[Dr Thomas Guthrie, Scottish divine and popular preacher, leader of the temperance and Ragged School movements.] Autograph Letter Signed, acknowledging a 'Kind Gift of £1 to the Original Ragged School'.

Thomas Guthrie (1803-1873), Scottish divine and philanthropist, one of the most popular preachers of his day in Scotland, where he was a leader of the temperance and Ragged School movements
Publication details: 
16 February 1872. 28 Westbourne Terrace, London.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 16mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, and folded twice for postage. Firmly written in a somewhat florid hand. Reads: ‘Dear Sir / Accept my Grateful thanks for your Kind Gift of £1 to the Original Ragged School & believe me with much respect yours truly / Thomas Guthrie’.

[William Bright, Regius Professor of Ecclesiatical History at Oxford and Canon of Christ Church.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to Philip Jacob, Archdeacon of Winchester., one with long discussion of Christmas. With signed conclusion of third letter.

William Bright (1824-1901), D.D., Regius Professor of Ecclesiastical History in the University of Oxford, Canon of Christ Church
Publication details: 
One dated 'Univ[ersity] Coll[ege, Oxford] / Innocents Day [28 December] 1866'. Another, on letterhead of Christ Church, Oxford, 'Whitsun Monday'. The last without date or place.

Excellent affectionate and eloquent content, including a moving expression of the conventional Victorian view of Christmas. See Bright's entry in the Oxford DNB. A total of eight pages, six of which are closely written. Items One and Two addressed to ‘My dear Jacob’. Item Three is incomplete. ONE: ‘Univ Coll / Innocents Day 1866.’ 5pp, 12mo. On bifolium. Bright’s signature ‘W. Bright’ and the conclusion of the letter (i.e. the fifth page) are written crosswise at the head of the first page.

[Henry Beveridge, Scottish historian and translator.] Autograph Letter Signed to Joseph L. Williams, responding to suggested corrections, and mentioning Dr Walter Graham Blackie of his publishers Blackie & Son, Glasgow.

Henry Beveridge (1799-1863), Scottish historian, author of ‘A Comprehensive History of India’ (1858-1863) and translator with the Calvin Translation Society, Edinburgh [Blackie and Son, Glasgow]
Publication details: 
‘8 Roxburgh Terrace Haverstock Hill [London] / 29 June 1858’.

The recipient is clearly not the American politician Joseph Lanier Williams (1810-1865), but rather an editor of Beveridge’s history of India at Blackie’s. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, but with diagonal crease at bottom right going through Beveridge’s signature. Folded for postage. Addressed to ‘Joseph L. Williams Esqr’ and signed ‘Henry Beveridge’. He begins by undertaking to ‘attend to the matters’ mentioned in Williams’s note.

[Sir Arthur Bryant, historian and biographer of Samuel Pepys.] Signed Autograph Inscription to Philip Dosse, publisher of 'Books and Bookmen', on the half-title of his book 'A Thousand Years of British Monarchy'.

Sir Arthur Bryant [Sir Arthur Wynne Morgan Bryant] (1899-1985), historian and biographer of Samuel Pepys [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher of arts magazines including ‘Books and Bookmen’]
Publication details: 
No date or place, but the book published in London in 1975.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, the revised version of which describes his pre-war Nazi sympathies. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. 1p, 8vo.

[Sir Arthur Bryant, historian and biographer of Samuel Pepys.] Seven Autograph Letters Signed and four Typed Letters Signed to publisher Philip Dosse, regarding reviews in ‘Books and Bookmen’, and his writing a multi-volume biography of Dr Johnson.

Sir Arthur Bryant [Sir Arthur Wynne Morgan Bryant] (1899-1985), historian and biographer of Samuel Pepys [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher of arts magazines including ‘Books and Bookmen’]
Publication details: 
Between 12 May 1974 and 22 January 1976. On either of two of his letterheads: from 18 Rutland Gate, London SW7, or Myles Place, The Close, Salisbury.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, the revised version of which describes his pre-war Nazi sympathies. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018. The present collection of eleven items totals 17pp (fourteen pages in autograph and four typed), in various sizes from 4to to 12mo.

[Foyles Literary Luncheon for Sir Angus Wilson, 1980.] Autograph Letter Signed from ‘Dolly’ [Mrs A. G. Dowdeswell] to ‘Philip’ [Philip Dosse of ‘Books and Bookmen’], with reference to Wilson, Melvyn Bragg, Simon Young of John Murray, Ian Jack.

[Foyles Literary Luncheon for Sir Angus Wilson, 1980] ‘Dolly’ [Mrs A. G. Dowdeswell, Secretary, The Johnson Society of London] [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher ‘Books and Bookmen’; Melvyn Bragg,
Publication details: 
27 August 1980; on letterhead of 26 High Street, Biddenden, Kent.

See the entries for Angus Wilson and Christina Foyle in the Oxford DNB. ‘Dolly’ is clearly the ‘Mrs. A. G. Dowdeswell’ who was secretary of the Johnson Society of London in the 70s and 80s (arranging luncheons) and named as a member of the Johnson Society at least as late as 1992. The recipient Philip Dosse was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See ‘Death of a Bookman’ by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of ‘Books and Bookmen’ at the time of Dosse’s suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018.

[‘My British public is not being discriminated against’: Lawrence G. Blochman, American writer of detective fiction.] Typed Letter Signed to Eileen M. Cond, English autograph collector, discussing English publication of his books.

Lawrence G. Blochman [Lawrence Goldtree Blochman] (1900-1975), American writer of detective fiction
Publication details: 
18 September 1954; 370 Riverside Drive, New York 25, N.Y.

1p, 4to. Twenty-three lines. Large sprawling signature ‘Lawrence G. Blochman’. In fair condition, worn and creased on lightly-discoloured paper. The recipient, an enthusiastic autograph collector, has evidently asked him to sign a bookplate to be stuck in his latest book ‘’Recipe for Homicide’. Her note has finally reached him ‘through channels (via my English publisher through my London agent to my New York agent)’. He is glad she finds the book entertaining, ‘even though you had not yet, at the time of writing, discovered the culprit’.

[‘The Whig Dr Johnson’: Samuel Parr, author, divine and pedagogue.] Autograph Card in the third person to the Mayor of Warwick, ‘Keeling Greenway’ [Kelynge Greenway]. In envelope with red wax seal.

Samuel Parr (1747-1825), author, divine and pedagogue, known as ‘the Whig Dr Johnson’ [Kelynge Greenway, Mayor of Warwick]
Publication details: 
29 November 1820. Hatton [near Warwick].

An almost miraculously legible example of Parr’s normally atrocious hand. (His entry in the Oxford DNB states that ‘Parr was flogged only once at Harrow, for bad handwriting, and to no effect. His writing remained atrocious all his life, so much so that on an occasion when he wrote to ask for 'two lobsters' his friend read the words as “two eggs”.’) On one side of blank card. In envelope with indistinguishable seal in red wax, addressed by Parr to ‘Keeling Greenway Esqr / Mayor of Warwick’.

[Provincial Georgian Art Connoisseurs.] Two Autograph Memoranda, both signed by ‘W. Hayward’, recording an exchange of paintings (by Correggio, Hobbima, Du Jardin, et al) with ‘Dr. Maddy’ [Edwin Maddy, LLD, Mayor of Gloucester].

[Provincial Georgian Art Connoisseurs: ‘Dr Maddy’, i.e. Edwin Maddy, LLD, Mayor of Gloucester, and W. Hayward]
Publication details: 
Both dated 'Gloster 20th. Octr. 1841'. [Gloucester.]

Interesting artefacts of provincial Georgian connoisseurship and picture dealers. If genuine (unlikely, given the period) the paintings would be of considerable interest. Given the exchange of cash, ‘W. Hayward’ could well be a visiting picture dealer. Both memoranda in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: 1p, 8vo. Folded four times. Reads: ‘Gloster 20th. Octr. 1841 | Exchanged with Dr. Maddy the following pictures viz / Waterfall &c. - Berghem / Landscape - Hobbema / for / Landscape - K. Du Jardin / Perseus & Andromeda - S. Rosa / and / Cash - £100 / W. Hayward’. TWO: 1p, landscape 12mo.

[Oxford University Act, 1854.] Autograph Draft Memorandum on 'Oxford University Commission' by Rev. Dr Richard Harington , Principal of Brasenose College, stating his opposition to 'those who propose to strip the favoured classes of the privileges'.

Rev. Dr Richard Harington (1800-1853), Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford [Oxford University Act 1854; Report of Royal Commission, 1852; Hebdomadal Council]
Publication details: 
[Brasenose College, University of Oxford] 8 April 1852.

A highly-interesting document, written by a college head on the verge of the reforms resulting from the passing of the Oxford University Act of 1854 and setting up of the Hebdomadal Council, in which Harington states - in detail, at length and with great emphasis - his opposition to 'those who propose to strip the favoured classes of the privileges which Founders of Colleges have thought proper to confer on them', arguing that this will not 'necessarily ensure the election of the most distinguished candidates'.

[Oxford University Act, 1854.] Autograph Draft Memorandum by Rev. Dr Richard Harington, Principal of Brasenose College, stating his opposition to 'Oxford University Commission. | Proposals for remodelling the Constitution of the University'.

Rev. Dr Richard Harington (1800-1853), Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford [Oxford University Act 1854; Report of Royal Commission, 1852; Hebdomadal Council]
Publication details: 
[Brasenose College, University of Oxford] Undated, but written in response to the Royal Commission Report of 1852.

A significant document by an Oxford college head, responding negatively to the 1852 Report of the Royal Commission appointed in 1850 by Lord John Russell to enquire 'Into the State, Discipline, Studies, and Revenues of the University and Colleges of Oxford'.

[James Currie, Scottish physician, first editor and major biographer of Robert Burns.] Autograph Prescription for 'Mr Carpenter', signed 'J C'.

James Currie (1756-1805), Scottish physician educated at the University of Edinburgh and practising in Liverpool, the first editor and major biographer of Robert Burns
Publication details: 
24 September 1804. No place.

On 12.5 x 11.5 cm piece of paper, trimmed at edges, laid down on part of leaf from album. In fair condition, aged and worn, with central spike hole (made by the chemist?). Six-line prescription in the usual medical Latin, ending: 'J C | Mr Carpenter | 24 Sepr. 1804'. At foot of page, in a contemporary hand, 'Dr J Currie author of Life of Burns'.

[Christopher Fry, playwright.] Programme, with illustrated cover by him: 'Christopher Fry's Coronation Revue "The Birds Began to Sing". In aid of Dr. Barnardo's Homes.' With 'Coronation Enrolment' carrying autograph note by Fry loosely inserted.

Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright, noted for his verse dramas [Dr. Barnardo's Homes; Barnardo Helpers' League, Tunbridge Wells Habitation; Agra House]
Publication details: 
Advertised for Royal Victoria Hall, Southborough, 19-22 May 1937. 'Printed at The Wood Press, Printers, Hopwood Gardens, Tunbridge Wells.'

24pp, 4to. Stapled pamphlet. Aged, and with spotting to covers, creased closed tear at foot of spine, and slight loss to bottom out corner of back cover. With one vertical fold. The cover is printed in black, with a charming cartoon by 'C. F.' in red ink of five happy birds singing and flying around with musical scores in wings, with one bird on box with conductor's baton tapping a music stand.

[Rev. Dr Robert Rainey of New College, Edinburgh, Presbyterian divine.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Robert Rainey') to 'Mr Willie', responding humourously to a request for an autograph, while exhorting him to be a good Christian.

Robert Rainy (1826-1906), Scottish Presbyterian divine after whom Rainy Hall in New College, Edinburgh (the Divinity faculty in Edinburgh University) is named
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 23 Douglas Crescent, Edinburgh. 12 October 1886.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Given the contents of the letter, the recipient 'Mr Willie', whose father is a minister ('of the manse'), may well be 'Master Willie', i.e. a youth named William. He is 'much flattered' by the value Willie puts on his autograph, and he hopes that his collection 'will prosper, & become extensive & distinguished'. He remembers 'that Tom Hood replying to a similar application professed to be in doubt what style of signature was wanted.

[John Abercrombie, Official Physician to Heriot's Hospital, and Physician to the King for Scotland.] Autograph Signature ('John Abercrombie') on valediction to letter.

John Abercrombie (1780-1844), Scottish physician and philosopher, Official Physician to Heriot's Hospital, and Physician to the King for Scotland
Publication details: 
No place or date. Endorsed 31 January 1843.

On 7 x 11 cm strip of paper, cut from the conclusion of a letter. In fair condition, lightly aged and folded once, with panel of discoloration on reverse, which is endorsed: 'Dr Abercrombie | Jan. 31. | 1843'. Reads: '[…] unite in best regards. | Sincerely & affectly. Yours | John Abercrombie'.

[Christopher Fry edits and contributes to] Seven numbers of 'Springboard | The Barnardo Magazine for Schools'

Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright [Dr. Barnardo's Homes [National Incorporated Association for the Reclamation of Destitute Waif Children], British charity founded in 1866]
Publication details: 
Dr. Barnardo's Homes, Stepney Causeway, E1 [London]. Seven numbers: Vol.1 No.2 (Winter 1935); Vol.1 No.3 (Spring 1936); Vol.1 No.4 (Summer 1936); Vol.1 No.5 (Winter 1936); Vol.1 No.6 (Spring 1937); Vol.3 No.1 (Summer 1939); Vol.3 No.3 (Spring 1940).

Seven volumes, the first three in 4to, the last four small 4to, ranging in length from 32pp to 44pp. Each stapled into coloured printed wraps, the first six carrying a stylised drawing of a boy doing a jump (from a springboard). In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with rusted staples. Each volume is filled with prose, poetry, illustration and photographs by a number of different contributors, including pieces taken from public school magazines. The only unattributed items are the book reviews, which are clearly the work of Fry himself.

[Sir James Clark, Physician-in-Ordinary to Queen Victoria.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ja Clark') [to Robert Dunn], praising his 'views on Physiological Psychology, the only sound Psychology'.

Sir James Clark (1788-1870), Physician-in-Ordinary to Queen Victoria [Robert Dunn (1799-1877), surgeon]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 22B Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, W. [London] 7 May 1858.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Dunn is not named as the recipient, but his 'Essay on Physiological Psychology' was published in 1858. He is 'glad to find' that Dunn has 'brought out your views on Physiological Psychology, the only sound Psychology', and he thanks him for 'the Copy you have kindly sent me'. He continues: 'I wish we had more such Psychology in our Ethnological Society.' and concludes: 'I hope you will not desert us'.

[Hester Lynch Piozzi, 'Dr. Johnson's Mrs. Thrale'.] Autograph Note in the third person to Dr. Perney, inviting him to visit 'to hear Mr. Yaniewitsh [i.e. Felix Janewicz] play on the Violin'.

Mrs Piozzi (born Hester Lynch Salusbury, then Hester Lynch Thrale, then Hester Lynch Piozzi] (1741-1821), diarist and friend of Dr Samuel Johnson [Rev. Dr John Anthony Perney (1781-1827)]
Publication details: 
'Steatham Park | Fryday [sic] 24.' [No year.]

Autograph Note in the third person. On one of 11 x 20 cm slip of paper. In good condition, lightly aged, with stub from mount adhering to reverse. Reads: 'Mrs. Piozzi's Coms. And if Dr. Perney is disengaged this Eveng & would like to hear Mr. Yaniewitsh play on the Violin She should be happy in his Company to Tea - - - and it would be very obliging in him to bring the Viol D'Amore with him. | Streatham Park | Friday 24.' Perney was domestic chaplain to the Earl of Coventry.

[ William Jacobson, Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford University. ] Autograph Note in the third person to 'Mr Baker', regarding his bill.

William Jacobson (1803-1884), Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford University and Canon of Christ Church; Bishop of Chester
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Christ Church, Oxford. 20 June 1861.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with light staining to corners from previous mounting. Reads: 'Dr Jacobson presents his Compliments to Mr Baker and begs leave to inclose a Post Office Order for the Amount of his Bill of May 21st.'

[ 'The Livingstone Memorial. At Chitambo's, British Central Africa.' ] Leaflet carrying printed circular letter by Henry M. Stanley, 'soliciting a small subscription'.

Henry M. Stanley [ Sir Henry Morton Stanley; Doctor David Livingstone; The Livingstone Memorial at Chitambo's, British Central Africa ]
Publication details: 
Stanley's letter dated from 2 Richmond Terrace, Whitehall, London. May 1899.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with short closed tear at head of both leaves. There are gaps to the document, for the insertion in manuscript of the recipient's name and for the completion of the date. First page headed 'The Livingstone Memorial. At Chitambo's, British Central Africa.' The first part of the leaflet reproduces a letter by 'HENRY M. STANLEY', dated from Richmond Terrace, May 1899. The second part, on the lower two-thirds of the last page, consists of an extract in small print, headed: 'The following is extracted from “Africa,” February, 1898.

[ Dr Thomas Guthrie, Scottish divine, phlanthropist and preacher. ] Autograph draft of part of a speech of thanks, for delivery to 'great & good men', including 'my Lord Provost', assembled to honour him.

Dr Thomas Guthrie (1803-1873), Scottish divine and philanthropist, one of the most popular preachers of his day in Scotland, where he was a leader of the temperance and Ragged School movements
Publication details: 
[ Scotland. ] Undated.

Written in ink on both sides of an irregular slip of paper (roughly 9 x 19cm), with a few words inserted in pencil. Aged and worn. In Guthrie's hand, and with 'Dr Guthrie's' in pencil at head of first page. The text comprises the upper part of the first leaf of the draft of a speech of thanks by Guthrie, for delivery at a meeting in his honour. Heavily revised, with a few interpolations in the margins on both sides. There are no indications that the text has been published, and Guthrie's sons' memoir, included in his 'Autobiography' (1874), throws up no clues.

[ Dr. Williams's Library, London. ] Two birth certificates: first (1798), signed by J. L. Towers, Registrar, for daughter of Thomas Cooper of Hoxton; second (1816), signed by Thomas Morgan, Registrar, for son of Benjamin Seaton of Chatham.

Dr. Williams's Library, London (Thomas Morgan and J. L. Towers, Registrars) [ Thomas Cooper of Homerton; Rev. Israel Lewis; Benjamin Seaton of Chatham; Jacob George Bryant; Dissenters; Unitarians ]
Publication details: 
Dr. Williams's Library, Redcross-street, near Cripplegate, London. The second (1816): 'Printed by S. Couchman, Throgmorton-street, London.'

The two documents are printed forms, completed in manuscript. Both are tipped-in onto a leaf removed from an album. Both in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. ONE: 'C No 1429'. Dated 12 October 1798 and signed by 'J L Towers', 'Register.' Recording the birth of Sarah Cooper, daughter of Thomas Cooper and Jane Cooper (daughter of the Rev. Israel Lewis', born in Homerton, in the Parish of Saint John Hackney, on 17 June 1783. Witnessed by 'E. S. Cooper' and 'Sarah Mackaness'. TWO: 'E No 3478'. Dated 30 January 1816.

[ Dr. Williams's Library, London. ] Printed Circular concerning the 'general Register of Births of Dissenters' Children', comprising a letter from John Webster, Secretary, and two notices.

Committee of Deputies, appointed to protect the Civil Rights of the Three Denominations of Protestant Dissenters (John Webster, Secretary) [ Dr. Williams's Library, London; Dissenters; Unitarians]
Publication details: 
Webster's letter from Queen-street, Cheapside, London, 11 December 1808 [ amended in manuscript from 13 June 1806 ]. Printed by C. and W. Galabin, Ingram Court, London.

2pp., folio. On a bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper repaired with archival tape. The printer's slug is at the foot of both pages of text. At the head of the recto of the first leaf is Webster's printed letter, reading: 'Reverend Sir, | I am directed by the Committee of Deputies to send you the enclosed Notices.

[ Frederick Temple, Archbishop of Canterbury and Headmaster of Rugby School. ] Autograph Note in the third person to 'Major Macgregor' [ Robert Guthrie Macgregor ], acknowledging receipt of his 'Translations from the Greek Anthology'.

Frederick Temple (1821-1902), Archbishop of Canterbury and Headmaster of Rugby School [ Major Robert Guthrie Macgregor (1805-1869) ]
Publication details: 
Rugby. 25 October 1864.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Reads: 'Dr. Temple returns his thanks to Major Macgregor for the Greek Anthology received by Post which will be placed in the School Library. Dr Temple is much interested with the little he has been able to see of the Book.' Macgregor's 'Translations from the Greek Anthology' was published without date in London by Nissen and Parker.

[ Andrew Morton Brown of Cheltenham, Scottish Congregational minister. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('A. Morton Brown') to his former colleague 'Mr. Walker', reminiscing about his time at Glasgow University, and giving news of doings at Cheltenham.

A. Morton Brown [ Rev. Andrew Morton Brown, LLD ] (1812-1879) of Cheltenham, Scottish Congregational minister
Publication details: 
Cheltenham. 20 December 1858.

Brown was educated at the Universities of Glasgow and Edinburgh. He was for thirty-six years pastor of the Congregational Church, Winchcombe Street, Cheltenham. After his death he was described as 'an active and leading spirit among Congregationalists through the country'. See: 'A Sermon preached in the Congregational Church, Winchcomhe Street, Cheltenham, Sunday Evening, July 27, 1879. On the occasion of the lamented Death of the Rev. Andrew Morton Brown, LL.D. For more than thirty-six years the beloved Pastor of the Church meeting there, by Rev. Joshua C. Harrison'. 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium.

[ Royal Commission on Cathedrals, 1853 ] Signed Copy of long Autograph Letter from Rev. Dr Richard Harington, Principal of Brasenose College, responding to circular letter signed by Richard Jones, Secretary. With printed 'copy of the Commission'.

Rev. Richard Harington D.D. (1800-1853), Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford; Rev. Richard Jones, Secretary of the Royal Commission on Cathedrals in Whitehall
Publication details: 
All three items from 1853. Harington's letter from Brasenose College, Oxford. Jones's circular letter from Cathedral Commission, 1 Parliament Street, Whitehall, London.

Three items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Harington's 28-page letter is a significant assessment, by a senior member of the university, of the situation in the period immediately preceding the Oxford University Act of 1854. ONE: Signed Autograph Copy of Letter from 'Richd Harington' to 'The Rev. R. Jones'. Brasenose College, Oxford. 28pp., foolscap 8vo. On seven bifoliums of grey paper. Deletions and emendations throughout.

[ Rev. Dr E. R. Humphreys, disgraced headmaster of Cheltenham Grammar School. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('E. R. Humphreys'), enclosing a certificate and sending his good wishes to the family of a boy who is leaving the school.

E. R. Humphreys [ Rev. Dr Edward Rupert Humphreys ] (1820-1893), disgraced headmaster of Cheltenham Grammar School, 1852-1859 [ now Pate's Grammar School ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Cheltenham Grammar School. 28 August 1858.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. The recipient is not named. He has sincere pleasure in enclosing the certificate (not present) awarded to the recipient's son, whom he is sorry to lose as a pupil. 'I trust this will, with God's blessing, be but the prelude to an honourable and useful Career. My kind wishes will follow your boy through life, and to yourself also I heartily wish happiness in your new home.' Humphreys is described in the School history as 'a Classical scholar of doubtful repute'.

[ Thomas Pennant, naturalist, traveller, and writer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Tho. Pennant') to London solicitor 'Mr Shepherd', regarding 'the matter respecting Major Hughes'.

Thomas Pennant (1726-1798), naturalist, traveller, and writer, admired by Samuel Johnson
Publication details: 
Downing. 9 December 1781.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed, with two postmarks, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Mr Shepherd, Sollictor [sic] | Boswell court | near Lincolns inn | London.' In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The letter reads: 'Sir | I am obliged to Mr Middleton for recommending a Gentleman of yr worth & abilities; but yesterday the matter respecting Major Hughes is transferred to other hands for which I am thankful as it will be equally well pursued. I am Sir | Yr obedt Servt | Tho. Pennant. | Downing Decr 9th 1781 | I shall pay chearfully [sic] all past Charges'.

[ John Wesley Etheridge, Semitic scholar. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. W. Etheridge'), regarding the identity of a correspondent of Dr Adam Clarke.

J. W. Etheridge [ John Wesley Etheridge ] (1804-1866), Wesleyan Methodist minister and Semitic scholar [ Adam Clarke (1762-1832), Wesleyan Methodist minister and scholar ]
Publication details: 
St Austell. 30 October 1863.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. 23 lines of text in a neat and distinctive hand. The male recipient is not identified. Had Etheridge not been 'much from home on one journey after another', he would have written before. 'I have been referring to my papers, but find nothing that will give you any certain information about the lady to whom Dr Clarke's letter is addressed, except that her husband was connected with the civil service in India, though about even that I am not absolutely sure.' He was given 'some particulars relative to Mrs Tompkin's family' by the 'late Mrs.

[ Charles Coote, historian and biographer. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to Cadell of the London pubishers Cadell and Davies

Charles Coote (c.1760-1835), historian and biographer [ Thomas Cadell the younger (1773-1836), publisher with London firm Cadell and Davies ]
Publication details: 
28 January 1814.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Tipped in onto leaf of grey paper removed from an album. Addressed by Coote on reverse to 'Mr. Cadell'. Reads: 'Dr. Coote presents his Compliments to Mr. Cadell, & offers many Apologies for having solong [sic] kept back, from Inattention and Negligence, the Books which Mr. C. furnished for the Supplement to Mosheim. - January 23, 1814.' For more on Coote, see his entry in the Oxford DNB. Cadell & Davies published his six-volume supplement to Mosheim's ecclesiastical history in 1811.

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