[Richard Tauber, Austrian tenor singer and film actor.] Autograph Signature to publicity photograph of ‘Richad Tauber / als Schubert / im “Dreimädlhaus”’.

Richard Tauber (1891-1948), Austrian tenor singer and film actor [Atelier Schneider, Berlin photographers]
Publication details: 
Inscribed by Tauber ‘1931 / London’. Printed at foot: ‘Atelier Schneider, Berlin phot.’

8 x 11 cm collotype print on 9 x 14 cm postcard, with caption (‘Richard Tauber / als Schubert / im “Dreimädlhaus”’) and publication details in blank space at foot. Tauber has signed emphatically, between two lines, at the foot of the card: ‘Richard Tauber / 1931 / London’. In good condition, lightly aged, but with dink to bottom-left corner, affecting neither image nor signature. Depicts Tauber, in the character of a bespectacled Franz Schubert, seated before a dark background. Scan on application.

[William Warde Fowler, historian and ornithologist, tutor at Lincoln College, Oxford.] Typed Letter Signed to ‘Bridge’, discussing 'the diminution of corn-growing' and an ornithological excursion.

William Warde Fowler (1827-1941), classical historian and ornithologist, tutor at Lincoln Colege, Oxford
Publication details: 
‘Kingham, April 13 1913’.

Fowler’s entry in the DNB states that he resigned his tutorship in 1910, when he ‘retired to Kingham, where, since 1873, he had enjoyed a country home and entertained his pupils. From 1899 he lived there with his sister Alice’. On both sides of what was an 8vo leaf, the lower part of which has been torn away, leaving a piece roughly 20 cm square, with 26 typed lines and the autograph valediction, in a large bold hand, ‘Yours sincerely / W. Warde Fowler’. Aged and worn, but with the remaining text clear. A nice letter, combining Fowler’s main interests.

[Sir Richard Runciman Terry, musicologist and choirmaster at Westminster Cathedral.] Autograph Letter Signed to Dr. W. J. Phillips, with ‘Copy of Testimonial’ in favour of Phillips' application as organist and choirmaster at Salisbury Cathedral.

Sir Richard Runciman Terry (1864-1938), organist, choir master and musicologist, Master of Music at Westminster Cathedral [Dr William James Phillips (1873-1963)]
Publication details: 
ALS from Terry to Phillips, 'at Cronkley / Horley Bridge / Aug 31. 1916'. Testimonial: 'Westminster Cathedral / August 31. 1916'.

See Terry’s entry in the Oxford DNB. At the time of writing Dr. W. J. Phillips was the organist at St Barnabas, Pimlico; he was unsuccessful in the present application, but was subsequently organist of the Chapel Royal at Hampton Court. See his entry in Humphreys and Evans, ‘Dictionary of Composers for the Church in Great Britain and Ireland’ (1997). These two items are uniform on a total of three leaves of light paper. Both discoloured and worn, and folded three times. ONE: ALS from Terry to Phillips. 1p, 4to. He is ‘most pleased to have opportunity of supporting’ Phillips’s application.

[Sir Landon Ronald, conductor and composer, Principal of the Guildhall School of Music, London.] Typed Letter Signed to W. J. Phillips ('My dear old Phil '), lamenting his absence on a 'great night, and one I shall never forget'.

Sir Landon Ronald (1872-1938), conductor and composer, Principal of the Guildhall School of Music, London
Publication details: 
12 November 1935. On letterhead of the Guildhall School of Music, John Carpenter Street, Victoria Embankment, EC4 [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with one short closed tear to an edge. Folded twice for postage. The salutation (‘My dear old “Phil,” ’) and the signature ‘Landon Ronald’ are in autograph, the rest typed. The recipient is ‘Dr. W. J. Phillips, / “Kelvinside,” / Malcolm Road, / Wimbledon, S.W.’ He sends a ‘thousand thanks’ for Phillips’s ‘delightful telegram’. ‘It was indeed good of you to think of us all down here. It was a great night, and one I shall never forget.

[John Goss, Communist baritone.] Autograph Signature on part of printed page from programme.

John Goss (1894-1953), Communist baritone singer associated with Peter Warlock and Frederick Delius
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in Grove’s. A good large firm signature, 'John Goss'. On irregularly-shaped piece of laid paper cut from a printed programme, a 9.5 x 8 cm rectangle with one large triangle cut from a corner. Written over part of the words to the song 'I am a brisk and sprightly lad'. The printing on the back headed ' Once I loved a maiden fair Anon., 1600 / I am a brisk and sprightly lad Anon., 1750 / MR. JOHN GOSS.'

[Liverpool concerts for ‘Spain Relief’, 1939: John Goss, Communist baritone.] Two Typed Letters Signed to ‘Mr. Cameron’ and one Typed Card Signed to ‘Miss Cameron’, on behalf of the Musician’s Group of the Left Book Club.

John Goss (1894-1953), Communist baritone associated with Peter Warlock and Frederick Delius [Spanish Civil War; Left Book Club; Liverpool]
Publication details: 
The letters to ‘Mr. Cameron’ dated 21 December 1938 and 9 January 1939; both from 35a Woburn Square, WC1 [London]. The card undated [early 1939], with London postmark.

See his entry in Grove’s. Each with his firm signature 'John Goss'. The two letters in fair condition, on aged and creased paper, folded for postage, the first of the two with a short closed tear to one edge. The card in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: TLS to ‘Mr. Cameron’, 21 December 1938. 1p, 4to. Cameron’s letter ‘to the convener of the Musician’s Group of the Left Book Club’ has been passed to him.

[Ernest Pauer, Austrian pianist who settled in London and became principal piano professor at the Royal College of Music.] Autograph Note in the third person to ‘Mrs Paget’, regarding an ‘Austrian Piano maker’.

Ernst Pauer (1826-1905), Austrian pianist who settled in London in 1851, principal piano professor at the Royal College of Music
Publication details: 
6 October 1867. On embossed letterhead of 3 Cranley Place, Onslow Square [London].

In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, laid down on part of page from album. Folded for postage. Neatly written. Reads: ‘6 Oct 1867 / Mr Pauer begs to inform Mrs Paget that the Austrian Piano maker will attend to her Piano tomorrow or Wednesday / In haste.’

[Madame Albani [Dame Emma Albani Gye], celebrated Canadian operatic soprano.] Autograph Inscription to 'J. Bennett Esq', on calling card of 'Mlle. Emma Albani'.

Madame Albani [Dame Emma Albani Gye; Madame Albani; born Marie-Louise-Emma-Cécile Lajeunesse] (1847-1930), celebrated Canadian operatic soprano
Madame Albani
Publication details: 
1876. No place.
Madame Albani

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 9 x 6 cm calling card, with 'Mlle. Emma Albani' printed in copperplate in the centre. Above this, at the head of the card, she has written 'J. Bennett Esq.' And around the printed signature she has written the unsigned inscription: 'With [Mlle. Emma Albani]'s compliments & heartfelt thanks -'. Date by her at bottom left: '1876'. See IMage.

[Dame Isobel Baillie, Scottish soprano and teacher at the Royal College of Music.] Typed Letter Signed to James Butt, recommending ‘a young New Zealand girl with a sweet voice’ (Kiri Te Kanawa?) for ‘sacred work’.

Dame Isobel Baillie [née Isabella Douglas Baillie] (1895-1983), Scottish soprano and teacher at the Royal College of Music and elsewhere [James Butt; Kiri Te Kanawa?]
Publication details: 
17 January 1968; on letterhead of 3 Langford Close, London, NW8.

1p, 12mo. On blue-grey paper with matching stamped, postmarked envelope with typed address to ‘Mr. James Butt / 23 Hartop Rd. / St. Marychurch / TORQUAY’. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Good large signature: ‘Isobel Baillie’. In response to his enquiry, she reports that she has ‘several good pupils who could make satisfactory Sacred Records’, but she would like him to hear them first.

[Sir Thomas Beecham and his second wife Betty [née Margaret Humby]. Autograph Signature ‘Thomas Beecham’ and ‘Betty Beecham’, on printed menu of Festival Luncheon for the Scottish Music Merchants’ Association.

Sir Thomas Beecham (1879-1961), conductor, and his second wife Betty [née Margaret Humby] (1908-1958) [Scottish Music Merchants’ Association Festival Luncheon, 1950]
Sir Thomas Beecham
Publication details: 
30 August 1950. Royal British Hotel, Edinburgh.
Sir Thomas Beecham

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Menu printed in blue on one side of 4to leaf, folded into 16 x 15 cm bifolium-style card. Front cover with patches of discoloration, and back cover bearing evidence of previous mounting (layer of dried out glue), otherwise in good condition. Front cover reads: ‘Scottish Music Merchants’ Association / Festival Luncheon / Royal British Hotel, Edinburgh / Wednesday, 30th August 1950 / Chairman: / R. W. Cresswell’. In space between ‘1950’ and ‘Chaiman:’ is large clear signature ‘Betty Beecham.’ At foot of page is large signature ‘Thomas Beecham’.

[Sir William Smith, classical and biblical scholar and lexicographer, editor of the Quarterly Review.] Autograph Letter Signed, thanking his daughter Annie for the birthday present of a pair of slippers.

Sir William Smith (1813-1893), classical and biblical scholar and lexicographer, editor of the Quarterly Review
Publication details: 
20 May 1881. On letterhead of 94 Westbourne Terrace, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, and with slight discoloration to corners of second leaf from previous mounting. Folded once for postage. With large firm signature. Begins: ‘My dear Annie, / Please accept my best thanks for your kind present of a pair of slippers on the anniversary fo my birthday, & especially for your kindness of thinking of me.’ He comments on his improved health since the previous year, the long time since their last meeting, and his anticipation of their next.

[Julius Harrison, conductor and composer.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Boosey’ [of the music publishers Boosey & Hawkes], giving his opinion of a batch of music manuscripts sent to him.

Julius Harrison [Julius Allan Greenway Harrison] (1885-1963), conductor and composer, Professor of Composition and Director of Opera, Royal Academy of Music [Boosey & Hawkes, London music publishers]
Publication details: 
11 December 1934; on letterhead of 5D Holmesdale Gardens, Hastings.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, with pinholes to one corner. Signed ‘Julius Harrison’. Begins ‘Dear Boosey, / From the recent batch sent, I return the enclosed which I fancy may all be useful in the English market. / I am struck with the “Flowers in the Valley” as a possible Alto lead number. Please see my remarks thereon.’ He explains that he is ‘trying to find an Alto lead piece for Cleethorpes Festival next July’, and could include the ‘Flowers’ if it were ‘published in C as soon as possible’.

[Julius Harrison, conductor and composer.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to 'Francis' regarding examinations he is supervising at Worcester.

Julius Harrison [Julius Allan Greenway Harrison] (1885-1963), conductor and composer, Professor of Composition and Director of Opera, Royal Academy of Music
Publication details: 
ONE: 27 May 1935; 5D Holmesdale Gardens, Hastings, on his cancelled letterhead as Musical Director to the Corporation, County Borough of Hastings. TWO: 23 April 1941; Glencairn, Pickersleigh Road, Malvern, on cancelled Hastings letterhead.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both items in good condition, lightly aged. The first on thinner paper and lightly creased. Both folded for postage. Each addressed to 'My dear Francis' and signed 'Julius Harrision' ONE (27 May 1935): 2pp, 4to. He is supervising examinations at Worcester, and discusses arrangements. 'My people left Stourport for Worcester many years ago, but I rather fancy that Worcester will be too far from Birmingham to stay there. I shall, I think, stay in Birmingham itself.' He will be 'away down the Mediterranean until the 14th.

[Nicolai Malko, Russian (Ukrainian?) composer who settled in America, mentor of Shostakovich.] Autograph Card Signed in Russian and English, to M. Calvocoressi (see Wikipedia).

Nicolai Malko [Nicolai Andreyevich Malko] (1883-1961), Russian composer who settled in America, mentor of Shostakovich
Publication details: 
‘Mills College, California. July 30th 1939 / Permanent Addresse: Bernstoffsvej, 242. / Charlottenlund, Denmark’. With postage stamp and postmark of Oakland, California, 31 July 1939.

On a postcard with a bromide print of a modernist architectural image of a flight of outdoor steps and its stone surroundings. Creased and worn. Addressed to ‘M. Calvocoressi, Esq. / 5 Bramerton Str / London S. W. 3 / England / Europe’. Reads: ‘Dear Mr Calvocoressi, [19 words in Cyrillic script] Helas the score is lost. I am so sorry I could not send it to you. / [3 words in Cyrilic script]! / With kindest regards, / Yours sincerely / Nicolai Malko’

[Eric Blom [Eric Walter Blom], music critic, editor of the fifth edition of ‘Grove’s Dictionary’.] Typed Letter Signed to ‘Mr. Hyman’ [Leonard Hyman], regarding 'the Burney volumes' and 'Miss Kingdon-Ward'.

Eric Blom [Eric Walter Blom] (1888-1959), Swiss-born music critic who settled in England, editor of the fifth edition of ‘Grove’s Dictionary of Music and Musicians’ (1954) [Leonard Hyman, bookseller]
Publication details: 
26 January 1946; on letterhead of ‘Music & Letters’ (‘Founded January 1920, by A. H. Fox Strangways / Edited by Eric Blom’), Birmingham.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. From the papers of music bookseller Leonard Hyman. 1p, 12mo. On creased and discoloured paper. Folded for postage. Signed ‘Eric Blom’. He thanks Hyman for letting him know about ‘the Burney volumes’. He is ‘almost ashamed at having decided not to have them for the moment. They are really only “stock”, as far as I am concerned, and as I don’t particularly want to spend all that at moment, [sic] I think I will let them go.’ Changing the subject, he reports that he ‘got into touch with Miss Kingdon-Ward and found her a very interesting girl.

[Ebenezer Prout, English musicologist and music theorist.] Autograph Letter Signed regarding activities [of the Hackney Choral Association].

Ebenezer Prout (1835-1909), English musicologist, music theorist and critic [The Hackney Choral Association; Shoreditch Town Hall]
Publication details: 
10 January 1878. 12 Greenwood Road, Dalston. E. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded three times for postage. The letter concerns the Hackney Choral Association. Begins: ‘My dear Sir, / I am much obliged by the kind note just received, though I am sorry we shall not have the pleasure of your company on Monday.

[Ebenezer Prout, English musicologist and music theorist.] Signed conclusion of Autograph Letter to Dr William Hayman Cumming appealing for assistance on behalf of a 'most deserving young man'.

Ebenezer Prout (1835-1909), English musicologist, music theorist and critic [William Hayman Cummings (1831-1915), singer and musicologist]
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See the entries for Prout and Cummings in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. The second leaf of a bifolum, the first presumably carrying the commencement of the letter. The present fragment, in a good firm hand, reads: 'in the way he desires but if you can do so, you will not only be assisting a most deserving young man, but I shall regard it as a personal kindness. / I am, my dear Cummings, / Yours very cordially, / Ebenezer Prout. / Dr. W. H. Cummings.'

[Clarence Raybould, English conductor, pianist and composer.] Typed Letter Signed to the music bookseller Leonard Hyman, discussing his own reitrement in the light of Hyman's.

Clarence Raybould [Robert Clarence Raybould] (1886-1972), English conductor, pianist and composer [Leonard Hyman, music bookseller]
Publication details: 
14 January 1961. On his letterhead, R1p, 4to. On lightly aged and somewhat creased paper. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to ‘Leonard Hyman, Esq.’ and signed ‘Clarence Ranworth, 2 The Glen, Farnborough, Kent. [with 'Orpington' typed to the right]

1p, 4to. On lightly aged and somewhat creased paper. Folded twice for postage. Addressed to ‘Leonard Hyman, Esq.’ and signed ‘Clarence Raybould’. He has received his Catalogue No. 87 and is sorry to learn of his ‘impending retirement from your business’. ‘The world is always the poor when someone of your integrity decides he has had enough of the intrigues of present-day life!’ He wishes him ‘a happy period of quieter days’: ‘I myself cease to bulk of my work in June of this present year, when I terminate a long association with the Senior Orchestra of the Royal Academy of Music.

[Alberto Randegger, Italian musician who promoted opera in England.] Autograph Letter Signed, in Italian, to a friend.

Alberto Randegger (1832-1911), Italian musician and music theorist who promoted opera in England, musical director of the Carl Rosa Opera Company
Publication details: 
‘Martedi sera’ [without date]. On letterhead of 17 Duke Street, Manchester Square [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 16mo. Addressed to ‘Carissimo Amico’ and signed ‘Alberto Randegger’.With fourteen lines of text, all in Italian. In fair condition, lightly aged and discoloured paper. Folded for postage.

[Ebenezer Prout, composer, musicologist, music critic of the Athenaeum.] Autograph Letter Signed explaining his inability to get the piece 'Christophorus' performed.

Ebenezer Prout (1835-1909), composer, musicologist, music critic of the Athenaeum, London
Publication details: 
‘12 Greenwood Road, / Dalston. E. [London] / 4 Sept. 1885.’

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Forty-nine lines. Bifolium. On aged and worn paper, with the reverse of the second leaf laid down on cut-down remains of leaf of autograph album, with a number of autographs on slips laid down on the reverse, including that of Charles Hallé, cut from a letter. Prout’s letter is signed ‘Ebenezer Prout’, but the recipient is not named.

[Algernon Ashton, composer, Professor of Piano at the Royal College of Music.] Autograph Letter Signed, asking W. H. Cummings to consider him if a vacancy for a professorship should occur at the Guildhall School of Music.

Algernon Ashton [Algernon Bennet Langton Ashton] (1859-1937), English composer, Professor of Piano, Royal College of Music [William Hayman Cummings (1831-1915), Principal, Guildhall School of Music]
Publication details: 
‘London, September 22nd., 1896. / 44, Hamilton Gardens. / St. John’s Wood. / N. W. [London]’

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. Folded once for postage. Addressed to ‘Mr. Cummings’ and with large bold signature ‘Algernon Ashton.’ He writes: ‘I venture to express a hope that whenever there should be a vacancy for a Pianoforte Professorship at the Guildhall School of Music, of which you are now the honoured Principal, that you may kindly think of me.’

[Walter Bache, English pianist and conductor who championed Liszt and the New German School.] Autograph Card Signed to ‘Mrs. Lewis’, gracefully declining a invitation.

Walter Bache (1842-1888), English pianist and conductor who championed Liszt and the New German School
Publication details: 
11 June [no year]. With letterhead of 17 Eastbourne Terrace, Hyde Park, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. In good condition, lightly aged, but with unobtrusive part of paper mount still adhering to one corner. Good bold signature ‘Walter Bache’. Reads: ‘Dear Mrs. Lewis / It is most kind of you to keep me still in your remembrance! I am teaching every day & all day - alas! & Friday is just my afternoon at the Academy. So I cannot possibly accept your most welcome invitation, for which please accept my best thanks.’

[Harry Plunket Greene, Anglo-Irish baritone associated with Elgar and Vaughan Williams.] Autograph Letter Signed regarding an engagement.

Harry Plunket Greene (1865-1936), Anglo-Irish baritone associated with Elgar and Vaughan Williams
Publication details: 
11 October 1927. On letterhead of 65 Holland Park Road, Kensington W14 [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Signed ‘H. P. Greene’. Truly atrocious handwriting. Apparently addressed to ‘Dear Miss Salt’, and beginning: ‘I’ll be proud.’ He gives a date which will ‘suit me best’, and asks to be informed ‘if there is anything special [?] like [?]’.

[Sir Adrian Boult, distinguished English conductor.] Autograph Signature 'Adrian C. Boult' on card.

Sir Adrian Boult [Sir Adrian Cedric Boult] (1889-1983), distinguished English conductor, at the BBC and with the London Philharmonic Orchestra
[Sir Adrian Boult
Publication details: 
No date or place.
[Sir Adrian Boult

See Michael Kennedy's assessment of Boult, in his entry in the Oxford DNB: 'In the music he admired most, Boult was often a great conductor; in the rest, an extremely conscientious one.' Good bold signature ('Adrian C. Boult') is centred on one side of an 11.5 x 9 cm piece of card. The signature and the space around it are clear, but the discoloured card has a smudge on it, and carries traces of previous mount on reverse. At foot of signed side, in pencil:Sir Adrian Boult - Conductor of the B.B.C.Orchestra London / Famous English Conductor'. See Image.

[Sir Thomas Beecham, celebrated English conductor associated with the London Philharmonic and the Royal Philharmonic orchestras.] Autograph Signature.

Sir Thomas Beecham (1879-1961), celebrated English conductor associated with the London Philharmonic, the Royal Philharmonic, Liverpool Philharmonic and Hallé orchestras
Thomas Beecham
Publication details: 
No date or place.
Thomas Beecham

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Beecham’s signature (‘Thomas Beecham’) on an otherwise-blank 12.5 x 5.5 cm piece of paper. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of mount adhering to the reverse. The signature, which has no flourish, is tighter than usual, and rising slightly. See Image.

[Sir Frederick Ouseley, Professor of Music, Oxford University.] Autograph Letter Signed concerning requirements for an Oxford degree in music, appended to printed notice by him: ‘University of Oxford. Directions for Candidates for Degrees in Music.'

Sir Frederick Ouseley [Sir Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley] (1825-1889), Anglican composer, church musician and musicologist, Professor of Music at Oxford University
Publication details: 
Notice dated 'OXFORD, / March, 1878.' Autograph Letter undated, but from around the same time.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The ALS, whose recipient is not identified, is appended on the last page of the printed notice, which is 4pp, foolscap 8vo, on a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. The notice is headed 'University of Oxford. / Directions for Candidates for Degrees in Music.' and signed in type at the end 'Frederick Arthur Gore Ouseley, / Professor of Music. / Oxford, / March, 1878.' Divided into sections concerning a bachelor's and doctor's degree. The ALS, on the last page, reads: 'Dear Sir / You will see by this paper that your Dublin B.A.

[Sir August Manns, German conductor in England, Director of Music at the Crystal Palace, London.] Autograph Signature to photographic portrait on cabinet card by Negretti & Zambra, Crystal Palace.

Sir August Manns [Sir August Friedrich Manns] (1825-1907), German conductor who made his career in England, Director of Music at the Crystal Palace, London [Negretti & Zambra, Crystal Palace]
Sir August Manns,
Publication details: 
Dated by Manns to 1894. Cabinet card by Negretti & Zambra, Crystal Palace.
Sir August Manns,

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The National Portrait Gallery possesses a carte-de-visite another portrait of Manns by Negretti & Zambra, which it dates to 1898, but does not hold the present item, which is a head and shoulders shot showing a white-haired Manns, bald on top, with bushy eyebrows and walrus moustache looking to one side in dark jacket and white shirt and tie. A 10 x 14.5 cm albumen print, presented in the customary style on a grey cabinet card, with the firm?s details embossed in white at foot, and the usual photographers? details printed on the reverse.

[Martin Shaw, composer associated with ‘English pastoralism’, conductor and organist at St Martin-in-the-Fields.] Autograph Card Signed, with autograph musical notation of the beginning of his ‘Romance’.

Martin Shaw [Martin Edward Fallas Shaw] (1875-1958), composer associated with ‘English pastoralism’, conductor and organist at St Martin-in-the-Fields
Publication details: 
Dated by Shaw to May 1921. No place.

An attractive item by a leading exponent of ‘English pastoralism’. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Bass and treble notation of opening bars, headed ‘Romance / Andante ma non molto’. On one side of 9 x 11 cm card with rounded edges. Firm signature at bottom right: ‘Martin Shaw / May 1921’. In good condition, lightly aged. See Image.

[George Peachey, London Piano Forte Manufacturer.] Quarto Bifolium Leaflet Advertisement, printed in black and red with royal arms, advertising Peachey’s ‘City of London Piano-Forte Manufactory’, with much information in small print.

George Peachey, 73 Bishopsgate Street, Within, nineteenth-century London Piano Forte Manufacturer, ‘By Appointment to Her Majesty’
Publication details: 
No date, but on Saunders laid paper with 1856 watermark. George Peachey, Piano Forte Manufacturer, 73, Bishopsgate Street, Within, Opposite the Marine Society, London.’

Scarce: no other copy traced. Bifolium of laid 1856 Saunders paper. 4pp, 4to. Unpaginated. The front cover carries is headed ‘City of London Piano-Forte Manufactory.’ Beneath this are engraved the royal arms, flanked by the words ‘By Appointment / to the Queen.’ Peachey’s address is engraved beneath the arms in large letters. At the foot of the page, in red ink, are three lines relating to ‘Harmoniums.’, with the second page headed by another two lines in red. The two central pages carry much information in small type.

[Myra Hess [Dame Julia Myra Hess], celebrated British pianist.] Autograph Letter Signed, explaining to ‘Miss Scott’ [musicologist Marion Scott] her reason for declining a dinner invitation.

Myra Hess [Dame Julia Myra Hess], celebrated British pianist associated with Sir Thomas Beecham and Arturo Toscanini
Publication details: 
8 June 1928. On letterhead of 8 Carlton Hill, St John’s Wood, N.W. [London]

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Addressed to ‘Dear Miss Scott’ and with good clear signature ‘Myra Hess’. She regrets that it will not be possible for her to join Miss Scott for dinner. ‘I shall probably have to work, rehearse all day on Tuesday [corrected by Hess to ‘Wednesday!’] - so shall have to try & get a rest before 8.30 - (& probably have a scrambled egg at the last minute!!’ She ends ‘Forgive this in haste / Again thanking you’.

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