Natural History

[H. W. Bates, naturalist and explorer] Autograph Letter Signed H.W. Bates to Piffard [Bernard Piffard, companion to Bates (and perhaps A.R. Wallace) in S. America (see Notes below)] reviving acquaintance with recollection.

H. W. Bates [Henry Walter Bates (1825 – 1892 in London) naturalist and explorer]
Publication details: 
[Headed] 11 Carleton Road, Tufnell Park, N. , 4 Feb. 1888.

Two pages, 12mo, bifolium, fold marks, good condition. With envelope addressed by Bates to Piffard (Royal Geographical Society insignia). Text: It gave me great pleasure to find that you had not forgotten me. Your memory with us is kept alive by occasional news of you given to us by Dr or Mrs Knaggs [see Note below]. Thankls for the Report of your Nat.Hist. Society. The accounts of your excursions are extremely interesting & I have found much that is new to me in the explanation of ancient British place-names given by the local antiquarians who guided your parties.

[Victorian butterfly illustration; nineteenth-century nature drawing.] Eight original coloured illustrations of butterflies and moths, with leaves, translucent on waxed oiled cloth.

[Victorian butterfly illustration; nineteenth-century botanical drawing; nature; natural history]
Publication details: 
No date or place (nineteenth century).

An attractive collection, by an unidentified artist, on uniform pieces of waxed or oiled cloth, cut to 10 cm squares with rounded edges. Each illustration features a different butterfly or moth, arranged with a different single leaf. Very nicely executed, in a wide range of colours, and suitable for display. Seen to their full advantage with a light source behind them. See Scan.

[G. J. Romanes; Darwin; Canadian-born evolutionary biologist, friend and disciple of Charles Darwin.] Part of Autograph Draft of biographical entry on himself, with deleted passage.

G. J. Romanes [George John Romanes] (1848-1894), evolutionary biologist, born in Canada, friend and disciple of Charles Darwin
G. J. Romanes
Publication details: 
No date, but from internal evidence written in 1893. No place.
G. J. Romanes

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The present item is clearly part of a draft of an intended biographical entry, penned by Romanes himself in his close and distinctive hand. On one side of a cm piece of laid paper with the reverse blank. Reads: ‘His extensive treatise entitled “Darwin and after Darwin,” which is now being published in successive volumes, is an outgrowth of the lectures delivered in both capacities.

[Alfred Parsons, landscape painter and garden designer.] Original pen and ink drawing of a clump of daffodils growing in front of mass of other foliage. Monogram signature on the drawing ‘AP.’, and with second full signature and date on mount.

Alfred Parsons [Alfred William Parsons] (1847-1920), landscape painter, illustrator, and garden designer
Alfred Parsons
Publication details: 
‘Alfred Parsons. / Loseley Park. May 26th. 1893.’
Alfred Parsons

An attractive and highly-finished production, in black ink, on 17.5 x 20.5 cm piece of wove paper, glued on the reverse at the four corners to a leaf extracted from the autograph album of the novelist George Meredith and his daughter Marie Eveleen (Mariette; 1871-1933), wife of Henry Parkman Sturgis (1847-1929), American-born banker and Liberal politician. Parsons' monogram signature 'AP. in its two-bordered square is at the bottom left of the drawing, and there is an additional autograph signature with date to the right of the drawing on the leaf of the Meredith album: 'Alfred Parsons.

[The Chelsea Physic Garden, London.] Printed invitation ‘at the Opening of the Garden’, and Laboratory andn Lecture Rooms by Earl Cadogan, made out to Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Sir William Thiselton-Dyer, and his wife.

The Chelsea Physic Garden, London [Sir William Turner Thiselton-Dyer (1843-1928), botanist, Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew]
Publication details: 
At the Opening of the Chelsea Physic Garden, London, 25 July 1902.

See Thiselton-Dyer’s entry in the Oxford DNB. Printed on one side of a 10 x 13 cm piece of paper, and made out in manuscript to ‘Sir William Thistleton [sic] Dyer (and Lady)’. Text size in good condition, lightly aged, with the blank reverse of the card with slight damage from mounting. The recipient has written in a close hand in red ink at top left: ‘accepted. / 18. 7. 02.’ The text reads: ‘The Chelsea Physic Garden.

[Wisley Opening; Royal Horticultural Society; Printed] Invitation Ticket of Sir William Thistelton-Dyer to the Opening of the Laboratory and Experiment & Research Station at Wisley.

[Wisley Opening; Royal Horticultural Society]
Publication details: 
19 July 1907

Ticket, 18 x 13cm, very good condition, remnants of laying down on reverse, commencing The President and Council of the Royal Horticultural Society request the pleasure [...] See Image. Sir William Thiselton-Dyer was a leading British botanist, and the third director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

[Sir Peter Scott, ornithologist, conservationist and artist.] Typed Letter Signed, advising ‘Squirrel’ on ‘the right type of field glasses’ and new developments in the design of binoculars.

Sir Peter Scott [Sir Peter Markham Scott] (1909-1989), ornithologist, artist, conservationist, founder of the Wildfowl Trust, son of Antarctic explorer Sir Robert Falcon Scott
Publication details: 
3 November 1962; on letterhead (with illustration by him of birds in flight) of the Wildfowl Trust, Slimbridge, Gloucestershire.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight spotting to margin. Folded three times. Good signature: ‘Peter Scott.’ Addressing himself to ‘Dear Squirrel’, he writes: ‘Yes, of course I will try to advise you on the right type of field glasses. I have used Ross 12 by 50 Stepsun for many years and have found it a very good glass for ornithological and also general use. I would strongly recommend it.

[ Rev. Thomas Arthur Preston of Marlborough College, botanist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('T. A. Preston') to J. Ramsay, regarding 'the connection between Vegetation & Climate', a subject 'in its infancy'.

T. A. Preston [ Rev. Thomas Arthur Preston ] (1833-1905) of Marlborough College, botanist
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The College [amended by Preston to 'Green'], Marlborough. 28 May 1881.

12pp., 12mo. On three bifoliums. In good condition, lightly aged. A long speculation - of great interest in the light of subsequent developments - on 'the connection between Vegetation & Climate', beginning with a discussion of 'the case of the Hawthorn'. 'The whole subject', he notes, 'at present is in its infancy and there are so many varied questions for wh. we seek answers that at present I do not think we can state any certain conclusions. | Botanically, the constitution of each species is an interesting source of investigation.

[ Colonel Percy H. H. Massy of British Military Intelligence. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('P. H. H. Massy') to 'Cochrane' discussing the botanical interests of Prince Ferdinand I of Bulgaria, with reference to the botanist W. Siebe, and his own post.

Col. P. H. H. Massy [ Colonel Percy Hugh Hamon Massy ] (1857-1939), traveller, sportsman and British Military Intelligence officer in the Balkans [ Prince Ferdinand I of Bulgaria (1861-1948) ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the British Vice Consulate, Varna. 14 October 1903.

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. Although he finds it strange that Cochrane should have had no reply from 'the professor', he points out that he sometimes goes travelling for weeks. He gives the address of 'Monsieur le Docteur W. Siebe' at the German Consulate in Mersine, before continuing: 'Strange to say I have another letter to forward to him from a friend of mine, and Prince Ferdinand, with whom I was talking here a few days ago, knows Dr. Siebe also and gets many bulbs from him and looks on him as a wonderful botanist.

[ Donovan, naturalist; handbill ] The London Museum, and Institute of Natural History [is now open to the inspection of the public].

[ Edward Donovan, naturalist ]
Publication details: 
Printed by Deans & Dunne, Hart Street, Covent Garden [1808]

Four pages, 8vo, formerly bound into a publication (stabbing evident), sl. dulled and chipped, giving information about the Museum founded by Edward Donovan, and Donovan's publications. See Wikipedia for further information about the Museum, and an image of the first page of this item which they call a "catalogue"

[ The English garden. ] Manuscript plan of unnamed garden, with bloom calendar table showing the blooming patterns of more than a hundred flowers.

[ The English garden; gardening; ecology ]
Publication details: 
Place not stated [ England ]. 1928.

The table or bloom calendar is in a makeshift table, ruled out in pencil over 2pp., folio. It is in poor condition, heavily-aged, divided into two sections along central horizontal fold line, and with slight loss to text from chipping.

[ William Lawrence Balls, botanist. ] Ten Typed Letters Signed (all 'W Lawrence Balls') to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts

William Lawrence Balls (1882-1960), FRS, botanist who specialised in cotton technology [ the Fine Cotton Spinners' and Doublers' Association, Limited, Manchester; Royal Society of Arts, London ]
Publication details: 
All on letterheads of the Fine Cotton Spinners' & Doublers' Association, Limited, St. James's Square, Manchester. Two from 1917 and eight from 1918.

The ten letters total 4pp., landscape 8vo, and 6pp., 4to. The collection in good condition, lightly aged and worn. With stamps and annotations of the Royal Society of Arts. The correspondence relates to a lecture given by him by invitation, and its subsequent publication in the Society's journal. He originally suggests that it be titled 'The Application of Science to economic purposes, with illustrations from the Cotton Trade', thinking that it would 'attract people outside cotton circles', but is persuaded to alter this to 'Examples of Applied Science in the Cotton Industry'.

[Dr John M. Crawford, Charles Dury, Professor Herbert S. Osborn, American entomologists.] Thirteen Autograph Cards Signed (ten from Dury, two from Crawford and one from Osborn) to the Coleoptera expert Charles G. Siewers of Newport, Kentucky.

Charles Dury of Cincinnati; John Martin Crawford of the Chickering Institute, Ohio; Professor Herbert S. Osborn [Charles G. Siewers of Newport, Kentucky; American entomologists; natural history]
Publication details: 
All sent from Cincinnati, Ohio. Six of the thirteen dated between 1880 and 1882 (the year of Siewers's death). The others undated.

The thirteen cards are all 13 x 7.5cm. All with 'POSTAL CARD' printed on front, and all with Cincinnati postmarks, nine also carrying Newport postmarks. All thirteen addressed to Siewers at Newport. For information on Charles Dury (1847-1901) see his obituary by Annette F. Braun in the Ohio Journal of Science, November 1931, pp.512-514. Braun stresses Dury's wide correspondence, and association with individuals including Alfred Russell Wallace, E. D. Cope, Spencer F. Baird, George Horn, John L. LeConte, Robert Ridgway, Elliott Coues, and his 'companion of many field trips' Professor J. S.

"On the Structure and Use of the Submaxillary Odoriferous Gland in the Genus Crocodilus"

Thomas Bell
Publication details: 
Offprint from Philosophical Transactions,

7 pp., sm., fol., with plate, in blue wraps, sewn as issued. INSCRIBED by the author: A Mons. A. Brongniart [eminent French chemist, geologist and mineralogist] de la part de l'Auteur".

The Florist's Bibliography

C. Harman Payne
Publication details: 
London, 1908

With two supplements (1912 & 1924), Ist suplement sl. sunned, in the main condition very good. 3 items

Autograph Letter Signed ('Woide'), in French, from the oriental scholar and Assistant Librarian at the British Museum Charles Godfrey Woide [Karl Gottfried Woide], a letter of recommendation for the Swedish naturalist Nils Samuel Svederus.

Charles Godfrey Woide [Karl Gottfried Woide] (1725-1790), Polish-born oriental scholar, Assistant Librarian at the British Museum from 1782 [Nils Samuel Swederus (1751-1833), Swedish naturalist]
Publication details: 
'a Londres au Museum Britannique ce 22 Febr. 1786' [At the British Museum, London. 22 February 1786.

1p., 4to. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. A letter of recommendation for 'Mr Svederus, Chapellain du Roy de Suede, qui va a Paris pour quelques mois, et qui est recommandé au Ministre Suedois'. Woide explains that he became acquainted with Svederus during his stay in London, which lasted almost a whole year. He concludes by sending his regards to six individuals, beginning with 'Mr de Guines'.

Typed Letter Signed ('Fitzroy Maclean') from Sir Fitzroy Maclean, thanking the London bookseller R. E. B. Sawyer for giving his opinion of his botanical drawings.

Sir Fitzroy Maclean (1911-1996), Scottish soldier and author best-known for 'Eastern Approaches' [R. E. B. Sawyer of the London booksellers Charles J. Sawyer & Co]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Strachur House, Argyll [Scotland]. 25 April 1978.

1p., 12mo. On light-blue paper. In good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. He thanks Sawyer for his letter and enclosure, found on his return and read 'with the greatest interest'. 'It was extremely kind of you to come and look at my botanical drawings and I am most grateful for the information you have been able to give me. It was marvellous to be able to have the opinion of a real expert.'

Autograph Translations by Robert Proud of Pennsylvania, of 'On Gardens, From the Latin of Lord Bacons Essays &c' and the 'Laus Mortuli' of Virgil. With printings of Proud's 'Autobiography' and Charles West Thomson's 'Notices'.

Robert Proud (1728-1813), English-born American loyalist, author of 'The History of Pennsylvania in North America' [Charles West Thomson]
Publication details: 
The autograph of 'On Gardens': 'Translation by R. P. Anno. 1802.' Thomson's 'Notices': 'Read before the Council, August 16, 1826.' The 'Autobiography' from the Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, January 1890.

ONE: Autograph translations by Proud. 14pp., 12mo. Unbound, stitched into a booklet of laid watermarked paper, with deckled edges. In very good condition, neatly and closely written on lightly-aged paper. Upwards along the inner margin of the first page Proud has written: 'Translation by R. P. Anno. 1802.' The translation of 'On Gardens, | From the Latin of Lord Bacon's Essays &c' covers the first 12pp., paginated 1-12; the 'Laus Mortuli. Translated at Hackney near London from a Lat. Epigram of Virgil, abt. the year 1752. by R. P.' covers the last two pages, and is unpaginated.

Autograph Letter Signed "Edward George Lytton Bulwer", to [Barbarina Lady Dacre], about her Poems (published 1821).

Edward Bulwer Lytton, novelist
Publication details: 
Knebworth, Saturday morning [n.d. - pre-1844 when he became Bulwer-Lytton].

One page, 8vo, laid down on another paper, fold marks and slightly crumpled, trimmed with loss of part of "K" of "Knebworth" only, otherwise text clear and complete. "It is with many thanks that Ireturn your Ladyship's Poems [...] I must differ from your Ladyship in the remark that 'Tragedy is not the field for female powers- I cannot help particualrly admiring the nobleness of the characters you have described, & the sentiments they atter are such as Man should utter.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. C. Loudon') from the Scottish botanist John Claudius Loudon to the bookseller 'Mr. Jones', of the firm Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Mavor, & Jones, Finsbury Square, London.

J. C. Loudon [John Claudius Loudon] (1783-1843), Scottish botanist, garden designer and editor [Lackington, Hughes, Harding, Mavor, & Jones, booksellers, Finsbury Square, London]
Publication details: 
Bayswater House; 28 May 1818.

2pp., 4to. On a bifolium, with the main text on the recto of the first page, and the postscript with the address on the verso of the second. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Tipped-in onto leaf removed from an autograph album. The book he enquired after on the previous day was 'any spanish work translated into french or English Interlineally for a beginner in that language'. He has seen German and Italian books 'so translated', and will be grateful if Jones can suggest a Spanish one.

Manuscript Letter, with price list, from the nurserymen Thomas Bunyard & Sons of Maidstone, Kent, to the naturalist Rev. Charles William Shepherd of Trotterscliffe. With list of plants by Shepherd.

Thomas Bunyard & Sons, The Nurseries, Maidstone, Kent, Victorian 'Nurserymen, Seedsmen and Florists' [Rev. Charles William Shepherd (1838-1920) of Trotterscliffe, near Maidstone, Kent, naturalist]
Thomas Bunyard & Sons
Publication details: 
18 February 1869; on letterhead of The Nurseries, Maidstone [Kent].
Thomas Bunyard & Sons

12mo, 2 pp. Bifolium. With two pages of lists of plants by Shepherd. Good, on aged paper. In remains of original envelope. The letterhead advertises that the firm also has a branch at Ashford. Begins: 'We can supply you with the shrubs &c you kindly enquire about at the Prices named on other side - your orders for which will have our careful attention'. Three are marked with a cross, being 'very critical trees to move' for which the firm 'can undertake no responsibility as to their success'. Prices given for fifteen types, from 'Spruce Trees - 4 ft.

Autograph Letter Signed 'Frederick J. Hanbury", botanist, to [the Rev. C. W ] 'Shepherd', a fellow-botanist, and the inclusion of Shepherd's 'catalogue' ('London Catalogue of British Plants?')

Frederick J. Hanbury, botanist [Frederick Janson Hanbury; F.J. Hanbury]
Autograph Letter Signed 'Frederick J. Hanbury", botanist
Publication details: 
[Printed] London, Plough Court, 37 Lombard Street, EC, 16 July 1875.
Autograph Letter Signed 'Frederick J. Hanbury", botanist

Four pages, 12mo, Hanbury asks some questions about a 'catalogue' [presumably of plants found in Kent] Shepherd has sent him. "With these few exceptions your capital list is perfectly plain & straightforward". He has questions about Trollius europoeus, Wrotham Waters, Hypericum Montanum ('a mistake here'), Geranium sylvaticum ('Are you quite clear about this? Watson's Topog. Bot. does not give it as Kentish at all'). He corrects him on a geranium he has shown him ('rare or rarer'), believes a mistake has been made placing Lathymus palustris in Ryash Woods ('northern plant').

Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Clifton') from Edward Henry Stuart Bligh, Lord Clifton (later 7th Earl of Darnley) to Rev. C. W. Shepherd of Trotterscliffe, all concerning Kent natural history. With 15 page list of 'Funghi, East Kent'.

Edward Henry Stuart Bligh (1851-1900), of Cobham Hall, Gravesend, Kent, successively Lord Clifton and (from 1896) the 7th Earl of Darnley [Rev. Charles William Shepherd (1838-1920) of Trotterscliffe]
Edward Henry Stuart Bligh (fungi)
Publication details: 
4 October 1889 and 22 August and 14 September 1891. All from Dumpton Park, Ramsgate, Kent.
Edward Henry Stuart Bligh (fungi)

All 4to, with the letters totalling 22 pp, and the list of 'Funghi, East Kent' of 15 pp. All items clear and complete. Three leaves with light staining (one with short closed tear), otherwise all in good condition, on aged paper. All three in envelopes (lacking stamps), addressed by Clifton and with his seal in red wax. ONE. 4 October 1889. 4to, 12 pp. Begins: 'It seems a long time since we had a ramble on the Cuxton and Ralling hills from Cobham, and when I killed a viper; and I have been much amused at the apparent incredulity of a brother B.O.U. at the Dumpton Park rarities!

Manuscript notebook, titled 'Calendar of British Moths & Their larvae and food Plants' and 'J[on]. Wilsons Lepidoptera Calendar'.

Jonathan Wilson, Victorian lepidopterist of Kent, England [British moths]
Publication details: 
Undated [between 1870 and 1885]. Front cover with label of 'Letts Son & Co. Limited, London, E.C.'

This item can be roughly dated from the fact that the firm of 'Letts Son & Co. Limited' only traded in this style between 1870 and 1885, the public company going into liquidation in the latter year. There is an indication (see below) that Wilson hailed from Kent, and the present volume provides a valuable first-hand record into the state of the moth population in England at the end of the Victorian period. 12mo, 158 pp. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, in worn brown leather quarter binding, marbled endpapers. Letts label on front cover reads 'J.

Autograph Letter Signed "F.O. Bower", botanist, to Dr. W.B. Crow [William Bernard Crow, biologist , etc., Author of 'A History of Magic, Witchcraft and Occultism']

F.O. Bower [Frederick Orpen Bower FRS] (1855–1948), British botanist
F.O. Bower [Frederick Orpen Bower FRS] (1855–1948), British botanist
Publication details: 
2 The Crescent, Ripon, Yorks, 15 April 1932.
F.O. Bower [Frederick Orpen Bower FRS] (1855–1948), British botanist

Two pages, 4to, several closed tears, two small hole, one stain, 1in. dia., on p.2. , text clear and complete. "I am much obliged to you for sending me a copy of your 'Proteus' No.6 - the Goethe Commemoration Number. It was a happy idea to concentrate on this centenary. My interest naturally centres on the 'Metamorphosis of Plants'. Had Goethe lived as a post Darwinian his keen insight would have led him to a rather different statement of his great synthesis. He would have accepted I am pretty sure a theory of segregation rather than a theory of metamorphosis.

Autograph Letter Signed Wm. H. Dall, naturalist and explorer, to Mrs Geo. R. Parks [née Elizabeth Robins, author], 24 Iverna Gardens, Kensington, W [London] about Mrs Pennell and the Yukon.

William Healey Dall, American naturalist, a prominent malacologist, and one of the earliest scientific explorers of interior Alaska.
Autograph Letter Signed  Wm. H. Dall, naturalist and explorer
Publication details: 
[Headed] Smithsonian Institution, United States National Museum, Washington, DC, 12 Feb. 1907.
Autograph Letter Signed  Wm. H. Dall, naturalist and explorer


Autograph Letter Signed B. Gilliat-Smith (diplomat and naturalist) to Lady Findlay, wife of diplomat, Mansfeldt Findlay, about books on fungi.

B. Gilliat-Smith, diplomat and naturalist
B. Gilliat-Smith, diplomat and naturalist
Publication details: 
British Consulate, Copenhagen, 17 August 1918.
B. Gilliat-Smith, diplomat and naturalist

Three pages, 12mo, minor defects, text clear and complete. I fear I quite forgot to send you the names of the books on 'fungi', and now I have not got them with me. But as the messenger is going up to Christiania I am sending you some rather crude pictures, which may be of some use pending the arrival of better books which I shall recommend shortly. | But for heaven's sake be careful! Some are so poisonous that no doctor can be of any use.

[Printed Victorian botanical handbill advertisement.] American Blackberry Rooted Cuttings, Kittatinny Variety. Imported by D. C. Lowber, 35, Chapel Walks, Liverpool. [Including text on 'THE AMERICAN BLACKBERRY.']

D. C. Lowber [originally of New Orleans], Liverpool Merchant [American Blackberries, Kittatinny Variety; botanical ephemera]
American Blackberry Rooted Cuttings
Publication details: 
[Circa 1875.] D. C. Lowber, 35, Chapel Walks, Liverpool.
American Blackberry Rooted Cuttings

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Attractive engraving of a blackberry cutting. The second page is headed 'THE AMERICAN BLACKBERRY', and begins 'There is scarcely a more wholesome fruit than this, and one that has been more improved by judicious cultivation on the American side of the water.' The text, which continues to the last page and is signed in type by Lowber, contains two quotations from 'Rev. E. P. Roe, one of the most celebrated small fruit culturists on the banks of the Hudson'. In manuscript at foot of third page: '15/- per doz.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J A Lowell') to Rainford, concerning a consignment of botanical books from England.

John Amory Lowell (1798-1881), American businessman and philanthropist [Edward Rainford, London bookseller]
Publication details: 
19 June 1843; Boston.

4to, 1 p. Twenty-one lines of text. Clear and complete. On aged, stained and worn paper, with a couple of small spike holes. Revealing, in the attention to detail which it exhibits. He begins by reporting that 'the Rosabella arrived safe & the books appear to be correct with the following exceptions'. Two paragraphs follow, carefully describing duplicate plates and other faults in the books received (including "Genus Plantarum"). The replacements may be sent 'through Wilmer & Smith, booksellers, Liverpool - or by Harden's express - or through Messrs. John D.

"Description of a new Species of Agama, brought from the Columbia River by Mr. Douglass

Thomas Bell
Publication details: 
From Trans.Linn. Soc.

(Dentist and natural historian).Vol.xvi, pp.105-107, plate, sm. fol., sewn in blue wraps. INSCRIBED by the author: "J.G. Children Esqre [see DNB] with the Author's king regards". Perhaps never bound in to its volume. (Bell has also written the name of Children on the fr. cover.)

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