[Harrow School in Georgian times.] Anonymous Manuscript Notebook, containing lists of boys' names under various headings ('Monitors', 'Upper VI' and so on), compiled under headmastership of George Butler.

Harrow School in Georgian Times [George Butler (1774-1853), headmaster from 1805 to 1829, and later Dean of Peterborough]
Publication details: 
Circa 1818. Harrow School, Middlesex.

This item is a nice artefact of one of England?s foremost public schools. The great rival of Eton, Harrow numbers among its alumni seven prime ministers, including Churchill. This notebook comprises lists of boys and their positions and classes in a particular term. The paper stock, watermark and handwriting all indicate that its composition is contemporaneous with the schooling of those named. It is the work of one person, almost certainly one of the school?s masters, and its loose and hurried nature indicate that it was intended for personal use, or as an aid in future writing.

Two printed items by Egerton Ryerson, one a presentation copy: 'The Common School Acts of Upper Canada' and 'General Provisions of the Law and Rules and Regulations for the Establishment and Maintenance of Public School Libraries in Upper Canada'.

'The Chief Superintendent of Schools' [Adolphus Egerton Ryerson (1803-1882), Chief Superintendent of Education for Upper Canada]
Publication details: 
Both items: Toronto: Printed for the Department of Public Instruction for Upper Canada, by Lovell and Gibson. 'The Common School Acts': Second edition. 1853. 'General Provisions': 1854.

The two items bound together in green morocco quarter-binding with marbled boards. On aged paper, with front board and title leaf of first pamphlet detached from rest of volume, and lacking spine. Label, shelfmark and stamp of the Board of Education Reference Library. ONE: 'The Common School Acts of Upper Canada; and the Forms, Instructions, and Regulations for executing their Provisions; together with the Particulars Addressed to the Various Officers concerned in the Administration of the School Law; By the Chief Superintendent of Schools.' 143 + 1pp., 12mo.

[William Cleland, lunatic, of Upper Canada.] Autograph Petition Signed to Lord John Russell, and Autograph Letter Signed to George Ross, regarding his claim to have been cheated by the Bank of Scotland. With forwarding letter to the bank.

William Cleland of Upper Canada [Bank of Scotland; Lord John Russell (1792-1878), Whig Prime Minister; Sir James Stephen (1789-1859), civil servant]
Publication details: 
Letter from Governor Road near St George, Dumfries, Upper Canada. 1 November 1839 [but with 3 June 1840 postmark]. Petition stamped received on 1 June 1849. Forwarding letter: Downing Street [London]. 9 June 1840.

ONE: Autograph Petiton Signed. 'Unto the Right Honble. Lord John Russell Secrety of State &c &c | The Petition of Samuel Cleland residing near St George Dumfries Upper Canada'. 2pp., foolscap 8vo. In poor condition, aged and worn at edges, with one corner apparently nibbled away by mice. At least some of the damage would appear to be contemporary with the document, as Cleland has written within the boundaries of the loss to the corner, and there is no loss to text. Docketed in red at head '1091 U. Canada' and stamped 'Received | C. D. | June 1 1840'.

Autograph Note, third person [Francis Bond Head, soldier] instructing Bank to stop subscription to Library.

Sir Francis Head, known as Galloping Head, Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada during the rebellion of 1837 (1793– 1875) [Francis Bond Head].
Sir Francis Head,  known as Galloping Head,
Publication details: 
Croydon, 25 April [1860?].
Sir Francis Head,  known as Galloping Head,


Autograph Letter Signed ('W Beattie') to R. Hepburn.

William Beattie (1793-1875), M.D., poet and biographer
Publication details: 
Friday mg.' [date not stated]; Upper Berkeley Street.

One page, 12mo. Black bordered. Very good and with the verso of the blank second leaf of the bifolium laid down on a leaf detached from an autograph album. Nine lines. He thanks him for 'a brace of splendid grouse - which are now so rare as not to be had for money. It was therefore doubly generous [...] Endulging [sic] the pleasing hope of "Revenge" - & with kind regards to your House circle'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W Beattie. MD.') to the editor of the 'Naval and Military Gazette'.

William Beattie (1793-1875), Scottish physician and poet
Publication details: 
13 August [1858]; St James's Street, London, on embossed letterhead of the Conservative Club.

16mo (11 x 9 cm) bifolium, 3 pp, 16 lines of text. Mourning border. Good, with slight discoloration to the external pages. He is sending a manuscript 'At the suggestion of the Author, an officer residing in Paris'. If 'on examination' the recipient considers it 'unsuitable for the pages' of the Gazette, he asks for it to be returned to him at 13 Upper Berkeley Street 'when your messenger happens to pass that way'. The author 'is a man of high character and well acquainted with Paris & the Parisians'.

Autograph Letter Signed (Sr. D. W. Smith') to Messrs Thorp & Dickson, Alnwick.

Sir David William Smith (1764-1837), property manager for the Duke of Northumberland [Farne Islands, Northumberland]
Publication details: 
21 July 1834; Alnwick.

4to bifolium: 2 pp. Good, with slight loss to second leaf from breaking of red wax seal, traces of which still adhere. Twenty lines of text. Docketed in pencil and ink on second leaf. Asks them to furnish him with 'all the particulars relative to the Farne Islands [...] who the Lessee? - their estimated quantiy or extent? - Rent? length of lease? - [...] whether Birds, feathers, down, Eggs, Rabbits - Kelp, or Seaware, fish &c? all which I should hope you would be able to obtain from some of your Bamburgh friends? - or from Blackett, at N. Sunderland? - how they are protected?

Autograph Letter Signed to 'T. W. Winstanley Esq | Secretary | Royal Manchester Institution | Manchester'.

John G. Hankes [T. W. Winstanley; Royal Manchester Institution]
Publication details: 
4 August 1840. '24 Carburton St. | Fitzroy Square. | London. | or | Great Clowes St. | Upper Broughton, | Manchester.'

Minor English artist who (according to docketed note) exhibited between 1838 and 1859. One page, 12mo. Very good, though somewhat grubby. Reads '226 I have the honour to send 1 picture for the ensuing exhibition at the Manchester Royal Institution, entitled "The new acquaintance" vide The Vicar of Wakefield | Price with frame 34 gs. | [Price] without [frame] 30 [gs.] | Signed 'Jno. G Hankes'. Second leaf of bifoliate addressed, and with top corner cut away and present beneath black wax seal, which bears the smudged impression of a crest.

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