[Gordon Jacob [Gordon Percival Septimus Jacob], English composer.] Four Autograph Letters Signed about musical matters to the violinist Marion Margaret Scott, one, written during wartime, attacking Benjamin Britten and ‘young men who shelter abroad’.

Gordon Jacob [Gordon Percival Septimus Jacob] (1895-1984), composer, for forty years professor at the Royal College of Music [Marion Margaret Scott (1877-1953), violinist with her own string quartet]
Publication details: 
Three of the four on letterhead of Mayfield, West Street, Ewell, Surrey: 1 April, 5 May and 13 August 1928. The other dated 14 August 1941; 75 West Street, Ewell Surrey.

See his entry, together with that of Benjamin Britten, in the Oxford DNB, the latter explaining the context of the last letter, which is an attack on Britten and Peter Pears for not returning from the United States to wartime England. From the Scott papers. Each letter 2pp, 12mo, on a single leaf (a total of 8pp, 12mo). In good condition, lightly aged. Each letter folded for postage. All four letters addressed to ‘Miss Scott’, and each signed ‘Gordon Jacob’. ONE (1 April 1929): He will be ‘most delighted’ to give her ‘any information you may require about my work’.

[Gordon Jacob [Gordon Percival Septimus Jacob], English composer.] Four Autograph Letters Signed about musical matters to the violinist Marion Margaret Scott, one, written during wartime, attacking Benjamin Britten and ‘young men who shelter abroad’.

Gordon Jacob [Gordon Percival Septimus Jacob] (1895-1984), composer, for forty years professor at the Royal College of Music [Marion Margaret Scott (1877-1953), violinist with her own string quartet]
Publication details: 
Three of the four on letterhead of Mayfield, West Street, Ewell, Surrey: 1 April, 5 May and 13 August 1928. The other dated 14 August 1941; 75 West Street, Ewell Surrey.

See his entry, together with that of Benjamin Britten, in the Oxford DNB, the latter explaining the context of the last letter, which is an attack on Britten and Peter Pears for not returning from the United States to wartime England. From the Scott papers. Each letter 2pp, 12mo, on a single leaf (a total of 8pp, 12mo). In good condition, lightly aged. Each letter folded for postage. All four letters addressed to ‘Miss Scott’, and each signed ‘Gordon Jacob’. ONE (1 April 1929): He will be ‘most delighted’ to give her ‘any information you may require about my work’.

[British Guiana and Sir Henry Barkly, 1850.] Nine pages of cuttings from The Times and the Globe, by ‘NIGER’ - identified herein as Sir James Robert Carmichael - and ‘Jacob Omnium’ (Matthew James Higgins), on Governor Barkly and slavery.

British Guiana; Sir James Carmichael-Smyth (1779-1838), governor; Sir James Robert Carmichael (1817-1883); Sir Henry Barkly (1815-98), governor; Matthew James Higgins ('Jacob Omnium') (1810-68)
Publication details: 
The Times and the Globe, London. Four letters by 'NIGER' to the Globe dated 29 and 30 January, 9 February and 2 March 1850. Four letters to The Times (two apiece from 'NIGER' and 'JACOB OMNIUM'), dated in October and November [1850].

A contemporary manuscript note to the present item reveals for the first time the identity of ‘Niger’, one of the two correspondents of whose letters it consists. (And minor manuscript corrections to the last of the four letters would seem to suggest the involvement of the author.) This is Sir James Robert Carmichael (1817-1883), 2nd Bart, who was intimately connected with British Guiana through his father Sir James Carmichael-Smyth (1779-1838).

[Jacob Schwartz, American-born proprietor of the Ulysses Bookshop in London, dealer in James Joyce and the Modernists.] Autograph Letter Signed

Jacob Schwartz [Jake Schwartz] (b. 1899, fl. 1960), New York dentist who turned to bookselling and founded the Ulysses bookshop in London, dealing largely in James Joyce and the Modernists
Publication details: 
23 October [no year]. On letterhead of the Ulysses Bookshop, 20 Bury Street, London WC1.

Several James Joyce scholars have turned their attention to Schwartz, an early dealer in his books and manuscripts, as well as publisher of a couple of pirated editions. See William S. Brockman, 'Jacob Schwartz - The Fly in the Honey' in Joyce Studies Annual, Summer 1998. 1p, 4to. On the Ulysses Bookshop letterhead, printed on green paper. Addressed to 'Dear Sir:' and with valediction 'Au Revoir / Dr J Schwartz / prop / Ulysses Books'.

[Edgar Jacob, Bishop of St Albans; Colenso.] Autograph Letter Signed to Rev. R. Wilkins appealing for English Church Union subscribers to ?help towards undoing the mischief? caused by Bishop Colenso?s ?defection? in Natal.

Edgar Jacob (1844-1920), Bishop of St Albans [John William Colenso (1814-1883), controversial Anglican Bishop of Natal; English Church Union]
Publication details: 
No date [circa 1865].

See Jacob?s entry, and Colenso?s, in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded twice. Addressed to ?The / Revd. R. Wilkins?.

[William Bright, Regius Professor of Ecclesiatical History at Oxford and Canon of Christ Church.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to Philip Jacob, Archdeacon of Winchester., one with long discussion of Christmas. With signed conclusion of third letter.

William Bright (1824-1901), D.D., Regius Professor of Ecclesiastical History in the University of Oxford, Canon of Christ Church
Publication details: 
One dated 'Univ[ersity] Coll[ege, Oxford] / Innocents Day [28 December] 1866'. Another, on letterhead of Christ Church, Oxford, 'Whitsun Monday'. The last without date or place.

Excellent affectionate and eloquent content, including a moving expression of the conventional Victorian view of Christmas. See Bright's entry in the Oxford DNB. A total of eight pages, six of which are closely written. Items One and Two addressed to ‘My dear Jacob’. Item Three is incomplete. ONE: ‘Univ Coll / Innocents Day 1866.’ 5pp, 12mo. On bifolium. Bright’s signature ‘W. Bright’ and the conclusion of the letter (i.e. the fifth page) are written crosswise at the head of the first page.

[‘A Princess instead of a Queen’: Randall Davidson, Archbishop of Canterbury, as Dean of Windsor and Queen Victoria’s domestic chaplain.] Long Autograph Card Signed and Secretarial Letter Signed, both to Canon Jacob, the card regarding a royal visit.

Randall Davidson [Randall Thomas Davidson, Baron Davidson of Lambeth] (1848-1930), Archbishop of Canterbury [Philip Jacob (1804-1884), Archdeacon of Winchester]
Publication details: 
Secretarial Letter of 28 May 1887; Autograph Card of 18 July 1887. Both on letterhead of the Deanery, Windsor Castle.

In 1883 Queen Victoria appointed Davidson Dean of Windsor and her domestic chaplain. See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both items in good condition, lightly aged; the letter folded for postage. Both addressed to ‘My dear Jacob’ and both signed ‘Randall T Davidson’. ONE: Autograph Card Signed. Marked ‘Private’. Eighteen lines of text, covering both sides. Begins: ‘I talked the whole matter over so fully last night with Sir H.

[‘Good old-timers’: Naomi Jacob, writer and actress, to theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope.] Seven Typed Letters Signed (three ‘Mickie’), with copies of two replies, discussing Marie Lloyd, Bernard Dillon, Julian Wylie, Ivor Novello, ENSA, BBC.

Naomi Jacob [Naomi Eleanor Clare Jacob, pseudonym ‘Ellington Gray’] (1884-1964), lesbian writer and actress [W. J. Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), theatre historian]
Publication details: 
Six of her letters, dating from between 1951 and 1956; all from Casa Micki, Gardone Riviera, Lago di Garda, Italy. The seventh letter dated 24 June [1945]; from Italy, with ‘ENSA Entertainments. / C/o Welfare, 6th. Brit. Armde. Div. / C. M. F.’

An entertaining and characteristic correspondence. See both their entries in the Oxford DNB. The nine items (seven by Jacob and two by Macqueen-Pope) are in fair overall condition, with all text clear and complete, on lightly aged and creased paper, with slight rust-staining from paperclips, and minor wear to edges. All folded for envelopes. The first seven of the nine following entries are NJ’s letters (the last four of which are addressed to ‘My dear Popie’), the last two the copies of MP’s. ONE: 24 June [1945]. ‘ENSA Entertainments. / C/o Welfare, 6th. Brit. Armde. Div. / C. M.

[George Holyoake, radical editor who coined the terms 'secularism' and 'jingoism'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. J. Holyoake') to 'Watson'

George Holyoake [George Jacob Holyoake] (1817-1906), radical editor who coined the terms 'secularism' and 'jingoism'
Publication details: 
25 March 1900. Eastern Lodge, Brighton.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and worn. Folded twice. Only the conclusion of the letter is in Holyoake's hand. It carries an unusually large and bold signature. In reply to a letter of Watson's he states that he was not aware of the 'paper in the Westminster Gazette [...] until four days after its appearance'. He asks him to send 'the Leader referring to its appearance which you mention', and commends Watson's son for bringing it to his notice. Holyoake does not know if the matter has 'been mentioned elsewhere in Newcastle'.

[The Temple of Solomon.] Four German architectural engravings of 'Tempels Salomonis', extracted from 'Uebersetzung der algemeinen Welthistorie'.

Siegmund Jacob Baumgarten [The Temple of Solomon, Jerusalem; Tempels Salomonis]
Publication details: 
Extracted from work published in Halle by Johann Justinus Gebauer, 1744-1793.

Four original engravings, on laid paper, extracted from the third volume of S. J. Baumgarten et al., 'Uebersetzung der algemeinen Welthistorie, die in Engeland durch eine Geselschaft von Gelehrten ausgefertiget worden' (Halle: J. J. Gebauer, 1744-1793). Each with the binder's instruction 'T III p 365' engraved at top right. Attached to one another and in fair condition, aged and worn on browned paper, with some creasing along outer edge of the first two prints. Paper dimensions are approximate. ONE: 'Grund-Riss von dem Modell des Salomonischen Tempels'. Paper dimensions: 23 x 36 cm.

[ Dr. Williams's Library, London. ] Two birth certificates: first (1798), signed by J. L. Towers, Registrar, for daughter of Thomas Cooper of Hoxton; second (1816), signed by Thomas Morgan, Registrar, for son of Benjamin Seaton of Chatham.

Dr. Williams's Library, London (Thomas Morgan and J. L. Towers, Registrars) [ Thomas Cooper of Homerton; Rev. Israel Lewis; Benjamin Seaton of Chatham; Jacob George Bryant; Dissenters; Unitarians ]
Publication details: 
Dr. Williams's Library, Redcross-street, near Cripplegate, London. The second (1816): 'Printed by S. Couchman, Throgmorton-street, London.'

The two documents are printed forms, completed in manuscript. Both are tipped-in onto a leaf removed from an album. Both in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. ONE: 'C No 1429'. Dated 12 October 1798 and signed by 'J L Towers', 'Register.' Recording the birth of Sarah Cooper, daughter of Thomas Cooper and Jane Cooper (daughter of the Rev. Israel Lewis', born in Homerton, in the Parish of Saint John Hackney, on 17 June 1783. Witnessed by 'E. S. Cooper' and 'Sarah Mackaness'. TWO: 'E No 3478'. Dated 30 January 1816.

[ Naomi Jacob, author and actress. ] Two Typed Letters Signed (both 'Mickie') to W. Macqueen-Pope, on subjects including Ellen Terry, Bernard Shaw and Teddy Knox of the Crazy Gang's 'Nervo and Knox'.

Naomi Jacob (1884-1964), English author and actress [ Walter James Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), authority on theatre; Teddy Knox of the Crazy Gang's 'Nervo and Knox'; Clarice Mayne, music hall star ]
Publication details: 
Both from 'Casa Mickie [ the second spelled 'Casa Micki' ], Gardone Riviera, Lago di Garda, Italy. 16 July [ 1953 ] and 5 August 1953.

Two chatty and characteristic letters. ONE: 15 July [1953]. 2pp., 4to. On aged paper, with wear to edges and vertical closed tear at foot. She begins by praising his books 'Ladies First' (1952) and 'Shirtfronts and Sables' (1953), adding in an autograph note 'Yes I bought them when in London.' The first contains 'that wonderfully beautiful tribute to Ellen Terry. I don't know when I have read anything which moved me so deeply, you rose to great heights when you wrote that. You are beginning to run James Agate very close on my shelves'.

[ Commander Augustus Jacob, RN. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Augustus Jacob') to his brother 'Gay', one written from Balaclava Harbour during the Crimean War, the second describing an action he was involved in with cossacks and field guns.

Commander Augustus Jacob (1839-1893), RN [ The Crimean War; FitzRoy Somerset, 1st Baron Raglan ]
Publication details: 
First letter [from Balaclava Harbour in the Crimea ] on board HMS Leopard, 12 December 1854. Second letter on board HMS Excellent, 7 December 1859.

Jacob was one of the ten children (seven sons) of Archdeacon Philip Jacob (1803-1884). Both items are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: 'HMS Leopard | Dec 12th. 1854'. 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium on grey paper. To 'My dearest Brother'. The fifteen-year-old Jacob has a shaky grasp of spelling and punctuation.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Logic of Co-operation.

George Jacob Holyoake [ North of England Co-operative Printing Society, Manchester ]
Publication details: 
London: Trübner & Co., 60, Paternoster Row. Manchester: Co-operative Printing Society, 15, Balloon-street. 1873. [ North of England Co-operative Printing Society, 15, Balloon-street, Corporation-street, Manchester. ]

16pp., 12mo. Disbound and without covers. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Now uncommon.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Policy of Commercial Co-operation as respects including the Consumer.

George Jacob Holyoake [ North of England Co-operative Printing Society, Manchester; Co-operative Movement in Victorian England ]
Publication details: 
'Reprinted, with additions, from the Co-operative News.' London: Trubner & Co., 57 & 59, Ludgate Hill. Manchester: Co-operative Printing Society, 15, Balloon-street. [ North of England Co-operative Printing Society, 15, Balloon-street, Manchester. ]

16pp., 12mo. Disbound and without wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Now uncommon.

[ Jacob Bosanquet, East India Company director. ] Three Autograph Letters, two signed, to his son George Jacob Bosanquet, largely on public affairs, one giving a long account of an interview with newly-appointed Foreign Secretary George Canning.

Jacob Bosanquet (1755-1828), East India Company Chairman,1798, 1803 and 1811, and for 46 years a Director [his son George Jacob Bosanquet (1791-1866) of Broxbournebury; George Canning]
Publication details: 
31 January, 2 May and 3 October 1822. All three from East India House, London.

The three items in fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. All three addressed to 'My dear George' and one with valediction from 'your affectionate Father'. The letters are described below in reverse chronological order. ONE: AL. 3 October 1822. 8pp., folio.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Speech of Jacob Bright, Esq., M.P. on the Electoral Disabilities of Women Delivered in Edinburgh January 17, 1870.

Jacob Bright, Esq., M.P. [women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
Printed by Spottiswoode & Co., New-street Square, London. 1870.

12pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly-aged, no wraps, disbound. Two copies on COPAC and two copies on OCLC WorldCat.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] The Debate in the House of Commons on the Women's Disabilities Bill, on May 3rd, 1871.

[National Society for Women's Suffrage; Jacob Bright; Beresford Hope; Lyon Playfair; Lord John Manners; Alexander Ireland, Manchester printer; Female emancipation; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
Printed for the National Society for Women's Suffrage, and published by Messrs. Trübner and Co., Paternoster Row, London. 1871. [A. Ireland & Co., Printers, Pall Mall, Manchester.]

43pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly-aged, no wraps, disbound. Includes speeches by Jacob Bright, Eastwick, Bouverie, Scourfield, Lord John Manners, Beresford Hope, Lyon Playfair, James, W. Hunt, The only copy traced (other than surrogates) at the University of London. No other copy currently on the market.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Married Women's Property Committee. Report of the Proceedings at the General Meeting, held at the Rooms of the Social Science Association, 1, Adam Street, Adelphi, London, On the 28th July, 1876.

[Married Women's Property Committee; the Social Science Association; Jacob Bright; Peter A. Taylor; John Hinde Palmer; H. N. Mozley; Alexander Ireland, Manchester printer; women's suffrage]
Publication details: 
[Married Women's Property Committee.] Manchester: Alex. Ireland and Co., Printers, Pall Mall. 1876.

15 + [1]pp., 8vo. In good condition, lightly-aged, no wraps, disbound. Includes speeches by Jacob Bright, Peter A. Taylor, Mr Arnold, John Hinde Palmer, H. N. Mozley, Miss Downing, Mrs A. Arnold, Mrs Venturi. No copy found on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Report of a Meeting in St. James' Hall, on Saturday, March 25th, 1871, for the London National Women's Suffrage Society.

[London National Women's Suffrage Society] [Jacob Bright; Lyon Playfair; Cliffe Leslie; Professor Fawcett; George Howell; P. A. Taylor; Auberon Herbert] [female emancipation; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
[London National Women's Suffrage Society] [1871.]

15pp., 8vo. Drophead title. In fair condition, lightly-aged and worn, no wraps, disbound, with outer leaves separating. Reports of speeches by Bright, Playfair, Leslie, Fawcett, Howell, Taylor and Herbert. Two copies on COPAC and three copies on OCLC WorldCat.

Eighteenth century manuscript manorial Court Leet 'Charge in the Court Baron', engrossed on vellum, giving instructions for an enquiry to be made by a land steward into matters 'that concen the Lord's Interest'.

[Eighteenth-century Manorial Court Leet 'Charge in the Court Baron']
Publication details: 
Place and date not given. [English; mid-eighteenth century?]

Engrossed on both sides of a long strip of vellum, 18.5 x 76 cm. Written in a neat clerk's hand. The vellum is worn, with slight damage at the head, and some passages, particularly at the start, are illegible. The heading appears to be 'Court Leet Charge', and the sub-heading 'Charge in the Court Baron' appears twice. The text is strongly reminiscent to the relevant sections in Giles Jacob's 'Complete Court-Keeper, or, Land-Steward's Assistant'.

[Printed pamphlet.] Catalogue. Landscapes in Oil and Water-colour by Ethelbert White. A New Carving, "Lazarus" and other Recent Sculpture by Jacob Epstein.

[Ernest Brown & Phillips Ltd, The Leicester Galleries, Leicester Square, London; Ethelbert White; Jacob Epstein]
Catalogue. Landscapes in Oil and Water-colour by Ethelbert White.
Publication details: 
March 1950; Claridge, Lewis & Jordan Ltd., 68-70 Wardour Street, W.1. [London]
Catalogue. Landscapes in Oil and Water-colour by Ethelbert White.

16mo, 8 pp. On art paper. In yellow printed wraps printed in orange. Good, with minor spotting around staples. Thirty-six items by White on pp.2-5, preceded by a biographical note. Twenty-five items by Epstein on pp.6-7, headed by 'LAZARUS (Carving in Hopton Wood stone)'. Scarce: only two copies on COPAC, and none on viaLibri.

Autograph Letter Signed from '<James?> Bell' of Hastings, written while dying, to James Wyld, member of Parliament for Bodmin, regarding a Parliamentary Bill on the sale of poisons.

Autograph Letter Signed from '<James?> Bell' of Hastings
Publication details: 
28 February 1859; Hastings.
Autograph Letter Signed from '<James?> Bell' of Hastings

12mo, 4 pp. 64 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He was 'mistaken about the Marylebone Election - Having been a prisoner so much lately' he had 'not seen many electors & those whom I saw thought it was too late & regretted to see a split in the liberal party'. He 'did not influence a single vote being too unwell to take any part in it'. He 'left town to escape the excitement'. He has 'already troubled our new Representative with a little Parliamentary Business', and is sending Wyld 'some documents on the same subject by the Book post'.

[Printed handbill.] The Humble Address of the House of Commons to the Queen. [Numb. 3.] [Regarding the victory of the Duke of Marlborough at Ramillies.]

John Smith, Speaker, House of Commons [Queen Anne; Jacob Tonson; Timothy Goodwin; the Duke of Marlborough; the Battle of Ramillies, 1706]
The Humble Address of the House of Commons to the Queen. [Numb. 3.]
Publication details: 
London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, within Grays-Inn Gate next Grays-Inn Lane; and Timothy Goodwin, at the Queen's-Head against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet. 1706.
The Humble Address of the House of Commons to the Queen. [Numb. 3.]

8vo, 1 p. Text clear and complete. Blank reverse. Fair, on aged paper. Paginated 9, with 'Numb. 3.' in the top right-hand corner. Returning thanks for the 'speech from the throne', and for Marlborough's victory at Ramillies, 'A Victory so Glorious and Great in its Consequences, and attended with such Continued Successses, through the whole Course of this Year, that no Age can Equal.' Tonson's and Goodwin's appointment, by Smith, is signed in type.

[Printed handbill.] The Humble Address of the House of Commons to the Queen. [Numb. 96.] [Regarding 'the French King's persisting to Invade'.]

John Smith, Speaker, House of Commons [Queen Anne; Jacob Tonson; Timothy Goodwin]
The Humble Address of the House of Commons to the Queen.
Publication details: 
London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, within Grays-Gate next Grays-Inn Lane; and Timothy Goodwin, at the Queen's-Head against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet. 1707.
The Humble Address of the House of Commons to the Queen.

8vo, 1 p. Text clear and complete. Blank reverse. Fair, on aged paper. Paginated 205, with 'Numb. 96' in the top right-hand corner. In small type. Returning thanks for the speech from the throne, giving 'the Account of the French King's persisting to Invade Your Dominions, and to Impose a Pretender upon these Realms'. Calling for, among other things, 'the severest Punishments' to be 'inflicted upon such as shall Assist in so Unnatural a Design, as that of Betraying Your Majesty and their Country'. Tonson's and Goodwin's appointment, by Smith, is signed in type.

Two Typed Letters Signed ('Naomi Jacob.'), author and actress, to Eva Lawrence.

Naomi Jacob [Naomi Eleanor Clare Jacob] (1884-1964), author, actress and broadcaster
Two Typed Letters Signed ('Naomi Jacob.')
Publication details: 
8 July 1949 and 2 January 1950; both from Casa Micki, Gardone Riviera, Lago di Garda, Italy.
Two Typed Letters Signed ('Naomi Jacob.')

Both letters 8vo, 1 p; the first on pink paper. Both texts clear and complete. Both fair, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Letter One: She was surprised to learn that Lawrence had 'Miss Babbington with you because I did not even know that she was on the stage. I thought she was with a publishing house.' After the 'long and wonderful run' she is sorry that Lawrence's leading lady is leaving. 'Although I never intend to go back to the stage again, I shall always have the same keen interest in matters theatrical [...] the variety profession is my first love'.

"Rot und glühend ist das Auge des Juden". Gedichte zu 8 Radierungen von Jacob Steinhardt

Arno Nadel (1878-1943), German Jewish poet and musicologist; Jakob Steinhardt [Jacob Steinhardt] (1887-1968), Israeli artist and engraver of Polish and Jewish extraction; Fritz Gurlitt, publisher
Publication details: 
Berlin: Verlag für Jüdische Kunst und Kultur. Fritz Gurlitt. 1920.

Only edition. The dimensions of the volume, which is bound in grey paper printed wraps, are roughly 29.5 x 24 cm. It consists of 25 unpaginated leaves and a frontispiece (sometimes lacking). The other illustrations are eight tipped-in plates and a facsimile of a music score. Some ruckling to the wraps, otherwise a good copy on lightly-aged paper. Striking woodcut on front cover, 13 x 16 cm, showing and old Jew with a boy before a table with two candles. An attractive work, delicately and sensitively illustrated with images of Jews at prayer.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Mortimer Wheeler') to Fred Behrens, editor of the Bradford Observer.

Robert Mortimer Wheeler (d.1936), journalist, father of Sir Mortimer Wheeler (1890-1976), English archaeologist [Sir Jacob Behrens; Fred Behrens; Bradford Observer; Yorkshire Observer]
Publication details: 
7 June 1900; on letterhead of the Bradford Observer.

12mo: 1 p. Twenty-one lines. Clear and complete. Fair: on lightly-aged and ruckled paper. He 'turned up at the Executive this afternoon rather in the hope of seeing you than in the expectation of being useful'. He had 'intended amongst other things supporting a meeting of the Committee sometime next week'. He is 'only just emerging from the influenza you gave me last time, which proved of a rather virulent order!' He has 'a visitor in the house & must consult the home arrangements'. 'The absence of Fred Byles (on holiday) ties me somwhat more closely than usual.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Webster'.

Jacob Bell (1810-1859), English pharmacist and Liberal Member of Parliament for St Albans
Publication details: 
26 December 1851; 13 Langham Place [London].

12mo: 2 pp. Sixteen lines of text. Good, on aged paper, with a strip from the previous mount adhering at the head of the reverse. Docketed in a contemporary hand 'Jacob Bell' and 'M. P. for St. Albans 1851.' He thanks him for taking the trouble to search 'the last document which fortunately is found much to my surprise in a store room in my own house'. He 'cannot account for the accident' and apologises once again.

Typed Letter Signed ('Violet Astor') to 'Miss Morland', as 'Chairman, Middlesex Hospital Rose Day Committee'.

Violet Astor, Lady Astor of Hever [née Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound] (1889-1965), wife of John Jacob Astor
Publication details: 
14 June 1932; on letterhead of The Middlesex Hospital, W.1.

4to: 1 p. On grubby, aged paper, with crease to one corner. Laid down on a leaf removed from an autograph album. Thanking the recipient for 'selling Roses in the Middlesex Hospital Area' on 'Alexandra Rose Day'. 'The total sum collected in our Area amounted to £680. 10s. 6d. which is most satisfactory, and I do hope you will feel rewarded for your trouble and fatigue by this very gratifying result.' Docketed at foot 'Viscount Astor'.

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