[ Pauline Niven, wife of novelist Frederick Niven. ] Autograph Letter Signed to the poet Sylvia Lynd, discussing her husband's ill health, his work and other matters.

Pauline Niven [ born Mary Pauline Thorne-Quelch (d.1968) ], wife of the Scots-Canadian novelist Frederick Niven [ Frederick John Niven ] (1878-1944) [ Sylvia Lynd [ née Dryhurst ] (1888-1952), poet ]
Publication details: 
202B Victoria Street, Nelson, British Columbia, Canada. 23 September 1943.

8pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. An interesting letter, written four months before the death of her husband. She begins: 'Dearest Sylvia - | I meant to write to you last month because I am one of those tiresome people who remember anniversaries & it was in August that you both came down to the Windermere to see us.

[ Henry Grattan, Irish nationalist politician. ] Autograph Note Signed to an unnamed recipient.

Henry Grattan (c.1746-1820), Irish nationalist politician
Publication details: 
No place. 1 April [ 1815 ].

1p., 12mo. In good condition, laid down on part of a leaf from an album. Headed in a contemporary hand 'Read', with the date '1815'. The note reads: 'Dear Sir | I beg to return you my warm thanks for your very kind & obliging letter which has made me very happy & conferd [sic] on me a great favor | I Have Dear Sir | the honour to | be with great | thanks your | faithful humble srvt | Henry Grattan'.

[ Robert Lynd, Irish journalist and essayist. ] Copy of Typed Letter to the Editor of 'Now and Then' protesting against an article by Jonathan Cape criticising the 'Daily News' literary page, of which he is editor. With copy covering letter to Cape.

Robert Lynd [ Robert Wilson Lynd ] (1879-1949), journalist, essayist and Irish Nationalist, literary editor of the 'Daily News' [ Herbert Jonathan Cape (1879-1960), London publisher ]
Publication details: 
Both letters dated 21 November 1924.

The two items in fair condition, on aged and spotted paper with slight damage to one corner and minor water staining. ONE: Copy of Typed Letter to 'Jonathan Cape Esq., | 11, Gower Street, | LONDON, W.C.1.' 1p., folio. He begins: 'Dear Cape, | When you told me at the Devonshire Club that you were going to criticise the "Daily News" Literary page, I was charmed, as I always welcome attacks within reason.

[ Robert Lynd, Irish Nationalist journalist. ] Copy of Typed Letter 'To the Editor of the "Irish Times.", regarding the state of 'the campaign against partition' following 'the Northern Ireland election'

Robert Lynd [ Robert Wilson Lynd ] (1879-1949), journalist, essayist and Irish Nationalist
Publication details: 
5 Keats Grove, Hampstead, N.W.3. [ London ] Undated [ 1945 or 1949 ].

6pp., 4to. In fair condition, on aged paper with worn edges. It is not known whether the letter was sent or published. The Lynds settled at their celebrated London address of 5 Keats Grove (where James Joyce had his wedding reception) in 1924, but the letter was clearly written after the Second World War: 'Now that the Northern Ireland election is over, it may be worth considering whether the campaign against partition, if continued on its present lines, is likely to be effective in achieving its end.

[ Connaught Rangers and King's Royal Rifles. ] Autograph Letter Signed to Captain E. A. Grubbe of the Connaught Rangers from Lieut J. G. Surman, praising the regiment and enclosing two photographs, a carte de visite and a view of cavalry training.

John Gilbert Surman, 9th King's Royal Rifle Corps [ Captain Edmund Alexander Grubbe (1857-c.1923), Connaught Rangers; G. V. Yates, Sheffield photographer ]
Publication details: 
Letter on letterhead of the King's Royal Rifles, addressed by Surman from The Camp, Kilworth, County Cork [ Ireland ], 14 June 1896. Undated carte de visite by G. V. Yates of Sheffield.

Surman had a brief and undistinguished military career. Having trained with the Connaught Rangers, on 30 October 1895 he received a commission in the 9th Royal Rifle Corps, which he resigned a year later, on 20 October 1896. ONE: Autograph Letter Signed from 'J. Gilbert Surman' to Grubbe, in fragment of envelope addressed by him to 'Captain E. A. Grubbe | The Depôt of the Connaught Rangers | Galway'. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He writes having 'now left the Connaught Rangers to join my own Regiment at the above place.

[ E. M. O'R. Dickey, Irish wood engraver. ] Two ALsS, two TLsS and an ANS (all 'E. M. O'R. Dickey'), to K. W. Luckhurst and W. Perry of the Royal Society of Arts, concerning the Sanderson 'Travelling Bursary for a teacher of art'.

E. M. O'R. Dickey [ Edward Montgomery O'Rorke Dickey ] (1894-1977), Irish wood engraver [ Harold Sanderson; William Perry and K. W. Luckhurst, Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts; Board of Education ]
Publication details: 
Six items to Luckhurst on Board of Education letterheads; letter to Perry from Plas Dulas, Llanddulas, North Wales. The seven items dating from between 1936 and 1938.

The seven items in good condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. With stamps of the Royal Society of Arts. The letter to Perry is a typed report of 2pp., folio, and more heavily worn than the rest of the correspondence. It is dated 11 August 1936, and discusses 'schemes similar to Sandersons [...] in which a firm offers work experience as part of a course taken by full-time students not previously employed in industry' and 'part-time release'.

[ A. J. Hall and Dr. James Stewart. ] Autograph Note Signed [ to Dr James Stewart ] by the Irish singer A. J. Hall, with biographical 'Memo. by Dr. James Stewart ("Sheamus Rua")'.

A. J. Hall, Irish singer [ Dr James Stewart ('Sheamus Rua') of the Irish Medical Schools' and Graduates' Association ]
Publication details: 
Note on letterhead of the Junior Athenaeum Club, 116 Piccadilly [ London ]. 18 November [ circa 1898 ]. Stewart's memorandum undated.

The note and memo are on a 12mo bifolium. In good condition, lightly-aged. The letter is signed 'A. J. Hall' and addressed to 'My dear Doctor'. He explains that he would gladly visit him, 'if at liberty', but that he is 'at Wolverhampton that night with Madame Albani'. The biographical note, presumably in Stewart's autograph, is on the reverse of the second leaf of the bifolium, beneath the following, in red ink: 'Memo. by Dr. James Stewart ("Sheamus Rua") Hon. Secy.

[ Samuel Carter Hall, editor of the Art Journal. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('S. C. Hall'), explaining why he failed to give a lecture to a 'society'.

Samuel Carter Hall (1800-1889), Irish journalist, editor of the Art Journal
Publication details: 
The Rosery [sic], Old Brompton [ London ]. 22 December [ no year ].

2pp., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Writing in dramatic terms, he apologises for 'the disappointment to which I subjected your society', and explains that he had 'fully calculated on receiving some notice from you, a day or two previous to the day fixed'.

[ William Joseph Walsh, Archbishop of Dublin. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('William J Walsh | Archbishop of Dublin') to A. Harris, giving his view on contemporary education, while commending an article by Harris in the 'Contemporary Review'.

William Joseph Walsh (1841-1921), Roman Catholic Archbishop of Dublin
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 4 Rutland Square E., Dublin. 26 October 1886.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Aged and lightly-stained, wih a few closed tears repaired with archival tape. Addressed to 'A. Harris Esqr. | The Shelbourne Hotel | Dublin.' He thanks him for sending his article, which he had already read 'in the Contemporary with great interest'. He has 'spoken to several persons of influence in connection with our existing educational systems, recommending them to read it carefully.

[ John William Cole ('J. W. Calcraft'), actor and lessee of the Theatre Royal, Dublin. ] Autograph Note Signed ('J. W. Cole')

J. W. Cole [ John William Cole, pseudonym John William Calcraft ] (c.1793-1870), actor, dramatist and lessee of the Theatre Royal, Dublin
Publication details: 
No place. 23 October 1858.

1p., 12mo. On aged and stained paper, with small spike hole. Reads: '23rd Oct. 1858 | My dear Sir | I have given Sergeant Glover of the M[orning] Chronicle a Private Box for Monday. | Yours entirely | J. W. Cole'.

[ Thomas Colley Grattan, Irish writer and British consul at Boston. ] Autograph Signature ('T. C. Grattan') cut from letter.

Thomas Grattan [ Thomas Colley Grattan; T. C. Grattan ] (1792-1864), Irish writer and British Consul at Boston
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 1 x 5.5 cm slip of paper cut from letter. In fair condition, aged, and with slight discoloration at one end. The signature is present in full, but the underlining flourish hs been truncated.

[ Lord Nugent, Irish politician and writer. ] Original Autograph Manuscript of the commencement of his tale 'The Confessions of A Suspicioius Gentleman. | by Lord Nugent'. With numerous emendations and deletions,

Lord Nugent [ George Nugent-Grenville, 2nd Baron Nugent of Carlanstown ] (1788-1850), Irish Whig politician and writer
Publication details: 
Without place or date. On paper watermarked 'P EVERITT | 1827'. First published in London in 1830.

9pp., folio. On five leaves of aged and worn paper. Heavily reworked, with numerous deletions and additions. Headed 'The Confessions of A [amended from 'The'] Suspicious Gentleman. | by Lord Nugent'. The present short story was first published in 'The Musical Bijou' for 1830, and was reprinted in 'The Polar Star' (abridged) and 'New York Mirror', before being collected in an anthology by Nugent and his Wife, 'Legends of the Library at Lilies, by the Lord and Lady there' (London: Longman, 1832), pp.51-91.

[ James Lamborn Cock, music publisher. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J Lamborn Cock | Music Publisher') to J. H. Friswell, giving an account of Thomas Moore's song 'My Heart and Lute'.

James Lamborn Cock of London music publishers Leader & Cock [ James Hain Friswell (1825-1878), author; Thomas Moore, Irish poet; Lewis Carroll [ Charles Lutwidge Dodgson ]; Alice in Wonderland ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 63 New Bond Street ('Corner of Brooke Street'), London W. 16 February 1865.

An interesting letter concerning a song mentioned in Lewis Carroll's 'Through the Looking-Glass'. 6pp., 12mo. On two bifolium letterheads. In fair condition, on aged paper. He begins by statig that he has 'taken much interest in theh discussion in the Athenaeum respecting a song of Moore's "My heart & Lute" and possessing some information relative to it' is sends it to Friswell. He proceeds to give an account of publication, with references including the music publisher Power, Sir H. R. Bishop, John Kemble, Sherwood & James, 'The London Stage' and 'The National Airs'.

[ Edwardian Ireland and Home Rule. ] Typescript by J. C. Arnold titled 'The Ulster Unionists' Objections to Home Rule.'

J. C. Arnold [ Home Rule; Ireland; Irish politics; Ulster; Basil Williams; Viscount Haldane ]
Publication details: 
At end of document: 'J. C. ARNOLD. | 3, Staple Inn. [ London ] | 17/5/11.'

10pp., 8vo. Contemporary duplicated typescript, on ten leaves held together by one corner with a brass stud. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper with slight creasing at head. The present item is a paper presented to an unnamed committee. A version was published under the same title in 'Home Rule Problems', edited by Basil Williams, with an introduction by Viscount Haldane (London: P. S. King & Son, 1911). The opening paragraph reads: 'In writing this paper I wish to put in as strong a light as possible the objections to Home Rule, which one commonly hears from the Ulster Unionists.

[ Pamphlet. ] The Repeal of the Union Conspiracy; or, Mr. Parnell, M.P., and the I.R.B.

[ Charles Stewart Parnell (1846-1892), Irish nationalist member of the British parliament; the Irish Republican Brotherhood ]
Publication details: 
London: William Ridgway, 169, Piccadilly, W. 1886.

64pp., 12mo. Frontispiece in red and black, with diagrammatic pyramid with 'Rank and File or "Soldiers."' at the base, and 'C. S. Parnell, M.P.' at the apex. At foot of the frontispiece is printed 'The Assassination Oath of the I. R. B.' Disbound pamphlet without covers. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper.

[ Raphael Tuck & Sons Victorian christmas card. ] Coloured Christmas card with illustration by 'E M W' on one side, and poem by 'SAMUEL K. COWAN M.A.' on the other.

Raphael Tuck & Sons, Moorfields, London publishers known for their postcards; Samuel K. Cowan (d.1918), Irish lyricist
Publication details: 
Raphael Tuck & Sons [ London ]. 'RTS Artistic Series' and 'Series 430.' Undated [ late nineteenth century? ]

On a gilt-edged piece of card, 13 x 11.5 cm., with rounded edges. In good condition, lightly aged. The illustration by 'E M W' on one side is printed in silver, yellow, light blue, grey and brown, and shows a snowy country scene with two tiny figures beneath a shining sun on a stone bridge over a stream. Captioned 'The Joy of Christmas be in your heart.' Cowan's eight-line poem, on the other side, is printed in grey, in variety of gothic fonts. It begins: 'Only its best and brightest history | May Memory relate you!

[ Ulick John de Burgh, 1st Marquess of Clanricarde. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Clanricarde') [to W. de Boinville]

Ulick John de Burgh (1802-1874), 1st Marquess of Clanricarde [ Lord Dunkellin; the Earl of Clanricarde ], Irish Whig politician [ W. de Boinville ]
Publication details: 
Portumna [ Ireland ]. 14 January [1850s].

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. He thanks de Boinville and his family for their 'kind wishes & feelings': 'I have thank God, quite recovered from my accident'. He is sorry that de Boinville and his wife 'have been suffering', and hopes to see them on his return to London. One of a batch of letters addressed to de Boinville in the 1850s.

[ The English agricultural crisis of 1816, 'the year without a summer'. ] Corrected manuscript copy of letter from unnamed Irish landowner (peer?) to the future Sir Robert Bateson, describing the agricultural crisis affecting his English estates.

[ Sir Robert Bateson (1782-1863), Irish Conservative politician ] [ 1816, 'the year without a summer' ]
Publication details: 
Written from England. Note by author: 'Copy to Robt. Bateson Esq. | May 8th. 1816'.

2pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly-aged, folded into packet. 34 lines of text. He begins by expressing his pleasure on Bateson's 'kind attention in naming me one of the God Fathers to your little Boy' [the future Conservative MP Robert Bateson (1816-1843)]. He next turns to the agricultural crisis: 'The accot. you give me of the state of the North of Ireland is very distressing under these circumstances. I feel no inclination to witness it by visiting my Estate there this Summer.

[ Padraic Fallon, Irish poet and playwright. ] Typescript of unpublished novella titled 'Hearse for a Playboy'.

Padraic Fallon (1905-1974), Irish poet and playwright
Publication details: 
'Padraic Fallon, | Prospect, | Wexford.' [ Ireland. ] Undated.

118pp., of which the first 102pp. are in 4to, and the last 16pp. in folio. Stapled into red card wraps. Ownership inscription on inside front cover: 'Padraic Fallon, | Prospect, | Wexford'. Internally in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in heavily-worn wraps. The story is set among race-horse trainers in Ballinasloe in 1936. There is a curious example of typewriter slippage in the last line but three on the last page: '[...] and the woods and 5h3 5o2nw in 2hifh h3 hqe wp3n5 hiw lir3. Qne [...]'.

[ John Francis Maguire, Irish politician and author of 'The Irish in America'. ] Autograph Signature.

John Francis Maguire (1815-1872), Irish writer and politician, MP for Dungarvan, 1852-1865, and Cork City, 1865-1872
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 4 x 11.5 cm piece of paper cut from letter. In fair condition, lightly aged and a little creased. Reads: 'purposes. | Yours very truly | John Francis Maguire'. On reverse: '[...] printer can easily understand my marking. Buf if you have any difficulty [...]'

[ The Marquess of Hertford and Sir Robert Bateson-Harvey. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Hertford') from the Marquess to Bateson-Harvey, regarding parliamentary activities in Antrim. With autograph copy of Harvey's reply, signed 'Rob: B Harvey'.

Francis Ingram-Seymour-Conway (1743-1822), 2nd Marquess of Hertford; Sir Robert Bateson-Harvey (c.1747-1825) of Killoquin, County Antrim, Ireland
Publication details: 
Hertford's letter: London, 29 April [1807]. Copy of Bateson-Harvey's reply: Langley Park. 30 April 1807.

Hertford's Letter: 1p., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with broken seal in read wax, 'To | Sir Robert B. Harvey Bt'. In good condition, lightly aged, with closed tear caused by breaking open of seal. Reads: 'The dissolution of Parliament will I trust apologize for the liberty I take in requesting the continuance of your friendly offices in the county of Antrim, but I cannot apply for a new favor without expressing my obligations for those already conferred, and of assuring you that I remain most truly, Sir, Your faithful & very humble Servant'.

[ John Fisher Murray ('Maire'), Irish poet and humorist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jno Fisher Murray'), offering the London publisher Richard Bentley a 'humorous paper' and 'a series of Essays on LONDON'.

John Fisher Murray [ 'Maire' ] (1811-1865), Irish poet and humorist [ Richard Bentley (1794-1871), London publisher and proprietor of 'Bentley's Miscellany' ]
Publication details: 
11 Bark Place, Bayswater. 10 November 1843.

1p., 12mo. On bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'Richard Bentley Esqre'. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The first paragraph concerns a 'humorous paper' he is forwarding for Bentley's consideration (i.e. possible publication in Bentley's Miscellany). In the second paragraph he informs him that he has ready 'a series of Essays on LONDON, similar to those which attracted so much attention in Blackwood'.

[ 'R. M. Butler, M.R.I.A., Professor of Architecture in University College.' ] Offprint titled Dublin: Past and Present'. Inscribed by Butler to Professor Richardson.

R. M. Butler [Rudolf Maximilian Butler] (1872-1943), Professor of Architecture in University College, Dublin
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Dublin, 1920s?]

8pp., 8vo. Saddle-stitched into grey printed wraps. Printed in double column. In fair condition, on aged paper, in worn wraps. Inscribed at head of front cover to 'Profr. Richardson | with R. M. Butler's compts.' Covering the history of the city from the time of Ptolemy to the advent of the electric tram. Ends by noting the extensive rebuilding in the city, 'in part due to the reconstruction of areas destroyed in 1916 and 1922'. Scarce: no copies on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[G. B. O'Neill, Irish painter.] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. Bernard O'Neill'), inviting G. W. Cooke to join in a 'friendly cup' with him and 'Mr. Callcott' [William Hutchins Callcott?], who is bringing sketches for him to inspect.

G. B. O'Neill [George Bernard O'Neill] (1828-1917), Irish painter [G. W. Cooke [George Wingrove Cooke] (1814-1865), lawyer and historian; Sir Augustus Wall Callcott (1779-1844)]
Publication details: 
'The Mall | Kensington. | Monday'. No date.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. In 1857 O'Neill married Emma Stuart Callcott, granddaughter of the artist Sir Augustus Wall Callcott, from whose house the present letter is addressed. He informs Cooke that he has 'asked Mr. Callcott [probably O'Neill's father-in-law William Hutchins Callcott (1807-1882)] to come & take a "friendly cup" with me on Thursday Evg. & we shall be glad of your company if you can favour us'. In a postscript O'Neill states that Callcott has promised to let him have 'the sketches I spoke to you of, in case you should come'.

Irish Orange Order political handbill poem, ostensibly by 'Robert Todd, Comber', ridiculing Liberal candidate in North Down John Shaw Brown on his defeat in the General Election of 1885, titled 'The Burial of the Radical Cause in the Glassmoss'.

'Robert Todd, Comber' and 'M'Cullough's Mule, Coroner, Glassmoss' [John Shaw Brown of Edenderry and Tordeevra, linen manufacturer; County Down, Northern Ireland]
Publication details: 
[Glassmoss, County Down, Ireland. 1885.]

1p., 12mo. Cheaply printed in small print. A frail survival: aged and worn. In the 1885 General Election Brown was soundly defeated in the North Down constituency by the Conservative candidate Thomas Waring. The present item is headed 'The Burial of the Radical Cause in the Glassmoss. (By Robert Todd, Comber.)' The poem is 32 lines long, divided into eight four-line stanzas.

[Sir James Emerson Tennent, Irish politician and traveller. ] Autograph Note Signed ('J. Emerson Tennent') to Mrs J. R. McClean.

Sir James Emerson Tennent (1804-1869), Irish traveller and politician, Colonial Secretary of Ceylon, 1845-1850
Publication details: 
66 Warwick Square, Belgravia [London]. 4 November 1861.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Reads: 'My dear Mrs McClean | Will you accept the accompanying Volume from me, as a slight token of my remembrance of old times & old friends | Faithfully Ever | J. Emerson Tennent'.

[Rowley Lascelles, antiquary.] Autograph Letter Signed to John Thomas Smith (Keeper of Prints and Drawings, British Museum), asking that his son be allowed to copy out a pedigree in the Harleian Collection for Marquess Wellesley.

Rowley Lascelles (1771-1841), antiquary and archivist whose employment by the Record Commissioners for Ireland ended in controversy [John Thomas Smith (1766-1833), Keeper of Prints, British Museum]
Publication details: 
Without date or place. [Between 1816 and 1833.]

1p., 12mo. On bifolium, with the verso of the second leaf addressed to 'J. T. Smith esqr.' In fair condition, on aged and worn paper.

[John Leslie Foster, Irish judge.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J Leslie Foster') to 'W. Wallich', thanking him for his attention to a request.

John Leslie Foster (c.1781-1842), British Member of Parliament and Irish judge
Publication details: 
Rathescar, Dunleer [Ireland]. 19 January 1830.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Docketed on reverse of second leaf. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with one dog-eared corner. He has received Wallich's letter, and thanks him for his 'great kindness in attending so effectively to my request'. Docketed in a small contemporary hand at head of first page.

[Thomas Mayne Reid, Victorian novelist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Mayne Reid') to 'Captain Bond'

Thomas Mayne Reid ['Charles Beach'] (1818-1883), Irish-born novelist and children's writer
Publication details: 
Chasewood, Ross [Chasewood and Frogmore House, Ross, Herefordshire]. No date.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged paper, with light offsetting from another letter. Written in a difficult hand. Concerns 'the Club meeting' at 'Macdougall's Hall'. The recipient is addressed as 'My dear Capt Bond', and at the foot of the letter as 'Capt <?> Bond | &c. &c.'

Signed Manuscript Indenture on vellum, with seals, 'Between The Right Honorable Anthony Earl of Meath [...] and Arthur Thomas of the City of Dublin Gentleman', regarding the renewal of a lease.

Anthony Brabazon (1721-1790), 8th Earl of Meath, Irish peer [Arthur Thomas of Dublin]
Publication details: 
[Dublin.] 30 January 1777.

On one side of a small skin (c.35 x 43 cm). In fair condition: somewhat worn and aged. Laid out in the usual fashion, with embossed tax stamp in margin. Signed on gutter 'Meath' and 'Arth; Thomas', with the signatories two seals in red wax (both cracked and with some loss). In English. Signatures of the two witnesses on reverse: 'Nichs. Thompson' and 'Joh Morrisson'. Scan on application.

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