[Dame Ninette de Valois [stage name of Dame Edris Connell, née Stannus], Anglo-Irish ballet dancer, choreographer and founder of the Royal Ballet.] Typed Letter Signed to Miss M. G. Hocken, suggesting who to forward a query to.

Dame Ninette de Valois [stage name of Dame Edris Connell, née Stannus] (1898-2001), Anglo-Irish ballet dancer, choreographer and founder of the Royal Ballet
Publication details: 
16 March 1955. On letterhead of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London WC2.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. The letterhead is both printed and embossed. Addressed to ‘Miss M. G. Hocken, / Meadow Way House Studio, / St. Ives, / Cornwall.’ Signed ‘Ninette de Valois’. Reads: ‘May I suggest you write to the Director of Productions at The Royal Opera House. I do not know what our theatre does with regard to the many requests for such exhibitions - so I would be grateful if you would forward your request to this particular department.’

[Alfred Parsons, landscape painter and garden designer.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Lewis'

Alfred Parsons [Alfred William Parsons] (1847-1920), landscape painter, illustrator, and garden designer
Publication details: 
24 January [no year]. On letterhead of 54 Bedford Gardens, Kensington, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once.Addressed to 'Dear Miss Lewis' and with good firm signature 'Alfred Parsons'. He will be very pleased to dine with her the following Friday, '& dance one set of Lancers after; I feel much complimented at being asked with the young people'.

[Alfred Parsons, landscape painter and garden designer.] Original pen and ink drawing of a clump of daffodils growing in front of mass of other foliage. Monogram signature on the drawing ‘AP.’, and with second full signature and date on mount.

Alfred Parsons [Alfred William Parsons] (1847-1920), landscape painter, illustrator, and garden designer
Alfred Parsons
Publication details: 
‘Alfred Parsons. / Loseley Park. May 26th. 1893.’
Alfred Parsons

An attractive and highly-finished production, in black ink, on 17.5 x 20.5 cm piece of wove paper, glued on the reverse at the four corners to a leaf extracted from the autograph album of the novelist George Meredith and his daughter Marie Eveleen (Mariette; 1871-1933), wife of Henry Parkman Sturgis (1847-1929), American-born banker and Liberal politician. Parsons' monogram signature 'AP. in its two-bordered square is at the bottom left of the drawing, and there is an additional autograph signature with date to the right of the drawing on the leaf of the Meredith album: 'Alfred Parsons.

[The Chelsea Physic Garden, London.] Printed invitation ‘at the Opening of the Garden’, and Laboratory andn Lecture Rooms by Earl Cadogan, made out to Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Sir William Thiselton-Dyer, and his wife.

The Chelsea Physic Garden, London [Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer (1843-1928), botanist, Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew]
Publication details: 
At the Opening of the Chelsea Physic Garden, London, 25 July 1902.

See Thiselton-Dyer’s entry in the Oxford DNB. Printed on one side of a 10 x 13 cm piece of paper, and made out in manuscript to ‘Sir William Thistleton [sic] Dyer (and Lady)’. Text size in good condition, lightly aged, with the blank reverse of the card with slight damage from mounting. The recipient has written in a close hand in red ink at top left: ‘accepted. / 18. 7. 02.’ The text reads: ‘The Chelsea Physic Garden.

[Dame Margot Fonteyn, prima ballerina.] Autograph Signature to printed programme of a performance by the Sadler’s Wells Ballet at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden.

Dame Margot Fonteyn [stage name of Dame Margaret Evelyn de Arias, née Hookham (1919-1991)], prima ballerina assoluta with the Royal Ballet [previously Sadler’s Wells Ballet], London
Publication details: 
‘Saturday Evening, 22nd November, 1947’. Sadler’s Wells Ballet at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden [London]. ‘Printed by Finden Brown & Co, Ltd., Varndell Street, London N.W.1’.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. The programme is 8pp, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with minor rust to staples. The cover consists of the royal crest printed in red, and the rest in black: ‘ROYAL OPERA HOUSE / COVENT GARDEN’ above the crest, and ‘THE SADLER’S WELLS / BALLET / 1947’ below it. At an angle across the centre of the page, in blue ink, is the large signature ‘Margot Fonteyn’.

[Frederick Reynolds, prolific English dramatist.] Autograph Letter Signed, informing ‘Mr. Raymond’ (manager of Drury Lane Theatre) that he has sold the copyright of a comedy to ‘Mr. Harris’ (of Covent Garden Theatre).

Frederick Reynolds (1764-1841), English dramatist, author of more than a hundred pieces in his forty year career [James Grant Raymond of Drury Lane; Thomas Harris of Covent Garden; Tom Phillips]
Publication details: 
‘Thursday’. No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. On the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium, and addressed in autograph on the reverse of the second to ‘Mr. Raymond / Chester Street / Grosvenor Place / No. 3. / Hyde Park Corner’, with three postmarks and broken wafer. In fair condition, lightly aged, with spike hole through both leaves. Folded twice for postage. He is sorry Raymond had ‘so much trouble’ looking for him: ‘but the truth is I waited at home for you this morning till 12 -’. He explains that ‘the Copy Right of the Comedy’ is ‘purchas’d by Mr.

[Ben Webster [Benjamin Nottingham Webster], actor-manager who built the Adelphi.] Autograph Letter Signed, thanking Henry Spicer on behalf of the Dramatic College, Covent Garden, for a financial ‘Godsend’.

Ben Webster [Benjamin Nottingham Webster] (1797-1882), actor-manager who built the Adelphi Theatre, London [Henry Spicer]
Publication details: 
‘New Theatre Royal Adelphi / Jany 19th 1860’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. On a bifolium the blank second leaf of which is laid down on part of a leaf from an album. Folded twice for postage. The recipient is ‘Henry Spicer Esq’, presumably a relation of the artist of the same name (d.1804; see ODNB), several of whose theatrical portraits are in the Garrick Club collection.

[Peter Gellhorn, conductor, composer and pianist.] Autograph Note Signed to ‘Mr. Dean’, regarding a photograph of himself.

Peter Gellhorn [born born Hans Fritz Gellhorn] (1912-2004), German conductor, composer and pianist who settled in London, connected with Glyndebourne, Covent Garden, BBC, Royal College of Music
Publication details: 
3 February 1975; 33 Leinster Avenue, London SW14.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Reads: ‘Dear Mr. Dean, / According to your request, I enclose a signed photo of myself for your collection. / With best wishes, / Yours sincerely, / Peter Gellhorn.’

[Mary Jarred, English opera singer and Professor at the Royal Academy of Music.] Autograph Signature on photographic portrait of her.

Mary Jarred (1899-1993), English mezzo-soprano and contralto opera singer at Covent Garden and Sadler's Wells, Professor at the Royal Academy of Music
Publication details: 
1935. No place.

On 9 x 13.5 cm newspaper cutting of photographic portrait of Jarred. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: ‘Mary Jarred / 1935.’ The photograph shows Jarred posing in a black dress and pearls, with left hand arranging her white fur coat to tastefully emphasize her bust. See image.

[Albert Saléza, French tenor opera singer.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Alb. Saléza’), in French, asking ‘Monsieur Forsythe’ to secure him ‘le plus grand nombre de places possible’ for a production (his own?) that evening.

Albert Saléza (1867-1916), French tenor opera singer
Publication details: 
18 June 1900; no place [London?].

2pp, 12mo. On bifolium. Folded once. The first page is scored through in ink, with pencil annotations at head. The final page, with Saléza’s signature, is unmarked. He asks him for as many seats as possible for that evening. He would like ‘une bonne loge, deux Stalls et plusieurs petites places’. He will pass by the office to collection, and asks for them to be left in his name.

[Albert Saléza, French tenor opera singer.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Alb. Saléza’), in French, asking ‘Monsieur Menager’ to secure him ‘deux places pour ma femme et une de ses amies’ at the Opéra that evening.

Albert Saléza (1867-1916), French tenor opera singer
Publication details: 
11 July 1906; on letterhead of the Hotel Cecil, Strand, WC [London].

1p, 12mo. On bifolium. In fair condition, with two pencil notes at head, one in orange. Folded twice. He hopes he is not abusing the kindness of 'Monsieur Menager' (i.e. the house manager) by asking for two seats, for his wife and her friend, as they would like to go to the opera that night. After terminating the letter in the customary Gallic fashion, he adds a postscript asking for the reply to be left with the porter.

[Charles James Mathews, London actor-manager.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C J Mathews.'), declining to 'risk' an association with Ben Webster, who 'never reads the pieces at all' and whom he is 'unable to controul'.

Charles James Mathews (1803-1878), actor, manager of the Olympic, Lyceum and Covent Garden theatres in London [Benjamin Nottingham Webster (1797-1882), actor-manager who built the Adelphi]
Publication details: 
25 Pelham Crescent [London], 23 July 1869.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. The recipient is not named. An interesting letter, indicating the relationship between two major theatrical figures in Victorian London. The main body of the letter reads: 'Dear Sir, | You really must excuse my incurring any such responsibility as that you would impose upon me. I am unable to controul Mr.

[Joseph Shepherd Munden, comic actor at Covent Garden and Drury Lane.] Autograph Signature ('Jos: S: Munden') on part of letter.

Joseph Shepherd Munden (1758-1832), English comic actor at Covent Garden and Drury Lane
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On one side of a slip of laid paper cut from the end of a letter: roughly 4 x 17 cm, the reverse being blank. In good condition, lightly aged. Good neat signature to the valediction of a letter. Reads: 'I am my d [Phippen?] | (in great haste | Yours very truly | Jos: S: Munden'. Munden eas the subject of one of the "Essays of Elia" (Charles Lamb).

[ John Fawcett, actor; Duke of York ] Valediction of Secretarial Letter Signed "John Fawcett" to HRH The Duke of York, thanking him presumably for contribution or support.

John Fawcett, actor, Treasurer and Trustee of the Covent Garden Theatrical Fund
Publication details: 
[ Docketed by recipient/secretary] Covent Garden March 1810.

Valediction cut from letter, 20 x 4.5cm, backed by similar sized piece of paper. Text: "humbly rely on the Cause, which they advocate to plead their excuse to your Royal Highness.- Subscribed at the request of the said Committee by Your Royal Highness's most humble, Loyal and Dutyful [sic] Servant | [John Fawcett] | Treasurer and one of the Trustees." From a large collection of similar valedictions, so often to the Duke of York ("Royal Highness" etc) that they may reveal the fate of his incoming correspondence, or part of it..

[John Philip Kemble, actor and manager of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden.] Autograph Memorandum, signed 'J. Kemble.', regarding the 'Caducean Trident' of Albion, with an ink drawing of the same (a dragon with intertwining serpents).

John Philip Kemble (1757-1823), distinguished actor and manager of the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden, brother of Sarah Siddons and Charles Kemble
Publication details: 
No place or date.

The text is on one side of a 13 x 16 cm piece of laid watermarked paper. The signature 'J. Kemble' is at bottom left, in slightly-darker ink than the fifteen lines of text. Lightly aged and with short closed tears at edges of two folds. Slight traces of brown-paper mount at top corners on reverse, which carries a capable ink drawing of 'the Caducean Trident' mentioned in the text: a dragon with two sets of wings, body stiff as a rod, encircled by two snakes.

[John Fawcett, actor and playwright.] Autograph Letter Signed ('John Fawcett'), as Treasurer of the Covent Garden Theatrical Fund, to 'C Perkins Esq', regarding money 'intended for the Widow Paulo', and the sending of account books.

John Fawcett (1769-1837), actor and playwright associated with the Theatre Royal, Covent Garden
Publication details: 
'Botley Southampton | (The proper way to direct to me) | 9 Sepr 1835'.

1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight wear at head repaired on reverse with archival tape. The context of the letter is explained in Fawcett's entry in the Oxford DNB: 'In September 1829 Fawcett was superseded in the management of Covent Garden […] the theatre in which he had been a main prop for thirty-nine years. With a salary of £100 a year allowed him as treasurer and trustee of the Covent Garden Theatrical Fund he retired to a cottage at Botley, near Southampton.' The letter begins: 'Some weeks back I enclos'd you a draft for £10 intended for the Widow Paulo.

[Dame Margot Fonteyn, the Royal Ballet and Rudolf Nureyev.] Indexed volume from the editorial office of the magazine 'Ballet Today', containing reviews and photographs of Fonteyn, some with Nureyev, with typed and manuscript annotation.

'[Dame Margot Fonteyn, the Royal Ballet and Rudolf Nureyev] Ballet Today', London dance magazine, founded by P. W. Manchesterr [Janet Sinclair]
Publication details: 
'Ballet Today', London. Between 1954 and 1970.

Ballet Today was a monthly magazine founded in 1946 by Phyllis Winifred Manchester (1907-1998). In 1951 Manchester settled in New York, leaving four colleagues, one of whom was Janet Sinclair (c.1922-1999), in joint charge of the magazine. The present item is a volume from the editorial office of 'Ballet Today', containing numerous cuttings of photographs and reviews from the magazine, with typed captions and manuscript annotations, also a few photographic prints, laid down over 104pp., 4to, of a scrapbook bound in green cloth.

[ A. Absolon, London publisher. ] Autogaph Card Signed to F. Davis, regarding his publication in the 'Forge & Lathe' of 'Maltons Gt. Treatise on Perspective'.

A. Absolon (fl. 1878), London publisher [ Frederick Davis ]
Publication details: 
3 York Street, Covent Garden. 13 February 1878.

Half-penny postcard printed in purple. In fair condition, lightly aged, with thin strip along one edge from former mounting obscuring parts of a few words. Addressed to 'F. Davis Esq. | 4 Upper Phillamore [sic] Place | W.' The communication reads: 'Sir, | I beg to inform you that we have bought out Maltons Gt. Treatise on Perpective in the columns of the Forge & Lathe a fortnightly Journal devoted to Practical Mechanics &c. The Preface appeared in our No. Published yesterday price 6d by post 7d Terms for Subscribers 16/- Yearly 8/- ½ Yearly 4/- Quarterly. | A. Absolon | Publisher'.

H. B. Irving [ Harry Brodribb Irving ], actor-manager and criminologist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('H B Irving') to 'Mr Forsyth [ Neil Forsyth, General Manager, Royal Opera House, Covent Garden ]

H. B. Irving [ Harry Brodribb Irving ] (1870-1919), actor-manager and criminologist; the eldest son of Sir Henry Irving [ Neil Forsyth, General Manager, Royal Opera House, Covent Garden ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 'Mr. H. B. Irving & Co. ('Under the Direction of Messrs. Nixon & Zimmerman'). 29 June 1906.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with light pencil line by Forsyth through first page. She hopes that she is not 'asking too much' in requesting 'two stalls or a box for the premiere of “Eugene Oneghin” - Friday evening'. If 'not impossible', he would like 'a lunch to be present that night. He asks to be sent word to the Garrick Club.

[ 'Ben Greet' [ Sir Philip Barling Greet ], Shakespearean impressario and 'an ardent opera goer'. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Ben Greet') to Neil Forsyth, Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, requesting boxes and commenting on productions.

'Ben Greet' [ Sir Philip Barling Greet ] (1857-1936), Shakespearean actor, director, impresario, manager of Old Vic Theatre, London [ Neil Forsyth, General Manager, Royal Opera House, Covent Garden ]
Publication details: 
One from 20 Buckingham Street WC [ London ], on letterhead of 'The Ben Greet Players', 14 July [no year]. The other from 2 The Terrace, Camden Square. 17 August [no year].

ONE: On letterhead of 'The Ben Greet Company', addressed from 20 Buckingham Street, WC [ London ]. 14 July [ no year ]. 2pp., 8vo. In fair condition, aged and worn, with the first page carrying pencil scorings and a short note by Forsyth. The first paragraph reads: 'If business will permit can I have one of the small boxes for Monday night. You generally let me have something during the Season. I've been a very regular Gallery & Amphitheatre and stallite this season.' He continues: 'You've got a genius in Frau , & you sd keep her. Everyone is raving about her.

[ Whitelaw Reid, American Ambassador to the United Kingdom. ] Typed Letter Signed to Col. H. V. Higgins of the Grand Opera Syndicate, Covent Garden, comparing his opera box unfavourably with the one he had in Paris.

Whitelaw Reid (1837-1912), proprietor of the New York Tribune, historian, Republican nominee for Vice President of the United States in the 1892 election, American Ambassador to the United Kingdom
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Dorchester House, Park Lane, W. [ London ] 5 September 1905.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. He is sending a copy of a note his secretary has 'just sent about an opera box for the next season. | The box we were able to get this year contrasted so poorly with my old "loge entre les colonnes" in Paris that I am afraid my personal tastes would be about as well satisfied without one!' He feels sure that 'with this long notice and with a friendly word' from Higgins, 'something better can be done'. One of the grandest residences in London, Dorchester House was rented by Reid as the American Embassy from 1905.

[ Carrie Tubb, English soprano who taught at the Guildhall and worked with Sir Thomas Beecham at Covent Garden. ] Autograph Signature ('Carrie Tubb Oliveira').

Carrie Tubb [ Carrie Tubb Oliveira ] (1876-1976), English Soprano who taught at the Guildhall and worked with Sir Thomas Beecham at Covent Garden
Publication details: 
No date or place. ]

The only writing on an 8vo leaf, clearly sent in response to a request for an autograph. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight evidence of mount on reverse. In a large firm hand, reading: 'Yours faithfully | Carrie Tubb Oliveira'. Tubb was principally known for work in oratorio, but sang in opera (Elektra, Hänsel und Gretel etc.) under Sir Thomas Beecham at Covent Garden from 1910. She taught at the Guildhall for more than thirty years from 1930.

[ Charles Kemble, actor. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. Kemble.') to an unnamed recipient, sending an autograph and apologising for the delay in a charming fashion.

Charles Kemble (1775-1854), English actor, member of a notable theatrical dynasty, joint proprietor of Covent Garden Theatre, London
Publication details: 
11 Park Place, St James's [ London ]. 12 November 1836.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The letter reads: 'Sir | Having mislaid your letter of 14th. March last, you have doubtless considered me a very discourteous person - this day, in turning over a parcel of letters which had been put aside as answered, I fortunately discovered yours among the rest, requesting my Autograph, which I hasten to send you; and with many apologies for the delay, I am, Sir, | Your obedient servant | C. Kemble'.

[ Sir George King, Superintendent of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('G King'), regarding 'Mrs Parker's death'.

Sir George King (1840-1909), botanist, Superintendent of the Royal Botanic Garden, Calcutta, and first Director of the Botanical Survey of India
Publication details: 
13 Kew Gardens Road [ London ]. 'Sunday' [ no date ].

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged. Written in a hurried, difficult hand. The recipient's name is indecipherable. King is returning a letter from the recipient's son, and is sorry to hear of 'Mrs Parker's death': 'It is very sad indeed as she was hoping to come to England after a very long absence'.

[ John Cumming, Scottish clergyman. ] Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed recipient, regarding his forthcoming visit to Devizes.

John Cumming (1807-1881), Scottish minister of the Presbyterian Church of England, attacked by George Eliot for ‘bigoted narrowness’
Publication details: 
28 January [ no year ]. On embossed letterhead of 7 Montague Place, Russell Square, London, W.C.

2pp., 12mo. On aged paper, with slight strip along one margin cut away, resulting in slgiht loss to text. After thanking the recipient for his 'kind remembrances' he writes: 'I shall arrive in Devizes only in time to give a lecture & must leave soon after for Marlboro on my way back. | I have very little time to spare. But that spare time I am expending in order to help a deserving '.Docketed at head of first page in a contemporary hand: 'Mr. Cumming | Scotch Church'. For information on Cumming see his entry in the Oxford DNB.

[ The Soakers' Club, a 'convivial club' in Covent Garden. ] Club rules and 'Promoter's Address' by Julian Sharman, printed by the Chiswick Press.

Julian Sharman, 'Promoter' of the Soakers' Club, Covent Garden, London [ The Chiswick Press, London ]
Publication details: 
'Printed at the Chiswick Press' [ Chiswick Press: - Printed by Whittingham and Wilkins, Tooks Court, Chancery Lane ]. 1874. [ Sharman's address dated from 'Covent Garden, | May, 1874.'

[1] + 13pp., 12mo. Stitched. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. A tasteful production in grey printed wraps. Elaborate pseudo-seventeenth-century design to title-page replicated on front cover. Five-page 'Promoter's Address'' to 'My Friend and Pitcher', signed in type by Sharman, followed by a page listing the five members of the 'Committee, 1874-5' (Julian Sharman; Henry S. Leigh; Bourchier F. Hawksley; Jas. J. Railston; F. W. Robinson), and five pages carrying the club's fourteen rules.

[ The English garden. ] Manuscript plan of unnamed garden, with bloom calendar table showing the blooming patterns of more than a hundred flowers.

[ The English garden; gardening; ecology ]
Publication details: 
Place not stated [ England ]. 1928.

The table or bloom calendar is in a makeshift table, ruled out in pencil over 2pp., folio. It is in poor condition, heavily-aged, divided into two sections along central horizontal fold line, and with slight loss to text from chipping.

[ The Vestris Family. ] Printed receipt to 'M. Gye', on letterhead, signed over tax stamp by 'G Vestris' (;Mad[moisel]le Vestris'.

[ The Vestris Family, dancers on the London stage; Royal Italian Opera, Covent Garden ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Royal Italian Opera, Covent Garden. 6 June 1866.

1p., landscape 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads, with manuscript text in square brackets: 'Royal Italian Opera, | Covent Garden. | [Madle Vestris] | Londres, [Le 6 Juin] 18[66]. | Recu de M. Gye la somme de [£40 - -] | [G Vestris | B.V, | £[40 : - : -']'.

[ Red Cross Gardens, Southwark, London. ] Draft manuscript indenture assignment signed by the Earl of Ducie, Lancelot William Bennett, Charles Stewart Loch, Mary Lumsden, Helen Ironside, Janet Johnson, Thomas Slingsby Tanner, Cecil Antony Nussey.

[ Red Cross Garden recreation ground, Southwark, London ] Henry John Reynolds-Moreton (1827-1921), 3rd Earl of Ducie; Charles Stewart Loch (1849-1923), charity commissioner [ Octavia Hill (1838-1912)]
Publication details: 
[ Red Cross Garden, Southwark, London. ] Dated 15 August 1914.

On three sides of a vellum bifolium supplied by the London law stationers Witherby & Co. Dimensions of leaf 39 x 26 cm. In good condition, lightly aged and creased. The document is a draft, with several emendations in pencil, including a lengthy addition in the margin of first page, and a shorter one on the second page. Laid out in customary style, within red rules. Docketed on fourth side: 'Dated 15th August 1914 | The Earl of Ducie and Others | to | The Earl of Ducie and Others | Red Cross Garden | Assignment'. With stamp of the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, signed by Hugh de Bock Porter.

[Presentation copy from the author.] Selected Verses by Virginia Graham 1939-1945.

Virginia Graham [best friend of the comedienne Joyce Grenfell]
Publication details: 
Printed by the Broadwater Press Ltd, Welwyn Garden City, Herefordshire. [1945.]

[2] + 44pp., 8vo. In lilac paper wraps with title in silver on front cover. Internally in good condition on lightly-aged paper; in worn wraps with creased corner at rear and small square of staining from label on front cover. Inscribed on front pastedown: 'With best wishes | from | Virginia Graham. | 1946.' A charming collection in Grenfell mode, with poems including 'Café Triste' (beginning: 'Miss Tomkinson, do you suppose | That you and I | On this same day next year | Will still be sitting here, | Eating this vegetable pie | Covered white glucose?') and 'V J Day' (beginning: 'Hurray!

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