[Frederick Spencer Gore] Anonymous pencil drawing of him painting at an easel.

Frederick Spencer Gore [(26 May 1878 – 27 March 1914) was a British painter of landscapes, music-hall scenes and interiors, usually with single figures.]
Frederick Spencer Gore
Publication details: 
Without date or place.
Frederick Spencer Gore

English Camden Town Group Painter (1878-1914). Dimensions seven inches by ten inches. Grubby, but in good condition. From the Mark Bonham Carter collection. Captioned 'Spencer Gore | Freddy', with an arrow pointing to impressionistic representation of figure, nine inches high, of the artist in a suit, with high-collared shirt, holding a palette in his left hand and with his right hand outstretched and painting onto a canvas. Around the figure dabs of watercolour and a representation of a foot. Crude drawing of seascape on reverse. Together with scrap of paper reading 'MR.

[Three Tory Statesmen, 1793.] Autograph Signatures of ‘Mornington’ [Marquis Wellesley, Wellington’s brother], ‘Bayham’ [Marquis Camden, Ireland connection] and ‘J. Th. Townshend’ [Viscount Sydney of St Leonards], on part of parliamentary document.

Richard Colley Wellesley, 1st Marquess Wellesley [as Earl of Mornington]; John Jeffreys Pratt, 1st Marquess Camden [as Viscount Bayham]; John Thomas Townshend, 2nd Viscount Sydney of St Leonards
Three Tory Statesmen, 1793.
Publication details: 
Dated at foot 'July 1793'.
Three Tory Statesmen, 1793.

Richard Colley Wellesley (1760-1842), 1st Marquess Wellesley [as Earl of Mornington]; John Jeffreys Pratt (1759-1840), 1st Marquess Camden [as Viscount Bayham]; John Thomas Townshend (1764-1831), 2nd Viscount Sydney of St Leonards. See their entries in the Oxford DNB. On 5.5 x 15.5 cm strip extracted from a document, and laid down on 8 x 21.5 cm part of gilt-edged leaf from an album. In good condition, lightly aged on aged and creased mount. The signatures are written above one another: 'Mornington / Bayham / J. Th. Townshend'.

[Lord Braybrooke, the first editor of the diary of Samuel Pepys.] Autograph Letter Signed regarding the ‘Memoir of Ambrose Barnes’, and Audley End.

Lord Braybrooke [Richard Griffin, 3rd Baron Braybrooke (1783-1858), born Richard Neville] of Audley End, Whig politician and first editor of the diary of Samuel Pepys, President of the Camden Society
Publication details: 
‘Audley End [Essex] / Novr 9. 1828’.

See his entries in the Oxford DNB (where his edition of Pepys is described as ‘an amateurish travesty’ of the transcript) and the History of Parliament. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged and folded twice. Good neat signature: ‘Braybrooke’. The recipient is not named, but the name of the editor of the work mentioned by Braybrooke is given as 'C.

[Marquess Camden [John Jeffreys Pratt, 1st Marquis Camden], Tory politician.] Autograph Letter Signed reminding the recipient of his offer to send him a sketch of Holwood House.

John Jeffreys Pratt, 1st Marquis Camden [Marquess Camden; formerly Viscount Bayham and 2nd Earl Camden] (1759-1840), Tory politician
Publication details: 
25 July 1824. Holderness House [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The present item is not in the best of condition: it is aged and creased (including dog-eared corner on which the signature ‘Camden’ is written), with contemporary repair to two long tears by the laying down on the blank reverse of strips from a contemporary manuscript. Docketed on the otherwise blank second leaf: ‘25th July 1824 / Marquis Camden’.

[William John Thoms, author and antiquary.] Autograph Letter Signed ('William J. Thoms') to H. A. Bright of Cambridge, regarding problems of the Camden Society.

William J. Thoms [William John Thoms] (1803-1885), author and antiquary who coined the term 'folklore'
Publication details: 
'No 25 Holy-well St Millbank' [London]. 25 March 1851.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. With the cover of the letter's envelope, addressed to H. A. Bright at Trinity Collrge, Cambridge. Both letter and cover in fair condition, lightly aged and worn.

[ John Camden Hotten, London bookseller. ] Signed Autograph inscription ('Jno Camden Hotten') to Charles Welford., on hf title of his 'Literary Copyright'.

John Camden Hotten (1832-1873), London bookseller [ Charles Welford ]
Publication details: 
No place. 24 October 1871.

On the half-title of his self-published anonymous 'Literary copyright: seven Letters addressed by Permission to the Right Hon. the Earl Stanhope' (1871), now a loose leaf in 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Printed in the centre of the page are the words 'Literary Copyright.' Above this Hotten has written, in his stylised hand: 'To Charles Welford | with the respects of | Jno Camden Hotten | 24 Oct. 1871.'

[ Printed Victorian children's book with hand-coloured plates and two stories named on title-page. ] Prince Arthur; or, The Four Trials | A Fairy Tale. By Catherine Mary Stirling. Tales by the Flowers. By Caroline B. Templer.

Catherine Mary Stirling; Caroline B. Templer [ James Hogg & Sons, London publisher; Camden Press, London printers ]
Publication details: 
London: James Hogg & Sons. [ Camden Press, London ] [ 1861. ]

124 + [4] pp., 12mo. Four hand-coloured plates including frontispiece. A four-page publisher's advertisement at rear, for 'A New and Attractive Series of Juvenile Books'. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. In worn brown-cloth binding with decorative design featuring titles in gilt on cover; split hinge at rear. Stirling's story continues to p.50, and is followed by Templer's collection of 27 'improving' poems, from 'The Invitation' and 'The Holly Tree's Tale - Christmas' to 'Heartsease - Thoughts of Peace' and 'The Misseltoe - A Missionary Tale'.

[ The Camden Town Murder, 1907. ] Printed Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey) press card, signed by sheriff Charles Cheers Wakefield, and annotated by representative of the Pall Mall Gazette.

Charles Cheers Wakefield (1859-1941), 1st Viscount [ The Camden Town Murder, 1907; Emily Dimmock; Robert Wood; the Central Criminal Court [ Old Bailey ]; Edward Marshall Hall; Walter Sicket ]
Publication details: 
The Central Criminal Court (Old Bailey), London. Stamped first day of trial, 12 December 1907.

On one side of a 10 x 12.5 cm piece of card. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Signed 'C C Wakefield' and granting admission to 'the representative of the [ Pall Mall ]', the trial beginning on 12 December 1907. Annotated around Wakefield's signature: 'For the trial of Robert Wood for the murder of Emily Dimmock, of St Paul's Road, Camden Town | Judge - W Justice Grantham | Leading Conuncil - Sir Charles Mathews for the prosecution; Mr Marshall Halll for the defence. | Verdict - Not guilty.'

[Charles Edward Fewster of Hull.] Scrapbook containing chromolithograph leaves from the Sermon on the Mount, 'Illuminated by Owen Jones', and other material including a long manuscript letter on 'Japanesque stationery' by Charles Goodall & Son.

Charles Edward Fewster (1847-1896), Hull paint maker; Owen Jones; Henry Warren; Chas. Goodall & Son [Charles Goodall & Son] of Camden, printers; Marcus Ward & Co., of Belfast; Albrecht Dürer [Durer]
Publication details: 
In album by Marcus Ward & Co. of London and the Royal Ulster Works, Belfast. Owen Jones item: London: Longman & Co., 1844. Charles Goodall & Son letter: London: 1 February 1877.

A cultured man (an authority on numismatics), Fewster worked for the family firm of Thomas Fewster of Hull, paint, colour and varnish manufacturers. The present item is an attractive example of his professional interest in the developments in late nineteenth-century design (another is his collection of the designs of Christopher Dresser, in two albums, is now in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London). It is a small 4to (21 x 17 cm) album of green cloth, with embossed design of birds and foliage around the words 'Scrap Album' on front cover, and printed illustrated title by Marcus Ward & Co.

[Charles Lever, London solicitor.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Chas: Lever.') [to Thomas Wright?], subscribing to the newly-formed Camden Society, and making suggestions regarding 'the proposed undertaking'.

Charles Lever, London solicitor [Thomas Wright (1810-1877), antiquary, Secretary of the Camden Society]
Publication details: 
10 King's Road, Bedford Row [London]. 2 April 1838.

1p., 4to. 22 lines of text. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with traces of mount on reverse.

[Henry Lamb, artist] Three Christmas Cards to Robert Lynd, essayist, and Sylvia Lynd, poet

Henry, Lamb, English artist of the Camden Town Group
Publication details: 
One dated 1948, another1950, one undated.

Three cards (bifoliums), 15 x 12.5cm, 11.5 x 18cm, 10 x 12.5, inscribed by Lamb either below image on front or on inside blanks. Images, two b & w, one faintly purple background, presumably by him, are: Madonna and child (inscribed page[3] "With love from | Henry Lamb"); Carol Singers (inside "Best wishes from | Henry Lamb") ; children and teenagers playing cards (under image on front "With love to you both | from | Henry Lam.| Xmas/48"). Image available on my website.

Autograph Letter Signed, in the third person, from 'Mrs Harford', guest of Mrs Martin of Camden, Chiselhurst, asking 'Mr Wilson' to procure her a ticket 'to see the preparations in the Abbey' [for the coronation of Queen Victoria?].

Mrs Harford (possibly Louisa Harford, née Louisa Hart Davis, wife of John Scandrett Harford) [Mrs Frances Martin (d.1863) of Camden, Chislehurst, wife of John Martin (d.1832), MP for Tewkesbury]
Publication details: 
'Chislehurst [Kent]. | June 22 [1838?].'

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Considering the fact that Mrs Harford states that she is staying at the home of Mrs Martin, and that Mr Martin died in 1832, it seems probable that the letter refers to the preparations for the coronation of Queen Victoria, which occurred on 28 June 1838. The letter reads: 'Mrs Harford understanding that people are admitted to see the Preparations in the Abbey & thinking it probable that Mr Gillen may have been employed in the decoration, will be very much obliged to Mr Wilson if he could procure her a Ticket to see them.

Autograph Letter Signed from English painter Henry Lamb, R.A., to fellow-artist Jean Inglis.

Henry Lamb (1883-1960), R.A. English artist of the Camden Town Group [Jean Inglis]
Autograph Letter Signed from English painter Henry Lamb
Publication details: 
4 July 1944; St John's Cottage, Cambridge.
Autograph Letter Signed from English painter Henry Lamb

Landscape 12mo. 12 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper, in envelope addressed by Lamb to Inglis. On 'seeing the picture after that long interval' he was 'not ashamed of it', but 'when it was new my friends used to rag me about my "Morgue" pictures', there being 'a few others of similar gruesome import'. Now that he is 'far past youth' he is 'painting mostly scenes of sweetness & serenity'. He is sorry that she is 'denied the priviledge [sic] I have enjoyed all these sinister times', that of being able to paint.

The History of Playing Cards and Card-Conjuring. Les Cartes a Jouer et la Cartomancie par P. Boiteau D'Ambly. (Illustrated with forty curious woodcuts.)

P. Boiteau D'Ambly [John Camden Hotten]
Publication details: 
London: John Camden Hotten, Antiquarian Bookseller, Piccadilly. 1859.

12mo: [ii] + ii + 390 pp. In contemporary quarter-binding with burgundy leather spine ('CARTES A JOUER' in gilt) and red paper boards. Top edge gilt. Binder's ticket of Bone & Son, Fleet Street. Tight copy, on aged and spotted paper, in worn binding with damage and loss to spine. In French, with Boiteau's preface dated 'Juin 1854'. Evidently the sheets of the French edition, with Hotten's new title-leaf. An interesting and informative work, with attractive engravings in text by Coppin. Scarce: the only copies on COPAC at the British Library and the National Library of Wales.

Victorian type-facsimile [by John Camden Hotten or H. J. Bellars?] of 'Joe Miller's Jests Or, The Wits Vade-Mecum. [...] now set forth and published by his lamentable Friend and former Companion, Elijah Jenkins, Esq. [i.e. John Mottley]

Joe Miller's Jests; 'Elijah Jenkins' [John Mottley] [H. J. Bellars; John Camden Hotten]
Publication details: 
Title-page reads 'London: Printed and Sold by T. READ, in Dogwell-Court, White-Fryars, Fleet-Street, MDCCXXXIX. [1739]', but in fact a type facsimile [by John Camden Hotten or H. J. Bellars?], circa 1861].

8vo: [ii] + 70 pp. Internally sound and tight, on lightly-aged paper. In worn contemporary burgundy quarter-binding with heavily-worn spine, recased with repair to rear endpapers. COPAC lists an entry for a copy in Cambridge University Library described as 'Probably the Lithographic facsimile by H.J. Bellars. London, reprinted 1861'.

Autograph Letter Signed to De V. Payen-Payne.

Georges Lafourcade.
Publication details: 
a Negrepelisse, Tarn-et-Garonne, 22 June 1933.

Poet and biographer (La Jeunesse de Swinburne, 1837-1867. [With a bibliography.]) Four pages, 8vo, good condition. A very detailed defence of his work on Swinburne. For example, "[I] want first to assure you that there is here some misunderstanding: in my opinion, you have no real justification for speaking of" the unfair treatment I have meted out to your Father". If I have had to quote contemporary documents in which unfavourable comments are made, it's always clear that I do not profess to share those views". He has in fact suppressed material in Swinburne's correspondence with W.M.

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