[ Lauri Wylie; playwright; Dinner for One; Der 90. Geburtstag ] Three Typed Letters Signed Lauri (2) and L. (1) AND one Autograph Letter Signed Lauri | LAURI WYLIE to theatre historian W. Macqueen-Pope, about theatre topics including his own writing.

Lauri Wylie [Lauri Wylie (1880 – 1951), originally Maurice Laurence Samuelson Metzenberg, British actor and author, inc. the play Dinner for One (most frequently repeated TV programme ever).]
Publication details: 
All from Two Courtenay Towers | Hove 3, 13, 20, 27 August 1950 (typed letters) and 22 January 1951 (Holograph).

Total 4pp., 4to, one with corner torn off, all a little battered but texts clear and complete. Letter One: He asks if anything can be done with [his] book, and discusses his re-writing another straight play. They don't seem to be able to stop me. I roughed it out during the war but have now done a lot to it. I think it's a winner! So does every one else who writes plays [further lighthearted comment on writing plays]. He asks finally whether Macqueen-Pope has any new books coming on. They seem to go down big.

'The Encyclopaedia Britannica Dinner given by Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace': 'Plan of Tables' and menu., attended by A.J. Balfour and all the great and the good. (up to 300 of them).

[ Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace (1841-1919), Foreign Correspondent of The Times of London; Encyclopaedia Britannica
Publication details: 
Dinner held at the Hotel Cecil, London, 21 November 1902.

Both items nicely printed and in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. ONE: 'The Encyclopaedia Britannica Dinner given by Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace. Hotel Cecil, Friday Evening, November 21st, 1902. Plan of Tables.' 28.5 x 80 cm, folding up into a 28.5 x 13.5 cm packet. Printed in black and red on the whole of one side, with the other side carrying a 'Programme of Music' ('M. G. Fericescu, Musical Director'), an alphabetical table, and a cover with engraved illustration. Made out in pencil to 'Mr. A. Williams | K24' (i.e. the Liberal MP Aneurin Williams).

[The Royal Society.] Four printed documents relating to the 289th Anniversary Dinner at the Dorchester Hotel, London: Copies of speeches by the President, Professor E. D. Adrian, and Viscount Portal of Hungerford; Menu; and 'Plan of Tables'.

The Royal Society, London [289th Anniversary Dinner, Dorchester Hotel, London]; Professor Edgar Douglas Adrian, 1st Baron Adrian, Nobel Prize winner; Charles Portal, 1st Viscount Portal of Hungerford
Publication details: 
[The Royal Society, London.] Dinner held on St Andrew's Day [30 November] 1951, at the Dorchester Hotel, London. 'Plan of Tables' printed by Headley Brothers Ltd, 109 Kingsway, London, WC2, and Ashford, Kent.

The four items in good condition, lightly-aged. ONE: 'The Royal Society | Speech of the President, Professor E. D. Adrian, O.M., at the Anniversary Dinner, Dorchester Hotel, on 30 November 1951.' Duplicated typescript. 5pp., short 8vo. On five leaves stapled together. TWO: 'The Royal Society | Speech by the Viscount Portal of Hungerford at the Anniversary Dinner on 30 November 1951'. 6pp., long 8vo. Duplicated typescript. On six leaves stapled together. THREE: Cover reads: 'The Royal Society | Professor E. D. Adrian, O.M. | President | Anniversary Dinner | Dorchester Hotel | St.

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