophie-Ernestine de Tott, French émigrée artist.] Signed Autograph order for David Morier to pay Gregorio Francisco de Queiroz for Francisco Bartolozzi’s engraving of her painting of the Prince de Condé. With de Queiroz’s signed receipt.

Sophie-Ernestine de Tott (1758-1848), French émigrée artist; Gregorio Francisco de Queiroz (1768-1845), Portuguese engraver, pupil to Francesco Bartolozzi (1727-1815) [David Morier, banker]
Gregorio Francisco de Queiroz
Publication details: 
Signed order by de Tott: ‘No. 13. Princes Street hanover Square / a Londres - ce 16. Juin 1802 -’. Receipt signed by de Queiroz: 16 June 1802; no place.
Gregorio Francisco de Queiroz

A nice set of documents relating to the London émigré art scene. A copy of the engraved portrait to which these two items refer, titled ‘Louis Joseph de Bourbon, prince de Condé, prince du sang’, is BM P&D 1850,0211.17, and carries the information de Tott pinx., F. Bartolozzi RA sculp., and her details, as publisher: London Publish'd by de Tott Octo. 1 1802. De Tott’s original painting is in the Musée Condé in Paris. See Bartolozzi’s entry in the Oxford DNB and the second (1885) edition of Tuer’s monograph on him. The two items are attached with a wafer at top inner corner.

[F. W. Fairholt [Frederick William Fairholt], artist and wood-engraver.] Autograph Receipt Signed for payment from 'Mr Clements' for 'a drawing in wood of a Candelabra'. With IOU to Fairfholt signed by 'C. Rimbault'.

F. W. Fairholt [Frederick William Fairholt] (c.1813-1866), artist, wood-engraver and antiquary
Publication details: 
Fairholt's receipt with neither date nor place. Rimbault's IOU dated 20 October 1883.

See Fairholt’s entry in the Oxford DNB. ONE: Receipt by Fairholt. 1p, landscape 12mo. In good condition, in windowpane mount. Good firm signature. Reads: 'Received of Mr Clements the sum of fifteen shillings for a drawing in wood of a Candelabra. / F. W. Fairholt / £- 15s . 0d'. TWO: IOU by Rimbault. 1p, 16mo. In good condition, in windowpane mount. Reads: 'I. O. U. / Thirty pounds / Oct 20 . 1883 / C. Rimbault / to F. W. Fairholt'. Rimbault's identity (a relation of the musicologist Edward Francis Rimbault?) has not been established. See Image.

[Sir Francis Chantrey, sculptor, and his secretary Allan Cunningham, poet.] Manuscript Letter, written and signed by Cunningham on behalf of Chantrey, to William Tindal, regarding a monument to Colonel Page, with letter from Tindal to Mrs Page.

Sir Francis Leggatt Chantrey (1781-1841), sculptor; his secretary Allan Cunningham (1784-1842), Scottish poet and author; William Tindal [Colonel Frederick Page (1769-1834), Royal Berkshire Militia]
Publication details: 
Cunningham (signing as Chantrey) to Tindal: 'Belgrave Place [London] 7 January 1836'. Tindal to Mrs Page, 'Temple 7 Jany 1835'.

An excellent document, providing an invaluable view of the practicalities of commissioning and executing public monuments in the Georgian period. See Chantrey's entry in the Oxford DNB, and Cunningham's, which states: 'In 1814 he was engaged by Chantrey as superintendent of his establishment, and gave up writing for newspapers. He lived afterwards at 27 Lower Belgrave Place, Pimlico. He acted as Chantrey's secretary, conducted his correspondence, represented him during his absence, and occasionally offered artistic assistance. He became a favourite of Chantrey's sitters and visitors.

[Frederick Spencer Gore] Anonymous pencil drawing of him painting at an easel.

Frederick Spencer Gore [(26 May 1878 – 27 March 1914) was a British painter of landscapes, music-hall scenes and interiors, usually with single figures.]
Frederick Spencer Gore
Publication details: 
Without date or place.
Frederick Spencer Gore

English Camden Town Group Painter (1878-1914). Dimensions seven inches by ten inches. Grubby, but in good condition. From the Mark Bonham Carter collection. Captioned 'Spencer Gore | Freddy', with an arrow pointing to impressionistic representation of figure, nine inches high, of the artist in a suit, with high-collared shirt, holding a palette in his left hand and with his right hand outstretched and painting onto a canvas. Around the figure dabs of watercolour and a representation of a foot. Crude drawing of seascape on reverse. Together with scrap of paper reading 'MR.

[Sir John Gilbert, RA, painter and illustrator.] Autograph Letter Signed to the composer and antiquary Doyne Courtenay Bell, providing information regarding a painting of 'the Queen holding a drawing Room at St James's Palace'.

Sir John Gilbert (1817-1897), RA, painter and illustrator [Doyne Courtenay Bell (c.1830-1888), court official, omposer and antiquary]
Sir John Gilbert
Publication details: 
'Blackheath 4th April' [no year].
Sir John Gilbert

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. A protege of Prince Albert, Bell worked for the Privy Purse from the time of the Great Exhibition, and served as Permanent Secretary to the Keeper of the Privy Purse from 1876 to his death. Signed ‘John Gilbert’ and addressed to ‘Doyne C. Bell Esquire / &c &c.’ 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Reads: ‘Dear Sir, / I remember the small picture painted in 1851. H M The Queen holding a drawing Room at St James’s Palace. / I did not intend to paint a larger picture and never did’. See Image.

[W. L. Wyllie [William Lionel Wyllie], distinguished English maritime painter.] Autograph Card Signed to 'Miss Swan' (daughter of artist John Macallan Swan) regarding 'the copy of Cape St Vincent' and a roll that is unsuitable for a panorama.

W. L. Wyllie [William Lionel Wyllie] (1851-1931), distinguished English maritime painter [John Macallan Swan (1847-1910), RA, painter and sculptor]
Publication details: 
24 March 1931. Letterhead: 'From / W. L. Wyllie, / Tower House, Portsmouth / Tel. 2598.'

See his entry, and that of Swan, in the Oxford DNB. From the Swan papers. On both sides of an 11.5 x 9 cm card. In good condition, lightly aged, and with faint ink line at foot. Signed 'W L Wyllie'. Begins: 'Dear Miss Swan / Very many thanks for sending me the copy of Cape St Vincent. It is quite fine I will try if I cannot steal a bit for my big picture.' He turns to a 'roll' which is 'not long enough to make a panorama', but which he hopes to be able to 'drive round and look at' when the weather is warmer.

[W. L. Wyllie [William Lionel Wyllie], distinguished English maritime painter.] Autograph Note Signed to Douglas A. Wenslow, supplying an autograph.

W. L. Wyllie [William Lionel Wyllie] (1851-1931), distinguished English maritime painter
Publication details: 
26 July 1899. On letterhead of Hoo Lodge, Hoo Saint Werburgh, Nr. Rochester.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 16mo, on the first leaf of a bifolium. In good condition. Folded once for postage. Addressed to 'Douglas A. Wenslow Esq'. Reads: 'Dear Sir / Many thanks for your kind letter. / Here is the Autograph / yours truly / W L Wyllie'.

[Frank Spenlove-Spenlove [John Francis Spenlove-Spenlove], Scottish landscape and figure painter.] Autograph Letter Signed, as principal of ‘ “The Yellow Door” school of modern art’, to ‘Miss Lalonde’, regarding a post card of one of his paintings.

Frank Spenlove-Spenlove [John Francis Spenlove-Spenlove] (1864-1933), Scottish landscape and figure painter, founder and principal of ‘The Yellow Door’ school of art in Beckenham, Kent
Frank Spenlove-Spenlove
Publication details: 
‘The Corner House / 69. Addison Rd. W. / 14.12.10’ [14 December 1910], on his letterhead as principal of ‘ “The Yellow Door” School of Modern Art, Beckenham.
Frank Spenlove-Spenlove

He styles himslef on the letterhead as ‘Principal - Mr. Frank Spenlove-Spenlove / R.I. R.O.I. R.B.A. R.C.A. R.B.C. F.R.C.S. M.J.S. F.R.S.A.’ Large bold stylized signature. 1p, 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Reads: ‘Dear Miss Lalonde / It gives me pleasure to know you appreciate the picture, & I have put my name to your post card as you desire. I only wish the reproduction was more satisfactory! / Yours Sincerely. / Frank . Spenlove . Spenlove’. See Image.

[Sir E. A. Waterlow [Sir Ernest Albert Waterlow], RA, English artist.] Autograph Letter Signed, responding to congratulations on his election to the Royal Academy from ‘Mr. Haynes King’, with two signed reproductions of his paintings.

Sir E. A. Waterlow [Sir Ernest Albert Waterlow] (1850-1919), English artist [The Royal Academy of Arts, London]
Sir E. A. Waterlow
Publication details: 
Letter of 22 January 1903; on letterhead of 1 Maresfield Gardens, Fitzjohns Avenue, N.W. [London].
Sir E. A. Waterlow

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The letter is 1p, 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with slight discoloration to margin at head and light rust spot. Reads: ‘Dear Mr. Haynes King, / It was extremely kind of you to write & congratulate me on my election as R.A. & I appreciate the attention very much.

[Birket Foster, artist, and Edmund Evans, engraver.] Proofs of three engravings by Evans from drawings by Birket Foster, which appeared in Maria Webb, ‘The Fells of Swarthmoor Hall’.

Birket Foster [Myles Birket Foster] (1825-1899), Northumberland painter and illustrator; Edmund Evans (1826-1905), engraver
Birket Foster
Publication details: 
From book published in 1865 in London by Alfred W. Bennet, 5 Bishopsgate Without.
Birket Foster

See the two men's entries in the Oxford DNB. Webb’s book contained four engravings from drawings by Birket Foster, the last (‘The Tomb of Thomas Lawson’) of which is absent. The first has ‘E. EVANS Sc.’ engraved into the plate; the other two, evidently the work of the same hand, are unattributed. Three proof engravings, on wove paper roughly 20.5 x 13.5. All in good condition, very lightly spotted and worn, and certainly suitable for display. ONE (the frontispiece): Captioned, ‘SWARTHMOOR HALL.

[Alfred Parsons, landscape painter and garden designer.] Original pen and ink drawing of a clump of daffodils growing in front of mass of other foliage. Monogram signature on the drawing ‘AP.’, and with second full signature and date on mount.

Alfred Parsons [Alfred William Parsons] (1847-1920), landscape painter, illustrator, and garden designer
Alfred Parsons
Publication details: 
‘Alfred Parsons. / Loseley Park. May 26th. 1893.’
Alfred Parsons

An attractive and highly-finished production, in black ink, on 17.5 x 20.5 cm piece of wove paper, glued on the reverse at the four corners to a leaf extracted from the autograph album of the novelist George Meredith and his daughter Marie Eveleen (Mariette; 1871-1933), wife of Henry Parkman Sturgis (1847-1929), American-born banker and Liberal politician. Parsons' monogram signature 'AP. in its two-bordered square is at the bottom left of the drawing, and there is an additional autograph signature with date to the right of the drawing on the leaf of the Meredith album: 'Alfred Parsons.

[Hamo Thornycroft [Sir William Hamo Thornycroft, RA.], sculptor of the statue of Oliver Cromwell outside Parliament.] Autograph Letter Signed to ?Mrs Allingham? [Helen Allingham, watercolourist and illustrator], regarding ?cards for RA?.

Sir Hamo Thornycroft [Sir William Hamo Thornycroft, RA] (1850-1925), sculptor of statue of Oliver Cromwell outside Parliament [Helen Allingham (n?e Paterson; 1848-1926); Arthur Heygate Mackmurdo]
Hamo Thornycroft
Publication details: 
?22 Ja? [no year]. On letterhead of ?One-Oak, / 10, Redington Road, / Hampstead. N.W.? [London]
Hamo Thornycroft

See the entries on Thornycroft and Allingham in the Oxford DNB. The letterhead is also of interest: 'One-Oak' is a notable example of the work of the Arts and Crafts architect A. H. Mackmurdo. 1p, 12mo. On grey paper. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with traces of mount adhering to blank reverse. Folded twice. Initial ?H? of signature slightly smidged. Reads: ?Dear Mrs Allingham / I have only [?] got your note. / I enclose two cards for RA. Hoping to see you there / Yours very sincerely / Hamo Thornycroft?. See Image.

[John Nash, prominent English painter.] Autograph Signature.

John Nash [John Northcote Nash, RA] (1893-1977), prominent English painter
John Nash
Publication details: 
No place or date.
John Nash

A good example of Nash’s attractive and distinctive signature ‘John Nash’ on a very light dotted line, a piece of paper cut into an oval roughly 5 cm wide and 2.5 cm high. In good condition, lightly aged, laid down on an irregularly-shaped piece of card. See Image

[‘it rejoices our Household’: Linley Sambourne, ‘First Cartoonist’ with Punch magazine.] Autograph Letter Signed, congratulating George Meredith on receiving the Order of Merit.

Linley Sambourne [Edward Linley Sambourne (1844-1910)], ‘First Cartoonist’ with Punch magazine, artist and illustrator [George Meredith, Victorian novelist and poet.]
Publication details: 
1 July 1905; on embossed letterhead of 18 Stafford Terrace, Kensington N.W. [London]

See the entries on Sambourne and Meredith in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and folded twice for postage. Addressed ‘To George Meredith Esquire / O.M.’ and signed ‘Linley Sambourne’ with the usual five underlinings. Begins: ‘Dear Mr Meredith, / I venture to write & let you know how very much it rejoices our Household that his majesty has confered [sic] on you the Order of Merit. I, amongst countless others have always felt the incompleteness of that most distinguished body with your name absent.

[Solomon J. Solomon, RA, English artist.] Signed Autograph Inscription for an autograph hunter.

Solomon J. Solomon [Solomon Joseph Solomon] (1860-1927), English painter of Jewish extraction, Fellow of the Royal Society, President of the Royal Society of British Artists
Publication details: 
14 October 1894; on letterhead of 60 Finchley Road, N.W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On 9.5 x 10 cm piece of paper, laid down on 11 cm square piece of card. In good condition, lightly browned and aged. The letterhead is printed in red. The inscription reads ?Faithfully yours / Solomon J Solomon?.

[Henry Jutsum, landscape painter.] Autograph Note Signed, directing ?Mr. Vaughan? [Thomas Vaughan, Clerk of the Royal Academy] to ?deliver to Mr Green? his ?picture not received for the Exhibition?.

Henry Jutsum (1816-1869), landscape painter [Thomas Vaughan, Clerk of the Royal Academy, London]
Publication details: 
?174 Edgware Road / Maida Hill / 27 April 1832?. [London]

An uncommon signature. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On one side of 18 x 10 cm piece of paper. Discoloured and worn, with spike hole. Good firm signature, full of character. Reads: ?174 Edgware Road / Maida Hill / 27 April 1832 / Please deliver to Mr Green or [aide? drdee?order?] my picture not received for the Exhibition / Henry Jutsum / To / Mr. Vaughan / Royal Academy?. See Image.

[Alfred Edward Chalon, Portrait Painter in Water Colour to Queen Victoria, and John James Chalon, Swiss-born British artists, both Royal Academicians.] Autograph Signatures to part of an application for assistance from the daughter of Henry Bone, RA.

Alfred Edward Chalon (1780-1860), Portrait Painter in Water Colour to Queen Victoria, and John James Chalon (1778-1854), Swiss-born British artists, both Royal Academicians [Henry Bone (1755-1834)]
Publication details: 
8 November 1849.

See their separate entries in the Oxford DNB. On 12.5 x 9.5 cm piece of light-grey paper, cut from. The large signatures are written one on top of the other on one side of the paper, with the only other writing the date at the head: ‘Alfd. Edwd. Chalon / Jno. Jas Chalon’. On the reverse is the beginning of an application to the Artists’ General Benevolent Institution: ‘Gentlemen, Your Petitioner Elizth. Debh. Bone, only Daughter of the late Mr Bone R.A.

[Arts and Crafts architecture in the Potteries, 1908.] Blueprint of plans and elevations by the architect William Ford Slater for ‘3 HOUSES HIGH LANE BURSLEM / FOR MR: HARRY H. ROSE / 1/8th Scale’, for construction by John Henry Broadhurst and Son.

[Arts and Crafts achitecture in the Potteries.] William Ford Slater (1866-1951), architect and surveyor; J. H. Broadhurst and Son [John Henry Broadhurst], builder of Burslem, Staffordshire.
Publication details: 
J. H. Broadhurst & Son, Burlem, Staffordshire. 27 [June?] 1908. ‘John Henry Broadhurst / [June?] 27/08 / p pro J H Broadhurst & Son’.

In 1907 the ‘Builder’ describes ‘Mr. W. F. Slater, Overhouse-chambers, Burslem’ as a ‘Surveyor’, and in 1909 the ‘Electrical Review’ refers to him as an ‘architect’ at the same address. Five years later ‘Building News’ reports that Slater is ‘architect to the education committee’. In 1921 (‘The Surveyor’) he is the ‘surveyor, Urban Council Offices, Wolstanton, Staffs’, and in 1926 (‘Public Works Weekly Surveyor’) he is ‘architect to the corporation’.

[Kathleen Epstein and Jacob Epstein, sculptor] Autograph Letter Signed Kathleen & Epstein, To 'Sheridan', text in Kathleen's hand, signed by both. See image.

Kathleen Epstein and Jacob Epstein, sculptor.
Publication details: 
[Address embossed in red] 18 Hyde Park Gate, Kensington, SW7. Knightsbridge 7968. 7 May 1957.

Two pages, 8vo, good condition. Text: Thank you for your kind thought in reserving seats for us at your wedding. I shall certainly be there & and there is a chance (but I'm afraid a very slight one) that Epstein will down tools just for that one morning but the compulsion to work every [underlined] morning is very strong. Perhaps I can persuade him to declare a one day strike on June 1st. | It sounds such an auspicious date. I do hope it will prove a very happy one. | With best wishes from us both | Kathleen & Epstein.

[John Ruskin, prominent art critic, etc.] Autograph Note Signed J Ruskin to My dear Con (presumably one of his circle called Constance) wishing her (conversationally) a happy Christmas and anicipoating a visit.

John Ruskin (1819-1900), prominent Victorian art critic, author, artist and thinker
Publication details: 
Xmas day 63

One page, 12mo, good condition, laid down on part of an album page (see note below). Text: My dear Con, | Many and many a Happy Christmas to you- & to all who love you - that's a wide wish I know. | Now - when & how do you & mama want me to come to yoy. I will be at your [underlined] orders, (provided they are peremptory-) any day after New Years day. | Thank mama for her kind note. | Ever affectionately Your | J Ruskin. Note: Item detached from Meredith family album containing letters from distinguished contemporaries such as Henry James, Thomas Hardy, Clemenceau, etc etc.

[John Singer Sargent, American expatriate artist] Autograph Note Signed John S Sargent to a Mrs Sturgis, declining an invitation

John Singer Sargent, (1856 – 1925), American expatriate artist.
Publication details: 
[Printed address] 33 Tite Street, Chelsea, S.W., No Date.

One page, 12mo, bifolium, second leaf laid down on part of an Album page, good condition. A scrawl. See Image. Text: I regret [so much?] not being able to accept your invitation - I have already booked myself elsewhere for that Sunday. | With best regards | Yoiurs sincerely | John S. Sargent. Note: Sargent's letter to a Mrs Sturgis has been extracted from an Album which mainly contains letters from distinguished writers (Hardy, George Eliot, Henry James, etc) to fellow author, George Meredith, or his daughter.

[Kate Greenaway, artist] Substantial Autograph Letter Signed Katie to My dearest Joanie [Joan Ponsonby?] . She is writing as if to a child.

Kate Greenaway [Catherine Greenaway (1846 – 1901), Victorian artist and writer.]
Publication details: 
[Embossed address] 39, Frognal, Hampstead, N.W., 5 June 1897. Note above address from Kate Greenaway.

Three pages, 12mo, bifolium, good condition. Second leaf laid down on part of a album page. See Image of pp.2 & 3. Text: You write to me and I dont [sic] answer. but I know you hear of me From [sic] his letters - which I just manage to send though I fear . [sic] they most often be very dull. | Are you coming up For the Jubilee - its all Jubilee - I hope it is going to be Fine [sic] it would bve such a great disappointment if it was not. | I have been awayFor [sic] the last three Sundays but it seems to take a lot of time somehow . We are of course a long way off the station here.

[James Abbott McNeill Whistler, painter] Autograph Card Signed J McN.Whistler to Monsieur Francis Howard, mainly asking for a reply to his enquiry referring to a distinguished sculptor

James Abbott McNeill Whistler (1834 – 1903), American painter in oils and watercolor, and printmaker.
Publication details: 
110 Rue du Bac, Paris, postmark undeciphered [1899?].

Postcard (Carte Postale), 14 x 9cm, shade of green, somewhat grubby and crumpled, smudged. See Images. Text: I sent you a letter some weeks ago - making a proposal with reference to a distinguished Sculptor here [Auguste Rodin perhaps]. Did my letter reach you? !! I regret that I shall not be able to be present at the meeting of 7th - I also wrote as you requested to Gilbert, R.A. | Very faitfully yours | J McN. Whistler. The card is addressed to Monsieur Francis Howard, The Exhibition of International Art, Prince's Skating [Club?] Knitsbridge [sic] S.W. London || Angleterre. See Images.

[John Ruskin.] Carte de visite by Elliott & Fry, London, with facsimile signature.

John Ruskin, pre-eminent Victorian art critic; Elliott & Fry, nineteenth-century London photographers noted for their cartes de visite
Publication details: 
1867 or 1869. Elliott & Fry, 55, Baker Street, Portman Square, London, W.

Rather long for a carte de visite: 6 x 9 cm albumen print laid down on 6.5 x 10.5 cm card. In fair condition, lightly discoloured and worn. On the card beneath the photograph is a facsimile of Ruskin’s signature (‘John Ruskin’) and ‘ELLIOTT & FRY Copyright. 55. BAKER ST.’ Printed on the reverse is the royal crest and the firm’s address. A copy of the present item was offered by Sotheby’s in 2021, dated to 1867, with the claim that it was ‘signed on the mount’. That claim is erroneous: the signature to that copy is identical with the present lithographed one.

[David Low, English cartoonist, born in New Zealand.] Printed christmas card ‘from Mr. and Mrs. David Low’, illustrated with a cartoon by him of a dog caught ripping up a christmas card.

David Low [Sir David Alexander Cecil Low] (1891-1963), English political cartoonist, born in New Zealand
Publication details: 
No date. ‘25, Helenslea Avenue, / N. W. 11. [London]’

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The present item is a nice piece of printed ephemera relating to the man described in his Guardian obituary as ‘the dominant cartoonist of the western world’. In 1937 Goebbels had told Lord Halifax that Low’s cartoons were harming Anglo-German relations, and after the war it was revealed that his name was in the ‘black book’ of individuals to be ‘liquidated’ on German conquest of Britain. In good condition, lightly aged.Small 4to bifolium printed in brown ink on thick wove paper.

[Donald Maxwell; Inscribed to the Dean of Rochester; drawing added by Maxwell] A Painter in Palestine : Being an Impromptu Pilgrimage through the Holy Land with Bible and Sketch-Book / by Donald Maxwell ; with a Foreword by the Dean of Rochester

Donald Maxwell
Publication details: 
London; John Lane: The Bodley Head, 1921.

[xxii.164.[4 list of other works by author]. With illustrations, 10 plates and 36 Line Sketches, Maps and Plans. Condition mainly good but ink stain and some light rucking on cover. WITH (on a front free ep); original drawing by Maxwell of The Streets of Askelon with inscription to the Dean Of Rochester, To the Dean of Rochester | A little memento of Palestine with all good wishes from the painter, | Rochester May 1921. SEE IMAGE.

[Rudolf Bosselt, German Art Nouveau sculptor.] Two Autograph Letters Signed, in German, one with envelope, all three with device of the Darmstädter Künstler-Kolonie, one addressed to ‘Banquier Ludwig Schweizer’ of Stuttgart.

Rudolf Bosselt (1871-1938), German Art Nouveau sculptor who taught at the Dusseldorf art school from 1904, a founder of the Darmstadt artists' colony (Darmstädter Künstler-Kolonie) [Ludwig Schweizer]
Bosselt 2
Publication details: 
7 May and 21 October 1901; both from Darmstadt (the first from 'Herrengarten') and each on the letterhead of the Darmstädter Künstler-Kolonie. The second letter with envelope addressed to Schweizer. All three items with the stylized device of the DKK
Bosselt 2

Bosselt was a student of Joseph Kowarzik at the Städel Institute in Frankfurt. He studied at the Académie Julian in Paris, then assisted in founding the Darmstadt artists’ colony. From 1904 he taught at the art school at Dusseldorf. He received an honourable mention at the 1898 Salon des Artistes Français in Paris, and his work was part of the sculpture event in the art competition at the 1932 Summer Olympics. These two letters are neatly and closely written, and both signed ‘Rudolf Bosselt’. Each letter is 1p, 4to. The first letter is 18 lines long, the second 15 lines long.

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