[Sir Frederick Pollock, Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer.] Autograph Letter Signed to Dr William Sharpey, Secretary of the Royal Society, regarding the writing of an ?abstract?.

Sir Frederick Pollock [Sir Jonathan Frederick Pollock] (1783-1870), Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer [William Sharpey (1802-1880), Scottish anatomist and physiologist, Secretary of the Royal Society]
Publication details: 
?Hatton / Hounslow / W. [London] / Thursday / 15th. Decr. / 1864?.

See his entry, and Sharpey?s, in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of tape from mount adhering to blank second leaf. Folded for postage. Addressed to ?Dr. Sharpey Secy F S.? and signed ?Fred Pollock?. Begins: ?My dear Dr. Sharpey / I have nearly completed the abstract - I intend to dine at the Club & be present at the meeting to day & I shall ask you when you require the abstract?? He explains that he is ?presiding in the nisi prius C[our]t.?, and that he would like to have ?the leisure of a Sunday to finish it?.

[John Baldwin Buckstone, comic actor and playwright.] Autograph Letter Signed to Charles Manby, regarding the arrangements surrounding a bill and an insurance policy for ?300.

John Baldwin Buckstone (1802-1879), dramatist and actor-manager of the Haymarket Theatre, London [Charles Manby (1804-84), Secretary of the Institution of Civil Engineers]
Publication details: 
'T[heatre]. R[oyal]. Haymarket, [London] / 10 February 1854'.

See his entry, and Manby?s, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, on first leaf of bifolium, with the blank second leaf carrying traces of tape from the mount. Neatly folded for postage. Addressed to ?My dear Manby? and signed ?Jno. B Buckstone?. In addition to his work as an engineer Manby was for many years involved in the management of the Adelphi and Haymarket theatres.

[Theatre Royal, Drury Lane: James Robertson Anderson, Scottish actor and playwright, lessee and manager.] Autograph Letter Signed, thanking Peter Whelan for his sympathy, and assuring him that he will adopt his advice.

James Anderson [James Robertson Anderson] (1811-1895), Scottish actor and playwright, lessee and manager of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane [Peter Whelan]
Publication details: 
9 February 1850; on letterhead of the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. He had taken on the management of Drury Lane in 1849, and had hoped to profit from the Great Exhibition, but retired from it in 1851, having incurred substantial losses. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, on the first leaf of a bifolium, with the reverse of the second leaf bearing minor traces of mount, as well as the following annotation in a contemporary hand: ?Jas: Anderson Esqre / Lessee Drury Lane / Theatre / T Bateman Esqre. / a P. Whelan?. Anderson addresses to ?Peter Whelan Esqr.? and gives an untidy signature ?James Anderson?.

[The ?political economy? of the Royal Academy: Charles Landseer RA, historical painter, elder brother of Sir Edwin Landseer.] Autograph Letter signed, regretting that he cannot provide Charles Manby?s wife with a ticket to a private view.

Charles Landseer RA (1799-1879), historical painter, elder brother of Sir Edwin Landseer [Charles Manby (1804-84), Secretary of the Institution of Civil Engineers]
Publication details: 
?Royal Academy WC [London] / 30th April [no year]?.

See his entry, with those of his brother and of Manby, in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 16mo. On the first leaf of a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with strip of tape from mount adhering to the blank second leaf. Good signature with attractive flourish: ?Chas Landseer?. Begins: ?My dear Manby / I don?t know what Knight means by saying C. L is rich, but I do know that if I had a ticket for the private view left, I would have given it to Mrs. Manby with the greatest pleasure.? He is sure there is ?something wrong in the political economy of the R.

[Sir Henry Halford, President of the Royal College of Physicians and Physician Extraordinary to four monarchs.] Autograph Letter Signed regarding his ‘trifles’, a copy of which he is giving to the recipient.

Sir Henry Halford (1766-1844), physician extraordinary to George III, George IV, William IV and the young Victoria, and President of the Royal College of Physicians
Publication details: 
‘Curzon St [London] / May 14 1839’.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. Lightly worn, with blank second leaf carrying traces of mount. The recipient is not named, and the letter is signed ‘Henry Halford’. The subject is probably Halford’s ‘Nugae Metricae’, privately printed in the same year.

[Royal Mistress] Engraving, head and shoulders (slightly decolletage) SIGNED Mary Anne Clarke

Mary Anne CLARKE, (1776?-1852). Royal mistress.
Publication details: 
Published as the Act directs March 10th 1810 by E. Chapple No.66 Pall Mall.

Circa 14 x 22cm, faintly stained, laid down on larger card, good condition. A bold signature. Note: Mrs Clarke, as she was known, had been the mistress of Frederick, Duke of York, and had used her influence with him to obtain preferment and promotion for those in her large circle for a consideration. After her estrangement from the duke and his resignation as commander-in-chief she became involved in a number of libel actions and was for a time imprisoned.

[Theatre Royal, Dublin: John William Calcraft [stage name of John William Cole], actor-manager and dramatist.] Autograph Letter Signed to a playwright, setting out the arrangements for a production.

John William Calcraft [stage name of John William Cole (c.1793-1870)], actor, dramatist and lessee of the Theatre Royal, Dublin
Publication details: 
‘T[heatre]. R[oyal] Dublin / 23rd Apl 1844’.

2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of grey-paper bifolium, the blank second leaf carrying a thin strip of tape from the mount. In good condition, folded once. Signed ‘John W. Calcraft’. The recipient is not named. Thirty-four lines of text, in a somewhat difficult hand. After a reference to ‘Mrs. Cook’s letter’ he gives the details of a forthcoming production, including the dates, ending with the benefit. ‘Terms as understood 10£ per night & [?] halfbenefit. I do not usually play on the Friday Night at this time of the year as they are uniformly bad nights’.

[The original ‘Kitty Warren’ of Bernard Shaw’s play ‘Mrs Warren’s Profession’: Fanny Brough [Frances Whiteside Brough], English actress.] Autograph Letter Signed to Rev. J. C. [Westly?], in response to a request for an autograph.

Fanny Brough [Frances Whiteside Brough] (1852-1914), English actress associated with Charles Hawtrey, the original ‘Kitty Warren’ of Bernard Shaw’s play ‘Mrs Warren’s Profession’
Publication details: 
‘Theatre Royal / Drury Lane / London / July 20th 1892’.

1p, 12mo. On thin paper. In good condition, lightly aged, in trimmed and spotted windowpane mount. Good bold signature ‘Fanny Brough.’ Addressed to ‘Revd. J. C. [Westly?]’. She has ‘much pleasure’ in sending him ‘the autograph’, and will do her best to get him ‘a few others which may be interesting to send out to you’.

[Sir John Michael de Robeck, Admiral of Patrols in the Royal Navy.] Autograph Note Signed with aphorism.

Sir John Michael de Robeck (1862-1928), Admiral of Patrols in the Royal Navy
Publication details: 
1919. No place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. On 11 x 7 cm piece of grey paper, presumably cut from an album. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of glue from mount on reverse. Reads: ‘Try & trust will move mountains - / J. M. de Robeck / 1919’. See Image.

[John Callcott Horsley, English painter.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to Doyne Courtenay Bell, Keeper of the Privy Purse, regarding the possible inclusion of a painting from the queen’s collection in a Royal Academy exhibition.

John Callcott Horsley (1817-1903), English painter [Doyne Courtenay Bell (1830-1888), Keeper of the Privy Purse]
Publication details: 
17 and 18 December 1886; each on letterhead of the Royal Academy of Arts, London.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The two items in good condition, lightly discoloured, and each folded twice. Both addressed to ‘Doyne . C . Bell’. ONE (17 December 1886): 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. Signed ‘J. Callcott Horsley. He explains the reason for not writing sooner: ‘I waited to see how our wants were likely to be as to small pictures’. The picture that Bell describes ‘must be a very interesting one’, and Horsley would ‘much like to see it’.

[James Copland, Scottish physician and medical writer, President of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society..] Autograph Signature on part of form signed as Professor (‘pro temp.’) of Surgery at University College Hospital, London.

James Copland (1791-1870), Scottish physician and prolific medical writer, editor of the ‘London Medical Repository’, President of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society
Publication details: 
No date or place.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Slip of paper, roughly 18 x 2.5 cm, cut from form. Somewhat discoloured by the glue with which it is laid down on irregularly-cut backing card. Good firm signature ‘James Copland’, followed by the lithographed word ‘Professor.’ in gothic script, which is followed by ‘pro temp.’ in Copland’s autograph. See Image.

[Sir David Young Cameron, Scottish painter and etcher.] Autograph Letter Signed D.Y.C, to ‘Lawrence’ (Alfred Kingsley Lawrence, RA), describing his wartime activities and praising the recipient's work.

Sir David Young Cameron (1865-1945), Scottish painter and etcher [Alfred Kingsley Lawrence (1893-1975), RA]
Publication details: 
15 December 1940; on embossed letterhead of Dun Eaglais, Kippen, Stirlingshire.

See his entry, and that of Lawrence, in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight nicking and damage at edges. Folded for postage. Signed ‘D. Y. C/’. Begins: ‘My dear Lawrence. / You are often in my thoughts & many a wondering I have as to you & what your life & work is in these grim and sinister days for each & all.’ He asks if his work is printed and his ‘two studios untouched’. ‘Here I am & my sister Katherine and I have much to do & many things to help & try to keep going when so many are away.

[Sir Edward John Poynter, English painter and President of the Royal Academy.] Two Autograph Letters Signed and Two Autograph Cards Signed, to different recipients including the painter Sir E. A. Waterlow.

Sir Edward John Poynter (1836-1919), English painter and President of the Royal Academy [Sir Ernest Albert Waterlow (1850-1919), RA, English artist]
Publication details: 
ONE: 11 July 1874; Hotel de Lille et d’Albion [Paris]. TWO: 30 July 1890; letterhead of 28 Albert Gate, S.W. [London] THREE: 5 November 1905; letterhead of Alnwick Castle. FOUR:13 August 1913; letterhead of 70 Addison Road, Kensington, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. All four items are signed ‘Edward J. Poynter’. The first is somewhat discoloured, with cut corners (not affecting text), the others are in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: ALS to ‘My dear Robin’, 11 July 1874. 1p, 12mo. He has received ‘the four £10 notes’ and reports ‘the most tremendous thunderstorms’. TWO: ACS to ‘Mr. Gilkes’, 30 July 1890. He apologises for being unable to ‘attend the distributions of the School prizes’ that day. THREE: ALS to ‘Waterlow’, 5 November 1905. 1p, 12mo. ‘Your letter gives me the key to the memorial.

[Sir William Rothenstein, artist and writer on art.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs Morel’ [Mary Florence Yonge Morel], regarding his painting of her ‘noble husband’ [the campaigning journalist E. D. Morel].

Sir William Rothenstein (1872-1945), artist and writer on art, Principal of Royal College of Art [Mary Florence Yonge Morel [née Richardson], wife of Edmund Dene Morel (1873-1924), journalist]
Publication details: 
31 May 1911; on letterhead of 11 Oak Hill Park, Frognal, Hampstead.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, along with that of E. D. Morel, a campaigner like Roger Casement against abuses in the Belgian Congo. (Morel had been given a 'testimonial luncheon' two days before the writing of this letter.) 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, creased and worn. Folded for postage. Ten lines of stylishly-written text. Signed ‘W. Rothenstein’. After thanking her for writing he states: ‘Nothing could please me more than to feel that you care for something I have put into the painting of your noble husband.

[Sir Aston Webb, RA, Buckingham Palace, the Victoria and Albert Museum and Admiralty Arch.] Autograph Letter Signed Aston Webb .

Sir Aston Webb (1849-1930), President of the Royal Academy and Royal Institute of British Architects, who worked on Buckingham Palace, the Victoria and Albert Museum and Admiralty Arch
Publication details: 
8 October 1922. On letterhead of 1 Hanover Terrace, Ladbroke Square, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with small and slightly rusted staple holes to one corner. Folded once. Addressed to ‘My dear [Gern?] King / A. G. B. I’ (i.e. the Artists’ General Benevolent Institution) and signed ‘Aston Webb / Presd. A G B I -’. He is writing at the request of ‘the Council’, ‘to express to you on their behalf & my own our sincere regret at your resignation from our Council’.

[British Army during the Seven Years’ War.] Manuscript ‘Return of the Men of the Royl. Regiment of Artillery Horses & Drivers under the Command of Lieutent. Davd. Scott’, signed by Scott.

Lieutenant David Scott, Royal Artillery [British Army during the Seven Years’ War]
Publication details: 
‘at the Camp near Winchester - June 28th 1762’.

1p, foolscap 8vo. On the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium of laid watermarked paper. Docketted on reverse of second leaf. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice into a packet. Neatly written out by a secretary, and signed by Scott (‘Dad. Scott Lieut. / Artillery.’). Headed ‘Return of the Men of the Royl. Regiment of Artillery Horses & Drivers under the Command of Lieutent. Davd. Scott at the Camp near Winchester - June 28th 1762.’ Begins with numbers of ‘Mattross’s’, ‘Drivers the Conductor included’, ‘Horses’.

[G. A. Storey, RA, painter and illustrator.] Two Autograph Letters Signed. ONE: to 'My dear Wolfestan', on artists, scientists and colour theory. TWO: to 'Mrs A'Beckett' on writing a memoir of his brother-in-law.

G. A. Storey [George Adolphus Storey] (1834-1919), RA, English painter and illustrator
Publication details: 
LETTER ONE (to Wolfestan): 2 June 1884; 19 St John's Wood Road. LETTER TWO (to Mrs A'Beckett): 5 May 1898; on letterhead of Hougoumont, [39] Broadhurst Gardens, South Hampstead, N.W. [London]

LETTER ONE (to Wolfestan): 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Damage to text (including signature 'E. A. Storey') along inner edge of last page by clumsy removal from mount, repaired with archival tape. Otherwise in good condition, lightly aged. Folded. Wolfestan's letter is 'capital' and he hopes he will send it 'as it exactly backs up my own statement'.

[Sir Aston Webb, RA, who worked on Buckingham Palace, the Victoria and Albert Museum and Admiralty Arch.] Two responses to congratulations: one an Autograph Note Signed to Walter Spiers, the other an Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mr. Baldwin’.

Sir Aston Webb (1849-1930), RA, who worked on Buckingham Palace, the Victoria and Albert Museum and Admiralty Arch
Publication details: 
ONE (ANS to Spiers): 27 March 1899; 1 Hanover Terrace, Ladbroke Square. TWO (ALS to Baldwin): 20 June 1903; on Hanover Square letterhead.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Both items in good condition, lightly aged, on grey paper, with central horizontal fold. Each signed ‘Aston Webb’. ONE: ANS to ‘Dear Walter Spiers’, 27 March 1899. 1p, 16mo. Thanking him for his congratulations on his election. TWO: ALS to ‘Dear Mr Baldwin’, 20 June 1903. 1p, 12mo. After thanking him for his congratulation he continues: ‘We had a most delightful dinner with you the other evening.’

[China exploration; Sir Clement Markham, geographer and explorer, President of the Royal Geographical Society.] Autograph Letter Signed re author of an account of a journey in Chih-l (china)..

Sir Clements Markham [Sir Clements Robert Markham] (1830-1916), English geographer, explorer and writer, President of the Royal Geographical Society who organised Scott’s Antarctic expedition
Publication details: 
18 April 1905; 21 Eccleston Square S.W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded twice, with spots of discoloration around the creases and slight nick at head of leaf. On monogram (Order of the Bath?) letterhead with motto ‘Tria juncta in uno’. Addressed to ‘Dear Mr. Townshend’ and signed ‘Clements R Markham’. Acknowledging receipt ‘of a paper by your brother-in-law Mr.

Manuscript [Untitled: //A Book of the Valuations of all the Ecclesiastical Preferments in England and Wales ]

[Ecclesiastical Preferments]
Publication details: 
No date [late C17th or early C18th?]

221pp., 4to, recased, marbled boards, worn.. A relation of A Book of the Valuations of all the Ecclesiasticall Preferments in England and Wales entituled Nomina & Valores . . .(Published in 1680). Comparison and contrast discussed later. This manuscript comprises: an index (2pp, leaf detached) listing Bishops, major landowners, and Royal Patronages (usually in Counties); listings of Preferments in the Patronage of the . . .

[Sydney Smirke, RA, architect of the British Museum Reading Room.] Autograph Letter Signed to fellow Royal Academician Edward William Cooke, regarding a photograph by Vernon Heath.

Sydney Smirke (1797-1877), RA, architect of the British Museum Reading Room [E. W. Cooke [Edward William Cooke] (1811-80), RA, marine painter; Vernon Heath (c.1819-95), photographer]
Publication details: 
'The Hollies / Tunbridge Wells / Aug: 7 [no year]'.

See Smirke’s entry, and those of Cooke and Heath, in the Oxford DNB. His most celebrated design is the Reading Room of the British Museum. 2pp, 12mo. With monogram and mourning border. On first leaf of a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded for postage. Begins: ‘My dear Sir, / Vernon Heath, of Piccadilly, has made me a photograph of our new front, which is I think fairly satisfactory.’ He has told Heath to deliver a copy ‘addressed to you at the R. Academy’. As it is ‘rather large’, he did not like to send it ‘by post or Parcel’, as it ‘might get crushed on its way to you.

[China exploration; Sir Clement Markham, geographer and explorer, President of the Royal Geographical Society.] Autograph Letter Signed re author of an account of a journey in Chih-l (china)..

Sir Clements Markham [Sir Clements Robert Markham] (1830-1916), English geographer, explorer and writer, President of the Royal Geographical Society who organised Scott’s Antarctic expedition
Publication details: 
18 April 1905; 21 Eccleston Square S.W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged. Folded twice, with spots of discoloration around the creases and slight nick at head of leaf. On monogram (Order of the Bath?) letterhead with motto ‘Tria juncta in uno’. Addressed to ‘Dear Mr. Townshend’ and signed ‘Clements R Markham’. Acknowledging receipt ‘of a paper by your brother-in-law Mr.

[Dame Ninette de Valois [stage name of Dame Edris Connell, née Stannus], Anglo-Irish ballet dancer, choreographer and founder of the Royal Ballet.] Typed Letter Signed to Miss M. G. Hocken, suggesting who to forward a query to.

Dame Ninette de Valois [stage name of Dame Edris Connell, née Stannus] (1898-2001), Anglo-Irish ballet dancer, choreographer and founder of the Royal Ballet
Publication details: 
16 March 1955. On letterhead of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London WC2.

See her entry in the Oxford DNB. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. The letterhead is both printed and embossed. Addressed to ‘Miss M. G. Hocken, / Meadow Way House Studio, / St. Ives, / Cornwall.’ Signed ‘Ninette de Valois’. Reads: ‘May I suggest you write to the Director of Productions at The Royal Opera House. I do not know what our theatre does with regard to the many requests for such exhibitions - so I would be grateful if you would forward your request to this particular department.’

[Alfred Waterhouse, RA, Victorian Gothic Revival architect who designed Manchester Town Hall and the Natural History Museum, London.] Autograph Letter Signed to Thomas Haigh, regarding designs for a house in Keston.

Alfred Waterhouse (1830-1905), RA, Victorian Gothic Revival architect who designed Manchester Town Hall and the Natural History Museum, London
Publication details: 
'Manchester / 2 : Aug : 1856'.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB: ‘In 1848 he was articled to the staunchly Quaker P. B. Alley, then in partnership with Richard Lane, the leading neo-classical architect of Manchester. In 1853 his education was completed with a ten-month tour of France, Italy, and Germany, after which he set up in practice as an architect in Manchester.’ (Waterhouse’s first success would come with his winning design for the Manchester assize courts in 1859.) 1p, 12mo. On the first leaf of a grey-paper bifolium. In good condition. Folded for postage. Addressed to ‘Thomas Haigh Esq:’ and signed ‘A Waterhouse’.

[Alfred Waterhouse, RA, Victorian Gothic Revival architect who designed Manchester Town Hall and the Natural History Museum, London.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Horsley’ [John Callcott Horsley?], responding to an appeal and requesting no 'mystery'..

Alfred Waterhouse (1830-1905), RA, Victorian Gothic Revival architect who designed Manchester Town Hall and the Natural History Museum, London [John Callcott Horsley (1817-1903), painter]
Publication details: 
8 August 1878; on letterhead of 20 New Cavendish Street, Portland Place, W. [London]

See his entry, and that of his fellow Academician Horsley, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. On the first leaf of a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice for postage. Signed ‘A Waterhouse’. Reads: ‘Dear Horsley. / You are quite right. No “mystery” between us if you please. / I say “yes” to your query to the extent of 2 guineas. / I hope you will soon gain the sum you desire without any great trouble to yourself’.

Manuscript [Untitled: //A Book of the Valuations of all the Ecclesiastical Preferments in England and Wales ]

[Ecclesiastical Preferments]
Publication details: 
No date [late C17th or early C18th?]

221pp., 4to, recased, marbled boards, worn.. A relation of A Book of the Valuations of all the Ecclesiasticall Preferments in England and Wales entituled Nomina & Valores . . .(Published in 1680). Comparison and contrast discussed later. This manuscript comprises: an index (2pp, leaf detached) listing Bishops, major landowners, and Royal Patronages (usually in Counties); listings of Preferments in the Patronage of the . . .

[Battle of Cape Spartivento, 1940, between the Royal Navy forces under Admiral James Somerville, and Italian ships.] Printed item: ‘Supplement to the London Gazette’, containing a 'Narrative of the action', with fold-out maps.

[Battle of Cape Spartivento, 1940, between Royal Navy forces under Admiral James Somerville and Italian ships, during the Second World War Battle of the Mediterranean] The London Gazette
Publication details: 
4 May 1948. Printed and published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London.

A scarce item. See Somerville's entry in the Oxford DNB, for the controversy, involving Churchill. 8pp, 8vo. With two plates of maps, the first a fold-out extending to the width of three pages. Stapled. In fair condition, on lightly worn and discoloured paper. In the customary double column. Begins, despite the date of the number, 'Wednesday, 5 May 1948 / Action between British and Italian Forces off Cape Spartivento on 27th November 1940. / The following Despatch was submitted to the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty on the 18th December, 1940, by Vice-Admiral Sir James F.

[The Navy Office, London.] Manuscript document, addressed to ‘Mr: Turnpenny’ from the Navy Office, in the matter of ‘the Hire of the Pulteney Advice Boat’, regarding a request to delay payment of a bill, signed by six Commissioners of the Navy.

The Navy Office, Seething Lane, City of London [Commissioners of the Navy; Navy Board; Royal Navy; Admiralty]
Publication details: 
30 December 1748. Navy Office [Seething Lane, City of London].

The War of Jenkin’s Ear had ended a few months before, and Daniel A. Baugh, ‘British Naval Administration in the Age of Walpole’ (Princeton, 1965) describes the sorry state into which the Navy Board had fallen at this point. 1p, foolscap 8vo. On recto of the first leaf of a bifolium, the verso of the second leaf being addressed ‘To / Mr Turnpenny / Navy Office’ and docketted ‘Com[missione]rs of Navy to Mr Turnpenny’. In poor condition and urgent need of archival repair. The laid and watermarked paper is flaking away, and part of text, including a couple of the signatures, is lacking.

[Anti-Aircraft Defence, World War II.] Instructional material from the Searchlight Wing, School of A. A. Defence, Shrivendon, Swindon [Royal Artillery]; with manuscript reports; from the papers of Sgt. J. L. B. Royall.

Anti-Aircraft Defence, World War II [Searchlight Wing, School of A. A. Defence, Shrivenham, Swindon; Sgt. J. L. B. Royall; Royal Artillery, British Army]
Publication details: 
Five of the sixteen items dated between 17 March 1941 and .6 October 1943 (the rest contemporaneous). Searchlight Wing, School of Anti-Aircraft Defence, Shrivenham, Swindon. Also Longcot, Lyford, Lyndhurst and Romsey.

The topic of this material is wartime training (in part during the Blitz) of sergeants for ‘Search Light Control’ or SLC (nicknamed ‘Elsie’). A larger archive of similar material from the papers of Sgt. J. L. B. Royall on the same theme is offered separately. Sixteen items, a few of which are discoloured and creased, but the collection being in good overall condition. The first three items are in manuscript (i.e. Royall’s autograph).

[Admiral Beatty [Admiral of the Fleet David Richard Beatty, 1st Earl Beatty], First Sea Lord.] Autograph Signature from album.

Admiral Beatty [Admiral of the Fleet David Richard Beatty, 1st Earl Beatty (1871-1936)], First Sea Lord, 1919-1927, commander of the 1st Battlecruiser Squadron at the Battle of Jutland in 1916
Publication details: 
No place or date.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, in which ‘deep professional commitment and mental toughness’ are said to be qualities whose possession he demonstrated ‘heroically’. On 8 x 5 cm piece of light blue-grey paper. Good large firm signature 'Beatty'. No other writing on page. In good condition, lightly aged.

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