
[Joseph Lancaster, Quaker educationalist.] Printed ephemera: Handbill titled ‘ROYAL BENEVOLENCE.’, appealing for subscription to ‘a Fund to enable Schools in the country, for TEN THOUSAND POOR CHILDREN’.

Joseph Lancaster (1778-1838), pioneering Quaker educationalist who advocated the monitorial system
Publication details: 
‘Free School, Borough Road, Southwark. / 19th of 3d Month, 1806.’

A scarce and fragile item: the only copy traced on WorldCat and Jisc is held by the Society Friends (Quakers). Lancaster’s entry in the Oxford DNB, which sums up his achievements: ‘his name was to survive in English educational history as one of the foremost pioneers of mass schooling and effective teacher training in the early industrial era’. The handbill is printed on one side of a 15 x 19.5 cm leaf of thin wove paper. A fragile survival: lightly aged and worn, with a small hole and closed tear, but text clear and entire.

[Harrow School in Georgian times.] Anonymous Manuscript Notebook, containing lists of boys' names under various headings ('Monitors', 'Upper VI' and so on), compiled under headmastership of George Butler.

Harrow School in Georgian Times [George Butler (1774-1853), headmaster from 1805 to 1829, and later Dean of Peterborough]
Publication details: 
Circa 1818. Harrow School, Middlesex.

This item is a nice artefact of one of England?s foremost public schools. The great rival of Eton, Harrow numbers among its alumni seven prime ministers, including Churchill. This notebook comprises lists of boys and their positions and classes in a particular term. The paper stock, watermark and handwriting all indicate that its composition is contemporaneous with the schooling of those named. It is the work of one person, almost certainly one of the school?s masters, and its loose and hurried nature indicate that it was intended for personal use, or as an aid in future writing.

[R. H. Tawney, historian, socialist and educationalist.] Autograph Signature (‘R H Tawney’) on slip cut from letter.

R. H. Tawney [Richard Henry Tawney] (1880-1962), influential English economic historian, social critic, ethical socialist, Christian socialist, and proponent of adult education
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The valediction of a typed letter, on slip of paper, 8.5 x 3.5 cm. Somewhat creased, and with two thin printed slips ‘DIRECTOR | R. H. TAWNEY, B.A.’ and ‘London School of Economics’) laid down near the signature (‘R H Tawney’), above which is typed ‘Yours very sincerely,’.

[R.H. Benson, priest; Girls' School in India] Autograph Letter Signed R.M. Benson about his Society organising a Superior Girls School in Bombay, asking Madam his correspondent's, help in finding a suitable Headmistress.

R.M. Benson [Richard Meux Benson (1824 – 1915), priest in the Church of England and founder of the Society of St. John the Evangelist.]
Publication details: 
Cowley St John Oxford, 15 Sept. 1875.

Four pages, 12mo, bifolium, some faint staining, text clear and complete. I hope you will excuse my troubling you, but as you are often corresponding with ladies of a literary turn, it has occurred to me that you might be able to help me to find what I want. Our Society is just organising a Superior Girls School in Bombay. We want a throughly ladylike person to be the Head of it, a good Churchwoman & an efficient teacher. It would rank in England as a Superior Middle Class School. | If you happen to know of any suitable person I should be very glad to open up some negotiation with her.

[Charles Buller Heberden, Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford.] Three Autograph Letters Signed (all 'C B Heberden') to Sir Richard Harington, concerning the replacement of a college stained glass window, Harington taking the old one.

Charles Buller Heberden (1849-1921), classical scholar and Principal of Brasenose College, Oxford [Sir Richard Harington (1835-1911), 11th Baronet, of Ridlington and Whitbourne Court]
Publication details: 
2, 4 and 14 January 1897. All three on letterhead of Brasenose College, Oxford.

The three letters total 7pp, 12mo. All three in good condition, on lightly aged paper. From the papers of Sir Richard Harington (1835-1911), 11th Baronet, whose father Rev. Dr Richard Harington (1800-1853), had been Principal from 1842 to his death. All three endorsed by Harington with date of receipt. The subject is the replacement of a stained glass window in the college, with Harington receiving the old window, which he put up at his Worcestershire country house, Whitbourne Court.

[Sir George Jessel, Master of the Rolls.] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. Jessel') to E. A. Scott, explaining why he has changed his mind about withdrawing his son [the future Sir Charles James Jessel] from Rugby School.

Sir George Jessel (1824-1883), British judge, Master of the Rolls, the first Jew to be a regular member of the Privy Council [his son Sir Charles James Jessel (1860-1928); E. A. Scott of Rugby School]
Publication details: 
24 October 1878; Ladham House, Goldhurst.

For Jessel's judicial high standing see his entry in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. In envelope with Penny Red and postmarks, and 'LADHAM HOUSE, | GOLDHURST' printed on the flap, addressed by Jessel to 'E. A. Scott Esq | Schoolfield | Rugby | Warwickshire'. The envelope is signed 'G. Jessel' at bottom left of cover, and the letter concludes with the same signature. He is 'glad to be able now to withdraw the notice' he gave Scott about his son Charles 'leaving Rugby'.

[Thomas Hughes, author of 'Tom Brown's School Days'.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Tho. Hughes') to 'Mr. Kynnersley', discussing: meeting Rugby schoolfellow 'Blandford', educating an abandoned boy, his co-operative beliefs, Joseph Chamberlain.

Thomas Hughes (1822-1896), politician and judge, author of 'Tom Brown's School Days'
Publication details: 
ONE: 3 March 1884; 52 Promenade, Southport, Lancashire, on letterhead of the County Courts, Circuit No. 9, Chester. TWO: 30 November 1885. On letterhead of Uffington House, Chester.

Both items in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: 3 March 1884. 1p, 12mo. Addressed to 'Dear Mr. Kynnersley'. Having received Kynnersley's undated letter he writes: 'I shall meet Blandford as you propose on the 11th. with very great pleasure. He was one of the heroes on whom I used to look with awe as a 3rd. form boy in 1834 in which year I joined & he I think left Rugby.' He is sitting at Congleton on the day of the meeting, and 'there is just a chance that some perverse suitor may be in full blast at my train time in which case (as I never leave a cause part heard) I may be late'.

[ Robert Freind, Westminster School ] Autograph Note, Third Person "Dr Freind [...]" to "Mr Garth in Hare Court" [Samuel Garth, poet and physician, friend of Addison and Pope]

Robert Freind, clergyman, Headmaster of Westminster School, circle included Swift, Prior, etc
Publication details: 
Westminster, 20 June [1711 entered in pencil]

One page, 12mo, bifolium, fold marks, grubby, some staining, text clear and complete. "Dr Freinds Complements wait upon Mr Garth. If Colonel Cracherode has executed the two Deeds he begs the favor of Mr Garth to deliver them to his Servant the bearer." A Google snippet view (from The Genealogist) discusses a situation in which Cracherode and Dr Robert Freind are executors, perhaps in a family will.

[ The London College of Educational Dance Training (later the London College of Dance). ] Printed prospectus from 1946, with one letter from the principal Grace Cone, and four from vice-principal Anita Heyworth, to Phrosso Pfister.

[ The London College of Dance [ The London College of Educational Dance Training ]; Grace Cone; Anita Heyworth; Phrosso Pfister (1922-2013) ]
Publication details: 
The London College of Educational Dance Training, The Lodge [ Rawdon Hall ], Holyport, near Maidenhead, Berkshire. 1944, 1945 and 1946.

The London College of Educational Dance Training opened at Rawdon Hall in 1944, merged with Middlesex University in 1994, and shut in 2003. Grace Cone, the first principal, retired in 1966, and was replaced by her vice-principal Anita Heyworth. Heyworth retired in 1973 and was replaced by Phrosso Pfister. Pfister had become a student at the college in 1945, following war service with the SOE in Egypt and Italy, and had become a staff member in 1949. The present collection of five items is from Pfister's papers.

[ Henry Montagu Butler, headmaster of Harrow School and Master of Trinity College, Cambridge. ] Signed Letter ('H Montagu Butler'), written out by a secretary, to Professor Langley, referring him to one of his works.

Henry Montagu Butler (1833-1918), headmaster of Harrow School (1859-85), Dean of Gloucester (1885-86); Master of Trinity College (1886-1918); Vice Chancellor of Cambridge University (1889-90)
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Trinity Lodge, Cambridge. 24 August 1904.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, with light signs of age. At head of first page: 'Dictated'. He refers him to 'the second Chapter of the book I published some years ago, which deals with the subject on which we conversed the other night at dinner'. The amanuensis has written that the chapter deals with 'some of the reflections on matters ethereal', and Butler has corrected this to 'some reflections on matters Aesthetical'. Butler has also added the words 'more clearly, though I fear' after the word 'puts' in the following: 'it puts at much greater length'.

[ Thomas Hughes, author of 'Tom Brown's Schooldays'. ] Autograph Signature on part of letter.

Thomas Hughes (1822-1896), English lawyer and judge, author of 'Tom Brown's Schooldays'
Publication details: 
Place not stated. [ 1873. ]

On 3.5 x 16.5 cm piece of paper, cut from the end of a letter. Ruckled and lightly stained, with small closed tear (not affecting signature). Good firm signature. Reads: 'Kindest regards to your wife | Ever most truly yours | Thos Hughes'. At bottom left: '1873'. Same year printed on reverse, which carries more autograph text by Hughes, written at right angles to the text on the other side.

[Printed pamphlet, inscribed by the author Kurt Hahn.] Ten Years at Gordonstoun. An Account and an Appeal.

Kurt Hahn [Kurt Matthias Robert Martin Hahn] (1886-1974), German educator, founder of Gordonstoun school in Scotland
Publication details: 
"County Times," Printers, Welshpool. No date [1945], but presentation dated by Hahn 13 June 1945.

28pp., 4to. Stapled into brown wraps with title printed on cover. In fair condition, aged and worn, with short closed tear at foot of first leaf. On the first page: 'Confidential. | To the Friends of Gordonstoun | For Private Circulation Only.' Kahn's inscription, at the head of the cover, reads: 'To W. H. Green and J. F. Green with love and gratitude for their help to a guilty Headmaster on the 17. VI. 1944. | Kurt Hahn | 13. VI. 45.' Scarce: only three copies found on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[University College, London.] Six printed handbills: four syllabuses or calendars of events, each headed 'Special Arrangements', with another for 'Special Courses in Psychology', and an announcement of a set of 'Public Introductory Lectures'.

[University College, London (University of London)] [T. Gregory Foster; Walter W. Seton; William McDougall; Carveth Reid; Sir William Ramsay; Sir John Macdonell; F. Mackarness; L. M. Brandin]
Publication details: 
Unversity College, London (University of London). The four relating to 'Special Arrangements' dating from 'First Term. Session 1904-1905' to 'First Term. - Session 1905-1906.' The 'Special Courses' for 1904-1905. The 'Lectures' for 1905-1906.

The six items in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. With stamps, shelfmarks and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library. The four calendars of 'Special Arrangements' are all 1p., foolscap 8vo, and signed in type at the foot by T. Gregory Foster, Principal, and Walter W. Seton, Acting Secretary. They give details of lectures and other information including the 'Reception of new Students by the Principal and the respective Deans' and the 'Last Day for receiving Essays'. The other two documents only carry Foster's signature in type.

[Sir Claude Aurelius Elliott, headmaster of Eton.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C A Elliott') to J. J. S. Driberg, discussing his son J. H. Driberg's 'Poems', inserted in a copy of the book, inscribed by the author to his mother.

Sir Claude Aurelius Elliott (1888-1973), headmaster of Eton; Jack Herbert Driberg (1888-1946), Lecturer in Anthropology, Cambridge University, 1934-42 and brother of Labour MP Tom Driberg (1905-1976)
Publication details: 
Elliott's letter on letterhead of Fernwood, Wimbledon Park, London SW; 17 September [no year]. Driberg's book: London: Frank H. Morland, 16 Park Mansions, Fulham, S.W. 1908.

ONE (Elliott's letter): 3pp., 12mo. 34 lines. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper, loosely attached to the title-leaf of the book by a small piece of gummed paper. The letter begins: 'My dear Driberg | I ought to have acknowledged your letter sooner, but I only received it on my return from abroad, and since then I have been busy struggling with the arears which always accrue during absence.' He thanks him for sending his 'son's little volume', which he has read 'with much interest & congratulate him on the neat & modest appearance he has made in print'.

[Dr John Propert, founder of the Royal Medical Benevolent College, Epsom.] Printed prospectus for the College, with engraved depiction, signed and dated by him.

Dr John Propert (1792-1867), founder of the Royal Medical Benevolent College, Epsom [now Epsom College]
Publication details: 
New Cavendish Street, Portland Place, W. [London]. February 1859.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with traces of mount adhering to the blank reverse of the second leaf. The First page is headed, in fancy type, 'ROYAL MEDICAL BENEVOLENT COLLEGE. | EPSOM.', beneath which is an engraving of the College. The prospectus is presented in the form of a letter, and is dated 'Febry. 1859' and signed (as a 'faithful fellow-laborer') by Propert in light-blue ink.

[James Williamson, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Glasgow.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Jas. Williamson') to his brother Alexander Williamson, Laird of Balgray, discussing financial matters and his son George's choice of career.

James Williamson (d. 1795), Professor of Mathematics at the Universtiy of Glasgow, 1761-1795 [Alexander Williamson, Laird of Balgray (fl. 1802)]
Publication details: 
'College Glasgow'. 1 June 1792.

2pp., foolscap 8vo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The breaking of the seal has resulted in slight loss at the foot of the gutter, affecting two words of text. Verso of second leaf addressed, with two postmarks and red wax seal, to 'Alexander Williamson Esqr | Alisons Square | Edinburgh'.

[Cardinal Manning.] Autograph copy of memorandum on 'the Reformatory School for Catholic Boys at Brook Green, Hammersmith', addressed to the Home Secretary Spencer Walpole, and docketted by Nicholas Wiseman.

Henry Edward Manning [Cardinal Manning] (1808-1892), Roman Catholic Cardinal-Archbishop of Westminster [Spencer Walpole (1806-1898), Conservative politician; Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman (1802-1865)]
Publication details: 
St Mary's, Bayswater [London]. 14 September 1858.

6pp., foolscap 8vo. On two grey-paper bifoliums. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Docketted by Wiseman on the reverse of the last leaf: 'Dr Manning's Mem[orandu]m to Walpole on Reform[ator]ies'. The document (presumably copied by Wiseman expressly for Manning) is addressed to 'The Right Hon. Spencer Walpole M.P.', and is complete to the valediction, but unsigned. It begins: 'Sir | I beg leave to lay before you a subject of much importance affecting the Reformatory School for Catholic Boys at Brook Green, Hammersmith which is under my direction.

[Henry Montagu Butler.] Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Montagu Butler') to 'Mr Maddy', praising choristers [from Gloucester Cathedral] for ministering to the sick at his hospital, and discussing the good works of a nun of All Saints, Margaret Street.

Henry Montagu Butler (1833-1918), headmaster of Harrow School, Dean of Gloucester Cathedral, Master of Trinity College, Cambridge and Vice-Chancellor of the University
Publication details: 
Gloucester. 31 December 1885.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium on mourning paper. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. 'It was indeed a great happiness to see those young choristers finding part of their Christmas happiness in ministering to the invalid little ones.

Three printed pamphlets from the University of Wales (Prifysgol Cymru): two reports of the Special Committee of the Theological Board, and 'University Appointments Board. Memorandum on Appointments in the Civil Service at Home and Abroad'.

[University of Wales (Prifysgol Cymru), University Appointments Board; Board of Education Reference Library]
Publication details: 
Prifysgol Cymru, University of Wales. Reports from 1909 and 1914, printed on '25/1/1910 [25 January 1910]' and '11/12/1914 [11 December 1914]'. Memorandum published in Oswestry by Woodall, Minshall, Thomas and Co., Ltd., Caxton Press. 1926.

The three items in good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with stamps, shelfmarks and red labels of the Board of Education Reference Library. ONE: 'Report of the Special Committee of the Theological Board on certain Theological Colleges. Received by the Theological Board at its Meeting on June 25th, 1909, and presented to the University Court at its Meeting on November 26th, 1909.' By E. Anwyl, H. Rashdall and T. F. Roberts, and dated June 1909. 17 + [2]pp., 12mo. Table giving 'Number of Students who have completed B.D. Examinations, 1896-1908' as two-page appendix.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'H. Montagu Butler') from Henry Montagu Butler, successively Headmaster of Harrow School and Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, declining an interview with [Sydney Walton of] the Morning Post.

H. Montagu Butler [Henry Montagu Butler] (1833-1918), headmaster of Harrow School, 1859-85, and Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1886-1918 [Sydney Walton (1882-1964), publicist]
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of Trinity College, Cambridge. 7 and 12 May 1913.

Each 3pp., 12mo, on bifoliums with the first page headed 'Private'. Both in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper with minor staining from paper clip. Letter One: He hopes he will not 'appear wanting in courtesy to yourself or to the Editor of the Morning Post if I say frankly that I had much rather not have any conversation about my coming birthday, which certain old Harrow pupils and friends propose so kindly to celebrate.' He 'must beg' Walton to 'make allowance for my feeling of reserve on so delicate a matter'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed and one Typed Letter Signed (all three 'H A L Fisher') to 'Ronnie' [Ronald Chapman], and one Autograph Letter Signed ('Herbert Fisher') to the latter's mother, Mrs Chapman, concerning his education.

H. A. L. Fisher [Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher] (1865-1940), British historian, Liberal politician and Warden of New College, Oxford [Ronald Chapman; Limnerslease, Compton; G. F. Watts]
Two Autograph Letters Signed and one Typed Letter Signed  'H A L Fisher'
Publication details: 
1938 and 1939. Three on letterheads of New College, Oxford (one from the Warden's Lodgings), and one from Thursley, Godalming, Surrey.
Two Autograph Letters Signed and one Typed Letter Signed  'H A L Fisher'

Each of the four items has text clear and complete. The four are in fair condition, on aged paper, with minor staining from the paperclip used to attach them, and a small closed tear at the foot of the first letter. Letter One to 'Dear Mrs Chapman'; the other three to 'Dear Ronnie'. Letter One (4to, 2 pp): 19 November 1938. Chapman (referred to throughout as 'Ronnie') has not been well, and Fisher makes a suggestion to his mother regarding his 'future': 'Cecil Rhodes spent seven years on this process and never regretted it.

Autograph Letter Signed J.H. Gladstone, chemist, to Mr Fleay [Frederick Gard Fleay, Shakespeare scholar], editor of the Spelling Reformer (1880-1).

J.H. Gladstone [John Hall Gladstone, Chemist and Spelling Reformer
[Spelling Reform] Autograph Letter Signed J.H. Gladstone, chemist
Publication details: 
Athenaeum Club, 18 Feb. 1881
[Spelling Reform] Autograph Letter Signed J.H. Gladstone, chemist

He refers to a letter he is forwarding (not present) from one of our active members ... [forwarding it] as duty bound to the Editor. It seems a proper contribution on one of our open questions. | I wish a larger proportion of our leading names appeared among the contributors to the 'Reformer'. | Ther are many men who never write unless they are asked ... and some who will only write if they are told that a contribution on some particular subject will be acceptable from them. ... if I might suggest your applying a gentle editorial pressure upon them.

Collection of nine items (eight printed and one in manuscript) relating to Cambridge University, six of them giving examination results, two of University accounts, and the last a lithographic plan of a visit by a dignitary to the Fitzwilliam Museum.

Cambridge University, 1861 to 1865 [Fitzwilliam Museum; William Done Bushell]
Publication details: 
[Cambridge.] Eight of the items dated between 1861 and 1865; the other undated.

The collection assembled by William Done Bushell (see Item Nine), later a senior master at Harrow School. All nine items clear and complete. On aged paper, discoloured by the glue used in mounting. The first eight are printed, and the last is in manuscript. ITEM ONE: 'Classical Tripos. | 1861.' 4to, 1 p. Names the examiners, and those of the students (with colleges), under columns for the first, second and third classes. ITEM TWO: Headed 'List of Honors at the Bachelor of Arts' Commencement, January 26, 1861.' 4to, 1 p.

Regulations for the Entry and Examination of Naval Cadets.

Examination of Naval Cadets, Admiralty, 1865 [Royal Navy]
Publication details: 
Admiralty, 6th February, 1865. [Printed by 'W. Woodward, The Hard, Portsea.']

Printed on one side of a piece of grey paper, 22.5 x 16 cm. Text clear and complete. In fair condition: lightly-aged and with remains of stub adhering to the blank reverse, on which a clean closed tear has been unobtrusively repaired with archival tape. Nine regulations are listed, from 'I. No Person will be nominated to a Cadetship in the Royal Navy, who shall be under 12 or above 14 years of age at the time of his first Examination.' to 'IX. After having completed twelve months' instruction, exclusive of vacations, in the Training Ship, a Cadet will have to undergo the final examination.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Herbert Fisher') to 'My dear Gore', the first conferring upon him an honorary fellowship, and the second containing an assessment of Ormsby-Gore's son David.

H. A. L. Fisher [Herbert Fisher; Herbert Albert Laurens Fisher] (1865-1940), English historian and Warden of New College, Oxford [William George Arthur Ormsby-Gore (1885-1964), 4th Baron Harlech]
Publication details: 
7 October 1936 and 12 March 1937; both on letterheads of 'The Warden's Lodgings, New College, Oxford'.

Both items good, on lightly-aged paper. Letter One: 4to, 1 p. Begins 'The College today at its Special General Meeting did itself the honour of electing you to an Honorary Fellowship. We trust that it may not be unacceptable to you to be thus associated with our Society. There are no duties, save that of wearing a surplice in Chapel on Sundays and Feasts of the Church.' He thanks Gore for his 'generous words' of the previous day. Letter Two: 4to, 2 pp.

Autograph Note Signed ('Eleanor M Sidgwick') to 'Miss Chittenden, Cambridge Training Corps, Wollaston Road, Cambridge'.

Eleanor Mildred Sidgwick [née Balfour] (1845-1936), Principal of Newnham College, Cambridge
Publication details: 
16 August 1907; on letterhead of Newnham College, Cambridge.

16mo, 1 p. In a bifolium. Seven lines. Clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. In stamped, addressed envelope. Asks if Chittenden will 'come to luncheon' on one of the two following days, as Sidgwick 'hardly saw' her on the previous day.

Printed Receipt, completed in manuscript and signed, for five works by Williamson legally deposited in the Library of the British Museum.

Department of Printed Books, British Museum, London [George Charles Williamson (1858-1942), writer on art and historian of Guildford; George Bell & Sons]
Publication details: 
6 October 1904; Department of Printed Books, British Museum, London.

On one side of piece of paper 23.5 x 16 cm. With perforated edge. Good, on aged paper, with traces with strip of glue from previous mount on reverse. Printed in copperplate. The deposited works are 'Notes on the Maces, Insignia of Office, and Town Plate of the Town of Guildford', 'Progress of Catholic Work', 'Token Pamphlet', 'Guildford Shakespeare' and 'County Town'. Ostensibly signed by the 'Keeper', but the signature is not decipherable (''). In his obituary in The Times, 6 July 1942, Williamson was praised as 'a highly industrious and versatile writer on art'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. Caird') to James MacLehose.

John Caird (1820-1898), Church of Scotland minister, theologian and Principal of Glasgow University [James MacLehose (1811-1885), Glasgow publisher and bookseller; Rev. Dr James Paterson]
Publication details: 
July 6 [no year, but accompanied by an envelope postmarked 29 July 1881]; Venlaw Bank, Peebles, on cancelled letterhead of The University, Glasgow.

12mo, 2 pp. Good, on lightly aged paper with slight creasing at head. He is enclosing a letter (not present) apologising 'for absence from Dr. Patersons funeral'. Asks if MacLehose can help him find the address of 'A. Craig Paterson'. 'I know that one of the sons is an English clergyman, but am not sure whether this is he.' The envelope, addressed by Caird to 'Jas. MacLehose Esq. | St. Vincent St. | Glasgow', bears a purple penny stamp, postmarked '159' beside a circular postmark in black ink, containing '4 H | GLASGOW | JU 29 | 81'

Autograph Letter Signed to W. J. Daniel, student of the University of Glasgow.

James Graham, 3rd Duke of Montrose [GLASGOW UNIVERSITY]
Publication details: 
10 January 1834; London.

Scottish noble (1755-1836) and Chancellor of Glasgow University. 2 pages, 16mo. Creased and with one closed tear, but in good condition overall, and with the blank second leaf of the bifoliate attached to a piece of card. He has received Daniel's letter of 6 January, and although he hopes that 'the Publication in question, may do honor to the Contributors, & promote the prosperity of the University of Glasgow', he does not 'consider that it would be judicious, for the Chancellor of the University to appear as a Subscriber'.

Printed handbill of Cambridge University 'List of Honours at the Bachelor of Arts' Commencement, January 25, 1868.'

Cambridge University [Victorian degrees; nineteenth-century education]
Publication details: 
[Cambridge: 1868.]

Printed on one side of a 4to leaf (dimensions roughly 24.5 x 21.5 cm). A frail survival among university ephemera: aged and lightly foxed and creased, with a couple of central vertical 5 cm closed tears. Beneath the heading are the names of the two Moderators (Frost and Hayward of St John's) and two Examiners (Cockshott of Trinity and Steel of Gonville and Caius).George Darwin included Second Wrangler. Arranged in numerical order across three columns: 'Wranglers', 'Senior Optimes' and 'Junior Optimes'. Names and colleges of 102 individuals given.

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