[Princess Sophia of Gloucester, niece of King George III.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Sophia Matilda’) [to Sir Herbert Taylor, Private Secretary to George IV], regarding ‘the kind Legacy from the late Queen at Wirtemberg’.

Princess Sophia of Gloucester [Sophia Matilda] (1773-1844), daughter of the Duke of Gloucester, niece of King George III [Lieut-Gen. Sir Herbert Taylor (1775-1839), Private Secretary to the Sovereign]
Publication details: 
‘Bagshot Park / Septr. 16th. [1829]’.

See Taylor’s entry, and that of Princess Sophia’s brother William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh (1776-1834), in the Oxford DNB. Bagshot Park was the residence of her brother the duke (Silly Billy’), to whom she was very much attached. The siblings were not entirely accepted by the Royal Family due to the unequal nature of their parents’ marriage. 3pp, 12mo. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Taylor, who is not named but is clearly the recipient, has marked the letter as ‘Private’. Good firm signature ‘Sophia Matilda’.

[General Sir Robert Gardiner of the Royal Artillery, Master Gunner, St James’s Park.] Autograph Letter in the third person to ‘Mr Pettigrew’, i.e. Thomas Joseph Pettigrew, doctor and Egyptologist, regarding ‘General Anderson'.

General Sir Robert Gardiner (1781-1864) of the Royal Artillery, Master Gunner, St James’s Park [Thomas Joseph Pettigrew (1791-1865), doctor, antiquary and Egyptologist]
Publication details: 
No date. ‘The Gun House / Parade / St James’s Park’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, with Pettigrew’s. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of a bifolium. Reads: ‘Sir Robert Gardiner presents his compliments to Mr Pettigrew - / He begs Mr Pettigrew will forgive his taking the liberty of asking whether he is acquainted with General Anderson, and if so, he begs Mr. Pettigrew will do him the favor of calling here as soon as convenient in his round of Professional calls this morning’.

[The Bodleian Library, Oxford.] Typed notice from the Librarian to Dr [later Sir] Heinz Koeppler, informing him that he is forbidden to use 'the Bodleian and Camera' until the curators have dealt with his 'Consumption of Edibles'.

Professor Sir Heinz Koeppler (1912-1979), German-born historian and Warden of Wilton Park
Publication details: 
On letterhead 'From the BODLEIAN LIBRARY, OXFORD'. 31 March 1938.

On a rectangular label, gummed on the reverse. In fair condition, on aged paper, with traces of paper adhering to the gummed side. The notice reads: 'The Librarian regrets that he has to inform you that owing to your breach of Stat. Cap. XLI 9a (Consumption of Edibles) he must forbid you the use of the Bodleian and Camera until the matter can be dealt with by the Curators. | Dr. H. Koeppler, | Magdalen College.'

[Natural Indigo.] Lengthy correspondence of ten letters from Sir Lewis J. E Hay, ‘Retired Behar Indigo planter’ to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Lewis J. E. Hay [Sir Lewis John Erroll Hay] (1866-1923) of Park, indigo planter in Behar, India [G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts]
Publication details: 
One letter from 1914, the other nine from 1915. Each on his letterhead, 42 Frederick Street, Victoria Chambers, Edinburgh.

In one of the present letters Hay signs himself as ‘Retired Behar Indigo planter’, and the material provides an knowledgeable commentry on the colonial textiles industry at the beginning of the First World War. Some of the material was printed in the Journal of the Royal Society of Arts. The recipient George Kenneth Menzies (1869-1954) was Secretary to the Royal Society of Arts between 1917 and 1935. A total of 21pp, 4to. Each bears the stamp of the RSA, some with manuscript docketting.

[‘A very nice little collection’: the 2nd Marquis of Hastings boasts about his picture collection.] Autograph Letter Signed regarding ‘the entry in the Leicester registry’ and a picture sent to him by the recipient.

Marquis of Hastings [George Rawdon Hastings (1808-1844), 2nd Marquess of Hastings, 3rd Earl of Moira, 3rd Baron Rawdon], British peer and courtier [Donnington Park, Leicestershire]
Publication details: 
‘Donnington Park / Novr. 5th / 1836.’

See the entry in the Oxford DNB for his father the 1st Marquis. 2pp, 12mo. On the first leaf of a bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and discoloured, with thin strip of glue from previous mount on reverse of second leaf. The recipient is not named, and he signs ‘Hastings’. The letter begins: ‘Dear Sir, / I made the necessary enquiries as to the entry in the Leicester registry (through a friend of our clergyman) & enclose his reply [not present] - I fear it is not what you wished for.’ He might get ‘more satisfactory information’ if the recipient can give a ‘better clue to go by’.

[West Indian Slave Trade; rum; sugar.] Eighteen manuscript documents (most from Lewis Simond & Co, New York Merchants) regarding slave trader and Jamaican plantation owner William Atherton and his Green Park Estate in Trelawny Parish.

West Indian Slave Trade: William Atherton (Wikipedia) (1742-1803), slave trader & owner of Jamaican sugar plantations, including the Green Park Estate in Trelawny Parish [Lewis Simond, NY merchants]
Publication details: 
One item from 1777, from Bounty Hall Estate, Jamaica; three items from London, 1800 and 1801; fourteen items from New York [Lewis Simond & Co.], 1803 and 1804.

All 18 items are in very good condition, with slight signs of age and wear. Items One and Eighteen are letters (Eighteen being a ‘triplicate’), the other sixteen items are accounts, with items Five to Eighteen relating to the firm of the New York merchant Lewis Simond. Items Seven, Nine and Twelve are copies (i.e. written out afresh but containing the same text) of Items Six, Eight and Eleven. ONE: Henry Hough (overseer of the Bounty Hall estate, Jamaica) to ‘William Fairclough / Green Park’: Autograph Letter Signed.

[Sir John Beckett of Somerby Park, as Under-Secretary of State for Home Affairs.] Autograph Letter Signed, to Col. Torrens, giving view of Home Secretary Richard Ryder on ‘The Commander in Chief’ (Prince Frederick, Duke of York) and ‘Mr Sonnenberg'.

Sir John Beckett (1775-1847) of Somerby Park, Lincs, Tory politician [Col. Robert Torrens (1780-1864); Richard Ryder (1766-1832), Home Secretary; Prince Frederick, Duke of York; Sir Robert Peel]
Publication details: 
‘Whitehall 26th. March 12’ [i.e. 1812].

See Beckett’s entry in the History of Parliament, according to which he held the position of Under-Secretary of State for Home Affairs from 1806 to 1817. 1p, foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased at the foot, with strip of discoloration at the head. Folded twice into a packet. Addressed to ‘Colonel Torrens’.

[Hyde Park: Rotten Row in the reign of George IV.] Autograph Letter Signed by J. King, complaining at length about ‘Patricians’ whose horses trample the grass of the ‘People’s Park’, leaving the place ‘like a Sandy Desert the Verdure all destroyed’.

[Hyde Park: Rotten Row in the reign of King George IV.] J. King of Cadogan Place, Belgravia, London. [Lord Sydney; Lord Northumberland]
Publication details: 
‘Cadogan Place. May. 31. 1824’.

A nice piece of London ephemera, the subject being Rotten Row, which runs along the south side of Hyde Park. 2pp, 4to. On wove paper with watermark ‘J WILMOT / 1823’. Forty-one lines of text. Having been torn in two vertically (presumably by the irate recipient) the item has been repaired in an unusual way: with the two pieces sewn back together from top to bottom. Otherwise in fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with slight loss to one edge from breaking of seal or wafer. Folded for postage.

[The Refectory Club, Mayfair, London.] Three items of club ephemera: publicity booklet, application form and notice. With Typed Letter Signd from club secretary David Mallett, regarding theatre historian Maqueen-Pope’s desire to become a member.

The Refectory Club, Mayfair, London; David Mallett, Secretary [Walter James Macqueen-Pope, theatre historian; Anna Zinkeisen (1901-1976), Scottish painter]
Publication details: 
Mallett’s letter dated 4 October 1955; on letterhead of The Refectory Club, 10 Tilney Street, Park Lane, W1 [London]. The other three items undated, but slighty earlier in date.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. (See his entry in the Oxford DNB.) Interesting London ephemera: the plans for the Refectory Club were clearly ambitious, but there is little to be gleaned about it, and it is unclear whether it even opened. Zinkeisen and her sister Dora are the subject of a 2022 monograph by Philip Kelleway, Emma Roodhouse and Nicola Evans. The four items in good condition, lightly aged, but with rust staining from a paperclip. Folded for postage. ONE: Typed Letter to MP, signed ‘D Mallett’ (but with ‘For Secretary’ typed beneath this). 1p, 4to.

[Sir Thomas Baring, 2nd Baronet, banker and Member of Parliament.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘Tho. Baring’) regarding the sending of his ‘Pictures’ to his estate at Stratton.

Sir Thomas Baring (1772-1848), 2nd Baronet, banker, Member of Parliament, Art Collector.
Publication details: 
5 August 1818. Cowes, Isle of Wight.

See the entries in the Oxford DNB for his father Sir Francis Baring (1740-1810) and his son Thomas Baring (1799-1873). At the time of writing he was working with the merchant bankers Hope & Co. in Amsterdam, but growing 'so disgusted with the drudgery of the counting house' that he wanted to abandon commerce for the law. 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, with neat traces of windowpane mount adhering to the edges of the blank reverse. Folded for postage. Signed ‘Tho. Baring.’ Recipient not named. Reads: ‘Dear Sir / As I observe in the papers that the British [?] is to be closed on ye.

[Catherine, Duchess of Cleveland, mother of the Prime Minister Lord Rosebery.] Autograph Signature (‘C Clevd.’) to Typed Note urging ‘Dear Jim’ to visit her.

Duchess of Cleveland [Catherine Lucy Wilhelmina Powlett; née Stanhope; also Lady Dalmeny, Lady Harry Vane] (1819-1901), aristocrat, historian, genealogist, mother of Earl of Rosebery, Prime Minister
Publication details: 
‘May 24 Wednesday [no year]’; on letterhead of Osterley Park, Southall.

On one side of 19 x 9 cm slip of paper with Osterley Park letterhead with her crested monogram in gold and black. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Somewhat shaky and curiously-antiquated signature. Typed note in capitals. One word and a few minor corrections to text in autograph. Reads: ‘May 24 Wednesday / My dear Jim / I am here at the receipt of custom - will you come & when? Come to dine & sleep - or stay.

[William I, King of the Netherlands, Prince of Orange, as Erfprins (hereditary prince).] Autograph Letter Signed (‘G. F. Pr Hed.d’Orange’), in French, to Lord Auckland, while in exile in England, expressing thanks and condoling upon a sad event.

William I, King of the Netherlands, Prince of Orange, and Grand Duke of Luxembourg [Willem Frederik, Prince of Orange-Nassau (1772-1843)]; Lord Auckland [William Eden, 1st Baron Auckland (1745-1814)]
William I
Publication details: 
No date or place. [Written while in England, c. 1795.]
William I

The recipient is not named (the salutation is to ‘Mylord’), but William ends with compliments to ‘Lady Auckland’, and the letter also contains a reference to Eden Park. 1p, landscape 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, laid down on part of leaf cut from album. Signed ‘G. F. Pr Hed.d’Orange’. The mount is captioned, in a contemporary hand, ‘George [sic] Prince of Orange (Holland) date 1798’.

[Sir Philip Sassoon of Port Lympne: described by Noel Coward as ‘a phenomenon that would never recur’.] Autograph Signature (‘Philip Sassoon.) and autograph compliments slip.

Sir Philip Sassoon [Sir Philip Albert Gustave David Sassoon] (1888-1939), politician, art collector and socialite at Port Lympne and Trent Park, cousin of Siegfried Sassoon, friend of Noel Coward
Publication details: 
No date [dated by recipient 12 June 1928]. Laid down on letterhead of 25 Park Lane, W. [London.], which carries the autograph compliments.

Considered by his friend Noël Coward as ‘a phenomenon that would never recur’. See his entry by Osbert Sitwell in the Oxford DNB and the biography by Damian Collins, ‘Charmed Life: The Phenomenal World of Philip Sassoon’ (2016). Clearly sent in response to a request for an autograph. The signature is on a plain 9 x 6 cm card, and reads simply ‘Philip Sassoon.’ The card is laid down at the foot of a 12mo letterhead, on which is written by Sassoon, above a flourish: ‘With Sir Philip Sassoon’s Compliments’. Both items in good condition, lightly aged.

[Oxford Militia; Col. William Gore-Langton, M.P. for Somerset.] Autograph Letter in the third person to army agents Messrs Cox and Greenwood, enquiring about arrangements for winter quarters for the Oxford Militia on their return from Ireland.

Colonel William Gore-Langton [William Gore until 1783] (1760-1847) of Newton Park,, for 45 years Whig Member of Parliament for, successively, Somerset, Tregony and Somerset East [Oxford Militia]
Publication details: 
9 December 1799; Newton Park, near Bath [Somerset].

See his entry in the History of Parliament, which quotes a contemporary source describing him as ‘one of the oldest reformers in the House’, ‘in favour of the ballot and the immediate abolition of slavery’. 1p, 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded four times. Begins: ‘Colonel Gore Langton presents his Compliments to Messrs: Cox and Greenwood, and as the Oxfordshire Regiment of Militia are expected to return from Ireland about Christmas, he is very desirous of being informed whether any arrangement has been made respecting their Winter Quarters’.

[Sigismund Goetze, English artist.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs. Poole', regarding a portrait of King Charles II, as prince and in Oxford robes, in his Grove House collection.

Sigismund Goetze [Sigismund Christian Hubert Goetze] (1866-1939), English artist and art patron at Grove House, who painted the Foreign Office 'Empire Murals'
Publication details: 
20 October 1932; on letterhead of Grove House, Park Road, Regent's Park, N.W.8 [London].

4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with two smudges on second page. Folded once. With reference to her letter 'to Mr. Somerset of March 11th. re the portrait of Charles II (as Prince) in academic robes', he has had the picture by William Dobson photographed and encloses a copy (not present). He discusses Charles's dress in the picture in some detail, adding that 'The portrait (27 x 28 1/2 inches) has been in my possession since 1918 when it was bought at Christie's Nov. 29 lot.

[President Franklin Delano Roosevelt's mother Sara Ann Delano Roosevelt.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Sara D Roosevelt') to 'Peggy', on a sketch to be made of the 'village' library she and her son are endowing in Hyde Park in memory of her husband.

Sara Ann Delano Roosevelt (1854-1941), second wife of James Roosevelt I, mother of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt [James Roosevelt Memorial Library, Hyde Park on the Hudson]
Publication details: 
23 February [no year]; on letterhead of Hyde Park on the Hudson, N.Y. [New York].

The subject of the letter is a sketch which Mrs Roosevelt wishes the recipient to make on a scroll, depicting the library which she and her son the future president Franklin Delano Roosevelt are endowing in the 'village' of Hyde Park, in memory of her husband James Roosevelt I (1828-1900). (The library opened in 1927, and is still in use.) 4pp, 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once, with short closed to one edge of the fold. She begins: 'My dear Peggy | I received your parcel just before I came up here so have a few days of country air with my son [F. D.

[John Keble, Anglican cleric and poet.] Autograph Letter in the third person, recommending that 'Mr. T. Sneyd Kinnersley' apply to 'Mr. Parker, or Mr. Harrison the Architect' regarding an engraving.

John Keble (1792-1866), Anglican cleric and poet, a leader of the Oxford Movement, after whom was named Keble College, Oxford [Thomas Clement Sneyd Kinnersley; James Park Harrison; John Henry Parker]
Publication details: 
Hursley Vicarage [Hampshire]. 21 December 1849.

2pp, 12mo. On the first leaf of a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and creased. Folded twice. 'Mr. Keble presents his compliments to Mr. T. Sneyd Kinnersley, & is much concerned to have received his note so late, that it was impossible for him to return an answer in time for the 20th. He has no spare copies of the Engraving, or he would gladly forwarded [sic] one. Neither does he know whom to apply to about it, unless it be Mr. Parker, or Mr. Harrison the Architect, [i.e. James Park Harrison (1817-1901)] whose address is | 11 Chancery Lane | London. | Mr.

[William Conolly, joint licensee with his brother John Conolly of Hayes Park Private Lunatic Asylum, Uxbridge.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Will Conolly') to 'George Rogers Esqr MD', reporting the arrival of patient 'Mr George Helyar'.

William Brice Conolly, MD, joint licensee of Hayes Park Private Lunatic Asylum, Uxbridge, with his brother John Conolly (1794-1866), later resident physician to the Middlesex County Asylum at Hanwell
Publication details: 
'Hayes Park nr Uxbridge | Decr. 19. 1851'.

2pp, 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly aged and browned paper, with thin strip of paper from mount adhering to the reverse. Folded twice. The letter reads: 'Mr George Helyar arrived here last night accompanied by your attendant from whom I received your letter and a purse containing £11 – 12 – Mr Helyar has slept well and appears comfortable this morning, and I hope will go on well with us - | When his Clothes arrive I will inform you - | I also received the Order, & Certificates from the attendant for which pray accept my thanks -'.

[Prince William, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh ('Silly Billy').] Autograph Letter Signed ('William Frederick') to a duke, reporting that he has placed Edward Gage in his regiment, as requested.

Prince William, Duke of Gloucester and Edinburgh ['Silly Billy'] (1776-1834), great-grandson of George II, nephew and son-in-law of George III
Publication details: 
Bagshot Park; 27 October 1830.

1p, 4to. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded three times. The letter reads: 'My dear Duke | I have much gratification in acquainting Your Grace that I have placed Mr Edward Gage in my Regiment, and I am sure You will believe that it affords me great satisfaction to have had so early an opportunity of meeting Your Wishes It will be necessary for him to lodge the purchase money at Messrs.

[Hester Lynch Piozzi, 'Dr. Johnson's Mrs. Thrale'.] Autograph Note in the third person to Dr. Perney, inviting him to visit 'to hear Mr. Yaniewitsh [i.e. Felix Janewicz] play on the Violin'.

Mrs Piozzi (born Hester Lynch Salusbury, then Hester Lynch Thrale, then Hester Lynch Piozzi] (1741-1821), diarist and friend of Dr Samuel Johnson [Rev. Dr John Anthony Perney (1781-1827)]
Publication details: 
'Steatham Park | Fryday [sic] 24.' [No year.]

Autograph Note in the third person. On one of 11 x 20 cm slip of paper. In good condition, lightly aged, with stub from mount adhering to reverse. Reads: 'Mrs. Piozzi's Coms. And if Dr. Perney is disengaged this Eveng & would like to hear Mr. Yaniewitsh play on the Violin She should be happy in his Company to Tea - - - and it would be very obliging in him to bring the Viol D'Amore with him. | Streatham Park | Friday 24.' Perney was domestic chaplain to the Earl of Coventry.

[ William Roupell, forger and fraudster. ] Two Autograph Signed documents, the first a draft [ for his election agent ] of a circular to electors on his standing as Member of Parliament for Lambeth; the second another election letter (draft?)

William Roupell (1831-1909), forger and fraudster, Member of Parliament for Lambeth, 1857-1862, ruined in the Roupell Case
Publication details: 
Both from Roupell Park, Brixton. March 1857 and 25 April 1859.

The first letter has the damaged signature 'William: Roupe', the second is signed 'W: Roupell'. ONE (March 1857): 1p., 8vo. Signed autograph draft of a circular Roupell made for his election agent at the time of his first parliamentary contest. On the reverse of a letterhead of 4 Wolsingham Place, Lambeth, which was the office of solicitor R. C. Barton, who was Roupell's election agent (see George Hill, 'Electoral History of the Borough of Lambeth', 1879). In poor condition, heavily worn, with loss to the outer edges and text, including the end of Roupell's signature.

[ Whitelaw Reid, American Ambassador to the United Kingdom. ] Typed Letter Signed to Col. H. V. Higgins of the Grand Opera Syndicate, Covent Garden, comparing his opera box unfavourably with the one he had in Paris.

Whitelaw Reid (1837-1912), proprietor of the New York Tribune, historian, Republican nominee for Vice President of the United States in the 1892 election, American Ambassador to the United Kingdom
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Dorchester House, Park Lane, W. [ London ] 5 September 1905.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged. He is sending a copy of a note his secretary has 'just sent about an opera box for the next season. | The box we were able to get this year contrasted so poorly with my old "loge entre les colonnes" in Paris that I am afraid my personal tastes would be about as well satisfied without one!' He feels sure that 'with this long notice and with a friendly word' from Higgins, 'something better can be done'. One of the grandest residences in London, Dorchester House was rented by Reid as the American Embassy from 1905.

[ Joseph Butterworth ] Secretarial Letter, signed 'Jos: Butterworth', to Knight Spencer, Secretary of the Surrey Institution, urging him to engage 'Mr. Park, the Artist, of Dublin', who is moving to London, as a lecturer.

Joseph Butterworth (1770-1826), law bookseller and Member of Parliament [ Knight Spencer, Secretary of the Surrey Institution ]
Publication details: 
Bedford Square [ London ]. 19 October 1830.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter begins: 'Mr. [ Park? ], the Artist, of Dublin, has this day written me word that he has some intention of coming to settle in London in the ensuing winter.' He urges Spencer to 'get him to deliver a course of Lectures on Painting at the Surrey Institution. From speeches which I have heard him deliver, I should think his language & delivery well calculated for the purpose & likely to render him popular.' He explains that he is prevented from writing himself by a 'complaint in my eyes'.

[ Hugh Foss, Bletchley Park codebreaker ] Draft Autograph Letter UNSIGNED with substantial corrections, all in Foss's hand, to a "Miss Kaye" thanking her fopr a "pleasant evening's dancing".

Hugh Foss [ Hugh Rose Foss ] (1902-1971), British cryptanalyst, a Bletchley Park codebreaker [Japanese; Chelsea Reel Club (for Scottish country dancing); German Enigma Code; Japanese Naval Codes ]
Publication details: 
No place or date. Written on notepaper with printed heading "Hon. Secretary, London Fencing Club."

Foss was a distinguished cryptanalyst, and his career is described in his entry in the Oxford DNB. At Bletchley Park during the Second World War he was the first person to decode a day's worth of the German Enigma Code (in 1940); and heading the Japanese Naval Section in Hut 7 (between 1942 and 1943). His wife Alison (née Graham, 1908-1979) inspired his interest in Scottish country dancing in the early 1930s. He was Vice-President of the Chelsea Reel Club on its formation in 1935; and became Chairman in 1938.

[ Hugh Foss, Bletchley Park codebreaker. ] Draft of Autograph Letter Signed ('Hugh Foss') as Vice Chairman, Chelsea Reel Club: a circular regarding 'the first meeting of the new season', including the meeting's 'Agenda' in six numbered parts.

Hugh Foss [ Hugh Rose Foss ] (1902-1971), British cryptanalyst, a Bletchley Park codebreaker [Japanese; Chelsea Reel Club (for Scottish country dancing); German Enigma Code; Japanese Naval Codes ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 37 Robyns Way, Sevenoaks, Kent. Undated. [ Shortly before 'the Ball at Chelsea Town Hall on Friday, 29th October, 1937'. ]

Foss was a distinguished cryptanalyst, and his career is described in his entry in the Oxford DNB. At Bletchley Park during the Second World War he was the first person to decode a day's worth of the German Enigma Code (in 1940); and heading the Japanese Naval Section in Hut 7 (between 1942 and 1943). His wife Alison (née Graham, 1908-1979) inspired his interest in Scottish country dancing in the early 1930s. He was Vice-President of the Chelsea Reel Club on its formation in 1935; and became Chairman in 1938. While at Bletchley he taught a regular class on the subject.

[ William Sowerby, artist and botanist. ] Autograph Signature ('Wm. Sowerby | Secty') as Secretary, Royal Botanic Society of London, on communication to 'The Proprietors of "Scientific Roll"'.

William Sowerby (1827-1906), Secretary, Royal Botanic Society of London, artist and botanist [ [ Alexander Ramsay, editor of the 'Scientific Roll' ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Royal Botanic Society of London, Gardens, Regent's Park, London. 24 January 1883.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. A somewhat grand and expansive printed form, completed in manuscript by Sowerby. He thanks the 'Gentlemen' who are 'The Proprietors of "Scientific Roll"' for 'the continuation, as published, of The "Scientific Roll"'. From the papers of Alexander Ramsay, editor of the 'Scientific Roll'.

[ Thomas Henry Burke, Irish civil servant killed in the Phoenix Park Murders. ] Autograph Signature ('T H Burke') on part of an 'Authority to discharge'.

Thomas Henry Burke (1829-1882), Permanent Under Secretary at the Irish Office, killed in the Phoenix Park Murders
Publication details: 
[ Dublin. ] Chief Secretary Office D.C. 'Discharged 20 March | 1875'.

Piece of paper, approximately 15 x 21 cm, torn from the second and concluding leaf of a bifolium. Aged and worn, with repair to a closed tear. Burke's signature is at the foot, preceded by writing in another hand, thus: 'Hugh Mc. Mahon respectively. | I am, | Sir, | Your Obedient Servant, | J H Burke'. On the reverse, in ink: 'Chief Secretary Office D.C | Authority to discharge John & Hugh McMahon | also | Edward, Patrick & Bernard Mc.Swine | on entering into Bail self £2. with two Sureties £5 each.' Beneath this, at foot: 'Recd. & Ansd. | Discharged'.

[ Phillips Gybbon of Hole Park, Rolvenden, Whig Member of Parliament. ] Autograph Signature ('Phill: Gybbon') to Exchequer receipt.

Phillips Gybbon (1678-1762) of Hole Park, Rolvenden, Kent, Surveyor-General of the Land Revenues, 1726-1730; Lord of the Treasury, 1742-1744
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 24 October 1757.

1p., 8vo. . Aged and with particular wear to extremities. The usual printed text, completed in manuscript, with manuscript calculations in the right-hand margin. Begins (with manuscript text in square brackets): 'Annuities, 14 per Cent. | Record' [12o Oct. 1757] | Numb. | The [24th.] Day of [Oct.] 175[7] | Received by me [Phill: Gybbon, Assignee of John Gibbon & Ralph Snow Esqrs.] | Of the Honourable Thomas Townshend, Esq; One of the Four Tellers of His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, the Sum of [fifty six pounds] [...]'.

[ Samuel Jones-Loyd, 1st Baron Overstone [ Lord Overstone ], banker and politician. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Overstone') to 'G. Scharf Junr Esqr' [ the future Sir George Scharf ], regarding the possibility of a meeting in Brighton.

Samuel Jones-Loyd, 1st Baron Overstone [ Lord Overstone ] (1796-1883) of Overstone Park, Northampton, British banker and politician [ Sir George Scharf (1820-1895); National Portrait Gallery, London ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Overstone Park, Northampton. 20 November 1856.

1p., 12mo. In good condition. At the time of writing Scharf was on the verge of appointment as first Director of the National Portrait Gallery. Regarding a note he has received from Scharf he writes that the following Monday he goes 'thro' London direct to Brighton. This movement I fear does not hold out much facility for our meeting - but if your business carries you to Brighton you will find me at the Bedford Hotel.'

[ Mrs Oliphant, Scottish novelist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('M. O. W. Oliphant') to Miss <Lansbury?>, regarding an invitation to visit Mrs Hargreaves at Silwood Park.

Mrs Oliphant [ Margaret Wilson Oliphant Wilson ] (1828-1897), Scottish novelist [ John Hargreaves of Silwood Park ]
Publication details: 
On 'Windsor' letterhead. 'Monday' [ no date ].

2pp., 16mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with the second leaf neatly placed in a windowpane mount. The letter begins: 'I am delighted to see your handwriting again - It will give me the greatest pleasure to avail myself of Mrs Hargreaves kind invitation.' She explains why the following Wednesday will suit her best, and proposes to 'drive over arriving at Silwood about one o'Clock and if it is quite convenient for Mrs. Hargreaves to send me back in the afternoon, that will be very kind of her'.

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