
[Nassau William Senior, English political economist notorious for his supposed callousness during the Irish Potato Famine.] Autograph Signature (‘N W Senior’) to envelope addressed by him to ‘The / Lady Theresa Lewis / Kent House’.

Nassau William Senior (1790-1864), English political economist notorious for his supposed callousness during the Irish Potato Famine
Nassau William Senior
Publication details: 
No date or place.
Nassau William Senior

The claim that Benjamin Jowett reported Senior as saying that ‘the famine of 1848 in Ireland would not kill more than a million people, and that would scarcely be enough to do much good’ appears to have been made up by Cecil Woodham-Smith. It is certainly not mentioned in Senior’s entry in the Oxford DNB, along with the entry for the recipient Lady (Maria) Theresa Lewis (1803-1865), who lived in Kent House in Knightsbridge with her second husband Sir George Cornewall Lewis, Bart, her first husband having been the novelist Thomas Henry Lister (1800-1842).

[John Ramsay McCulloch, Scottish political economist.] Autograph Letter Signed to the novelist Thomas Henry Lister, thanking him for sending details of a 'system' which will aid his work.

John Ramsay McCulloch (1789-1864), Scottish political economist, editor of The Scotsman [Thomas Henry Lister (1800-1842), novelist]
John Ramsay McCulloch,
Publication details: 
‘Stationery Office / 8 June 1838’.
John Ramsay McCulloch,

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of brown paper mount at corners of the blank reverse. Folded for postage. Addressed to ‘T. H. Lister Esq, / &c &c’ and signed ‘J. R. McCulloch’. Sending his ‘best thanks for the account you have sent me of the new system of [Registration?]: it is exactly the sort of thing that I wished for, and will be a most valuable addition to my work’. See Image.

[J. K. Galbraith, Canadian economist, Professor of Economics at Harvard University.] Typed Letter Signed and Typed Note Signed to Philip Dosse, regarding his reviewing for 'Books and Bookmen'.

J. K. Galbraith [John Kenneth Galbraith] (1908-2006), Canadian economist and diplomat, Professor of Economics at Harvard University [Philip Dosse (1925-1980), publisher of 'Books and Bookmen']
Publication details: 
1 October 1974 and 5 February 1975. Both on his Harvard letterhead.

From the papers of Philip Dosse, proprietor of Hansom Books, publisher of a stable of seven arts magazines including Books and Bookmen and Plays and Players. See 'Death of a Bookman' by the novelist Sally Emerson (editor of 'Books and Bookmen' at the time of Dosse's suicide), in Standpoint magazine, October 2018; and Michael Barber, 'What was Books and Bookmen?', Literary Review blog, 18 August 2023. Both items in good condition, lightly aged. Both folded once for postage. Both 1p, 12mo. ONE (1 October 1974): It was 'nice' of Dosse to write, but he 'needn't have given it a second thought'.

[Sir Robert Howard, playwright and politician.] Two Autograph Signatures (both ‘Ro: Howard’) among extensive manuscript endorsements of Exchequer document regarding ‘Sr Thomas Player in repaymt. of Loane.’

Sir Robert Howard (1626-1698) of the Receipt Office, royalist politician, playwright, poet and friend of John Dryden [Sir Thomas Player (d.1686) of Hackney]
Sir Robert Howard
Publication details: 
[Exchequer Office, Whitehall.] 20 May 1679.
Sir Robert Howard

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB and History of Parliament. Howard was Auditor of Receipt from 1673 to his death. The document is damaged, with the lower part torn away, leaving an area 23cm high and the same wide, but with part of one lower corner torn away. The paper is aged, and there are chipping and closed tears to edges. Howard’s two signatures (both ‘Ro: Howard’) are both undamaged, and the item is of some interest. On the front is the printed form, completed in manuscript, with ‘Sr. Thomas Player in repaymt. of Loane./’ in manuscript in right-hand margin.

[Sir Gerard Conyers, Lord Mayor of London and Governor of the Bank of England.] Autograph Signature to Printed Annuities Receipt, completed in manuscript to pay him £50 as assignee to an executor.

Sir Gerard Conyers (1649-1737), Lord Mayor of London and Governor of the Bank of England
Publication details: 
2 October 1716. [Bank of England, London.]

Conyers is curiously absent from the Oxford DNB. The present item is a frail survival. It is the customary form, printed under the heading ‘Annuities, 3700 l. per Week.’ Completed in manuscript with date, amount and record of payment to ‘Sr Gerard Conyers - Asignee of ye Execr. of S. [Leshieuller? Lechienller?] & Attorney to Jno. Burkin, Esqr Assignee of ye same’. Signed at bottom right ‘Gerard Conyer[s]’ and with the signature of ‘Witness E Clarke’ at bottom left. On aged, creased and worn paper, with one hole from wear, and the last letter of Conyer’s surname worn away. See Image.

[William Lowndes, Secretary to the Treasury from 1695; new money] Letter Signed Wm Lowndes to Mr. Neale [Thomas Neale, Master of the Mint] about an Act of Parliament relating to 'new money'

William Lowndes, Secretary to the Treasury from 1695; Member of Parliament.
Publication details: 
Treasury Chambers, 4 August 1696.
Upon request

One page, sm. folio, bifolium, aged and stained, with portion lost through removal of seal, text clear and complete. See Image. Note on verso of second leaf: Mr. Lowndes to pay the Recoyned Money Into the Exchequer.

[Scripophily and philately: Waterlow & Sons Limited of London, manufacturers of bank notes and stamps to the British Government.] Advertisement for the firm in the form of a fake bank note or other security.

Waterlow & Sons Limited, London, established 1810, manufacturers of bank notes, bonds, stamps and all other high-class securities, postage stamp printers and contractors to the British Government
Publication details: 
[1930s.] Waterlow & Sons Limited, London.

Engraved advertisement printed in dark blue, light blue and pink on both sides of 20 x 14 cm piece of unwatermarked wove paper. An amusing fake bank note or bond, designed to showcase the firm’s competency. The paper stock and layout are entirely consistent with the firm’s work. On one side, instead of a picture of a monarch or president, is the face of a rather imperious young woman (one of the directors’ wives?), together with a design featuring the fasces and motto ‘VIS UNITA FORTIOR’.

[Sir William Beveridge, ‘Architect of the Welfare State’.] Five Typed Letters Signed to educationalist T. Lloyd Humberstone, discussing Charles Holden’s Senate House design for London University's ‘Bloomsbury Site and, the ‘Toynbee days’,

Sir William Beveridge (1879-1963), ‘Architect of the Welfare State’, Liberal Party social reformer and economist [T. Lloyd Humberstone (1876-1957), educationalist; Beveridge Report, 1942]
Publication details: 
The five letters dating from 1933, 1937, 1948, 1953, 1954. Three from Oxford (Master’s Lodgings, University College; two from Staverton House) and two from London (London School of Economics; Voluntary Social Service Report).

See Beveridge’s entry in the Oxford DNB. Humberstone was a prominent member of the Convocation of the University of London. The five items are in good condition, lightly aged. All five signed ‘W H Beveridge’. ONE: 29 June 1933; The London School of Economics and Political Science, Aldwych, London. 1p, 4to. Folded twice. Thanking him for his book on ‘the Bloomsbury Site’. He does not agree with his ‘objection to Holden’s design (so far as I can judge I think it is very remarkable and very fine)’, but thinks that ‘the stirring up of discussion and interest in the matter is a good thing’.

[G.W. Daniels, Political Economist] Autograph Letter Signed G.W. Daniels to The Secretary | Royal Society of Arts about reading a paper.

G.W. Daniels [George William Daniels FSS (1878 – 1937), political economist and historian who was Vice-President of the Chetham Society and President of the Manchester Statistical Society].
Publication details: 
[Headed] The University, Manchester, 4 August 1921. Royal Society of Arts stamp.

One page, 8vo, fold marks, good condition. He apologises for the delay in replying to the letter asking if I would read a paper before the Society of Arts during the coming session - I have been away. I should very much like to do as you request but I am afraid that my movements are too uncertain to make a promise. The subject is an attractive one and if you feel inclined to write me again, say for the following session, I would do my utmost to prepare a paper. See image.

[Thomas Law, reformer; Bengal; India; Washington DC] Autograph Letter Signed T Law to The Honble Mr Clay [Henry Clay Sr., American attorney/statesman], praising Clay, mention of Talbother's fever, expanding on his theory re population control

Thomas Law (1756 - 1834), reformer of British policy in India, where he served as collector of revenue for the East India Company.
Publication details: 
No place or date given. Clay became Speaker in the 1810-1811 Elections.

Three pages, 4to, bifolium, poor condition, with some (crude) repair work but other closed tears on folds, requiring attention BUT text clear and complete (with odd difficult word). Some pencil notes by a later reader, inaccurately attributing to Edmund Law. Text: I regret sincerely that I cannot participate with my fellow citizens in the general expression of their sense of your high merits. Were I able to attend I would drink your health Eminent [speaker?] but most exalted when addressing his successor.

[Stafford H. Northcote, as Chancellor of the Exchequer] Sixteen (16) Autograph Letter Signed Stafford H. Northcote to Kempe, his Private Secretary (John Arrow Kempe) about Budgets, trade, taxation, Finance. WITH: Notes for Kempe and drafts.

Stafford H. Northcote [Stafford Henry Northcote, 1st Earl of Iddesleigh (1818 – 1887), Conservative politician, Chancellor of the Exchequer 1874 and 1880]., Later Governor-General of Australia
Publication details: 
Various locations from 11 Downing Street to Petersfield to Paris to Windsor Castle, 22 March 1874-8 June 1880

Sixteen Autograph Letters Signed, total 45pp., 12mo, some bifoliums, good condition. He usually asks for research into issues, national and international that were subject to Parliamentary discussion at the time.

[Thomas K. Finletter; Economic Cooperation Administration] Substantial Typed Letter Signed, illegibly, Thomas Finletter, to Mark [Bonham-Carter], about taxes in the US and Uk.

Thomas K. Finletter [Thomas Knight Finletter (1893 – 1980), American lawyer, politician, and statesman].
Publication details: 
[Headed] A shield in American colours saying FOR EUROPEAN RECOVERY supplied by the United States of America, Economic Cooperation Administration. Special Mission to the United Kingdom, 9 May 1949.~Two pages, sm. folio, good condition. Text; As I said to you the other day at the Ackermans, I do not think that 'The Economist's' figures contradict what we said in Spain. [...] He goes on to compare taxes per capita in the States and UK, giving figures for total tax, population, and tax per person (about $100 les per person in the UK). He continues, I agree however that per capita figures are by no means the only criterion because of the great national income per person in the United States[...] He then quotes 'The Economist' giving percentages of the tax burden.~65~AUTOGRAPH ECONOMICS ECONOMIC COOPERATION ADMINISTRATION~ ~0~RF2~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Two pages, sm. folio, good condition. Text; "As I said to you the other day at the Ackermans, I do not think that 'The Economist's' figures contradict what we said in Spain. [...]" He goes on to compare taxes per capita in the States and UK, giving figures for total tax, population, and tax per person (about $100 les per person in the UK). He continues, "I agree however that per capita figures are by no means the only criterion because of the great national income per person in the United States[...]" He then quotes 'The Economist' giving percentages of the tax burden.

[Nathan M. Rothschild; Lionel de Rothschild] Promissory Note Signed H.C. Smithson and [?] Hall to an unholsterer called William Banting; countersigned by N.M. Rothschild and L[N?] Rothschild [Lionel de Rothschild presumably]

[Nathan M. Rothschild; Lionel de Rothschild prob.]
Publication details: 
Paris, 16 November 1832.

See images for content. Paper, 19.5 x 9cm, creasing, minor damage. A £100 payment Seven days at the sight [...] for value received as per advice. Attached: small paper, 6 x 4.5cm, printed heading Venn & Son, Notaries [with address] with MS note Present when due | Notl Charges [printed] 3/6.

[Alexander McKee; post-war Germany] Spearmen of the North. A Record of Public History and Private Opinion in Germany 1945-1954, typescript

Alexander McKee [Alexander Paul Charrier McKee (1918 – 1992), journalist, military historian, and diver.]
Publication details: 

60pp., 4to, crude card binding, damp-stained and worn at spine, typescript aged, damp-stained but clear. Sub-title: A Record of Public History and Private Opinion in Germany 1945-1954 | and an attempt at analysis of the German character as it appeared to a soldier of the British Army of the Rhine.

William Cowan, Provost of Ayr [East India Company] Autograph Note Signed William Cowan Provost [of Ayr, Scotland] to Lord Melville [deceased! See note below] referring to a Petition asking for involvement in East India trade [not present].

William Cowan, banker, Provost of Ayr [East India Company]
Publication details: 
Ayr, 29 April 1812

One page, 8vo, bifolium (second leaf blank except for docketing of name and date), good condition. Text: I have the honour to transmit to your Lordship the Copy of a Petition which the Magistrates & Council of this Burgh beg your Lordship will have the goodness to present tothe House of Lords, Praying to be admitted to a participation of the East India trade, and that whatever part thereof is granted, may not be confined to the Port of London alone; but also to the other Sea Port Towns of the Kingdom.

[Manuscript; Revenue; Customs & Excise ]] The Gross and Net Produce of all the Branches of the Revenue ...[full title below].

[Her Majesty's Customs, 1710-1735]
Publication details: 

[Full title] The Gross and Net Produce of all the Branches of the Revenue under the Management of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs in England. Together with an Adjustment of the Net Produce with the Payments into the Exchequer Annually from Christmas 1710. To which are prefixed the underwritten Acco[unts] viz[t] : 1. The Yearly Payments into the Receipt of Exchequer on all the several Branches of the Customs from Michaelmas 1679 to Christmas 1710. 2. The Payments into the Exchequer for prohibited uncustomed and forfeited goods Annually from Christmas 1701. 3.

[ Charles Neate, Drummond Professor of Political Economy at Oxford. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Ch. Neate') to Lord Valencia, offering to show his 'Yankee' friend around Oxford.

Charles Neate (1806-1879), Drummond Professor of Political Economy at Oxford, and Member of Parliament for Oxford [ Lord Valencia [ Arthur Annesley, 10th Viscount Valentia ]; Oriel College ]
Publication details: 
'Oxford & Cam Club' [ London ]. 16 July [ no year ].

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged, with reverse of second leaf laid down on leaf removed from album. Valentia's father had been, like Neate, a Member of Parliament for Oxford. The letter begins: 'Dear Lord Valentia. | I am sorry it so happens that I was away, and shall be till next Monday - when I return home


street for the next six Weeks'. He would have been 'very glad to meet even a Yankee at your

[ Sir Eric Ashton Carpenter, President of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce. ] Corrected Typescript of a paper titled: 'The Organisation and Functions of British Chambers of Commerce', with separate section titled 'Joint Chambers of Commerce'.

Sir Eric A. Carpenter [ Sir Eric Ashton Carpenter ] (1896-1973), President of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, banker and industrialist [ Association of British Chambers of Commerce ]
Publication details: 
[ Manchester (for the Association of British Chambers of Commerce?), 1950s. ]

Totalling 17pp., foolscap 8vo. The main paper, 'The Organisation and Functions of British Chambers of Commerce', 14pp; the supplementary paper (separately paginated), titled 'Joint Chambers of Commerce', 3pp. Separating the two papers is a leaf carrying a faded duplicated image of a plan copied from The Chambers of Commerce Manual 1954-5'. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with rusty staple and paperclip, and slight creasing to the last three leaves of the main paper. Minor pencil emendations throughout the main paper by Carpenter.

[ William Cunningham, Archdeacon of Ely, Scottish economist. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Wm. Cunningham') to an unnamed party, explaining why he must decline his invitation to co-operate, despite the 'flattering invitation' of the Delegates

William Cunningham (1849-1919), Archdeacon of Ely, Scottish economist [ Harvard University ]
Publication details: 
Both from Trinity College, Cambridge. 9 and 12 October 1899.

The two letters were written on Cunningham's return from America, where he had been lecturing in economic history at Harvard. Both are in good condition, lightly aged. Both are addressed from Trinity College, Cambridge. ONE: 9 October 1899. 2pp., small 4to. He has 'just returned to England after a long absence'. He appreciates 'the honour you have done me in asking me to cooperate in such a work', but regrets 'that it is impossible for me to undertake anything of the kind at present'. TWO: 12 October 1899. 4pp., small 4to.

[ Business; George's Coffee House, Temple Bar; Manuscript ] "Baker Gabb in Account with Sir John Harington" [ Document detailing business/accounts conducted at a Coffee House by Sir John Harington and Baker Gabb ]. With related material [1813-1820].

[ Docketed "Gabb George's Coffee House, Temple Bar"; Gabb and Gabell, stewards to the Barony ] ]
Publication details: 
Sept.1815-March 1820

Seven pages, folio, folded, minor damage with no loss of text, good condition. Baker Gabb, member of Welsh landowning family, presumably in his role of solicitor acting for the Harington Family, giving a detailed record of financial activity with Welsh property, mainly involving the "Rents of Cadvor", giving details of income from tenants, crops, stock, etc. and outgoings, concluding with the balance due to Sir John Harington (£2989.19.1). Also the Royal Oak, Abergavenny. With 10 further MS items including: A.

[ Edward Garth-Turnour, 1st Earl Winterton. ] Autograph Signature ('Winterton') to an Exchequer receipt.

Edward Garth-Turnour, 1st Earl Winterton (1734-1788), Fellow of the Royal Society, Irish peer and parliamentarian
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 31 October 1781.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Laid out in the usual fashion, with printed text completed in manuscript. Recording a payment of £60, on an annuity of £120, to 'Edwd Earl Winterton Assignee'. Signed at the foot, beside the signature of the witness '


[ Captain Basil Cochrane, Commissioner of Customs in Scotland. ] Autograph Signature ('Basil Cochrane') on an Exchequer pension receipt.

Captain Basil Cochrane (d.1788), Deputy Governor of the Isle of Man and Commissioner of Customs in Scotland, brother of Thomas Cochrane, 8th Earl of Dundonald
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 7 June 1788.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. With printed text, headed 'PENSIONS', completed in manuscript. Recording payment to him of £8 6s 8d. Signature at foot of witness 'A Dickie'. Signed within months of Cochrane's death, and a little shaky.

[ Abraham Newland, Chief Cashier of the Bank of England. ] Autograph Signature ('A Newland') on an Exchequer receipt.

Abraham Newland (c.1730-1807), Chief Cashier at the Bank of England, 1782-1807, whose name was slang for a bank note
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 27 July 1789.

On 17.5 x 16 cm. piece of paper. Good firm signature, undamaged, on aged, worn and repaired piece of paper. Laid out in the customary fashion, with printed text completed in manuscript. Recording payment of £20 to 'Abrah. Newland Cashier appointed by the Court of Chancery to receive an Acct. of Thos Walker Esqr Acct General of the said Court Assee'. Signature at foot of witness 'R Ettie'.

[ Huguenot Church of St Martin Orgar, London. ] Exchequer receipt signed by ministers James Eynard and David Durand, and Elders John Bonnet, Matthew Clarmont, Philip Rigail and Peter De Visme junior.

[ Huguenot Church of St Martin Orgar, London ] James Eynard and David Durand, ministers; John Bonnet, Matthew Clarmont, Philip Rigail and Peter De Visme junior, Elders
Publication details: 
[ His Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 13 November 1749.

1p., 8vo. On aged and worn paper. Laid out in the usual style, with printed text completed in manuscript. Records a payment of £12 10s 0d to the 'Ministers and Elders Of the French Church of St Martin Orgars of London as Assigned by Margin', and signed at foot by 'James Eynard Minister', 'David Durand Minister', and elders 'Jno Bonnet', 'Matthew Clarmont', 'Philip Rigail' and 'Peter De Visme junr'.

[ Sir John Werden, 2nd Baronet. ] Printed Exchequer receipt, completed in manuscript, signed by 'John Werden.' and witnessed by 'R: Thornycroft'.

Sir John Werden (1683-1758), 2nd Baronet, son of Sir John Werden [ Worden ] (1640-1715), judge, politician and diplomat [ R. Thornycroft;
Publication details: 
[ The Receipt of His Majesty's Exchequer, London. ] 5 September 1739.

Customary printed Exchequer receipt, completed in manuscript, headed (manuscript text in square brackets): Record' [the 20th August 1739] | The [th5] Day of [Septr] 173[9] | Received by me Sr John Werden Assignee of Sir. John Werden]'. Calculations in right-hand margin and clerical sign and docketing on reverse. Recording the receipt of £9 13s 4d, from Thomas Townshend. The printed text states that the money was raised 'upon an Act of Parliament, (Entituled, An Act for granting to Their Majestes certain Rates and Duties of Excise upon Beer, Ale, &c.

[ Ofspring Blackall, Bishop of Exeter. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Ofspr. Exon') to his brother, directing the purchase of £500 in South Sea stock.

Ofspring Blackall (1655-1716), Bishop of Exeter, religious controversialist [ The South Sea Bubble, 1711-1720 ]
Publication details: 
Westminster. 18 February 1712 [ 1711 O.S. ].

1p., 8vo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'Westminster Feb. 18. 1711/12. | Sr | I desire you will buy and accept five Hundred Pounds Stock in the Capitall Stock of the Company of Merchants of Great Britain trading to the South Seas for my Account and in my name; which will oblige | Sr | Yor. Affect. Brother & Servt | Ofsp. Exon'. Annotated in a nineteenth-century hand at bottom-left: 'Dr Ofspring Blackall.' At the time of writing the South Sea Company had only just been created. It would collapse spectacularly in 1720.

[ Leaflet' handbill; economics; with Letter Signed from César Moreau and the Duc de Montmorency ] Société Francaise de Statistique Universelle [Statuts, Membres, etc].

[ César Moreau (1791-1860), Économiste et statisticien [economist and statistician]; Société Francaise de Statistique Universelle ]
Publication details: 
Paris: Imprimerie de Cosson, [Paris, 1833]

Four pages, 4to, unbound as issued, two small closed tears, fold marks, grubby at fold marks, text clear and complete. Information given of meetings, objectives, etc, list of members (including mainly French but Englishmen like Palmerston, Macaulay and Lord Melville; American like Malthus A. Ward; Humboldt, etc., etc.), Statutes, But, etc. Directeur Président du Conseil, César Moreau.

[Embargo Act of 1807?;] Substantial copy letter, John Holmes, lawyer & politician in Maine/Massachusetts, to William Sabatier, merchant, about land in Maine/MA. Annotated & Copied by Sabatier,and forwarded to Thomas Hutchinson, Jr (see notes below)

William Sabatier, "office holder, merchant, jp, and lobbyist (Canadian DNB) [John Holmes, US Senator, etc. (Wikipedia)]
Publication details: 
[Holmes letter] Alfred, Mass., 24 March 1809; [Wm Sabatier note], 5 May 1809.

Four-pages bifolium, fold marks, good condition. Holmes letter copied by Sabatier to Hutchinson, and with substantial added material also by Sabatier, 2pp., folio; Sabatier added the note to Hutchinson, p.3, "A cross grained business has happened in the appointment which will occasion a temporary delay; Hutchinson's address appears on page four with a note (presumably in Hutchinson's hand), "Willm Sabatier Esq.

[Thomson Hankey senior, merchant banker with extensive West Indian interests.] Autograph Letter Signed to his son Thomson Hankey junior, making him a gift of £4000 and share 'of the Ship Elizabeth Capt. Walker now on her Voyage to Grenada'.

Thomson Hankey senior (1773-1855), City of London merchant banker with extensive West Indian interests [his son the banker, economist and Liberal politician Thomson Hankey junior (1805-1893)]
Publication details: 
Mincing Lane [City of London]. 19 June 1826.

1p., 8vo. Bifolium, addressed on reverse of second leaf 'To Thomson Hankey Junr.' In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The letter begins: 'Dear Thomson, | I give to you as a free Gift the Sum of Four Thousand Pounds & authorize you on 30th. of this Month to place that Sum to your Credit with our House by the Debit of my private Account. I also give you the one fourth Share of my two thirds Share of the Ship Elizabeth Capt.

[Manuscripts] Partnership agreements, 1825-1929

Thomson Hankey & Co. of 7 Mincing Lane, City of London, ('West India and General Merchants Bankers and Agents')
Publication details: 

Fifteen partnership agreements (indentures, memoranda, articles of copartnership) relating to the London banking firm of Thomson Hankey & Co., dating from between 1825 and 1929.Having traded with Jamaica, Antigua and the Leeward Islands in partnership with John Houblon. Captain Samuel Hankey commenced in business as a City of London banker-goldsmith in 1685. The firm prospered to such an extent that his son Henry owned Jonathan's Coffee House in Exchange Alley, the precursor of the London Stock Exchange, and was knighted in 1732.

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