[Frederick Sandys [Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys], English painter, associated with the Pre-Raphaelites and the Norwich School.] Autograph Signature to printed voucher for Old Welcome Club, Earl’s Court.

Frederick Sandys [Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys] (1829-1904), English painter, associated with the Pre-Raphaelites and the Norwich School [Old Welcome Club, Earl’s Court; Imre Kiralfy]
Publication details: 
Voucher with printed date 27 August 1897. Old Welcome Club, Earl's Court [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The ‘Old Empire Club’, presided over by Field-Marshal Lord Roberts of Kandahar, was part of Imre Kiralfy’s ‘Empire of India’ exhibition. The voucher, printed in red, is an attractive item, 13 x 7.5 cm, with perforated edge. In good condition, laid down on leaf carrying typed biographical details. Signed ‘Fredk. Sandys.’ with stamped number 732. Reads: ‘Name and Address of the Holder must be filled in / OLD WELCOME CLUB, / EARL’S COURT. / FRIDAY, 27th AUGUST, 1897. / Gentlemen’s Voucher, No. [732] / Admit ... / of ... / Signed [Fredk.

[Sharon Turner, historian and Anglo-Saxon scholar.] Autograph Letter Signed

Sharon Turner (1768-1847), historian, author of an influential four-volume ‘History of the Anglo-Saxons’
Publication details: 
'32 Red Lion Sq. / 18 [Fy.?]' [No year; London.]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged; laid down on part of a leaf removed from an album. The male recipient is unnamed, and he signs 'Sho. Turner'. Begins: 'Dear Sir / I shall have great pleasure in accompanying you to Mrs [?]. But I would much rather go with you than meet you - and will therefore call upon you to morrow at No 24 Chapel Street Grosvenor Square at 1/2 past 5 precisely - unless you wish me to make it any other hour'. He thanks him for apologising for the short notice, 'But it happens to be a day on which I have no opposing engagement'.

[Joseph Bosworth, Old English scholar; Anglo-Saxon] Autograph Letter Signed to the antiquary T. J. Pettigrew, discussing Pettigrew's autobiography and the reception of his own ?Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language'.

Joseph Bosworth (1788-1876), Old English scholar, author of ?Dictionary of the Anglo-Saxon Language [Thomas Joseph Pettigrew (1791-1865), surgeon and antiquary, Librarian to the Duke of Sussex]
Publication details: 
?Rotterdam March 23d. 1840?.

See the two men?s entries in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper with slight discolouration to top corners of second leaf, with a panel along the bottom of the second leaf cut away. Folded for postage. Addressed in the customary manner on reverse of second leaf, to ?T. J. Pettigrew Esqr. Dr. Phil. F.R.S. &c / Saville [sic] Row / London?, and signed ?Josh Bosworth.? With two postmarks (one of ?Dockhead / 1D. PAID?), and seal with small impression in red wax. He is happy to have received Pettigrew?s ?interesting Autobiography?: ?I sat down & cd.

[Bruce Bairnsfather [Captain Charles Bruce Bairnsfather], cartoonist who created the First World War Fragments from France characters Old Bill, Bert and Alf.] Autograph Signature, with that of the baritone Kennerley Rumford (Clara Butt's husband).

Bruce Bairnsfather [Captain Charles Bruce Bairnsfather] (1887-1959), cartoonist who created the First World War Fragments from France characters Old Bill, Bert and Alf, published in 'The Bystander'
Bruce Bairnsfather
Publication details: 
Without date or place [circa 1920].
Bruce Bairnsfather

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. A bold, untidy and yet stylish signature, in exactly the state one would hope to find Bairnfather moniker. It gives the impression of having been sent post-haste from the trenches, scrawled in pencil on a piece of vertically-ruled paper torn out of a notebook, ruckled and grubby, and laid down on an unruckled and clean 15.5 x 9.5 cm leaf with rounded edges, torn from an autograph album. The signature ‘Bruce / Bairnsfather’ is across the head of the landscape page, with a jagged line (intended for the flourish?) by Bairnsfather across the foot.

[Lilian Baylis, manager of the Old Vic and Sadler’s Wells theatres in London.] Three Typed Letters Signed, to different recipients, on a topics including her health and need to ‘appear ruthless’. With Autograph Signature to publicity portrait (Photo)

Lilian Baylis [Lilian Mary Baylis] (1874-1937), lessee and manager of the Old Vic and Sadler’s Wells theatres in London
Publication details: 
TLsS from 1921, 1932 and 1936; the first on letterhead of ‘Royal Victoria Hall (“The Old Vic.”)’, the other two on letterhead of The Old Vic (‘The People’s Theatre’ and ‘The Home of Shakespeare and Opera’), London. Post Card dated 14 March 1934.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. The three TLsS (Items One to Three), each signed ‘Lilian Baylis’, are all 1p, 4to. They are in fair condition, creased and lightly aged, with Item Three having two punch holes for a binder. The portrait postcard is in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: TLS, 15 November 1921. Addressed to ‘Miss Ingham’. ‘I do hope you will have a big success with the enclosed card.

[Samantha Eggar, Hollywood actress.] Autograph Letter Signed to Kenneth Sephton, arranging a meeting to discuss ‘Whos Who of Hollywood Britons’.

Samantha Eggar [Victoria Louise Samantha Marie Elizabeth Therese Eggar] (b. 1939), British stage and screen actress, active in Hollywood
Publication details: 
22 February [1985]. On letterhead of the Old Vic, London.

Written during the 1984-5 Old Vic production of Arthur Schnitzler’s ‘The Lonely Road’, in which Eggar starred opposite Anthony Hopkin, with a young Colin Firth. 2pp, 12mo. Good bold signature: ‘Sincerely / Samantha Eggar’. Addressed to 'Mr Sephton'. In good condition, lightly aged, folded for postage. She thanks him for his ‘inquiry as to whether I would be able to talk to you about “Whos Who of Hollywood Britons’, and gives the only date that is convenient. ‘The show comes down at 5.15 approx, maybe a call to the theatre to check would be wise’. From the papers of Kenneth Sephton.

[Old South Sea House and the Harvey family of Chigwell.] 113 manuscript items from the papers of William Peacock, John Read and James Swaine, attorneys tto William and Mary Harvey family, landlords, including 100 receipts, some itemized.

Old South Sea House (Company of Merchants Trading to the South Seas), Threadneedle Street, London; Sir Eliab Harvey; William Harvey of Chigwell, Essex [The South Sea Bubble, 1720; Charles Lamb]
Publication details: 
Three receipts from 1735 and ninety-six from between 1742 and 1757. The Old South Sea House, Threadneedle Street and Bishopsgate Street, London. [Chigwell, Essex.]

This collection of 113 items, dating from the middle of the eighteenth century, relates to a notable London landmark. Until the end of the nineteenth century the Old South Sea House, headquarters of the South Sea Company (Company of Merchants Trading to the South Seas and other Parts of America), stood on the corner of Threadneedle Street and Bishopsgate Street. A young Charles Lamb worked here for nearly six months in 1792, and wrote the first of the ‘Essays of Elia’ about the place.

[John Randolph of Roanoke (1773-1833), Virginia congressman, Thomas Jefferson's spokesman, Andrew Jackson’s Minister to Russia, leader of the ‘Old Republicans’ or ‘Tertium Quids’.] Signed Autograph cheque to Jacqueline P. Taylor of Richmond City.

John Randolph of Roanoke (1773-1833), Virginia congressman, Thomas Jefferson's spokesman, Andrew Jackson’s Minister to Russia, leader of the ‘Old Republicans’ or ‘Tertium Quids’ [Jacqueline P. Taylor]
Publication details: 
22 February 1829. [Roanoke.] Drawn on the Bank of Virginia.

1p, landscape 12mo. Aged, worn and lightly discoloured. Laid down on larger leaf removed from an album. The text, all in Randolph’s hand, reads: ‘Pay to Jaqueline [sic] P. Taylor or bearer Fifty four Dollars 84 Cents / John Randolph of Roanoke / Decr. 22d. 1829. / To the Cashier of the Bank of Virginia’. Despite the name Jacqueline P. Taylor of Richmond City, Virginia, was male. See image.

[G.W. Thornbury, author; Dickens as Editor] Autograph Letter Signed [G.W.?] Thornbury to unnamed recipient (an editor) about his current publishing activities (inc. for Charles Dickens).

G.W. Thornbury [George Walter Thornbury (1828 – 1876), author, first biographer of J. M. W. Turner]
Publication details: 
Fonthill, Wilts, 26 Nov. 1860

Two pages, bifolium, good condition despite some dustiong, text clear. I am down here for a short time with my father. Directly I return to town I shall be only too happy to call & see you. I have some fresh adventure 'Rides round Parnassus' which I think would suit your paper.- I should makeeach stand on his own legs yet in your volume [they might?] seem serial. | At all events I trust I might do something for you about art or travelling. | Dickens haas, since Iwrote, accepted X [ten?] of my American Sketches [...undeciphered].


[Society for the Reform of Colonial Government, London.] First edition: 'Charters of the Old English Colonies in America. With an Introduction and Notes, by Samuel Lucas, Esq., M.A. Late of Queen’s College, Oxford; Barrister at Law.'

Samuel Lucas, Esq., M.A. Late of Queen’s College, Oxford; Barrister at Law [The Society for the Reform of Colonial Government, London]
Publication details: 
Published for the Society for the Reform of Colonial Government. London: John W. Parker, West Strand. 1850.

Scarce. xx + 123pp, 8vo. With erratum slip following prelims. Internally good and tight, on slightly-discoloured brittle paper, with one leaf among the prelims with small grease stain in margin; in heavily worn half-calf binding, with loosening boards. The introduction begins, p.ix: ‘The present volume comprises ten of the Charters which were granted to our early American Colonies.

[William Ewart Gladstone, Liberal Prime Minister and the ‘Grand Old Man’ of Victorian politics.] Autograph Signature franking front panel of envelope.

William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), Liberal Prime Minister under Queen Victoria and the ‘Grand Old Man’ of Victorian politics
Publication details: 
Basingstoke postmark, 20 October 1864.

Information regarding this major figure in British history is not far to seek. On 11.5 x 5.5 cm panel cut from front of envelope. In fair condition, with a few traces of glue at centre and short closed tear to right-hand edge; none of this anywhere near the signature. The letter is addressed in another hand: ‘The Solicitor General / Hackwood Park / Basingstoke’, with last word deleted. Signed in the customary manner at bottom left: ‘W E Gladstone’. Basingstoke postmark in blue, and cropped frank in red. See image.

[Oxford Etonian Club] Broadsheet headed 'RULES OF THE OXFORD ETONIAN CLUB.'

The Oxford Etonian Club [Eton College; Old Etonians]
Publication details: 
Oxford. 1872. ['Revised October, 1857; November, 1858; February, 1863; May, 1864; and May, 1872.']

Printed in two columns in black and red on one side of a piece of paper seventeen and a half inches by eleven and a quarter wide. Foxed and with a few very small closed tears at points along crease lines. Thirty-six rules, listed under sections headed 'THE EXECUTIVE', 'GENERAL MEETINGS', 'MOTIONS', 'ELECTION OF MEMBERS', 'PAYMENT OF SUBSCRIPTIONS, &C.', 'HONORARY MEMBERS', 'ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE', 'DUTIES OF THE PRESIDENT', 'DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY', 'DUTIES OF THE AUDITOR', 'BOOKS, NEWSPAPERS, &C.', 'MISCELLANEOUS' and 'CLUB DINNER'.

[William Ewart Gladstone ['The Grand Old Man'] (1809-1898), Liberal Prime Minister.] Autograph Signature ('W E Gladstone') on part of Autograph Letter Signed (to Mr Robson?).

William Ewart Gladstone ['The Grand Old Man'] (1809-1898), Liberal Prime Minister under Queen Victoria
Publication details: 
No date or place.

Fragment of letter in Gladstone’s autograph, with his signature, on both sides of 10 x 6 cm rectangle. In good condition, with one vertical fold. Five lines on recto read: ‘<...> It was most kind of you to send me the delightful pearl studs - & to write so friendly a letter. Lady Paget gave me a set’. Recto reads: ‘<...> & preserve your kind thought | With many thanks to you & Mrs Robson | Always | W E Gladstone’. See image.

[Anna Gurney, philologist and philanthropist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('A Gurney') to Lady Cullum of Hardwick House, discussing the Cullums' European tour, and giving news of their friends.

Anna Gurney (1795-1857), philologist and philanthropist, member of the Gurney Quaker banking family [Lady Ann Cullum (1807-1875), wife of Sir Thomas Gery Cullum (1777-1855) of Hardwick House]
Publication details: 
23 October [circa 1842]. 'N Repps [i.e. Northrepps] Cottage [near Cromer, Norfolk]'.

See Anna Gurney's entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient and her husband had spent some time in Rome in 1842, and in 1838 had befriended the Alpinist Henriette d'Angeville at Geneva. 4pp, 4to. Bifolium with mourning border and watermark year 1840. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of glue from label on outsides of gutter. The letter begins: 'My dear Lady Cullum | I think You & Sir Thomas may be home by this time & I must wish to enquire how you both are after your long wanderings.

[Old Hamptonians Amateur Dramatic Society, Hampton, Middlesex.] Manuscript minute book of committee meetings, each entry signed.

Old Hamptonians Amateur Dramatic Society [OHADS], Hampton, Middlesex; Bernard Wigginton (1945-2018), Secretary; Richmond; Teddington; theatre
Publication details: 
[Old Hamptonians Amateur Dramatic Society, Hampton, Middlesex.] Between 7 June 1973 and 19 June 1975.

196pp, 4to. In ruled notebook. Internally in fair condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper, with covers detached and worn. Providing an interesting view of the day to day challenges of amateur dramatic production in the 1970s. Each set of minutes is signed by one member of the committee. The first set, 7 June 1973, list Philip Rayner as chairman, Bernard Wigginton as secretary, Philip Hickson as Treasurer, with other committee members Gill Ager, Derek Barrett, Peter Orton and Sue Rowlands.

[Sibyl Colefax [Lady Colefax], interior decorator and socialite.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Sibyl Colefax') to 'Mrs. Fox Pitt', offering to do the interior design for the Old Mill Hotel, Harnham, Salisbury.

Sibyl Colefax [Sibyl, Lady Colefax, née Halsey] (1874-1950), interior decorator and socialite [Mary Fox-Pitt, proprietor, the Old Mill Hotel, Harnham, Salisbury]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Argyll House, 211 King's Road, Chelsea, SW [London]. No date.

2pp, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded once. The letter concerns Colefax's offer to do the interior design of the Old Mill Hotel, Harnham, Salisbury, whose proprietor was Mary Fox-Pitt, daughter-in-law of Augustus Pitt Rivers. Begins: 'Dear Mrs. Fox Pitt | Lady [?] told me to write to you, & she has also told me of your exceedingly interesting plan of making an ideal Hotel near Salisbury.' Colefax boasts that she knows 'all that neighbourhood so well'. She feels the hotel 'would be a wonderful boon to everyone who lives there'. She now comes to the point.

[Henry Fauntleroy, banker and forger.] Autograph Letter Signed ('H Fauntleroy') to Sir Cuthbert Sharp, written from Cold Bath Fields Prison a few weeks before his hanging at Newgate in front of a crowd of 100,000.

Henry Fauntleroy (1784-1824), banker and forger, hanged before Newgate after a trial at the Old Bailey [Sir Cuthbert Sharp (1781-1849), soldier and antiquary]
Publication details: 
'C. B. Fields [i.e. Cold Bath Fields Prison, London] October 14th 1824'.

See Fauntleroy's entry in the Oxford DNB. Although accounts of his depravity are exaggerated, Fauntleroy led a dissolute life, and appropriated securities worth around £360,000. During his trial at the Old Bailey he called seventeen merchants and bankers to testify to his integrity, but his defence was unsuccessful, and he was hanged outside Newgate, before a crowd of 100,000. The present item is 1p, 4to. Bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Sir Cuthbert Sharp | &c &c', with endorsement.

[Monk Gibbon, 'The Grand Old Man of Irish Letters'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Monk Gibbon'), to 'Prof Brunbaugh', regarding 'a copy of a short poem' he has made for her, and the reason for his 'rudeness' in replying to his letter late.

Monk Gibbon [William Monk Gibbon] (1896-1987), Irish poet and prolific author, dubbed 'The Grand Old Man of Irish Letters', second-cousin of William Butler Yeats
Publication details: 
24 Sandycove Road, Sandycove, Co. Dublin. 10 November 1970.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-creased grey paper. Addressed to 'Dear Prof Brunbaugh'. He explains that Brunbaugh's letter of 19 September 'went into a large collective envelope marked “For attention”', adding 'You can guess what that means. It is lucky ever to have come out.' He has 'made a copy of a short poem' for Brunbaugh, and hopes that he will go and see him when he next comes to Ireland.

[L'Abbé Michaud, Roman Catholic theologian.] Autograph Letter Signed ('E. Michaud') [to Hunt?], in French, regarding the recipient's articles in the 'Day of Rest' and 'Contemporary Review', and Michaud's dealings with Alexander Strahan.

L'Abbé Michaud [Eugène Michaud] (1839-1917), Roman Catholic theologian, after the Vatican Council a member of the breakaway Old Catholic movement [Alexander Strahan, publisher, Contemporary Review]
Publication details: 
Paris-Auteuil, Villa Montmorency. 4 November 1873.

p, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. The recipient is not named. Addressed to 'Révérend et cher Monsieur'. Sixteen neatly-written lines of text. He thanks him 'mille fois' for the number of the 'Day of Rest'. He has read the recipient's article, as well as that of 'Madame Hunt', but he is sorry 'de n'être pas assez versé dans la connaissance de la langue anglaise, pour pouvoir apprécier vos écrits comme ils le méritent'. He hopes to make progress, and is at present reading the recipient's piece in the Contemporary Review, 'qui m'intéresse beaucoup'.

[The Old Poor Law in the late Nineteenth Century.] Anonymous Manuscript Document, calling in forthright terms for the amending of 'The Plan of the Poor Laws of England', to weed out 'the loose Profligate and those who do not like work'.

[The Old Poor Law; English Poor Laws; eighteenth-century poor relief]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [English, late eighteenth century.]

2pp, foolscap 8vo. On the rectos of the leaves of a bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. On laid paper with indistinct watermark. The context of the document, with the capitalisation and spelling ('mechanick', 'shou'd', 'Publick', 'tyed down', 'lookt', 'Profitt'), points to a late eighteenth-century origin (certainly before the Speenhamland System and Michael Nolan's 1805 'Treatise of the Laws for the Relief and Settlement of the Poor'). No title or heading. A forthright document, whose rhetorical tone suggests that it was intended for public delivery.

[Sir James Alan Park, Georgian judge.] Two notebooks filled with modern manuscript transcriptions of 'Extracts from his Diary 1805-38'. With typescript of some of the transcriptions.

Sir James Alan Park (1763-1838), Scottish judge in the English courts
Publication details: 
The entries from Park's diary dating from between 1805 and 1838. The transcriptions apparently made in the 1970s [in Kent?].

Vol.1: [1] + 78pp. Vol.2: 8 [+ 8]pp. A total of 86pp of extracts from Park's twelve volumes of diaries. Unpublished. In two uniform stapled notebooks, small 4to, in orange card covers, with the following printed on the reverse of each: 'Manufactured by Supplies Department, Kent County Council'. Accompanied by eleven pages of typed transcriptions from the notebooks. Altogether in good condition, lightly aged and worn. Each volume titled in manuscript on the front cover, with the following shelfmark or entry number: '(M265)'.

[William Moy Thomas, theatre critic, and associate of Charles Dickens.] Autograph Draft, signed with initials ('W M T'), of long 'Letter to Hare [i.e. actor-manager John Hare] about Grundy's Comedy An Old Jew produced at the Garrick Janry 6 1894'.

William Moy Thomas (1828–1910), journalist, theatre critic, novelist and associate of Charles Dickens [Sir John Hare (1844-1921), actor-manager; Sydney Grundy (1848-1914)]
Publication details: 
At head of first page: 'Copy | January 16, 1894'.

A highly interesting letter from a leading Victorian dramatic critic (Thomas describes himself in the letter as 'For five & twenty years [...] theatrical critic of the Daily news & the Graphic', who has 'served under at least thirteen editors') to a leading actor-manager (Hare was knighted in 1907), on the subject of alleged editorial pressure on Fleet Street's theatre critics. 4pp, 8vo. On four leaves. Aged and worn, but with text complete and clear.

[Horace Sequeira, actor, portrait painter and make-up artist.] Four items: Autograph Duologue titled 'Seeing the Coronation'; duplicated duologue titled 'A Quiet Day's Sketching in Sussex'; and two price lists.

Horace Sequeira (1887-1973), actor, make-up artist, portrait painter [Old Vic and Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London]
Publication details: 
All four undated (one circa 1953 and the others earlier). One item from 5 Belsize Crescent, Hampstead, NW3 [London], and two others from 17 Welbeck Mansions, Inglewood Rd, NW6.

Sequeira was born in Aldgate. In the years following his service in the London Regiment during the First World War, he acted in Shakespeare at the Old Vic, and he would continue as an actor into the age of film and television. In addition to acting Sequeira taught (including a youthful Peter Cushing) at Guildhall School of Music and Drama, painted, and in 1953 published a book on stage make-up. The present four items, all undated, are in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: Autograph duologue titled 'Seeing the Coronation'. 5pp., foolscap 8vo. With revised conclusion, 1p., 12mo.

[Rosa Hollay, Helena Rubinstein's London manager, successor of Suzanne Verdi, 'Beauty Specialist', Old Bond Street, London.] Typed Letter Signed ('Rosa Hollay | Suzanne Verdi') to journaist 'Miss Coury', with Autograph Postscript,

Rosa Hollay [née Bird] (c.1886-1979), London manager of Helena Rubinstein from 1914 [ Suzanne Verdi, 'Beauty Specialist', Old Bond Street, London]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 44 Old Bond Street, W.1. [London] 30 September 1931.

The Sunday Times, 20 March 2002, carries an article by Ann Treneman, 'The real face of Rubinstein', discussing the discovery among Hollay's papers of her correspondence with Helena Rubinstein. The correspondence was made use of by Lindy Woodhead in her 2017 book 'War Paint: Elizabeth Arden and Helena Rubinstein: Their Lives, their Times, Their Rivalry'. Hollay was Rubinstein's London manager from 1914.

[ Samuel Brandram, Victorian reciter from Shakespeare. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Saml Brandram') to Luther Munday, Secretary of the Old Lyric Club, describing his poor health and recent operation.

Samuel Brandram (1824-1892), barrister noted for his public recitations from Shakespeare, co-foumder of the Oxford Dramatic Society [ Luther Munday (1857-1922), Secretary of the Old Lyric Club ]
Publication details: 
Richmond. 5 August 1888.

According to his entry in the Oxford DNB, Brandram - founder with Frank Talfourd of the Oxford Dramatic Society - 'was remembered as the most distinguished Shakespearian reciter of the period, influencing the productions of William Poel, and through his popular recitations familiarized middle-class families with Shakespeare'. 2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, with unobtrusive repair of closed tear with archival tape.

[ Printed illustrated newsletter. ] Old Girls' Association. Albemarle House, Wimbledon Common. [ With 'List of Members, 1931' and '1931 Chronicle'. ]

Albemarle House Girls School, Wimbledon Common [ Miss Parratt; Mrs. Hugh Wallace, II (Gertrude Watts); Miss M. Notley; Mrs. Tom Mott (Helga Baumann); Miss Irene Fenwick ]
Publication details: 
Albemarle House, Wimbledon Common. Undated [ with 'List of Members, 1931.' ]

Scarce: no other copy traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC. 16pp., 12mo. With an additional two central pages of illustrations on shiny art paper. Stapled and unbound. In fair condition, aged and worn, with light pen mark at foot of cover. A final page headed 'A Sunset Abroad. | (From a Tourist's Diary)' is preceded by eight numbered sections: 'List of Members, 1931' (pp.3-5); '1931 Chronicle' (pp.6-9); 'Other News', 'Obituary', 'The Old Albemarlian Association', 'The Year at Albemarle' (pp.11-14), 'Games Notice' and 'Editor's Notes'. On the final page is an appeal for 'St.

[ Poor Law Amendment Act, 1834. ] 30 documents (20 printed and 10 in manuscript) relating to the Old or Wold Parish, Brixworth Union, Northants, including forms, notrices, returns, correspondence.

Brixworth Union, Northamptonshire, Old or Wold Parish; Rev. Richard Harington; Poor Law Amendment Act, 1834; J. G. S. Lefevre, T. F. Lewis and G. Nicholls; Richard Earle ]
Publication details: 
The Poor Law Commission for England and Wales, London. Old or Wold Parish, Brixworth Union, Northamptonshire. Dating from between 1835 and 1840.

30 documents, 20 printed and 10 in manuscript. In good overall condition, on aged paper, with slight wear to some items. A significant and interesting collection, from the papers of Rev. Richard Harington (1800-1853, later Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford), Guardian of the Poor in the Parish of Old or Wold, Brixworth Union, Northamptonshire.

Mimeographed typescript history of a club for New York antiquarian booksellers, titled 'The Old Book Table | A Social Organisation | An Informal Record 1931-1970 | Lists of Officers & Members and of Guests of The Old Book Table | &c., &c.'

The Old Book Table, club for New York antiquarian booksellers, founded 1931 [Ernest R. Gee; E. Byrne Hackett, Brick Row Bookshop; Frank R. Thoms (Thoms and Eron); Edgar H. Wells; Geoffrey J. L. Gomme]
Publication details: 
Undated [1971]. New York: The OBT [i.e. The Old Book Table].

[iv] + 39 + 7 pp, with a further 17 pp loosely inserted at back (making a total of 67 pp), 4to. Good, in maroon plastic folder. Preface followed by list of 'Past Officers, Roster of Members, etc.', 'Chronology of The Old Book Table [1931-1970]' and 'Alphabetical List of Guests 1933-1970'. The loose leaves mainly consist of 'Extracts from the Minutes: 1931-1954'. The preface begins: 'Five members of the antiquarian booktrade in New York City met for a friendly dinner on the night of 9 January 1931. They were: Ernest R. Gee, a leading specialist in sporting and color plate books; E.

[ Royal Air Force School of Army Co-operation, Old Sarum (No. 2 Combined Ops. Bombardment Unit).] Bound collection of thirty-five Second World War duplicated lecture notes, with annotations by 2nd Lieut. J. S. Eason, and an autograph report by him.

Royal Air Force School of Army Co-operation, Old Sarum [ No. 2 Combined Ops. Bombardment Unit ] [ Second World War lecture notes; 2nd Lieut. J. S. Eason, Royal Marines ]
Publication details: 
School of Army Co-operation [ No. 2 Combined Ops. Bombardment Unit ]. Most from Old Sarum. Dating from between September 1943 and December 1944.

None of the items in the following collection has been traced elsewhere, either at the Imperial War Museum, or on WorldCat or COPAC. The background to the collection is explained by one authority as follows : 'The School of Army Co-operation was originally established at Old Sarum in 1920, to provide training for air officers supporting troops on the ground. It became the School of Air Support in 1945 when its remit was broadened to cover assistance by air in amphibious operations. It was reformed again in May 1947, within No. 11 Group, as the School of Land/Air Warfare.

[ Frederick William Pomeroy, sculptor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('F. W. Pomeroy') to Douglas Sladen, declining an invitation to a 'delightful Gathering'.

F. W. Pomeroy [ Frederick William Pomeroy ] (1856-1924), English sculptor responsible for statue of 'Justice' on the Old Bailey [ Douglas Sladen (1856-1947), author and academic ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 14 Kensington Square, W.8 [ London ]. 7 June 1921.

2pp., 16mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and with slight smuding at head of first page. There is nothing he should have liked more than to accept Sladen's invitation to 'what will be a delightful Gathering, at your house at Richmond on the 9th.', but he has a previous engagement. 'Some other time, if you extend the hand of friendship in this charming way I shall be delighted to come and see you.'

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