[Irish loyalist poem of the 1850s.] Unpublished anonymous Manuscript Poem, urging the ?Brave sons of Saint Patrick? to answer the call of the ?loved Father land? England, and join in the fight against ?those dastardly Yankees?.

Anonymous Irish loyalist poem of the 1850s [Crimean War; Indian Mutiny; Pig War; American Civil War]
Publication details: 
Late 1850s: dating from after the Crimean War and Indian Mutiny, and before the American Civil War.

An interesting piece of Irish demotic verse, an unpublished work by an unknown hand. A rough-hewn but highly-effective piece of writing, in which the author?s voice can be clearly heard (he rhymes ?forget? with ?death?, writes ?trashed? for ?thrashed? and ?fronth? for ?fronth?, and speaks of ?baynots?). The poem clearly conveys the author?s bloodthirsty relish for battle against the ?Yankees?, as he urges his countrymen on with cries of ?Faugh a ballagh? and ?Erin go bragh?. The viewpoint he presents sounds odd to modern ears: he is both one of the ?Brave sons of Saint Patrick?

[Lord St Helens [Alleyne Fitzherbert, Baron St Helens], diplomat, Ambassador to Russia and Chief Secretary for Ireland.] Autograph Letter Signed to Charles R. Broughton, authorizing a charge on refunded Land Tax as retired Foreign Ministers.agent.

Lord St Helens [Alleyne Fitzherbert, Baron St Helens (1753-1839], diplomat, Ambassador to Russia, Chief Secretary for Ireland, for whom Mount St Helens is named [Charles R. Broughton]
Publication details: 
?Grafton Street [London] / 2 May 1810?.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 8vo. Sixteen lines of closely-written text. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with short closed tears along the five creases from the folding of the item into a packet. Docketed on the reverse of the leaf: ?May 2d 1810 / Lord St Helens / Authy to charge Agency at the rate of 1 P Ct on Monies recovered on accot of Land Tax refunded to Foreign Ministers &cr.? Signed St Helens.

[Theatre Royal, Dublin: John William Calcraft [stage name of John William Cole], actor-manager and dramatist.] Autograph Letter Signed to a playwright, setting out the arrangements for a production.

John William Calcraft [stage name of John William Cole (c.1793-1870)], actor, dramatist and lessee of the Theatre Royal, Dublin
Publication details: 
‘T[heatre]. R[oyal] Dublin / 23rd Apl 1844’.

2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of grey-paper bifolium, the blank second leaf carrying a thin strip of tape from the mount. In good condition, folded once. Signed ‘John W. Calcraft’. The recipient is not named. Thirty-four lines of text, in a somewhat difficult hand. After a reference to ‘Mrs. Cook’s letter’ he gives the details of a forthcoming production, including the dates, ending with the benefit. ‘Terms as understood 10£ per night & [?] halfbenefit. I do not usually play on the Friday Night at this time of the year as they are uniformly bad nights’.

[Charles Lever, popular Victorian novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mlle. de [Schmidt?]’, with regard to an invitation, her daughter, ‘Sydney’, and other matters.

Charles Lever [Charles James Lever] (1806-1872), popular Victorian novelist of Irish extraction
Publication details: 
9 May 1869. 33 Brook Street, Bond Street, London.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with strip of tape from mount adhering to reverse of second leaf and small pin holes to one corner. With two folds. Thirty-nine lines of text. The handwriting is a paradox; neat but difficult to decipher. Addressed to ‘My dear Mlle de [Schmidt?]’ and signed ‘Charles Lever’. He begins by claiming that the speed with which he accepted her ‘most kind & cordial invitation’ for her daughter is the best proof he can give of the value he attaches to it ‘& the sincere satisfaction it affords me’.

[Dion Boucicault, Irish actor and playwright.] Autograph Letter Signed to Charles Manby of the Adelphi Theatre, discussing his difficult quest in Paris to acquire music for a production.

Dion Boucicault [Dionysius Lardner Boucicault; né Boursiquot] (1820-1890), Irish actor and playwright [Charles Manby (1804-84), Secretary of the Institution of Civil Engineers]
Publication details: 
'Paris Hotel de Helder / Rue du Helder / Friday morning'. No year.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, as well as that of Manby who had, as the letter indicates, strong French connections. In addition to his work as Secretary to the Institution of Civil Engineers, Manby was also the business manager of the Adelphi Theatre in London. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Letter of thirty-eight lines on the first three pages, with address and four postmarks (two French and two English) on reverse of second leaf: ‘C. Manby Esq. / Institution Civil Engineers / 25 Great George St. / Westminster / London / Angleterre’.

[Charles Lamb Kenney, author and playwright.] Autograph Letter Signed to his wife, with reference to the 1862 Great Exhibition, and dinner with William Makepeace Thackeray and his daughters.

Charles Lamb Kenney (1821-81), author and playwright, son of the Irish dramatist James Kenney (1780-1849) [William Makepeace Thackeray]
Publication details: 
‘Saturday Nov. 1’. [London, 1862.]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, which states that he had two children - Charles Horace Kenney and the actress Rosa Kenney - by his marriage to Miss Rosa Stewart at the Paris embassy in 1859. 4pp, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. On bifolium, with thin strip of tape from mount adhering to the reverse of the second leaf. Folded once. Sixty-six lines of text, addressed to ‘Dearest Wife’ and signed ‘Your affectionate husband / C. L.

[Desmond Guinness, Anglo-Irish authority on Georgian architecture, son of Lord Moyne and Diana Mitford.] Autograph Note Signed to Philip Dosse, proprietor of ‘Books and Bookmen’, agreeing to do a review.

Desmond Guinness [Desmond Walter Guinness] (1931-2020), Anglo-Irish authority on Georgian architecture, son of Bryan Guinness, Lord Moyne, and Diana Mitford [Philip Dosse (1925-1980)]
Publication details: 
6 December 1976; on letterhead of Leixlip Castle, Leixlip, County Kildare [Ireland].

See the entries for his mother and father in the Oxford DNB. The recipient Philip Dosse (Guinness spells it ‘Dossé’) was proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and ‘Plays and Players’. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Large signature, underlined. Reads: ‘Thankyou! [sic] I should be glad to review “Lost Demesnes” and “Classic Irish Houses” by Craig (see the enclosed) if it is sent to you.’

[Iris Murdoch [Dame Jean Iris Murdoch], Anglo-Irish novelist and philospher.] Autograph Inscription Signed (‘Iris !’), to ‘Hardy’ (the couturier Sir Hardy Amies).

Iris Murdoch [Dame Jean Iris Murdoch] (1919-1999), Anglo-Irish novelist and philosopher [Sir Hardy Amies (1909-2003), English couturier]
Publication details: 
No place or date [1992?].

See her entry, and his, in the Oxford DNB. On the reverse of a colour postcard of the Radcliffe Camera in Oxford from the Old Bodleian. In fair condition, lightly aged and with slight creasing to one corner and at the head (not affecting text). To the right, in the section reserved for the address, she writes: ‘Hardy / with all very / best wishes & love / from / Iris !’. Beneath this is a pencil note identifying Amies as the recipient. At top left, in another hand (her husband John Bayley’s?) is written ‘Born before all time: / a dispute over Christ’s origin / Karl Joseph Kuschel’.

[Daniel Maclise, Irish history painter, portrait painter and illustrator.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs. Bicknell'.

Daniel Maclise (1806-1870), Irish history painter, portrait painter and illustrator
Publication details: 
25 April 1864; 4 Cheyne Walk, Chelsea SW [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with slight discoloration at one edge and minor repair on reverse. Addressed to ‘Dear Mrs. Bicknell’ and signed ‘Danl. Maclise’. Reads ‘I very much regret to say that I have accepted an invitation to dinner on Wednesday when I might have had the pleasure of repairing to Tulse Hill and perhaps in company with my friend and your father whom I sometimes dare to call David’.

[Cecil Day-Lewis, poet laureate; Nicholas Blake.] Autograph Card Signed to D. Kilham Roberts, casting his vote for Osbert Sitwell as the next chairman of the Society of Authors.

Cecil Day-Lewis [C. Day-Lewis] (1904-1972), Anglo-Irish poet and British Poet Laureate who wrote crime fiction under the pseudonym of Nicholas Blake [D. Kilham Roberts, Society of Authors, London]
Publication details: 
9 August 1944. Letterhead of ORION, 26 Manchester Square, London, W.1. (with address cancelled)

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. An unillustrated post card, apart from the letterhead. Addressed, with stamp and Paddington postmark, to ‘Dr William Roberts / Briarlea / Mortimer / Berks.’ The message reads: ‘I vote for Osbert S. [i.e. Osbert Sitwell] as next chairman Soc. Authors [etc?] / Yrs / C. Day Lewis’. Image on request.

[Cecil Day-Lewis, Poet Laureate.] Autograph Card Signed to Geoffrey Parsons, regarding the publication of his poetry book 'Peter's Progress' and a 'H[odder] & S[toughton]' 'ordeal'.

Cecil Day-Lewis [C. Day-Lewis] (1904-1972), Anglo-Irish poet and British Poet Laureate who also wrote crime fiction under the pseudonym of Nicholas Blake [Geoffrey Parsons (1910-1987), poet]
Publication details: 
30 September 1953; 'from Mrs. [last word deleted] C. Day-Lewis, 96 Campden Hill Road, W.8. [London]'

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient is presumably the lyricist Peter Claremont Parsons. Plain postcard, apart from letterhead. In good condition, lightly aged. Image on request.Postmarked (from Paddington), stamped and addressed to ‘Geoffrey Parsons esq. / 22 Westbourne Park Road / W.2’. Small signature: ‘C. D. L.’ Reads: ‘Many thanks for Peter’s Progress. [Parson’s poetry book, published that year by Hand & Flower] I’ve read it with great pleasure & amusement, & fallen foul of little except ‘legacies’ rhyming with exegesis. My memory of those H. & S.

[Home Rule, 1912.] Printed item: ‘A “Modern Eye”-Opener. 60 Points against Home Rule (A reply to the Daily News “50 Points in Favour of Home Rule”) by T. S. Frank Battersby, M.A., K.C. With a preface by The Right Hon. Sir Edward H. Carson, M.P.'

T. S. Frank Battersby [Thomas Stephenson Francis Battersby (1855-1933)], M.A., K.C., author; with preface by Sir Edward H. Carson, M.P.; Unionist Associations of Ireland, Dublin and Belfast
Publication details: 
1912. Unionist Associations of Ireland: Dublin, 109 Grafton Street, and Belfast, Old Town Hall.

From the Sylvia and Robert Lynd papers. Scarce: three copies on JISC and in NLI. The Lynd copies of the first and third editions of the work to which this is a response are offered separately. 76pp (vi + 66 + [4]), 12mo. Stapled. In printed card wraps with vertical red, white and blue bands on the cover. Grubby and worn, with slightly-rusted staples, and short closed tear to fore-edge of front cover. Includes four-page index.

[The Peace with Ireland Council (London), 1921.] Printed handbill titled ‘The Voice of the Churches on Ireland’.

The Peace with Ireland Council, London, founded by Lord Henry Cavendish Bentinck, with Basil Williams as treasurer and Margaret Buckmaster as honorary secretary
Publication details: 
[1921.] Published by the Peace with Ireland Council, 30a Queen Anne’s Chambers, Westminster, S.W.1 and printed by the Caledonian Press Ltd., 74 Swinton Street, Gray’s Inn Road, W.C.1.

The Peace with Ireland Council was founded in November 1920 by Lord Henry Cavendish Bentinck, following a meeting at the House of Commons by a group concerned at the deteriorating situation in Ireland following the introduction of the Black and Tans, and spurred on by the treatment of former MP Annan Bryce and his wife Violet. Among those involved were the historian Basil Williams, who acted as treasurer, and the suffragette Margaret Buckmaster (daughter of Lord Buckmaster) who served as honorary secretary. From the Sylvia and Robert Lynd papers.

[The Peace with Ireland Council (London) and the Black and Tans, 1921.] Printed handbill titled ‘Irish Reprisals / Auxiliary Divisions Record / Indictment by Sir John Simon / To the Editor of The Times’.

Sir John Simon; The Peace with Ireland Council, London, founded by Lord Henry Cavendish Bentinck, with Basil Williams as treasurer and Margaret Buckmaster as honorary secretary [The Black and Tans]
Publication details: 
[1921.] Published by the Peace with Ireland Council, 30 Queen Anne’s Chambers, S.W.1; and printed by the Caledonian Press Ltd. (T. U.) 74 Swinton Street, London, W.C.1.

The Peace with Ireland Council was founded in November 1920 by Lord Henry Cavendish Bentinck, following a meeting at the House of Commons by a group concerned at the deteriorating situation in Ireland following the introduction of the Black and Tans, and spurred on by the treatment of former MP Annan Bryce and his wife Violet. Among those involved were the historian Basil Williams, who acted as treasurer, and the suffragette Margaret Buckmaster (daughter of Lord Buckmaster) who served as honorary secretary. From the Sylvia and Robert Lynd papers.

[Patrick Pearse [Pádraic Pearse], Irish national hero, shot by the British after the Easter Rising of 1916.] Review slip by his Dublin publishers Maunsel & Co., for his posthumous ‘The Story of a Success’.

Patrick Pearse [Patrick Henry Pearse; Pádraig Pearse; Pádraic Pearse; Pádraig Anraí Mac Piarais] (1879–1916), Irish national hero, poet, nationalist shot by the British after the Easter Rising of 1916
Publication details: 
Dated 15 November 1917 (for book to be published 19 November 1917). Maunsel & Co., Limited, 50 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin.

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. A scarce piece of Pearse ephemera: no other copy traced. 1p, 12mo. On a piece of discoloured laid paper, worn, with crease to one corner. The full title of the book, which was edited by Desmond Ryan, was ‘The story of a success, being a record of St. Enda's College, September 1908 to Easter 1916’.

[Irish Public Finance, 1912: ‘The present position is indefensible’.] Printed pamphlet: ‘The Public Finances of Ireland / By Professor C. H. Oldham, B.A., B.L., University College, Dublin’.

Professor C. H. Oldham [Charles Hubert Oldham (1859-1926)], B.A., B.L., University College, Dublin; Richard Clay and Sons, printers [Irish Public Finance, 1912]
Publication details: 
1912. Printed by Richard Clay and Sons, Limited, Brunswick St., Stamford St., S.E. [London], and Bungay, Suffolk.

From the Sylvia and Robert Lynd papers. Scarce: no copy on JISC, but in NLI. 16pp, 12mo. Stitched. No wraps. The outer covers spotted, and the back cover grubby, otherwise in good condition, lightly aged. One vertical fold. The author’s position, supported with statistical analysis, is that ‘The present position is indefensible as it stands; and it is becoming worse.

[USA President; Ireland: Conscription Crisis of 1918.] Two printed items by O’Neill, Lord Mayor of Dublin, as Chairman of the Mansion House Conference, protesting British actions, one to the American President, the other to the American Ambassador.

Laurence O’Neill (1864-1943), Lord Mayor of Dublin, Chairman of the Mansion House Conference, 1918; Irish Independent, Dublin; J. R. N. MacPhail [James Robert Nicolson MacPhail] (1858-1933)
Publication details: 
Both items dated from the Mansion House, Dublin, the first (to the president) on 11 June 1918, and the second (to the US ambassador) on 18 June 1918. [Irish Independent, Dublin.]

Although large numbers of Irishmen had willingly signed up to fight for the British cause in the First World War, by April 1918 a shortage of troops moved the British government to propose conscription in Ireland. This was violently opposed by republicans, and O’Neill convened an Irish Anti-Conscription Committee which met at the Mansion House in Dublin. Strikes and protests followed, and although a law was passed, conscription was never implemented in Ireland. These two items are now extremely scarce.

[Northern Ireland: Special Powers Acts.] Two printed items: ‘Report of a Commission of Inquiry appointed to examine the Purpose and Effect of the Civil Authorities (Special Powers) Acts (Northern Ireland) 1922 & 1933.’ and handbill with reviews.

Northern Ireland, Special Powers Acts of 1922 and 1933; The National Council for Civil Liberties, London [Robert Lynd; H. G. Wells]
Publication details: 
Report: London, 1936. Published by The National Council for Civil Liberties, 99a Charing Cross Road, WC2.

Two items from the Robert and Sylvia Lynd papers. The first item is well represented in academic libraries, no copy of the second has been found. Item Two below asserts that ‘Under these Acts the Home Minister of Northern Ireland is furnished with what are practically dictatorship powers’, which are ‘now a permanent part of Northern Irish law’. (Robert Lynd’s interest in the matter was no doubt heightened by the fact that he was himself an Ulsterman.) ONE: Printed pamphlet.

[Private Press: ‘The first (and only) title set, printed and published by the Janus Press at Bickley in Kent.] Printed play by Charles Duff: ‘An Irish Idyll’ (previously broadcast on the Home Service of the BBC).

Charles Duff [Charles St Lawrence Duff] (1894-1966); The Janus Press, Bickley, Kent [British Broadcasting Corporation]
Publication details: 
‘THE FIRST BOOKLET set, printed and published by the Janus Press at Bickley in Kent 1933’. [The Janus Press, Albyfield, Bickley, Kent, England.

See his entry in the Dictionary of National Biography. From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. Scarce: only three copies on JISC (Oxford, NLS and BL). 24pp, 12mo. Stapled. In blue printed wraps with flaps. Colophon on first page, with small indistinguishable device: ‘THE FIRST BOOKLET / set, printed and published by the / Janus Press at Bickley in Kent / 1933’. Title-page: ‘AN IRISH IDYLL / CHARLES DUFF / [crude vignette of shamrock] / Janus Press’. Information on reverse of title includes: ‘An Irish Idyll was first used by / The British Broadcasting Corporation / on the 12th.

[Francis Joseph Bigger, ed.] Printed pamphlet: ‘The Legislative Union. A Protest by Dr. William Drennan.’ [‘Protest against a union with Great Britain’.]

Francis Joseph Bigger (1863-1926), editor; Dr William Drennan; R. Carswell & Son, Belfast printers [Robert Lynd]
Publication details: 
‘Reprinted. / Belfast: R. Carswell & Son, Ltd., Printers, Queen Street. / 1911.’

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. A scarce item: five copies on JISC. In NLI, but not in the British Library. Bigger, a notable antiquary and republican (see Dictionary of Irish Biography), is the friend to whom Sir Roger Casement entrusted the ‘black box’ of incriminating documents, which Bigger destroyed after Casement’s execution. 12pp, 16mo. Stapled. In good condition, lightly aged, with lightly-rusted staples.

[Gaelic League of London [London Branch of the Gaelic League].] Printed periodical: number of ‘Inis Fa´il’ [Inisfa´il; Inis Fail], ‘A Magazine for the Irish in London’.

Gaelic League of London [London Branch of the Gaelic League]: Inis Fa´il [Inisfa´il; Inis Fail], ‘A Magazine for the Irish in London’ [Michael Davitt]
Publication details: 
Iúl [July] 1906 number. Gaelic League of London [no address].

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. Scarce: this number is lacking from the run in the National Library of Ireland. The title as one word ‘INISFÁIL’ on cover, but as the two words ‘INIS FÁIL’ on first page. 12 pp, 4to. Stapled in light-green printed wraps. In good condition, lightly aged, on high-acidity paper, in lightly-worn wraps carrying advertisements.

Printed pamphlet: ‘Some Suggestions concerning the Future Welfare of Ireland / An Address delivered before the Literary and Scientific Society of the Queen’s University. Belfast, on February 23rd. 1911. By the Right Hon. Lord MacDonnell of Swinford,

[Proportional Representation in Ireland, 1911; Electoral Reform] The Right Hon. Lord MacDonnell [Antony Patrick MacDonnell] (1844-1925); Independent Newspapers, Ltd., Dublin
Publication details: 
1911. Dublin: Independent Newspapers, Ltd., 110 and 111 Mid. Abbey St.

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. Scarce: copy in NLI, and three on JISC (LSE, Oxford and Cambridge), but not in BL. 30pp, 12mo. Stapled in wraps of shiny paper, with title and publication details on front cover (which is part of pagination). Text clear and complete, but in poor condition, aged and worn, with heavy creasing around spine. MacDonnell advocates ‘the adoption of proportional representation and the transferable vote’, which ‘would involve a radical, but simple representation of the electoral map of Ireland’.

[The Abbey Theatre, Dublin, 1914.] Printed programme for the first production of 'The Prodigal' by Walter Riddall, produced by A. Patrick Wilson, with orchestra conducted by John F. Larchet.

Abbey Theatre, Dublin, founded by W. B. Yeats, Lady Gregory and Edward Martyn; Walter Riddall; A. Patrick Wilson; John F. Larchet
Publication details: 
Production between 30 September and 3 October 1914. Abbey Theatre, Lower Abbey Street and Marlborough Street, Dublin, Ireland.

From the Sylvia and Robert Lynd papers. A scarce piece of Abbey Theatre ephemera: the National Library of Ireland has a copies of the programmes for later revivals of the play in the Joseph Holloway collection (1918-1920), but does not have this one. ‘The Prodigal’ was Riddall’s only play. It ran for five performances between 30 September and 3 October, Riddall having died earlier in the year. It was revived in 1916, 1919 and 1923. 4pp, 12mo. Stapled into grey Abbey Theatre wraps. In fair condition, aged and worn, with one vertical fold.

[Arthur Griffith sets out the Sinn Féin agenda, 1905.] Printed pamphlet: ‘The “Sinn Fein” Policy’. [Speech by him at the First Annual Convention of the National Council, 28 November 1905, proposing ‘the policy of the National Council’.]

Arthur Griffith (1871-1922), Irish nationalist who founded Sinn Féin, President of Dáil Éireann
Sinn Fein
Publication details: 
[Intoduction by ‘A. G.’, dated ‘March, 1906.’] Dublin: James Duffy & Co., Ltd., Wellington Quay. M. H. Gill & Son, Upper O’Connell Street.
Sinn Fein

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. A scarce and historic document: copy in the NLI, and three on JISC (LSE, Oxford and BL, the latter also possessing a copy of the ‘Fortieth Thousand’). On the cover ‘Sinn Fein’ is written without the accent on the ‘e’; while the heading to p.5 has it with the accent. Cover carries a crude outline map of Ireland, crossed by two thick lines, with caption ‘The Cross of Gold’. A frail survival, on discoloured and worn newspaper stock, with chipping to edges and dogeared corners.

[Home Rule, 1912: ‘The Voice of the Empire is on the Side of Ireland.’] Printed pamphlet: ‘The Empire and Home Rule / Special Messages to “The Daily Chronicle” from Premiers, Ministers, Representative Public Men, and Editors in the Oversea dominions’

[Home Rule for Ireland, 1912] The Daily Chronicle, London newspaper [Andrew Fisher, Prime Minister of Australia]
Publication details: 
[1912.] Published by: The Daily Chronicle, 31, Whitefriars Street, London, E.C.

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. Scarce: the only copy on JISC at Bristol University. Not in NLI or BL. 16pp, 12mo. Stapled. In green printed wraps. Heavily worn, with lightly-rusted staples, and with the back wrap separated. The centre pages carry a map of ‘The Real Position in Ulster’, with explanatory note. Begins with ‘Facsimile of Message from the Hon. A. Fisher, Premier of the Australian Commonwealth.’, dated 16 February 1912. Quotations (some with portraits) from individuals from South Africa, Canada, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Australia, New Zealand.

[Irish Land Question, 1854.] Autograph Letter Signed from Serjeant Shee [later Sir William Shee] [to James Johnstone or Robert Knox?], regarding the parliamentary response to his speech bringing in the ‘amended Tenants’ Compensation (Ireland) Bill’.

[Irish Land Question, 1854.] Sir William Shee [Serjeant Shee] (1804-1868), English-born Irish Liberal politician and judge [Richard Cobden (1804-1865), Radical politician; James Johnstone (1815-1878)]
Publication details: 
'House of Commons / Feby 17 1854'.

According to his entry in the Oxford DNB, Shee entered the House of Commons as Member for County Kilkenny in 1852, and promptly took charge of the Irish Tenant Right Bill. ‘On 16 February 1854 Shee brought in a bill which, with the exception of three clauses, was the exact counterpart of Sharman Crawford's bill of the previous session, but it met with little encouragement.’ Shee’s speech is reproduced in his ‘Papers, Letters, and Speeches in the House of Commons, on the Irish Land Question’ (London, 1863).

[Home Rule for Ireland, 1911.] Printed item: ‘3rd Edition. / The Daily News 1d. Series. No. 16. / 50 Points for Home Rule.’

[Home Rule for Ireland, 1911] The Daily News, Liberal newspaper, London and Manchester
Publication details: 
Third edition. [1911 or 1912.] Published by The Daily News, London and Manchester.

From the Sylvia and Robert Lynd Papers. Scarce: one copy on JISC (Bristol University), and at the NLI, but no copy in the BL. The Lynd copies of the first edition of this title, and of the response by T. S. Frank Battersby, ‘60 Points against Home Rule’ (answering point by point many of those made here), are offered separately. [4] + 52pp, 16mo. Stapled. In green printed wraps. In fair condition, on aged paper, with dogeared corners, staples slightly rusted, in worn wraps. Preceded by index and preface, of two pages apiece.

[Home Rule for Ireland, 1911.] Printed item: ‘The Daily News 1d. Series. No. 16. / 50 Points for Home Rule.’

[Home Rule for Ireland, 1911] The Daily News, Liberal newspaper, London and Manchester
Publication details: 
[1911.] Published by The Daily News, London and Manchester.

From the Sylvia and Robert Lynd Papers. Scarce: five copies on JISC, and at the NLI, but no copy in the BL. The Lynd copies of the third edition of this title, and of the response by T. S. Frank Battersby, ‘60 Points against Home Rule’ (answering point by point many of those made here), are offered separately. [4] + 52pp, 16mo. Stapled. In green printed wraps. In fair condition internally, on browned newspaper stock, with dogeared corners, staples slightly rusted, in brittle and chipped wraps, with some damage repaired with archival tape.

[Irish governance, 1921.] Printed pamphlet: ‘The Government of Ireland. By Mrs J. R. Green. Foreword by George Russell (Æ)’.

‘Mrs J. R. Green’ [Alice Stopford Green], author; foreword by George Russell (Æ)
Publication details: 
‘Labour Booklets No. 5’. 1921. The Labour Publishing Co. Ltd., 6 Tavistock Square, London. Printed by The Riverside Press Limited, Edinburgh.

From the papers of Sylvia and Robert Lynd. Eight copies on JISC, but now scarce. 16pp, 12mo. Stapled. In fair condition, on aged high-acidity paper. With heavily-worn remains of front cover, of brittle green paper, carrying the title and publication details. Drophead title ‘THE / GOVERNMENT OF IRELAND’ on p.1. The first part titled ‘Historical’, with subtitle ‘The Rule of a Nation by a Nation’. The second part titled ‘Four Suggested Plans’, with subsections ‘The Home Rule Act of 1914’, ‘The Government of Ireland Act of 1920’, ‘Dominion Status’ and ‘The Republic’.

[Irish potholing.] Anonymous printed document titled ‘Cave Exploration in Ireland’, giving ‘a general indication of the cave areas of Ireland’.

[Cave exploration in Ireland; Irish potholing]
Publication details: 
No date or place. [Post 1962. Irish.]

3 pp, foolscap 8vo. In good condition, lightly aged. Central horizontal fold. Each page on a separate piece of paper, with the three pieces stapled together. In small print (not typed).

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