[ Arthur Hill Hassall, public health pioneer. ] Secretarial Letter, Signed 'Arthur. H. Hassall', to T. H. Huxley, presenting a copy of his 'The Narrative of a Busy Life', with the book and a manuscript copy of a letter from him to Lord Rayleigh.

Arthur Hill Hassall (1817-1894), physician and microscopist, pioneer in the field of public health [ Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-1895), biologist; Lord Rayleigh and the Royal Society ]
Publication details: 
Letter from Hassall to Huxley: 3 Alpenstrasse, Lucerne (on cancelled letterhead of Corso dell'Imperatrice, San Remo), 23 September 1893. Copy Letter from Hassall to Rayleigh, same details. Book: Longmans, Green, & Co., London and New York, 1893.

All three items in good condition, lightly aged, with the book in worn and spotted binding. ONE: Letter from Hassall to 'Professor Huxley', in the hand of 'an amanuensis' and signed by him. 3pp., 12mo. Tipped-in onto the half-title of Item Three below. He begins by explaining that he has 'directed Messrs. Longmans' to forward a copy of his book (which he describes as 'a brochure') to Huxley.

[Sir Edward Marsh, Winston Churchill's friend and private secretary, classical scholar, patron of Georgian poetry.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Eddie Marsh') to W. J. MacQueen-Pope, praising his biography of his friend Ivor Novello. With copy of reply.

Sir Edward Marsh [Sir Edward Howard Marsh] (1872-1953), civil servant, promoter of Georgian poetry, classical scholar, friend and secretary to Winston Churchill [W. J. MacQueen-Pope; Ivor Novello]
Publication details: 
Marsh's letter 19 November 1951; 86 Walton Street, SW3 [London]. Copy of MacQueen-Pope's reply: 21 November 1951; 359 Strand, WC2.

ONE: Marsh to MP. 19 November 1951. 2pp, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged, with light rust spotting from paper clip. Folded twice. Pencil note by MP. Marsh begins his letter: 'My dear Popie. | Very many thanks indeed for the book. It came on Saturday, & I read nothing else till I finished it this morning. Very many congratulations too, your Achievement story is itself a big achievement, & everyone who loved Ivor will be grateful to you for it. You can imagine how many memories it revived in me, & how much it added to my Knowledge.

[Christopher Fry discusses Christopher Hassall.] Two-page Typescript, with extensive Autograph Emendations by Fry, of a (BBC radio?) 'programme' by Fry about Christopher Hassall, with a separate Typescript poem (by Hassall?) 'Pilgrim's Way'.

Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright, a leading exponent of verse drama [Christopher Hassall [Christopher Vernon Hassall] (1912-1963), poet and dramatist, biographer of Rupert Brooke
Publication details: 
No place or date, but some time after Hassall's death in 1963, and probably written from Fry's house, The Toft.

3pp, 4to, each page on a separate leaf. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded once. There is no indication that either item was published, nor even that the poem is connected to the 'programme'. (If unpublished the poem may have found its way into Fry's papers from Hassall's.) The 'programme' - with no title or heading - is two pages long (with slight damage from a small staple to corners of both leaves) and complete, being divided into six numbered sections.

[Christopher Hassall's poem on Andrew Young, with annotations by Christopher Fry.] Typescript of Hassall's poem 'For Andrew Young', with a couple of minor autograph corrections by him, and biographical note on his association with the two men by Fry.

Christopher Hassall [Christopher Vernon Hassall] (1912-1963), poet and dramatist; Christopher Fry (1907-2005), playwright, leading exponent of verse drama [Andrew Young (1885-1971), Scottish poet]
Publication details: 
At end, in type: 'Christopher Hassall | November, 1939.'

1p, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged. On Croxley Script cartridge paper. Folded three times. Typed at top left: 'For Andrew Young'. From the Fry papers, with the playwright apparently stating that he found the typescript in a copy of Robert Frost's poems. Hassall's poem is apparently unpublished (but see below). It is divided into two sonnets, numbered I ('Yours is the Wildern World beyond my door') and II ('Speak for us to the earth, interpreter -').

[T.S.Eliot; Friends Canterbury Cathedral, publication arranged by Rev. H.R. Williamson.] Friends' Festival Day | Sat., 12th July, 1952. [Programme and 'The Drama of our Festival Years', with work by T. S. Eliot, Poet Laureate John Masefield et al.]

Rev. Hugh Ross Williamson; Robert Gittings; Friends of Canterbury Cathedral [John Masefield, Poet Laureate; Laurence Binyon; T. S. Eliot; Christopher Fry; Christopher Hassall; Dorothy L. Sayers]
Publication details: 
[Event for the Friends of Canterbury Cathedral, held on 12 July 1952.] Printed by J. A. Jennings Ltd., Canterbury.

Unpaginated stapled pamphlet of 24pp, small 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight damage at head of spine. On the second page: 'The arrangement of this Programme has been the work of the Rev. Hugh Ross Williamson.' Programme for the day on front cover, including a talk by 'Mr Robert Speight: “Touring in Canada with Murder in the Cathedral”'. The final event, at 7pm in the Chapter House, is a performance entitled 'The Drama of our Festival years', and the text of this piece makes up 21pp of the pamphlet.

[ Arthur Hill Hassall, physician and microscopist in the field of public health. ] Autograph Note Signed ('Arthur H. Hassall') to J. B. Payne, regarding the making of an appointment.

A. H. Hassall [ Arthur Hill Hassall ] (1817-1894), British physician, chemist and microscopist in the fields of public health and food safety
Publication details: 
On letterhead of St Catharine's House, Ventnor [ Isle of Wight ]. 28 June 1873.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Undertaking to make an appointment 'in the course of a few days'.

[ 'Low' (David Low), cartoonist. ] Caricature titled 'The Odd Volumes | Ladies Night', depicting a fashionable young lady reading a book on top of a ladder in a library, on cover of menu for 'Ye 461st Meeting of Ye Sette of Odd Volumes'.

'Low' [ Sir David Alexander Cecil Low (1891-1963) ], British cartoonist of New Zealand extraction [ Ye Sette of Odd Volumes, London literary dining club; Sir Harry Trelawney Eve ]
Publication details: 
[ Ye Sette of Odd Volumes, London.] 'holden at ye Savoy Hotel, on Tuesday ye Twenty-third day of June, 1931'. [Printed at the Pelican Press, 2 Carmelite Street, London EC4.]

Printed on one side of a piece of wove paper, folded twice to make a card of 4pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly-aged and spotted. Low's 10 x 8.5 cm illustration is on the cover, and is rather uncharacteristic in its lightness of touch. Nor is the layout of the cover in the usual 'Sette' style, rather harking forwards to the 1940s. Cover states: 'His Oddshippe Sir Harry Trelawney Eve (Chaplain) in ye Chair'.

Autograph Signature of the artist, children's book illustrator and poster designer John Hassall.

John Hassall (1868-1948), English painter, children's book illustrator and poster designer
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On one side of a 5.5 x 20 cm strip of laid paper, cut away from the bottom of a letter. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with traces of mount adhering to the reverse. Reads, in a firm attractive hand: 'Yours very sincerely | John Hassall.'

Autograph Letter Signed to Dollman.

John Hassall (1868-1948), English illustrator
Publication details: 
10 November 1906; on letterhead of 88 Kensington Park Road, W. [London]

8vo, 1 p. Nine lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged and lightly-spotted paper, lightly-creased and with small closed tears at edges of central crease. From the context of other items in the same collection, this letter relates to an 'Artists general Benevolent Banquet' (for which Dollman was acting as steward). Hassall writes that the previous year he 'got into trouble through giving subscriptions to stewards of other society's than the R[oyal]. I[nstitution].', so that 'if there's to be an R. I. table this year I must support it for all I'm worth'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr Disspain'.

Joan Hassall (1906-1988), English wood-engraver
Publication details: 
Undated. On letterhead of 88 Kensington Park Road, London W.11.

12mo: 1 p. Eight lines of text. Good, though creased. Letterhead printed with the words 'Joan Hassall' and a 5 cm short rule decorated with a tiny dove. She apologises for the delay in sending 'this signature': 'I lost your nice little piece of paper, and then I broke my pen.' Disspain's 'letters of appreciation' give Hassall 'very real pleasure' and she is 'most grateful' for his 'good opinion'.

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