[Sir Theodore Martin, Scottish poet and author.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs. Thomas’, discussing the Duke of Wellington’s mode of pronunciation, elementary education, King Lear and Shakespeare scholar H. H. Furness.

Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish poet and author, husband of actress Helena Faucit [Duke of Wellington; Horace Howard Furness; William Shakespeare]
Publication details: 
18 November 1893. The Hotel, Sidmouth.

A good letter, not the least of whose interest lies in the fact that it provides first-hand information about the Duke of Wellington. See Martin’s entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Begins: ‘Dear Mrs. Thomas, / Your variant of the King Lear story will, I am sure, delight Mr. Furness. Unfortunately King Lear has already been dealt with by him. It forms one volume of his magnificent Edition. But he loves every thing that concerns old England.

[Sir Theodore Martin, Scottish poet and author.] Two Autograph Letters Signed: one declining to contribute to E. B. Nicholson’s ‘proposed magazine’; the other to ‘Mr Lowe’, regarding a ‘vulgar’ response to Princess Mary’s bereavement.

Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish poet and author, husband of actress Helena Faucit [E. B. Nicholson; Lowe; Princess Mary of Teck, later Queen Mary]
Publication details: 
ONE: To E. B. Nicholson. 3 November 1881. On letterhead of Brintysilio, near Llangollen. TWO: To ‘Mr. Lowe’. 24 January 1892. On letterhead of 31 Onslow Square, S.W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both items are in good condition, and each folded once. The second carries the merest trace of grey paper from a mount at one corner. ONE: To E. B. Nicholson, 3 November 1881. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. Nicholson’s letter has been forwarded to him ‘here in my country house, where I am for a few days’. It is out of his power ‘to promise any assistance to your proposed Magazine.

[Sir Theodore Martin, Scottish poet and author.] Three Autograph Letters Signed: to A. M. M. Stedman of Methuen, ruling out writing his reminiscences; to Rev. Canon Moor of St Clements, on a misquotation; to E. J. Broadfield, on his wife’s letters.

Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish poet and author, husband of actress Helena Faucit [Sir A. M. M. Stedman of publishers Methuen; Rev. Canon Moor of St Clements, Cornwall; E. J. Broadfield]
Publication details: 
ONE: To Broadfield. 26 May 1885. 1 Cavendish Place, Brighton. TWO: To Moor. 22 April 1889. On letterhead of 31 Onslow Square, S.W. [London] THREE: To Stedman. 15 June 1897. On Onslow Square letterhead.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both items are in good condition, and each folded once. The second carries the merest trace of grey paper from a mount at one corner. ONE: To E. B. Nicholson, 3 November 1881. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. Nicholson’s letter has been forwarded to him ‘here in my country house, where I am for a few days’. It is out of his power ‘to promise any assistance to your proposed Magazine.

[Sir Theodore Martin, Scottish poet and author.] Autograph Letter Signed to Sylvain Van de Weyer, Belgian Ambassador, regarding a 'charming appeal' of ' M. Derôme to the Times', and his latest paper in the Quarterly Review.

Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish poet and author, husband of actress Helena Faucit [Sylvain Van de Weyer (1802-1874), Prime Minister of Belgium, Belgian Minister at the Court of St. James’s
Publication details: 
'31 Onslow Square [London] / 31st Decemr 1871'. With letterhead of his family crest.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Fifty-eight lines of text. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Begins: Dear M. Van de Weyer / Altho' I had been prudent enough to preserve the appeal of M. Derôme to the Times in its original form, not the less welcome was the glorified text which I found on my table yesterday on our return from a short visit to Brighton. That charming appeal acted as a mental Conserve alimentaire to me, when it first appeared, and it shall be placed with certain other valued opuscules, where I can offen turn it to the like account.

[Sir Theodore Martin, Scottish poet and author.] Autograph Letter Signed to Shirley Brooks, future editor of Punch, discussing his autograph and that of his wife the actress Helena Faucit, and portait photographs by Disderi and others.

Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish poet and author, husband of actress Helena Faucit [Shirley Brooks [Charles William Shirley Brooks], editor of Punch; Disdéri, Paris photographer]
Publication details: 
'31 Onslow Square [London] / 21 February 1864', embossed with his family crest.

See the two men's entries, with that of Helena Faucit, in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Addressed to 'Shirley Brooks Esq' and signed 'Theodore Martin'. Brooks has evidently asked for autographs and photographs of Martin and his wife, the celebrated actres Helena Faucit (1817-1898). The letter begins: 'My dear Brooks / Here are the autographs you wish. There is not in all The Lady of Lyons one line to which any reasonable being could wish to attach his name. It is only the situations which are good for anything.

[?One in name, one in fame / Are the Sea-divided Gaels.?: Alexander Martin Sullivan, Irish nationalist politician and author.] Autograph Signature with poetic quotation.

Alexander Martin Sullivan (1829-1884), Irish nationalist politician and author, member of the British parliament, younger brother of Timothy Daniel Sullivan
Publication details: 
?St Patricks Day / 1884?.

See his entry, and that of his elder brother, in the Oxford DNB. From the collection of Irish nationalist autographs of Miss Burgess of Norwich. On 16.5 x 7.5 cm piece of paper, cut down from a larger document. In fair condition, lightly aged and spotted. Folded three times. Written in a large bold hand: ? ?One in name, one in fame / Are the Sea-divided Gaels.? / A. M. Sullivan / St Patricks Day / 1884?. See Image.

[John Leech, Victorian artist and caricaturist who illustrated the ‘Christmas Carol’ of Charles Dickens.] Conclusion of Autograph Letter to the poet Martin Farquhar Tupper, with Signature.

John Leech (1817-1864), Victorian artist and caricaturist who illustrated the ‘Christmas Carol’ of Charles Dickens [Martin Farquhar Tupper (1810-1889), popular and much-lampooned Victorian poet]
John Leech (
Publication details: 
No place or date.
John Leech (

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. The present item, is on one side of an 11 x 6.5 cm slip of paper, cut from a letter and laid down on a 12.5 x 8 cm piece of card. In good condition, lightly aged. Very slightly smudged by Leech. Reads: ‘[...] very low. until I see / you Believe me / Yours Ever Faithfully / John Leech. / Martin . F. Tupper Esq / &c. &c. &c.’ See Image. Leech illustrated at least one book by Tupper (The Crock of Gold).

[Martin Shaw, composer associated with ‘English pastoralism’, conductor and organist at St Martin-in-the-Fields.] Autograph Card Signed, with autograph musical notation of the beginning of his ‘Romance’.

Martin Shaw [Martin Edward Fallas Shaw] (1875-1958), composer associated with ‘English pastoralism’, conductor and organist at St Martin-in-the-Fields
Publication details: 
Dated by Shaw to May 1921. No place.

An attractive item by a leading exponent of ‘English pastoralism’. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Bass and treble notation of opening bars, headed ‘Romance / Andante ma non molto’. On one side of 9 x 11 cm card with rounded edges. Firm signature at bottom right: ‘Martin Shaw / May 1921’. In good condition, lightly aged. See Image.

[Jean-Henri Merle d'Aubigné, Swiss historian of the Reformation and Protestant cleric.] Autograph Letter Signed, in French, to ‘Miss Caroline Thompson, Bedford’, discussing the true importance of his ‘livre sur la Réformation’.

Jean-Henri Merle d'Aubigné (1794-1872), Swiss historian of the Reformation and Protestant cleric [Caroline Thompson of Bedford]
Publication details: 
2 December 1866. La Graveline, Genève [Geneva, Switzerland].

2pp, 16mo. Twenty-four lines of text. In good condition, lightly aged. Signed ‘Merle d’Aubigné’ and addressed ‘A Miss Caroline Thompson, / Bedford’ at foot of second page. Begins by stating that his ‘livre sur la Réformation est peu de chose’. What is important is how it shows that God transforms hearts, ‘et plusieurs personnes de divers pays m’ont écrit: “En voyant comment Luther trouva Christ, par la bonté de Dieu je l’ai trouvé moi même!”’ He continues with reference to Claudine Levet and Calvin.

[Martin Nadaud, French revolutionary in exile as Wimbledon teacher ‘Henri Geo. Martin’.] Autograph Letter Signed, as ‘Martin’, in French, telling ‘Mons Delabussière’ to seek assistance from his ‘bon ami’ the Christian Socialist J. M. Ludlow.

Martin Nadaud (1815-1898), French revolutionary who spent 18 years in exile in England after 1848, under the name ‘Henri Geo. Martin’ [John Malcolm Forbes Ludlow (1821-1911), Christian Socialist]
Publication details: 
‘18bre [sic] 1855’ [Wimbledon, London].

An interesting letter, indicating the networks of sympathisers who assisted those fleeing to England in the years following the revolutions of 1848. In the July 1895 edition of the Atlantic, the subject of this letter, the Christian Socialist J. M. Ludlow, in reviewing Nadaud’s memoirs, described him as ‘a friend of my own, of many years’ standing’. The present item was written in the seventh of the eighteen years of Nadaud’s English exile, part of which was spent as a teacher in Wimbledon under the name ‘Henri Geo. Nadaud’. The identity of the recipient is not known. 4pp, 16mo.

[British India; Edwardian Raj; Indian finances; Edward Broome, civil engineer; Sir Colin Scott-Moncrieff; William Martin Wood, editor of Times of India, founder and editor of Bombay Review.] Five galley proofs of articles by Wood, on Indian topics.

[British India; the Edwardian Raj; Indian finances; Edward Broome; Sir Colin Scott-Moncrieff; William Martin Wood (1828-1907), editor of Times of India, founder and editor of Bombay Review]
Publication details: 
One item from ‘Allen’s Indian Mail’, [28 March 1887]. Three items marked as from the periodical ‘India’, [1902], 1903 and 1906. Another ‘Reprinted from “INDIA,” August 16, 1901.’

Five galley-proofs of articles written during the high-point of the Raj by leading Victorian journalist in India W. Martin Wood (editor of the Times of India, founder and editor of the Bombay Review). Ephemeral items, creased and worn, but with text clear and entire. ONE: Headed ‘ALLEN’S INDIAN MAIL / THE LATE MR. EDWARD BROOME, C.E. / Mr. M. Martin Wood writes to us as follows: -’. Sixty-two lines in small print follow, beginning: ‘Some little time back your “Domestic Occurrences” contained the name of Mr.

[British India; Edwardian Raj; Indian finances; Edward Broome, civil engineer; William Martin Wood, editor of Times of India, founder and editor of Bombay Review.] Five galley proofs of articles by Wood, on Indian topics.

[British India; the Edwardian Raj; Indian finances; Edward Broome; William Martin Wood (1828-1907), editor of Times of India, founder and editor of Bombay Review]
Publication details: 
One item from ‘Allen’s Indian Mail’, [28 March 1887]. The other ‘Reprinted from “INDIA,” August 16, 1901.’

Two galley-proofs of articles by leading Victorian journalist in India W. Martin Wood (editor of the Times of India, founder and editor of the Bombay Review). Ephemeral items, creased and worn, but with text clear and entire. ONE: Headed ‘ALLEN’S INDIAN MAIL / THE LATE MR. EDWARD BROOME, C.E. / Mr. M. Martin Wood writes to us as follows: -’. Sixty-two lines in small print follow, beginning: ‘Some little time back your “Domestic Occurrences” contained the name of Mr. Edward Broome, Civil Engineer, as having died at Southport, something under 60 years of age.

[J. S. M. Fonblanque, legal writer and Commissioner of Bankruptcy.] Autograph Letter Signed

J. S. M. Fonblanque [John Samuel Martin de Grenier Fonblanque] (1787-1865), legal writer and Commissioner of Bankruptcy [Henry Holmes Joy (1805-1875)?; Lord Brougham
Publication details: 
5 August 1844. No place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged, with closed tear (not affecting text) to a fold on second leaf, which also carries traces of mount on its blank reverse. Small printed slip relating to the Court of Bankruptcy, bearing Fonblanque’s name, laid down at head of first page. Folded four times for postage. Signed ‘J S M Fonblanque’.

[Martin Hardie, artist, engraver, art historian, and a Victoria & Albert Museum Keeper.] Autograph Card Signed to C. H. Whitby, regarding an engraving by the disciple of William Blake, Samuel Palmer.

Martin Hardie (1875-1952), artist, engraver, art historian and Keeper of Painting, Engraving, Illustration, and Design at the Victoria and Albert Musem, London [Samuel Palmer; William Blake]
Publication details: 
4 June 1925; with London postmark of the same date.

See Hardie's entry in the Oxford DNB. 11.5 x 9 cm card. Printed with penny stamp in red; no illustration. In fair condition, discoloured and a little worn. Addressed by Hardie to 'C. H. Whitby | 82, Crofton Park | Yeovil.' (Whitby is the author of a handful of books of reglious poetry.) Whitby would appear to be offering for sale, or at least asking for advice about, an impression of Palmer's celebrated engraving 'The Bellman'.

[Mary Martin, Broadway star.] Two Typed Letters Signed (both 'Mary') to 'Popie', i.e. the English theatre historian MacQueen-Pope, discussing her family's plans and the projected production of 'South Pacific' at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane.

Mary Martin [Mary Virginia Martin[ (1913-1990), American actress, singer, and Broadway star associated with Rodgers and Hammerstein [W. J. MacQueen-Pope; Larry Hagman]
Publication details: 
One 28 May [1950], the other undated, but from 1951. Both on her letterhead.

Each letter 1p, 8vo. Both in fair condition, lightly aged and creased. On signing one of the letters she has slightly smudged it. ONE: 28 May [1950]. She thanks him for his 'fascinating-looking book, THE MELODIES LINGER ON', and for his 'most generous inscription'. She and her husband 'Richard' (the drama critic Richard Halliday) have 'read bits and pieces and have looked at every photograph, and can't wait to really sit down and read the book from cover to cover!' She continues: 'And that will be soon.

[Martin Bell, RA, painter.] Colourful juvenile painting on paper, depicting Eve, the apple, and Pythagoras, with text: 'The Serpent on the fatal tree | Was l'esprit de géometrie'.

Martin Bell [Norman Martin Bell] (1907-1970), RA, Cheshire painter, trained at Liverpool College of Art, 1925-30, and at the Royal College of Art, 1931-33
Publication details: 
Without date or place. In pencil on reverse: 'Juvenile painting By Martin Bell'.

On 20 x 15 cm piece of paper torn from an exercise book. Aged and worn, with fraying to left-hand edge where the item has been torn away from the exercise book, but in fair overall condition. A faux-naive effort, crude but full of energy, painted in orange, yellow, red, blue, grey, purple, green. On reverse in pencil: 'Juvenile | painting | By Martin Bell'.

[Theodore Martin, Scottish poet and author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Theodore Martin') intended as a pass for the inspection of the Shakespeare bust and pictures of 'the old celebrities of the English stage' in the Garrick Club.

Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish poet and author [The Garrick Club, London]
Publication details: 
13 July 1871; 31 Onslow Square [London].

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn, but with slight water staining and damage to blank area at foot of second leaf. The male recipient is not named. The letter begins: 'My dear Sir | If you present the enclosed to the porter of the Garrick Club, I have no doubt all the Art Treasures of the Garrick will be open to your inspection.

[Theodore Martin, Scottish poet and author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Theodore Martin') intended as a pass for the inspection of the Shakespeare bust and pictures of 'the old celebrities of the English stage' in the Garrick Club.

Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish poet and author [The Garrick Club, London]
Publication details: 
13 July 1871; 31 Onslow Square [London].

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn, but with slight water staining and damage to blank area at foot of second leaf. The male recipient is not named. The letter begins: 'My dear Sir | If you present the enclosed to the porter of the Garrick Club, I have no doubt all the Art Treasures of the Garrick will be open to your inspection.

[Suttons Seeds, Reading.] Typed Letter Signed from Martin H. J. Sutton of the Royal Seed Establishment to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, regarding his experiments with 'radio-active fertilizers'.

[Suttons Seeds] Martin Hubert Foquet Sutton (1875-1930) of the Royal Seed Establishment, Reading, grandson of Martin Hope Sutton (1815-1901), seed merchant
Publication details: 
18 September 1915. On letterhead, with Royal Warrant, of The Royal Seed Establishment, Reading, England.

See the entry for Martin Hope Sutton in the Oxford DNB, and that for his grandson Martin Hubert Fouquet Sutton in Who Was Who. 2pp, 4to. I good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded three times. With RSA date stamp. Signed 'Martin H F Sutton'. In reply to a letter from Menzies, Sutton expresses regret that 'it will be impossible for you to attend the Demonstration here on the 24th inst.' Sutton will be 'publishing certain particulars for the benefit of those present' and will be glad to send Menzies a copy.

[George Thomson, Scottish musician, folklorist, friend of Robert Burns.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Go Thomson') to 'J. M. Muller Esq', regarding bringing 'Beethoven's Sonatas & Trios' to a dinner with Conrad Boisragon.

George Thomson (1757-1851), Scottish musician, collector of folk songs, editor and friend of Robert Burns, grandfather of Charles Dickens's wife [Johann Martin Muller (1808-1843); Conrad Boisragon]
Publication details: 
'Baxter's place [Edinburgh] | No 4 Saty. 9 Novr' [1830s or 1840s].

1p, 12mo. Bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'J. M. Muller Esq'. In fair condition, lightly aged, with closed tear along one of the two folds and slight creasing at foot, with a panel lacking from the second leaf. The recipient Johann Martin Muller published a few piece of music in Edinburgh in the 1840s.

[Martin Farquhar Tupper critiques three poems by Walter Chalmers Smith.] Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Martin F. Tupper'), one to Smith and two to his publisher MacLehose, on 'Olrig Grange', 'Borland Hall' and 'Hilda Among the Broken Gods'.

Martin Farquhar Tupper (1810-1889), poet and author, best known for his 'Proverbial Philosophy' [Walter Chalmers Smith (1824-1908), Scottish poet; James MacLehose & Sons, Glasgow publishers]
Publication details: 
Two on letterheads of Albury House, near Guildford, Surrey. 4 and 12 December 1874. The third from Western Villa, North Park, Croydon. 23 June 1878,

Three 12mo letters in good condition, lightly aged and worn. An interesting batch of letters, in which one minor Victorian poet critiques the work of another, both to the author himself and to his publisher. The three books by Smith which are the subjects of Tupper's letters are 'Olrig Grange' (1872), 'Borland Hall' (1874) and 'Hilda Among the Broken Gods' (1878), all of which were published by the Glasgow publishers James MacLehose and Sons. ONE: Addressed 'To the unnamed Author of Olrig Grange'. 4 December 1874. On letterhead of Albury House, near Guildford. 4pp., 12mo.

[ Michael Arlen, English author of Armenian extraction. ] Autograph Signature ('Michael Arlen') on note to the author Sewell Stokes.

Michael Arlen [ born Dikran Kouyoumdjian ] (1895-1956), Anglo-American author, born in Bulgaria of Armenian extraction [ Francis Martin Sewell Stokes (1902-1979), author and broadcaster ]
Publication details: 
14 Queen Street, Mayfair [ London ]. October 1924.

1p., 4to. The leaf is divided into four panels by a central horizontal crease; Arlen writes on the upper panel of one page, the rest of the leaf being blank. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Arlen writes neatly at the centre of the panel: 'Dear Sewell Stokes | Pip, Squeak and Wilfred. | Yrs. | Michael Arlen.' And at top left: '14 Queen St. | Mayfair. | October, 1924.' At the time of writing the precocious Stokes was an assistant editor at T.P.'s Weekly. 'Pip, Squeak and Wilfred' was a cartoon which ran in the Daily Mirror from 1919 to 1956.

[ Ethel Mannin, novelist and travel writer. ] Typed Card Signed ('E M') to Sewell Stokes, explaining why she declines to write an introduction for his autobiography, and referring to Isadora Duncan.

Ethel Mannin [ Ethel Edith Mannin ] (1900-1984), novelist, travel writer and socialist [ Francis Martin Sewell Stokes (1902-1979), author and broadcaster ]
Publication details: 
Wimbledon [ London ] postmark. 23 May 1934.

Unillustrated official 'POST CARD' with printed penny stamp. Addressed on one side, with Wimbledon postmark, to 'Sewell Stokes, Esq., | 53, Holland Park, W.11.' In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Twelve typed lines of text. The subject of the text is Stokes's forthcoming autobiography 'Monologue' (Hutchinson, 1934), with Mannin referring to her own 'Confessions and Impressions' (Jarrolds, 1930). After thanking him for his letter she writes: 'I am glad you have decided to dispense with an introduction to the book – books, particularly of this kind, should stand on their own legs . . .

[ Huguenot Church of St Martin Orgar, London. ] Exchequer receipt signed by ministers James Eynard and David Durand, and Elders John Bonnet, Matthew Clarmont, Philip Rigail and Peter De Visme junior.

[ Huguenot Church of St Martin Orgar, London ] James Eynard and David Durand, ministers; John Bonnet, Matthew Clarmont, Philip Rigail and Peter De Visme junior, Elders
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 13 November 1749.

1p., 8vo. On aged and worn paper. Laid out in the usual style, with printed text completed in manuscript. Records a payment of £12 10s 0d to the 'Ministers and Elders Of the French Church of St Martin Orgars of London as Assigned by Margin', and signed at foot by 'James Eynard Minister', 'David Durand Minister', and elders 'Jno Bonnet', 'Matthew Clarmont', 'Philip Rigail' and 'Peter De Visme junr'.

[ Sir Theodore Martin, Scottish poet and translator. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Theodore Martin') to 'Mrs. Green', an autograph hunter.

Sir Theodore Martin (1816-1909), Scottish poet and translator, best-known for his 'Bon Gaultier Ballads'
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 31 Onslow Square, S.W. [ London ] 10 March 1877.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, with small printed slip from catalogue pasted above letterhead. The recipient is named as 'Mr. Green | Claremont House | Clapton'. Reads: 'Madam | My autograph can be of little value to any one, but in compliance with your wish so courteously expressed I enclose it & am | Madam | Faithfully yours | Theodore Martin'.

[ Lillie Martin Wood ] Signed autograph 'copy of my letter sent to Miss Meakin at Freiburg, Baden': a long and informed letter to a German friend regarding war profiteering, inflation, and the economic state of Weimar Germany.

Lillie Martin Wood, daughter of W. Martin Wood (1829-1907), editor of The Times of India [ Weimar Germany ]
Publication details: 
Copy of letter sent 'on July 23rd. 1924'.

6pp., 4to. In good condition, on aged paper. In envelope docketted by her 'My reply to Miss Meakin | to her letter of July 18th. 1924'. The recipient is a German former friend, who has sent her a copy of a letter she has sent the London magazine the Spectator, complaining of the economic treatment of Germany since the First World War. Wood signs herself 'Your affectionate old friend', recalling 'our beloved parents, and [...] our own youth'. She concludes bitterly: 'Please dont interrupt your studies for the thankless task of trying to make me forget all that we owe to Germany.

[ Martin Fischer, German classical musician. ] Fourteen Autograph Letters Signed (all 'Martin'), in English, to Richard Hutchins, giving news of his activities as a viola player under von Karajan at the Berlin Philharmonic.

Martin Fischer (b. c. 1931), viola player with the Berlin Philharmonic, husband of soprano Helga Fischer [Richard Hutchins of Waynflete ]
Publication details: 
One dated from Berlin, 27 February 1963. The rest from between 1976 and 1981.

A total of 50pp., of which 46pp. are 8vo, and 4pp. are 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Some letters also signed on behalf of his wife Helga and their son Andreas. Also present is the first page of a fifteenth letter, dated from Paris, 19 May 1972. An affectionate correspondence, filled with personal and professional news. On 3 August 1978 he writes from St Oswald in Austria of a visit to East Germany: 'Our orchestra played for the first time at Dresden and Leipzig!!

[ Printed lecture. ] Zetemata Dianoetika. Or A View of the Intellectual Powers of Man: with Observations on their Cultivation, adapted to the Present State of this Country.

[ Thomas Martin of Allerton ] [ The Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool ]
Publication details: 
'Read in the Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool, 20th November, 1818.' Second edition. Liverpool: Printed by G. F. Harris's Widow and Brothers; and sold by Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown and Co. London. 1821.

64pp., 8vo. In fair condition, on lightly and worn paper, in worn contemporary half calf binding with front cover detached. The cover carries the gilt stamp of the Society of Writers to the Signet, and the front pastedown carries a shelfmark label. There is no other evidence of library provenance. Thomas is not named on the title-page, but he is the author of the dedication to Samuel Shore of Meersbrook, Derbyshire. Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and only four on COPAC.

[ Helen Faucit, English actress. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Helen Faucit Martin') to John Coleman, explaining why an engagement in Sheffield would be inconvenient to her.

Helen Faucit [ Helena Saville Faucit, latterly Lady Martin ] (1817-1898), English actress
Publication details: 
42 Albany Street, Edinburgh. 20 February [no year].

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged. Her engagements will keep her in Scotland for three weeks, after which she intends to 'return direct to London'. Sheffield is too far out of her way, and would 'prove tiresome & expensive'. Should she visit Manchester 'at Easter or Whitsuntide' she would have no objection to performing in Sheffield for a couple of nights.

[ Helen Faucit, English actress. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Helen Faucit') requesting a private box for a performance of James White's 'John Savile of Haysted'.

Helen Faucit [ Helena Saville Faucit, latterly Lady Martin ] (1817-1898), English actress
Publication details: 
55 Brompton Square [ London ]. 15 November [ 1847 ].

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. She asks for a 'Private Box at your Theatre on Wednesday evening if your new play of "John Saville" [sic] is acted.' Rev. James White's 'John Savile of Haysted' was performed in London in November 1847.

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