
Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

General Charles Grey
Publication details: 
W[indso]r. C[a]stle | Feb. 14. 1859'.

Grey (1804-1870) was successively Private Secretary to Prince Albert and Queen Victoria. Three pages, 12mo. Good, on grubby paper discoloured with age. He acknowledges receipt of the letter of the twelfth inst. 'The recovery of any <?> which shd revert to the Crown, is, I apprehend, a matter for the Treasury to look to - as it is for the Gnt. to consider the provisions which it is expedient to adopt in any measure of the nature of that to which you allude.' He is commanded by Albert to thank his correspondent for the 'kind attention which has prompted you to make this communication'.

Autograph Letter Signed "[Seigneur?] Laffitte" to M. de Rayneval, Directeur du Chancelleries[?] aux affaires Etrangeres a Paris.

Jacques Laffitte
Publication details: 
Paris 16 Dec. 1815.

Banker and Politician. In French. One page, 4to, good condition. If a consul to Guernsey has not yet been appointed, he recommends David Macculloch who has a good reputation and has commercial knowledge. He would be helpful to French ships there and his nomination would suit the Governor, Sir John Doyle, who had long since requested it of their Ambassador in London. {de Reyneval prob. the diplomat in Biog. Univ.]

Autograph Letter Signed to the Baron Bignon, membre de la Chambre de Deputes.

Jacques Laffitte.
Publication details: 
Paris, 18 May 1820.

Banker and Politician. In French. One page, 4to, fold marks, good. He says that Bignon has reached the limits which he suggested in a letter, and they have sold "en bourse" "[F?] 2025 de Rentes a 74 t produisent ......F29,9709= . . ." He adds the figures for commission and "Courtage". He adds that the Baron has been debited a certain sum, paid to the "porteur de votre [nom?]".

Autograph Letter Signed, Autograph Note, and newspaper article.

GEORGE BOOTH HEMING [Goldsmiths' Company; Daily Graphic]
Publication details: 
The note 10 January 1918 and the letter 14 January 1918; both on letterheads of Heming & Co., 28 Conduit St.

Mayor of Westminster (1858-1938), and prominent member of the Goldsmiths' Company, for whom he established an annual competition for craftsmen and schools in London. All items very good. Both manuscript items bearing the Society's stamp and the note also docketed. THE LETTER (one page, 12mo): 'I shall certainly try to be at the meeting on Feby 27th & will speak if opportunity arises - also will call upon you someday either this or next week.' Signed 'G. Booth Heming'. THE NOTE (one page, 12mo): 'With G.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

John Abel Smith
Publication details: 
Chelsea Squ[are]. | Augt. 29. [1866]'.

British banker and politician (1801-71). Four pages, 12mo. Good, but dusty and on discoloured paper, with traces of stub adhering to verso of second leaf. Docketed with date.

Autograph Note Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

George Armitage-Smith [BIRKBECK COLLEGE]
Publication details: 
14 December 1917, on crested Birkbeck College Letterhead.

Economist (c.1844-1923), Principal of Birkbeck College, 1896-1918. One page, octavo. Very good. Docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. Asks for Professor Campbell Swinton's address 'in any form'. 'If it is published in the Journal that wd. be very convenient.' Signed 'G. Armitage-Smith'.

Eleven Typed Letters Signed and one Autograph Letter Signed, variously to W. Perry and G. F. Menzies, Royal Society of Arts; and three-page typed 'brief statement of Dr. [Charles] Carpenter's qualifications', headed 'CONFIDENTIAL'.

Edward Frankland Armstrong
Publication details: 
1927 to 1934; on letterheads including 'BUSH HOUSE, | ALDWYCH', 'BALDWIN HOUSE, | 67, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET', and that of the British Dyestuffs Corporation Ltd.

British chemist (1878-1945), Vice-President of the Royal Society, 1942-3. All items in very good condition. All letters, one page, quarto. Subjects include an R.S.A. lecture by Armstrong on 'Hydrogen and its uses', the proof of another lecture, Armstrong's chairmanship of various R.S.A. meetings, his appointment as R.S.A. Vice-President, and the possibility of a 'paper on the hydrogenation of bituminous coal ('even though a good many people may be a little tired of the subject'): 'I suppose the man you ought to ask in the first place is K.

Autograph Letter Signed to John Knox, Writer of the Signet, Glasgow.

James Kippen
Publication details: 
Greenock, 6 August 1817.

Three pages, 4to, fold marks, some marking, text clear and complete. In response to Knox's letter he has been looking out for "a Bag of good Demerara Coffee for you, and have at last succeeded." His brother-in-law who was "purchasing a few Bags for his Friends" selected a bag for him. "I have forwarded it to you by the Trusty Steamboat, with Excise Permit - it is addressed to you at Glassford Street - the Import Mark & Number are P[with tail] No.

Autograph Letter Signed to H[orace]. G[eorge]. Bowen.

George Hayter Chubb, 1st Baron Hayter [BANK OF ENGLAND]
Publication details: 
11 November 1893; on embossed letterhead '128, QUEEN VICTORIA STREET, | LONDON, E.C.'

Head of celebrated firm of locksmiths (1848-1946) and philanthropist. Two pages, 12mo. Folded twice. Grubby but in good condition. An amusing letter of congratulation on Bowen's appointment as Chief Cashier of the Bank of England. 'I presume that the announcement in the Times means you have now a more important appointment and I heartily congratulate you. I suppose we shall often see your autograph now on those interesting thin bits of paper: if you've a large stock of them to be disposed of at a good reduction I'm a customer.' Signed 'George Hayter Chubb'.

Printed document with manuscript addition.

Francis Baring & Co [Sir Thomas Baring]
Publication details: 
17 May 1802, with printed address 'Devonshire-Square, Bishopsgate Street'.

1 page, on paper approximately 8 inches by 10. Grubby, creased and frayed, with several closed tears. Some loss at head caused by breaking of seal. Informs George Stuart that 'a Remittance for Interest on American Stock' has been received from the Bank of the United States, and that 'we are ready to pay to you any Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Saturday, betwixt the Hours of Ten and One'. Signed (according to pencil note at head of letter) by Thomas Baring 'Fran Baring & Co'. Six lines of manuscript calculations at foot of page, giving interest of £141 12s 1d.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Edward Charles Baring, 1st Baron Revelstoke
Publication details: 
20 December 1887; on letterhead 'Membland, | Plympton, | South Devon.'

Merchant banker (1828-1897). 1 page, 16mo. Grubby but in good condition overall. 'Dear Sir. | I enclose £10 for the boy Evans - The Calls of all sorts on me increase daily & it is quite out of the question to comply with half of them | Yours truly | Revelstoke'. Docketed in pencil at head.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

John Baring
Publication details: 
48 Charles Str - | Berkeley Square - | Monday morning', but docketed '20 April 1801'.

The elder brother of Charles and Sir Francis Baring, John Baring was a leading Exeter citizen and an MP from 1776. While in reality a sleeping partner, he was also the nominal head of John and Francis Baring & Co. of London, and John and Charles Baring & Co. of Exeter. 1 page, 8vo. In good condition. Apparently to his solicitors, concerning the drafting of his will. 'As my wish is to keep my home &c at perfectly distinct from my other property - be pleased on failure of Mr Shorts Children to let it go to my generally'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

George Bankes
Publication details: 
11 June <year?>; 16 George Street, Hanover Square.

Last of the cursitor Barons of the Exchequer (1788-1856). 2 pages, 16mo. In good condition though grubby. 'As I am afraid my former letter may not have reached you, I venture again most earnestly to request your support being convinced that the fate of the contest may probably be determined by a small number of votes, & that consequently the personal attendance of every friend to the cause of which I am an humble advocate becomes of the most serious importance under these circumstances you will I trust excuse the earnest manner in which I urge my present applications.'

Autograph Letter Signed [to his bankers].

Herbert G. Sotheby
Publication details: 
18 October 1901; blindstamped letterhead '26, Green Street, Park Lane, W.'

Son of Admiral Sir Edward Southwell Sotheby (for whom see DNB). 1 page, 16mo. In good condition. 'Gentlemen | I beg to inform you that for the future I shall draw my own cheques instead of my brother Mr. Alfred Sotheby.' Docketed in red ink along both long edges.

Document Signed to the Army and Navy Co-op Society

Count Gleichen.
Publication details: 
St James Palace, 29 March 1883.

Prince related to Victoria (DNB). Piece of paper, c.6 x 4", sl. soiled but clear, missing top left corner (and a word or two), text as follows: " . . . [end of word] 13123 / [P]lease give the Bearer 2 Gal: Brandy No. 2. at 24/6 the Gal: --- / Gleichen/ St James Palace / March 29/83/ The Secretary / A & N. Co:Op: Socty"

Document Signed "Geo. Dodington".

George Bubb Dodington.
Publication details: 

Dodington, George Bubb, Baron Melcombe 1691-1762, a Lord of the Treasury, Pope's "Bufo". One page, folio, fold mark, tear, loss of text (including the full signatures formerly below Dodington's), rest of official countersigning, etc. surviving. An order (8 March 1736) to pay £300 from His Majesty's treasure to John, Duke of Montagu (see DNB) "for one quarter of a year due at Christmas 1736 on his Annuity or yearly Pension of One Thousand two hundred pounds . . ."

Autograph Letter, third person, to a Miss Maxwell

J.E. Bicheno,
Publication details: 
(2 May 1830)

Colonial secretary , Van Diemen's Land. 1.5pp., 8vo. He discusses the physical composition of a necklace. (Bicheno's works on Law and the Irish economy are listed on the reverse in a different hand.)

Signature only ("Althorp") with slight remains of Treasury document.

John Charles Spencer.:
Publication details: 

Viscount Althorp and third Earl Spencer 1782-1845. Signatures of Althorp, W. Wickham (see DNB) and J. , as Treasury officials, remains of documents (slight) indicate the grant of a pension to "Anne Thompson".

Autograph letter signed to Sir John Coxe Hippisley

Duke of Somerset
Publication details: 
Maiden Bradley, 12 Sept. 1821.

Edward Adolphus Seymour, eleventh Duke of Somerset (1775-1855), agriculturist, etc. Three pages, 4to. His correspondent was Sir John Hippisley who, among many avocations, pursued agricultural science which is the main topic of this letter. Somerset is pleased to see the books of General Beatson, former lt gen in the East India Company and Governor of St Helena, but also an experimental agriculturist.

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