[Judge Jeffreys of the Bloody Assizes.] Printed pamphlet: 'A Pindarick Congratulatory Poem To the Right Honourable George, Lord Jeffreys, Baron of Wem, and Lord High Chancellor of England To the High and Mighty Monarch King James the II. &c.'

'By Joshua Barnes, M.A. One of the Senior Fellows of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge' [Joshua Barnes (1654-1712); Judge Jeffreys [George, Lord Jeffreys, Baron of Wem, Lord Chancellor]; Bloody Assizes]
Publication details: 
London, Printed, and are to be sold by Walter Davis in Amen-Corner. 1685. [On title-page: 'IMPRIMATUR, | S. Blithe, Procan. Acad. Cantab. | Octob. 5. 1685.']

7pp, folio. On four leaves. In good condition, lightly aged. In worn modern half-binding of brown leather spine and corners and cloth covers, split at hinge. The poem is of 124 lines, arranged in five irregular stanzas. A nauseating exercise in brazen sycophancy, written in the aftermath of the Bloody Assizes. Not mentioned in Barnes's entry in the Oxford DNB, which does state that his 'adulation for the Stuarts [...] probably continued undiminished' with the accession of William and Mary.

[ Sir Richard Harington, 12th Baronet, Puisne Judge in India. ] Items from his papers, including carbon typescripts of his 'Observations' on 'Sir J. G. Barnes' Committee', and of the resolutions thereon by the Worcestershire Incorporated Law Society.

Sir Richard Harington, 12th Baronet (1861-1931), Puisne Judge in India, High Sheriff of Herefordshire, 1918 [ John Gorell Barnes, 1st Baron Gorell (1848-1913), Committee on County Courts, 1908 ]
Publication details: 
Harington's 'Observations' dated from Whitbourne Court, Worcester, 12 November 1908. The other carbon dated 23 November 1908. The other five items undated.

Seven items. The first two are ink stained but still entirely legible, otherwise the material is in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: Carbon typescript (7pp., 8vo) headed 'Observations by Sir Richard Harington on the questions submitted to the Judges of County Courts and others by Sir J. G. Barnes' Committee.' Dated from Whitbourne Court, Worcester, 12 November 1908. Docketed by Harington: '1908 | County Courts | Observations by Sir Rd. H.' With a few minor autograph emendations. Giving detailed answers to four questions.

[ The Earl of Londesborough andn the Lyric Club, Barnes. ] Engraving by Cecil Cutler, with manuscript (autograph?) invitation by the Earl of Londesborough, to 'meet the Oxford Green' [ following the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race ].

William Denison, 1st Earl of Londesborough (1834-1900), Liberal politician [ Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race; Lyric Club, Barnes; Cecil Cutler, engraver ]
Publication details: 
[ At the Lyric Club, Barnes, on 26 March 1890. ] Engraving: 'Cecil Cutler | Invr. et del. 1890'.

Printed in black on one side of 15.5 x 25 cm card. In fair ondition, aged and worn, with traces of mount on reverse. The illustration, winding along the edge of the page from top left to bottom right, is a pleasing detailed line drawing, showing a fashionable crowd (men in top hats, ladies in coaches and so on) viewing the race from what is probably the Club's part of the bank of the river (a chimney and crenelated wall may serve as identifying landmarks). Among the myriad of faces may be caricatures of individuals.

[ The Lyric Club, Piccadilly and Barnes. ] Original photographic print of an interior at the 'Lyric Club', with a newsaper cutting reporting that the New Lyric Club is 'starting on its career with every prospect of a brilliant success'.`

The Lyric Club, Piccadilly East and Barnes, late-Victorian venue for 'smoking concerts'
Publication details: 
[ The New Lyric Club, Coventry Street, London. ] Circa 1889.

The sepia photographic print is 15.5 x 11.5 cm, and shows a sumptuous domestic interior, showing paintings around an ornately carved wooden doorframe, into another room, with hangings draped footstool, piano, and other accoutrements of high Victorian interior decoration. In pencil on reverse: 'The Lyric Club'. The cutting is 12 cm and forty-five lines long. It begins 'The new Lyric Club is starting on its career with every propsect of a brilliant success.

[Printed pamphlet.] 1906. Papers read at the Norwich Conference the Fifth Biennial Conference of the National Association of Teachers of the Deaf. A Supplement to "The Teacher of the Deaf."

F. G. Barnes, Hon. Secretary, and S. E. Hull, Woodvale, Bexley, Kent [National Association of Teachers of the Deaf, Norwich Conference, 1906]
Publication details: 
Printed and published for the N.A.T.D. [National Association of Teachers of the Deaf] by Hill & Ainsworth, Glebe St., Stoke.
Upon request

44pp., 8vo. In brown printed wraps. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn wraps, with ownership inscriptions and shelfmarks on the front cover. Scarce: no copies listed on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Rev. Dr Theophilus Houlbrooke, botanist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Theophilus Houlbrooke') resigning from the committee of the Liverpool Botanic Garden.

Rev. Dr Theophilus Houlbrooke, FRS (1745-1824) of Shrewsbury and Barnes, Surrey, botanist
Publication details: 
'Green Bank' [Greenbank, Liverpool], 22 February 1815.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight damage to one corner. The letter reads: 'Gentlemen | As I must not now consider myself an Inhabitant of Liverpool, I request your permission to resign the Office of Vice President and to withdraw myself from the Committee of the Liverpool Botanic Garden and hope a more efficient Member will be elected to fill my place in each of these Departments. I am With great respect for you and every good wish for the prosperity of the Institution | Your Obliged Servant | Theophilus Houlbrooke'.

Typed Letter Signed, from 'V. P. 10/12', accusing the former King Edward VIII of 'obvious dereliction of duty', and expressing 'relief and satisfaction' that he has decided to abdicate.

[King Edward VIII, laterly Duke of Windsor; Abdication Crisis; Lieut.-Col. Edward Barnes Peacock (b.1873; fl.1955), 31st Punjab Regiment, son of Sir Barnes Peacock (1810-90), Chief Justice, Calcutta]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Hotel Astoria, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Initialled "[?]P 10/12" (10 December"2pp., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. A number of minor autograph corrections suggest that the author of the letter may not be a native English speaker.

[Printed parliamentary paper.] An Act for Inclosing Land in the Parish of South Moreton, in the County of Berks. [Royal Assent, 8 May 1818.] 58 Geo. III. Sess. 1818.

[The South Moreton Inclosure Act 1818; John Sadgrove; Rev. William James; George Barnes of Andover; Joseph Lousley of Blewbury; Henry Dixon; the University of Oxford; English enclosure of common land]
Publication details: 
'Ley & Jones, House of Commons.' 1818.

35 + [1] pp., 8vo. Stitched and unbound. Well printed, on good laid paper, watermarked 'IPING | 1813'. In fair condition, on aged paper and lightly-discoloured paper, and folded into a packet, showing the title on the reverse of the last leaf as quoted above. The drophead title reads: Sess. 1818 - 58 Geo. III. | An Act for Inclosing Lands in the Parish of South Moreton, in the County of Berks.

Autograph Note Signed ('Hawke') informing Barnes of his selection for England.

Martin Bladen Hawke, 7th Baron Hawke [Lord Hawke] (1860-1938), Yorkshire and England Cricketer, and President of the MCC [S.F. Barnes Sydney Francis Barnes] (1873-1967), England cricketer]
Publication details: 
20 June [no year]; on letterhead of 107 Jermyn Street, S.W.

12mo, 1 p. Bifolium. On aged and foxed grey paper. Reads 'June 20th | Dear Barnes | Selection Committee will be pleased if you will play for England v The Rest at Lords 29th. | Yours faithfull | [signed] Hawke'. Hawke was an England selector between 1899 and 1909, and Barnes, one of the finest bowlers in English history, made his international debut in 1901. I'm sure someone will tell me if this was Barnes's first game for England.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. H. Barnes'), to the leaseholder of the Prince of Wales Theatre, concerning his desire to become a tenant.

J. H. Barnes [John H. Barnes] (1850-1925), English actor [The Prince of Wales Theatre, London]
Publication details: 
24 November 1899; on letterhead of 25 Finchley Road, London, N.W.

4to, 2 pp. Text clear and complete. On aged and lightly-creased paper. 'The nature of my business is a desire to become a tenant of the Prince of Wales Theatre, for a long or short time, and entirely subject to existing arrangements in order to produce a play which good judges (as well as myself) regard as one (if not the) play of the present generation'. The name of the play is not given. Barnes states that 'if Mr Harvey is your permanent tenant it would quite suit me to do the play at any time <?> another provincial Town'. He offers 'a short or long lease [...] with unimpeachable security'.

Poems of Rural Life in Common English.

William Barnes [Dorset dialect poetry]
Publication details: 
London: Macmillan and Co. 1868. [London: Printed by Spottiswoode and Co., New-Street Square and Parliament Street.]

First edition. 8vo: xii + 200 + [iv] pp. (the last four pages an unpaginated publisher's catalogue). In original blue cloth, gilt. Fair, tight copy, on lightly-aged paper, with some spotting to endpapers. Binding with dulled spine and minor spotting. Bookplate of the Rev. English Crooks. Binders ticket ('BOUND BY BURN & CO.') to rear pastedown. Half-title reads 'RURAL POEMS'. The 'translation' of the three collections beginning with 'Poems of Rural Life in the Dorset Dialect' (1844).

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