[The Peace with Ireland Council (London), 1921.] Printed handbill titled ‘The Voice of the Churches on Ireland’.

The Peace with Ireland Council, London, founded by Lord Henry Cavendish Bentinck, with Basil Williams as treasurer and Margaret Buckmaster as honorary secretary
Publication details: 
[1921.] Published by the Peace with Ireland Council, 30a Queen Anne’s Chambers, Westminster, S.W.1 and printed by the Caledonian Press Ltd., 74 Swinton Street, Gray’s Inn Road, W.C.1.

The Peace with Ireland Council was founded in November 1920 by Lord Henry Cavendish Bentinck, following a meeting at the House of Commons by a group concerned at the deteriorating situation in Ireland following the introduction of the Black and Tans, and spurred on by the treatment of former MP Annan Bryce and his wife Violet. Among those involved were the historian Basil Williams, who acted as treasurer, and the suffragette Margaret Buckmaster (daughter of Lord Buckmaster) who served as honorary secretary. From the Sylvia and Robert Lynd papers.

[The Peace with Ireland Council (London) and the Black and Tans, 1921.] Printed handbill titled ‘Irish Reprisals / Auxiliary Divisions Record / Indictment by Sir John Simon / To the Editor of The Times’.

Sir John Simon; The Peace with Ireland Council, London, founded by Lord Henry Cavendish Bentinck, with Basil Williams as treasurer and Margaret Buckmaster as honorary secretary [The Black and Tans]
Publication details: 
[1921.] Published by the Peace with Ireland Council, 30 Queen Anne’s Chambers, S.W.1; and printed by the Caledonian Press Ltd. (T. U.) 74 Swinton Street, London, W.C.1.

The Peace with Ireland Council was founded in November 1920 by Lord Henry Cavendish Bentinck, following a meeting at the House of Commons by a group concerned at the deteriorating situation in Ireland following the introduction of the Black and Tans, and spurred on by the treatment of former MP Annan Bryce and his wife Violet. Among those involved were the historian Basil Williams, who acted as treasurer, and the suffragette Margaret Buckmaster (daughter of Lord Buckmaster) who served as honorary secretary. From the Sylvia and Robert Lynd papers.

[Battle of Britain, 1940; printed.] Offprint from The Times of ‘An airman to his mother / The fight with evil / “My earthly mission is fulfilled”’.

Battle of Britain, 1940 [Royal Air Force; Second World War; The Times]
Publication details: 
Printing House Square, London: ‘Reprinted from The Times, June 18, 1940’.

A nice piece of WW2 RAF ephemera, written on the eve of the Battle of Britain. Scarce: the only copies on JISC at the National Library of Scotland and Bishopsgate Institute in London. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The ‘Text of the Letter’ is printed across the centrefold, with an introduction on the first page, reading: ‘Among the personal belongings of a young R.A.F. pilot in a Bomber Squadron who was recently reported “Missing, believed killed,” was a letter to his mother - to be sent to her if he were killed.

[Joseph Lancaster, Quaker educationalist.] Printed ephemera: Handbill titled ‘ROYAL BENEVOLENCE.’, appealing for subscription to ‘a Fund to enable Schools in the country, for TEN THOUSAND POOR CHILDREN’.

Joseph Lancaster (1778-1838), pioneering Quaker educationalist who advocated the monitorial system
Publication details: 
‘Free School, Borough Road, Southwark. / 19th of 3d Month, 1806.’

A scarce and fragile item: the only copy traced on WorldCat and Jisc is held by the Society Friends (Quakers). Lancaster’s entry in the Oxford DNB, which sums up his achievements: ‘his name was to survive in English educational history as one of the foremost pioneers of mass schooling and effective teacher training in the early industrial era’. The handbill is printed on one side of a 15 x 19.5 cm leaf of thin wove paper. A fragile survival: lightly aged and worn, with a small hole and closed tear, but text clear and entire.

[Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, 1800.] Printed Privy Council Order in Council, in the name of ‘W. Fawkener’, regarding ‘modes of Payment by Allotments, and other new Regulations respecting Tickets’.

Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, 1800 [William Augustus Henry Fawkener (c.1750-1811), Clerk to the Privy Council; the Royal Navy; King George III]
Publication details: 
‘At the Court at St. James’s, The 28th of May, 1800.’ Slug: ‘Printed by G. Roberts, Admiralty Office.’

1p, folio. On recto of the first leaf of a bifolium of watermarked laid paper. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight wear and spotting to the extremities. With ‘(L.S.)’ at top right and at the foot the slug ‘Printed by G. Roberts, Admiralty Office.’ Headed: ‘At the Court at St. James’s, / The 28th of May, 1800. / PRESENT, / The King’s Most Excellent Majesty / in Council.’ Thirty-four lines of text, including a twenty-three line transcription of an Admiralty memorandum, in smaller type.

[Salt-Hill Society, Burnham and Stoke, Buckinghamshire.] Large poster giving the 15 ‘Rules and Articles’, and listing those who agree with ‘the before-mentioned Articles’.

Salt-Hill Society, (Instituted 1783) for the protection of Persons and Property from Felons & Thieves, Within the Hundreds of Burnham and Stoke, Buckingham; Edmund J. Craske, Treasurer [Eton College]
Publication details: 
Following ‘General Meeting, held at the Public Hall, Slough’, 3 March 1914. Printed by Spottiswoode and Co., Ltd., Eton College. [Buckinghamshire]

A scarce item relating to provincial history and printing. A similar poster, from 1897, is offered separately, and is the only other item relating to the Salt-Hill Society present on ViaLibri. Large poster, printed on one side of 45 x 76 cm sheet of discoloured and brittle wove paper. The item is complete, but there are numerous long tears along the four fold lines (which might be easily repaired with archival tape).

[Visit of Lord Roberts to Northampton, Boer War, 1901.] Large Printed ‘Public Notice’ by ‘F. G. Adnitt, Mayor’ and ‘F. H. Mardlin, Chief Constable’, of ‘Closing of Streets against Vehicular Traffic, on the Occasion of the Visit’.

Lord Roberts [Frederick Sleigh Roberts; Field Marshal Earl Roberts of Kandahar, V.C.] (1832-1914), distinguished Victorian soldier, Commander-in-Chief during Second Boer War [Northampton]
Publication details: 
County Borough of Northampton: Guildhall, Northampton, 26 September 1901. Regarding visit on 28 September 1901. Stanton & Son, Printers, Northampton.

An attractive and apparently unique item of Victorian municipal typography, in the customary variety of fonts and point sizes. See Roberts’s entry in the Oxford DNB. (What particular connection, if any, he had with Northampton is not apparent.) 44 x 57 cm. A strip has been torn away from the top left-hand corner, resulting in the loss of the first two letters from the heading ‘COUNTY BOROUGH OF NORTHAMPTON’, otherwise in good condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper, with central vertical and horizontal folds.

[Royal Military College, Sandburst.] Printed handbill poem titled ‘The Staff College Drag Hunt Song. / By Major M. Churchill, 2/Northampton Regiment, / Master, S.C.D.H., 1885-86’.

Major M. Churchill, 2nd Northampton Regiment, Master of the Staff College Drag Hunt, established 1869 [Royal Military College, Sandhurst; fox hunting; field sports]
Publication details: 
No date or place. [Royal Military College, Sandhurst; late 1880s.]

The present item is excessively scarce: there is no record of it on either OCLC WorldCat or JISC. The Staff College Drag Hunt at the Royal Military College, Sandhurst, was established in 1869 as a private pack which drag-hunted twice a week in the area surrounding Camberley, and after more than a hundred and fifty years, the hunt still rides. 1p, 12mo. Text enclosed in rules with decorative corners. In fair condition, lightly worn and spotted, with traces of stub and mounting on blank reverse. Titled: ‘The Staff College Drag Hunt Song. / By Major M.

[Hon. John Collier, artist] Printed Request from W.A. Browne & Co., Chartered Accountants, pp. London Library, about an outstanding subscription to the London Library, with MS additions, and a Note initialed J.C.

John Collier [John Maler Collier (1850 – 1934), painter and writer.]
Publication details: 
[Printed] 308 Winchester House, Old Broad Street, London, E.C. | May Ist, 190[3].

One page, 12mo, edges ragged but text clear and complete. See image. They ask if John Collier will confirm that his subscription was outstanding on 30th April 1903 when due on the 13th. Collier has confrimed this with his signature and his address, and added a note as follows: The subscription is paid by the London Joint Stock Bank. It seems to be their custom to pay on May1st. | J.C. See image.

[Handbill announcing Nelson's victory at the Battle of the Nile, 1798, headed: 'Adm. NELSON's Victory over the French.'

Horatio Nelson [Admiral Lord Nelson; Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson, 1st Duke of Bronté] (1758-1805) Battle of the Nile, 1798
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [October 1798.]

Presumably distributed in the streets (of London?) on the news of Nelson's victory. No other copy of the title has been traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or COPAC. Printed on one side of a 34 x 19.5 cm piece of paper, with cropped margins (text area 33 x 17.5 cm). The reverse of the leaf would appear to be blank, the leaf being laid down on a piece of grey paper removed from an album. Printed in double column, with a wavy vertical dividing rule down the middle, beneath the title 'Adm.

[ Charterhouse; William Haig Brown; Printed ] Handbill Prologue to 'Helping Hands'. AND Programme for the performances

[ William Haig Brown (1823–1907), cleric and reforming headmaster of Charterhouse School.]
Publication details: 
Charterhouse, December, 1869.

Handbill/Leaflet, 26 x 13cm. laid down on part of page extracted from an Album created by Major Wellesley Paget, R.H.A., sl. wrinkled, fold mark, ow good. This Prologue to the School Play of 1869, Helping Hands was later printed in William Haig Brown's Carthusian Memories and Other Verses of Leisure, p.54. WITH: Programme, 4pp., 8vo, not bound, sl. water stained, small closed tear, ow. good condition for the performances on 9-11 December 1869 of Helping Hands. A Domestic Drama in II. Acts By Tom Taylor, Esq. and Whitebait at Greenwich. A Farce, By J.M. Morton with cast lists

[ Leaflet/Handbill; annotated ] Association for the Scientific Treatment of Criminals "The only way to stop us ..."(annotation described below).

[ Adler, Freud, Jung, Havelock Ellis and others Vice-Presidents]
Publication details: 
[ London, 1931? ]

Printed, 4pp., 8vo, fold mark, small closed tear, good condition, with removeable application for Associate/subscription intact and unused. The word "Criminal" in the title has been crossed out and"Deliquency & Crime" added in MS title. The list of members include Adler, Freud, Jung, Havelock Ellis, Ernest Jones, H.G. Wells and others. The name Dr Otto Rank has been added in MS, and other lesser names typed in (Cyril Burt etc). The leaflet outlines their Aims, with further sections entitled "Existing Anomalies" and "Society's Responsibility".

[Rev. T. Mardy Rees, author of 'History of the Quakers in Wales and their Emigration to North America'.] Printed handbill advertisement for the book, with quotations from newspaper reviews. and MS annotation.

Rev. T. Mardy Rees, F.R.Hist.S., Neath, S. Wales [Thomas Mardy Rees (1871-1953); Welsh Quakers]
Publication details: 
Dating from after the publication of the book, by W. Spurrell & Son, Carmarthen, in 1925.

See Rees's entry in the Welsh Dictionary of Biography. Printed in red and black on one side of a 12mo leaf. Aged and creased, with loss at head and a couple of short closed tears at edges. Gives price and format, with nine appreciative quotations from newspaper reviews, the first from 'Western Mail' and last from 'A Friend'. At foot of the page, crossed out in pencil: 'Printed and Published by | W. SPURRELL & SON, CARMARTHEN.' To the right of the author's name, in ink, and presumably in his hand: 'Sent to the author', and to the left, 'Few copies left.'

Handbill satirical spoof epitaph on William Pitt the Younger, printed in Sunderland, titled ''An Inscription for the Proposed Monument to the Rt. Hon. W. Pitt. Respectfully dedicated to the Subscribers to his Statue. De Mortuis nil nisi Verum.'

[William Pitt the Younger (1759-1806), Prime Minister during the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars] Summers & Young, Printers, Sunderland
Publication details: 
Summers & Young, Printers, Sunderland. No date [c.1806].

A savage and bitterly-sarcastic satirical spoof epitaph, the text of which, the Liverpool Mercury reported in 1822, had been 'repeatedly published before'. Some versions are said to have included a woodcut by George Cruikshank, but the only other publication found (with a few minor variations from the present version) is in the Irish Magazine, June 1809, pp.286-287, where the author is named as 'WILKS INR.', i.e. '[John] Wilkes [sic] Junior'. Printed on one side of a 26.5 x 10 cm piece of unwatermarked wove paper.

[ Low Moor Explosion, Bradford, 1916. ] Printed handbill poem: 'The Yorkshire Munitions Disaster. A descriptive Poem on the Munitions Disaster, which occurred on August 21st, 1916, resulting in loss of life and destruction of property.'

Ben Norton, The Yorkshire Poet [ Low Moor Explosion, Bradford, 1916; Blackburn & Co., Printers, Leeds ]
Publication details: 
Copyright. Price one penny. Wholesale, or Retail from the Author: Ben Norton, Newsagent, 17, Alexandra Road, Leeds. Blackburn & Co., Printers, 188, Cardigan Road, Leeds. [ 1916. ]

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Heavily creased and worn. A large number of Norton's productions are listed on the front and back pages. Eleven eight-line stanzas. The poem, which does not mention Bradford once, begins: 'On the 21st of August, | In the year nineteen-sixteen, | A great munition works in Yorkshire | Was a busy, lively scene.

[ Printed handbill. ] The Princess Anne of Denmarks Letter to the Queen.

Princess Anne of Denmark, later Queen Anne of Great Britain [ Mary of Modena, second wife of King James II ]
Publication details: 
Without publisher or date. [ London, 1688. ]

1p, 8vo. On watermarked wove paper, trimmed down to 26 x 16 cm. Twenty-six lines of text. Worn and aged, with closed tears and strips of backing card laid down on blank reverse. Written by Anne to her mother Mary of Modena, second Queen to James II, at leaving Whitehall on the arrival of the Prince of Orange in England, November, 1688. She does not believe there was 'any one in such an unhappy Condition, so divided between Duty and Affection to a Father, and a Husband'. Wing A3224. ESTC R210019.

[ Edward VII Coronation; Printed poster giving instructions and regulations for carriages and traffic. ] Metropolitan Police. Coronation of Their Majesties King Edward VII. and Queen Alexandra, at Westminster Abbey, on Thursday, 26th June, 1902.

E. R. C. Bradford, Commissioner of Police of the Metropolis; Charles T. Ritchie [ Coronation of King Edward VII, 1902; Metropolitan Police; London ]
Publication details: 
Metropolitan Police Office, New Scotland Yard, 2nd June, 1902. [ Printed by the Receiver for the Metropolitan Police Division, New Scotland Yard, London, S.W. ]

Printed on one side of a 50.5 x 32 cm leaf of wove paper. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, folded three times. In relatively small print. Underneath the title, by 'Charles T. Ritchie': 'The following instructions for Carriages have been prepared and published in the "London Gazette" of 13th May, 1902, by direction of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council, and will be strictly carried out by Police'. Eight 'Regulations to be observed on the day of the coronation' follow.

Poem, printed in colours for display, regarding the Blitz and 'those blackout times of London' during World War Two, titled 'The Cockney | Dedicated to the Citizens of London'. followed by another poem, by 'Bill Smiff, Esq.', titled 'Victory 1945'.

'Bill Smiff, Esq.' [G. J. McCarthy, Bedford Street, Strand; George Reynolds, Stepney, printer; the Blitz; air raids on London; Second World War; Nazi; music hall]
Publication details: 
Printed by George Reynolds, Ltd., 21-23, Stepney Green, E.1., and published by G. J. McCarthy, 38, Bedford Street, Strand, London, W.C.2. [Christmas 1945.]

On a piece of thin, shiny card, 33 x 20 cm. The text of the two poems is printed in red capitals, in two columns, with the title and border in brown, and a green design surrounding the words 'Wishing you a Happy Xmas and Prosperous New Year' at the foot, together with green leaves to red holly berries surrounding the title.

Large handbill of specimens, one side with seventeen copperplate and zincographic engravings, the other with twelve letterheads under the heading 'Series A. PIerced Designs Engraved in Copperplate Style, at 1/20th of the Cost.'

W. A. Day, printer, of 25 South John Street, Liverpool. [Victorian printing; zincography]
Publication details: 
Liverpool: W. A. Day, 25 South John Street. Undated [1880s?].

A scarce piece of Liverpool printing ephemera. Dimensions approximately 63 x 51 cm. Both sides printed in light blue. Text and illustrations complete. In need of expert cleaning and repair: grubby and stained, with chipping to extremities and some closed tears. At the head of the one side is the masthead of 'The Employment Exchange | Edited by Charles H. Megson' ('The only recognized medium for speedy Employment. Absolutely without rival.') with illustrations of figures at work.

[ The British Empire Union, Incorporating the Anti-German Union. ] Printed handbill advertising a 'Competition for Poster Design.', and including a transcript of a letter on war memorials by sculptor Sir George Frampton.

The British Empire Union, Incorporating the Anti-German Union, London [ Sir George Frampton (1860-1928), English sculptor; Henry Wood Promenade Concerts (The Proms) ]
Publication details: 
The British Empire Union, 346 Strand, London, WC2. [ 1917. ]

1p., folio. On aged and worn paper. A jingoistic wartime outfit, with the letterhead proclaiming 'THE BRITISH EMPIRE FOR BRITISH SUBJECTS' and 'NO GERMAN INFLUENCE. | NO GERMAN LABOUR. | NO GERMAN GOODS | That compete with British.' The organisations chairman is named as Lord Leith of Fyvie, and the chairman Lieut-Col. Sir Mervyn Manningham-Buller. The long text begins: 'The British Empire Union offers a Prize of £2 2s.

[ Tolstoy in English. ] Printed advertising handbill by London publisher Walter Scott, beginning with the first collected edition of 'Count Tolstoi's Works', with the first volume 'A Russian Proprietor And other Stories. By Count Lyof N. Tolstoi'.

Walter Scott, London publisher; Nathan Haskell Dole (1852-1935), American editor and translator; Count Leo Tolsoy [ 'Count Lyof N. Tolstoi' ], Russian novelist
Publication details: 
London: Walter Scott, 24 Warwick Lane, Paternoster Row. Regarding the Tolstoy edition: 'Vol. I ready October 25th.' [ 1888 ].

The handbill is 4pp., 8vo. on a bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper. The upper half of the first page carries the advertisement for 'Count Tolstoi's Works', headed 'Vol. I ready October 25th.' With coloured illustration of the book's design, captioned 'Reduced fac-simile of binding'. Regarding what is the earliest edition of Tolstoy's collected works in English (predating those of Wiener and Garnett by more than ten years), the publisher writes: 'Mr.

[ Donovan, naturalist; handbill ] The London Museum, and Institute of Natural History [is now open to the inspection of the public].

[ Edward Donovan, naturalist ]
Publication details: 
Printed by Deans & Dunne, Hart Street, Covent Garden [1808]

Four pages, 8vo, formerly bound into a publication (stabbing evident), sl. dulled and chipped, giving information about the Museum founded by Edward Donovan, and Donovan's publications. See Wikipedia for further information about the Museum, and an image of the first page of this item which they call a "catalogue"

[ Two First World War printed leaflets. ] 'Three Years of War' and, by Ethel Snowden, 'A People's Peace'.

Ethel Snowden [ Women's Peace Crusade, London; the National Labour Press, Manchester and London; First World War ]
Publication details: 
[ Women's Peace Crusade, London. ] Both printed by the National Labour Press, Ltd., London (the first also from Manchester).

Both items 1p., 12mo. Both complete, on aged and worn newspaper stock. ONE: 'Leaflet No.5 | Three Years of War.' Quoting from a speech by Lloyd George in the House of Commons, 16 August 1917, and from the Manchester Guardian, 4 August 1917. Illustration in top left-hand corner of distraught woman having received a letter informing her of her loved one's death, titled 'CASUALTIES'. TWO: 'Leaflet No.6. | A People's Peace'. At foot, beneath slug: 'Written by Ethel Snowden, 39 Woodstock Road, Golders Green, N.W.4.' Headed 'Passed by the Press Bureau, December 2nd. No. 00096'.

[ Printed First World War pamphlet. ] Those German Peace Offers.

William Stephen Sanders
Publication details: 
No. 3 in the 'German Aims Series.' Distributed for W. H. Smith & Son, London: by John Menzies & Cco. Ltd., Edinburgh. [ 1918. ]

20pp., in printed covers. Dimensions 13.5 x 10.5 cm. Stapled. In good condition, with light signs of age. Refers to a speech in the Reichstag on 24 June 1918, and thus published between then and the end of the war. Headings: 'Allies' Terms in Detail', 'The One Formal Offer', 'No Annexations and No Indemnities', 'How the Bolsheviks were Treated', 'Offers to Separate the Allies', 'The Papal Note of 1917', 'Declining All Discussion', 'Insincere Approaches', 'Frontiers "Drawn by History."' Two copies on COPAC: at the Imperial War Museum and Leeds University.

[ Printed First World War pamphlet. ] Negotiate Now? A Business Man's Answer. An Interview with Lord Leverhulme by Harold Begbie.

Lord Leverhulme [ William Hesketh Lever, 1st Viscount Leverhulme (1851-1925) ] ; Harold Begbie [ The Daily Chronicle, London ]
Publication details: 
W. H. Smith & Son: 186 Strand, London, W.C.

7 + [1]pp., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn newspaper stock. Reproduction on cover of Louis Raemaekers cartoon from the Daily Chronicle titled 'The Hand of Kultur'. Biography of Leverhulme on p.2. Headings: '"Burglar Morality"', 'Change of Mind Necessary', 'Back to the 1914 Mood', 'Meaning of Hertling's Speech', 'Hypocrisy and Confidence', 'Our Rock of Defence', 'When Gernmany may be Trusted'. Quotation from Leverhulme on back cover: 'Russia is out. Rumania is out. Italy has received a hard blow. France and England are the only enemies left who remain to be crushed.

[ Printed First World War pamphlet by Samuel Gompers, President of the American Federation of Labour. ] American Labour & the War

Samuel Gompers, President of the American Federation of Labour [ The Daily Chronicle, London; British Trades Union Congress; National War Aims Committee, London ]
Publication details: 
'No. 28.' 'Reprinted, by permission, from the "Daily Chronicle," November 15, 1917.' 'From the statement of Samuel Gompers conveyed through Messrs. John Golden and James Lord, fraternal delegates to the British Trade Union Congress'.

[4]pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn newspaper stock. Front page headed by National War Aims Committee medallion featuring George slaying the dragon. Introductory note: 'Mr. Samuel Gompers has been president of the American Federation of Labour - with the intermisssion of one year - since 1882. The body of which he is the founder has now a membership of over 2,500,00, and he is consequently entitled to speak authoritatively for organised labour in the United States.' Headings: 'International Conferences' and 'In Freedom's Cause'. No copy in the British Library.

[ The Earl of Denbigh on the First World War. ] Printed pamphlet titled 'Why Germany Made War'; with printed handbill of 'Points to Remember' ('What Germany Wants'), carrying full-page coloured map.

Col. The Earl of Denbigh, C.V.O., A.D.C. [ Rudolph Robert Basil Aloysius Augustine Feilding, 9th Earl of Denbigh, 8th Earl of Desmond (1859-1939) ]
Publication details: 
PAMPHLET: No. 2 in 'German Aims Series.' Distributed by W. H. Smith & Son, London: John Menzies & Co., Ltd, Edinburgh. Printed by Darling & Son, Ltd., London. HANDBILL: printed by R. Clay and Sons, Ltd, London and Suffolk; undated.

Both items in good condition, on lightly aged paper. PAMPHLET: 23pp., thin 12mo (15 x 7.5 cm.). Stapled; in blue printed wraps, with two 15 x 16.5 cm. fold-outs carrying four maps.

[ Printed pamphlet. ] The Winning Plans of the European Peace Awards | Offered in the British Empire, France, Italy, and Germany for "The best practical proposals for restoring peace and prosperity in each of those countries [...].

Edward A. Filene, foreword; Alice La Mazière, introductory note [ European Peace Awards; British Peace Award; Albert Mansbridge ]
Publication details: 
The European Peace Awards. 'Rouffe, Imp., Paris'. [ 1924. ] 'Additional copies of this pamphlet can be obtained for 1 sh. per copy, post free, on application to: Dr. Albert Mansbridge c/o British Peace Award, 13 John Street, Adelphi, London W.C.2.'

Full title: 'The Winning Plans of the European Peace Awards | Offered in the British Empire, France, Italy, and Germany for "The best practical proposals for restoring peace and prosperity in each of those countries through international co-operation"'. 180pp. Dimensions of pamphlet 19.5 x 9 cm. Three copies on COPAC: at Birmingham, the British Library, and Senate House. Nicely printed by Rouffe of Paris, with separate sections on the British, French, German and Italian Peace Awards, with an 'Annex' on the American Peace Award.

[ Printed First World War pamphlet by the National War Aims Committee, London, on address by Prime Minister David Lloyd George. ] Our United War Aims.

[ National War Aims Committee, London; David Lloyd George, Liberal prime minister ]
Publication details: 
'No. 33', 'Published by the National War Aims Committee, at 54, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1.' [ Report of address by the Prime Minister 'to delegates of the British Trade Unions at the Central Hall, Westminster, on January 5th, 1918.'

4pp., 8vo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. 'No. 33' in top right-hand corner of first page, which is headed by National War Aims medallion featuring George slaying the dragon. The two central papers carry 'The Prime Minister's Declaration', with headings: 'What we are NOT fighting for', 'What we ARE fighting for' ('In Europe', 'In Asia and Africa', 'General', 'Conclusions'. The back page carries 'Endorsements of the Prime Minister' by Clemenceau, Albert Thomas, President Wilson, Arthur Henderson, J. H. Thomas, Lord Lansdowne and Ramsay Macdonald.

[ Printed First World War pamphlet. ] War Loan Catechism.

[ National War Savings Committee, London ]
Publication details: 
N.W.S.C. War Loan Leaflet B. 'Issued by the National War Savings Committee, Salisbury Square, E.C.' '1/17' [ i.e. January 1917 ].

4pp., 8vo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper with some fraying at head. 29 questions, beginning with 'WHAT is the Loan for? | To raise money to pay for the War, and to hasten the coming of Peace.' Scarce: no copy on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC.

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