
[Sir Aston Webb, RA, who worked on Buckingham Palace, the Victoria and Albert Museum and Admiralty Arch.] Two responses to congratulations: one an Autograph Note Signed to Walter Spiers, the other an Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mr. Baldwin’.

Sir Aston Webb (1849-1930), RA, who worked on Buckingham Palace, the Victoria and Albert Museum and Admiralty Arch
Publication details: 
ONE (ANS to Spiers): 27 March 1899; 1 Hanover Terrace, Ladbroke Square. TWO (ALS to Baldwin): 20 June 1903; on Hanover Square letterhead.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both items in good condition, lightly aged, on grey paper, with central horizontal fold. Each signed ‘Aston Webb’. ONE: ANS to ‘Dear Walter Spiers’, 27 March 1899. 1p, 16mo. Thanking him for his congratulations on his election. TWO: ALS to ‘Dear Mr Baldwin’, 20 June 1903. 1p, 12mo. After thanking him for his congratulation he continues: ‘We had a most delightful dinner with you the other evening.’

[William Warde Fowler, historian and ornithologist, tutor at Lincoln College, Oxford.] Typed Letter Signed to ‘Bridge’, discussing 'the diminution of corn-growing' and an ornithological excursion.

William Warde Fowler (1827-1941), classical historian and ornithologist, tutor at Lincoln Colege, Oxford
Publication details: 
‘Kingham, April 13 1913’.

Fowler’s entry in the DNB states that he resigned his tutorship in 1910, when he ‘retired to Kingham, where, since 1873, he had enjoyed a country home and entertained his pupils. From 1899 he lived there with his sister Alice’. On both sides of what was an 8vo leaf, the lower part of which has been torn away, leaving a piece roughly 20 cm square, with 26 typed lines and the autograph valediction, in a large bold hand, ‘Yours sincerely / W. Warde Fowler’. Aged and worn, but with the remaining text clear. A nice letter, combining Fowler’s main interests.

[Sir Fenwick Williams [General Fenwick Williams], British Army officer - led the defence of Kars (Crimean War]; London Library] Autograph Letter Signed to Sir George Cornewall Lewis, asking him to support the election of E.H. Nolan as below.

Sir Fenwick Williams [General Sir William Fenwick Williams] (1800-1883), British Army officer who led the defence of Kars during the Crimean War, born in Nova Scotia [Sir George Cornewall Lewis]
Publication details: 
‘Woolwich April 7th. 1857.’

See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Signed ‘W F Williams’ and docketed by the recipient ‘Sir Fenwick Williams of Kars’. Written while Lewis was Chancellor of the Exchequer in Palmerston's government. Begins: ‘Dear Sir Cornewall, / I take the liberty of asking you for your influence for Dr. Nolan as Secretary & Librarian of the London Library’.

[Frederic Chamier, novelist] ANS to Harvey

Frederic Chamier
Publication details: 
21 Dec. 1844

Nautical novelist (1796-1870). 8vo, expressing his condolences at the death of Kemp (probably G.M. Kemp, architect of the Scott Memorial).

[Joseph h. Choate, lawyer and diplomat]] Autograph Letter Signed Joseph H. Choate to George Meredith, novelist and poet., asking Meredith for a centennial tribute to the American author, Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Joseph H. Choate [Joseph Hodges Choate (1832 – 1917) American lawyer and diplomat].
Publication details: 
[Embossed address] American Embassy, London, 3 May 1904.

Four pages, 12mo, bifolium, some marks but mainly good condition. Text: Dear Mr. Meredith, | I am going to ask you (if your health and time permit) to do me and many of my countrymen a great favor. | The Centennial of the birth of Nathaniel Hawthorne comes on the 4th.

[Hugh Cudlipp, Lord Cudlipp, as Managing Editor of the Sunday Express.] Typed Letter Signed to theatre historian W. J. Macqueen-Pope, regarding the changes to be made to an article, ‘with the usual skill of the Sunday Express’.

Hugh Cudlipp [Hubert Kinsman Cudlipp; Lord Cudlipp] (1913-1998), Welsh journalist, influential editor of Fleet Street title the Daily Mirror [Walter James Macqueen-Pope (1888-1960), theatre historian]
Publication details: 
16 November 1951; on letterhead of the 'Sunday Express', Fleet Street, London.

From the Macqueen-Pope papers. See the two men’s entries in the Oxford DNB. In good condition, lightly aged. 1p, 12mo. Signed (as Managing Editor of the Sunday Express) ‘Hugh’ and addressed to ‘Dear Popie’. The article will start, as he explained on the telephone, ‘with the death scene. / Here is the galley proof - uncorrected, so do not worry about literals. / We may also have to reduce the length a little, but it will be done with the usual skill of the Sunday Express’.

[John Beddoe, ethnologist; inscribed pamphlet] A Contribution to Scottish Ethnology.

John Beddoe (1826 – 1911), prominent ethnologist.
Publication details: 
London: H.K. Lewis, 15 Gower Street, North; Edinburgh: Maclachlan and Stewart, 1853.

Pamphlet, 32pp., 8vo, disbound, good condition. Inscribed by Author, From the Author to the Royal Medical Society on titlepage. Small stamp of the Medical Society Edinburgh. Scarce: several copies on WorldCat, including two major Scottish Libraries.

[Hugh Gaitskell, Labour politician] Typed Note Signed boldly Hugh Gaitskell to M.B. Bradshaw, Director, Art Exhibitions Bureau [...] permitting the exhibition of the Road to Tarbet, presumably a picture in Gaitskell's private collection.

Hugh Gaitskell (1906-1963), sometime leader of the Labour Party.
Publication details: 
[House of Commons stamp] 23 June 1955.

One page, 12mo, very good condition. He gives permission for 'Road to Tarbet' to be exhibited at Scarborough and Hull, on the understanding that you will take full responsibility for returning it to me in London when the Hull Exhibition ends.

[R.D. Laing] Substantial Typed Letter Signed Alec Jenner [Professor F.A. Jenner] to Dr. Laing [R.D. Laing] hoping to have further conversations and discussing a case of schizophrenia at length. WITH: Notes in Laing's hand.

Professor F.A. Jenner [R.D. Laing (Ronald David Laing, Scottish psychiatrist who wrote extensively on mental illness)]
Publication details: 
[Headed] The University of Sheffield, Department of Psychiatry, The Hallamshire Hospital, Glossop Road, Sheffield, S10 2JF, 9 May 1980

Jenner Typed Letter Signed: Two pages, fol., fold marks, small closed tears on folds, ow good condition. He (and his team) would appreciate Laing's coming to dinner since they are starting to think about schizophrenia in something like the way you have seen it for a long time [...] In particular we are in the middle of what might be called humanistic studies of a mere handful of to us extremely interesting 'schizophrenic' persons.

[Sally Salminen, Finnish author] Typed Letter Signed Sally Salminen to the Rev. Cornelius Greenway of NY, showing appreciation for his comments on her first publication, Katrina (1936).

Sally Salminen [Sally Alina Ingeborg Salminen (1906 -1976), author from Simskäla, the Åland Islands, Finland, nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature three times.]
Publication details: 
Saltvik, Aland, Finland, 21 April 1939.

One page, 4to, fold marks,good condition. Text: [...] My late answer does not indicate lack of appreciation, although it must seem so. I am on the contrary deeply and sincerely grateful for your kindness of writing to me. Your letter reached me at a time when I needed encouragement and confidence more than anything else. I have during the last two years received many letters from appreciative readers of my book Katrina. But praise can sometimes cause suspicion and self-distrust, and that, I am afraid, is what it has done to me.

[ Scott & Whaley; music hall duo ] Photograph inscribed Yours sincerely | [Signed?] Scott & Whaley in Cuthbert's hand, and signed individually over their images, Pussyfoot and Cuthbert.

Pussyfoot and Cuthbert (Scott & Whaley), African-American music hall and radio comedians.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

14 x 13.5cm, laid down on slightly larger leaf extracted from an Autograph Album, very good condition. Pussyfoot is at the piano, blacked up (with thick whitened lips!).See image/

[ Clare Leighton; wood engraver ] Substantial Typed Letter Signed Clare Leighton to specialist bookseller, Barry Marks, responding comprehensively to questions about her activities, exhibitions of her work, whether she sells engravings, and so on.

Clare Leighton [Clare Marie Veronica Leighton (1898–1989), English/American artist, writer and illustrator best known for her wood-engarvings
Publication details: 
Ash Swamp Road, Woodbury Co., 7 September 1977.

One page, sm. folio, airmail, one small closed tear, good condition. Text: I was glad to get your letter of 8th August and must apologise for my delay in answering it. I was, just then, caught up into a confusion of work. | I telephoned Mr Leventhal (he doesnt live in Woodbury, but in Boston; howeyer, we are in touch) and he was delighted at his good fortune in acquiring a copy of my FARMER'S YEAR.

[ Lauri Wylie; playwright; Dinner for One; Der 90. Geburtstag ] Three Typed Letters Signed Lauri (2) and L. (1) AND one Autograph Letter Signed Lauri | LAURI WYLIE to theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope, about theatre topics including his own writing.

Lauri Wylie [Lauri Wylie (1880 – 1951), originally Maurice Laurence Samuelson Metzenberg, British actor and author, inc. the play Dinner for One (most frequently repeated TV programme ever).]
Publication details: 
All from Two Courtenay Towers | Hove 3, 13, 20, 27 August 1950 (typed letters) and 22 January 1951 (Holograph).

Total 4pp., 4to, one with corner torn off, all a little battered but texts clear and complete. Letter One: He asks if anything can be done with [his] book, and discusses his re-writing another straight play. They don't seem to be able to stop me. I roughed it out during the war but have now done a lot to it. I think it's a winner! So does every one else who writes plays [further lighthearted comment on writing plays]. He asks finally whether Macqueen-Pope has any new books coming on. They seem to go down big.

Robins Millar; Canadian emigre in Scotland; Playwright ] Eleven, usually substantial, Typed Letters Signed Robins to theatre historian, W. Macqueen-Pope (Popie).

Robins Millar, Robins Millar (1889-1968), emigre Canadian journalist, playwright, artist poet and writer.. based in Glasgow.
Publication details: 
9 Park Quadrant, Glasgow C 3, 27 September 1950-28 December 1953.

Twelve TLSs, 1-3pp. each, total 27pp., 4to. His subjects are predictable: his plays, his portraits, the contemporary theatre, performances (Brigadoon etc), actors, films, art exhibition, personal matters (eg his wife's ill heath, children), his writing activities,Popie's works (showing enthusiasm), drawing and writing activities, visitors to Glasgow (Hannan Swaffer writing articles on Scotland), portrait he did of Popie, the life of Novello (ghost-written then done in earnest by Popie), Edinburgh Festival, anecdotes, suggestions for theatrical books, insider gossip, anecdotes, etc etc.

[Khama III, called Khama the Good, Kgosi (Chief) of the Bamangwato people of Botswana.] Autograph Signature ('Khama | Chief of Bamangwato'), with valediction to letter, in English.

Khama III (c.1837–1923), called Khama the Good, Kgosi (Chief) of the Bamangwato people, grandfather of Sir Seretse Goitsebeng Maphiri Khama, first President of Botswana
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Without date or place. Rectangle of thin paper, cut from the end of a letter, clearly in response to a request for an autograph. In fair condition, aged and creased. Reads: 'I am | Your friend, | Khama | Chief of Bamangwato'.

ALS, 2pp., 8vo, to an unnamed correspondent

(John Tenniel) Bernard C. Green
Publication details: 
17 Nov. 1913

(Tenniel) artist and cartoonist (18201914). Green has been asked by Tenniel, to write on his behalf. He explains that Tenniel is now blind and infirm. He [passses on the opinion that the artists their correspondent has named "all stood out in thier respective spheres, and were among the cleverest black & white artists of the century in their particular styles".

[ Reginald Hill, crime writer ] Five Autograph Postcards and Cards Signed (all pictorial) "Reg" to Hunter Davies, author and journalist, and friend since childhood

Reginald Hill, crime writer (1936-2012)
Publication details: 
'Oakbank'. Broad Oak, Ravenglass, Cumbria, 3 dated (1994, 2000, 2011).

Three Postcards Signed, and two (folding) cards) with between 6-21 lines of writing. Good-humoured tone, with references to a novel published by "Margaret" [Forster, Davies's wife] which has given him an idea for a detective novel, a self-deprecating comment ("insecure jumped up northern grammer school lad"), reflection on how well he and friends have dome (no "jail-bait failures"), news of a death, a White Christmas, a plan for a "double-act at Keswick", treatment for illness (2011), etc.

[ Earl of St Vincent; Royal Navy ] Autograph Letter Signed "St Vincent" to [ Edward Hawke Locker, watercolourist, Governor of Greenwich Hospital (Royal Navy) ]

John Jervis, Earl of St Vincent, Admiral, patron of Nelson.
Publication details: 
[Racketts?] 5 May 1811.

One page, 4to, window pane mount, good condition. "I am very glad that you incline to be a Fellow of the Royal Society, because I am sure you will contribute largely to it by your researches - and be a much better attendat tha | Your very sincere | nd obedient servant | St Vincent.| [POstscript ] My Protege, Lieut. Dickens, is, I believe in the ship which bears the Flag of Adml Boyles - Lady St Vincent is something better.

[ Stanley Lees Giffard, editor, journalist ] Autograph Letter Signed "Stanley Lees Giffard" to the Editor of an unnamed periodical, asking for the publication of an article by a Mr Byas on state of Ireland.

Stanley Lees Giffard, Editor, St James's Chronicle and the Standard
Publication details: 
St James Chronicle Office, Bridge Street, Blackfriars [London], Saturday [no date 1824?].

One page, cr. 8vo, possibly laid down in album previously (residue of glue etc),chipped with minor loss of text, text clear. "I took the liberty to send to you [...] the Revd Mr [Ryan?Byas?] prize Essay upon the State of Ireland for your consideration.

Realisme Romantique 1961-1981.

Andrew Vicari.
Publication details: 
Nice, 1981.

`No. 1164 of 3000 copies. Soft cover, c.12 x 12", one or two small spots, mainly very good. INSCRIBED by Vicari: "For Ian Jenkins / with high regard & deep admiration / A bientot. / Andrew Vicari / Monaco. 24.I.82."


[ David Roberts et al) Signatures of David Roberts, Charles Eastlake and Henry Moseley (with their current addresses) clipped from document

David Roberts, C.L. Eastlake and Henry Moseley, artists
Publication details: 
No date or place.

18.5 x 8.5cm, sl. chipped and stained, but text clear. Signatures of Roberts, C.L. Eastlake and Henry Moseley, adding their addresses in holograph (Eastlake and Roberts both at 7 Fitzroy Square, and Moseley at 52 Upper Charlotte Street), probably clipped from an appeal to the Artists' Benevolent Fund.

[ Sir Francis Seymour Haden, etcher. ] Autograph Note Signed ('F. S. H'), thanking an unnamed recipient in warm terms.

Sir Francis Seymour Haden (1818-1910), etcher and surgeon
Publication details: 
Place not stated. Dated '9th.', with 'January 1906' added in another hand.

1p., landscape 12mo. On aged, worn and creased paper. Written in a shaky hand. Reads: '9th. | This was just going out as your Letter came in yesterday. So thought it better too keep back till I had mastered the contents of yours which was most satisfactory and told me all I wanted to know - | A thousand thanks for all you have done | F. S. H.'

[ W.P. Frith ] Studio Photograph of William Powell Frith, inscribed by him, "To [Missie?] | from W P Frith Oct.9. 1880".

W.P. Frith [ William Powell Frith ] (1819 –1909). Artist
Publication details: 
Elliott & Fry, [1880?].

Studio Photograph, c.15 x 10.5, laid down on slightly larger card with photographers printed at base, faintly speckled, good condition. Image of head and upper body, not found on Google Images.

[ W.P. Frith ] Studio Photograph of William Powell Frith, inscribed by him, "To [Missie?] | from W P Frith Oct.9. 1880".

W.P. Frith [ William Powell Frith ] (1819 –1909). Artist
Publication details: 
Elliott & Fry, [1880?].

Studio Photograph, c.15 x 10.5, laid down on slightly larger card with photographers printed at base, faintly speckled, good condition. Image of head and upper body, not found on Google Images.

[ Herman Finck, composer and conductor. ] Copy of Typed Letter to Henry Chance Newton ('My dear Harry'), theatre critic of the Referee newspaper, containing 'biographical facts' to prove that he is 'not a Jew', and his 'Hebrew musical collaborators'.

Herman Finck [ Herman [ born Hermann Van Der Vinck ] (1872-1939), British composer and conductor of Dutch extraction [ Henry Chance Newton (1854-1931), theatre critic of the Referee newspaper ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Grand Hotel, Eastbourne. 8 October 1925.

2pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly-aged. Unsigned copy of typed letter., with one autograph emendation. Addressed to 'My dear Harry'. He begins by explaining that he is in Eastbourne recuperating from the flu. 'As I did not rise until Monday last I missed the Sunday papers including alas, the Referee. [ amended in autograph from 'the Rat' ] | A cutting, however (from the Ref) reached me here today containing an article of yours, wherein you place me among your Hebrew musical collaborators.

[Smirke] Autograph Note Signed to "T.L. Donaldson", 'a pioneer in architectural education, as a co-founder and President of the Royal Institute of British Architects'.

Sydney Smirke, architect (1798-1877).
Publication details: 
Grosvenor Street, [London], 24 Feb. 1864.

One page, 12mo, fold marks, tipped on to album sheet, good condition. "Now that porr Cockerell has gone, may we not hope that you will permit us to regard you as Trustee of the Architects' Benevolent Soc[iet]y in conjunction with Hardwick and Scott? Do say yes." Note: C.R. Cockerell died in 1863 after years of poor health.

[Lady Megan Lloyd George.] Typed Note Signed ('Megan Lloyd George') to J. Livingstone of Newcastle-on-Tyne, with a signed photograph of herself.

Megan Lloyd George [Lady Megan Arfon Lloyd George (1902-1966), Liberal politician and daughter of Prime Minister David Lloyd George (1863-1945)
Publication details: 
Letter on House of Commons letterhead. 16 March 1949.

The letter is 1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Livingstone has sent her the photograph which he has cut from a magazine, and she writes that she has 'had pleasure in signing the enclosed picture', and is 'so glad you like it'. The photograph is 17 x 14 cm, in black and white, and shows a smiling Lady Megan seated at a table with a piece of paper in front of her. She has signed it 'Megan Lloyd George'. It is laid down on a piece of 22 x 16.5 cm card, and is aged and lightly ruckled.

[Maurice F. Strong of the United Nations Environment Programme.] Two Typed Letters Signed to the English environmentalist Arthur Bourne, with typed copies of five letters from Bourne to Strong.

Maurice F. Strong (b.1929), Canadian entrepreneur, Secretary General of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development ['Earth Summit'], 1992 [Arthur G. Bourne; Oil For Food Programme]
Publication details: 
Strong's letters both from Geneva, on letterheads of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, 29 August 1972, and the United Nations Environment Programme, 26 July 1973. Four of Bourne's drafts from Flitwick, Bedfordshire, 1972-1975.

The seven items are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Strong's two letters are each 1p., 8vo, and are both on thin paper with slight wear to the edges; the second letter is docketed on the reverse by Bourne. In his first letter Strong congratulates Bourne on 'the new journal "The Environment This Month"'. He was 'favourably impressed with the first issue' and congratulates Bourne 'on the initiative you have taken in filling in such a promising way the need which existed for a high quality international journal on environmental affairs'.

Typed Letter Signed from Arnold Wesker to Renee Hellman of the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, regarding his 'favourite recipe'.

Arnold Wesker (b.1932), English playwright of the 'kitchen sink' school [Renee Hellman; Imperial Cancer Research Fund; Alan Bates]
Publication details: 
27 Bishops Road, London N6. 11 October 1965.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. He asks her whether she means by 'a favourite recipe' one 'which I know of that others are likely not to know of? Or just one that I like but might well be familiar?' He ends by suggesting that she try asking Alan Bates, 'who I think has a secret recipe'. He gives an address for the actor.

Autograph Letter Signed ('R. H. Sherlock') from Randall Hopley Sherlock, editor of the Liverpool Mail, describing for his friend Mrs Roper the London International Exhibition of Industry and Art of 1862 at South Kensington.

Randall Hopley Sherlock (d.1875), editor of the Liverpool Mail [The London International Exhibition of Industry and Art of 1862 (Great London Exposition) at South Kensington]
Publication details: 
15 Holland Street, Kensington, W [London]. 1 August [1862.]

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. He begins: 'My dear Mrs. Roper - | I have been rather long in fulfilling my promise to write - but I must lay all the blame on this most attractive International from which I can hardly tear myself away! My journey was a very pleasant one on Tuesday with agreeable fellow-passengers, there was another Bouquet besides mine in the carriage - but tell dear Annie it would bear no comparison with mine!

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