[Sir David Young Cameron, Scottish painter and etcher.] Autograph Letter Signed D.Y.C, to ‘Lawrence’ (Alfred Kingsley Lawrence, RA), describing his wartime activities and praising the recipient's work.

Sir David Young Cameron (1865-1945), Scottish painter and etcher [Alfred Kingsley Lawrence (1893-1975), RA]
Publication details: 
15 December 1940; on embossed letterhead of Dun Eaglais, Kippen, Stirlingshire.

See his entry, and that of Lawrence, in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight nicking and damage at edges. Folded for postage. Signed ‘D. Y. C/’. Begins: ‘My dear Lawrence. / You are often in my thoughts & many a wondering I have as to you & what your life & work is in these grim and sinister days for each & all.’ He asks if his work is printed and his ‘two studios untouched’. ‘Here I am & my sister Katherine and I have much to do & many things to help & try to keep going when so many are away.

[Walter Severn, English watercolour painter, son of Joseph Severn who nursed the dying Keats.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs. FitzSimon’, regarding the sending of an autograph and an engraving of a painting by his father of Keats.

Walter Severn (1830-1904), English watercolour painter, son of Joseph Severn, brother of Arthur Severn and Mary Newton.
Publication details: 
16 January 1897. On letterhead of 9 Earls Court Square, South Kensington [London].

A successful member of an English artistic family. See the Oxford DNB entries on his father Joseph Severn (who nursed John Keats in Rome in his final illness) and sister Mary Newton. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with thin strip of glue from mount to inner margin, and details typed at head. Folded once. Reads: ‘Dear Mrs FitzSimon / I have much pleasure in sending an autograph of my dear friend Sir F. Leighton. I send also the portrait of Keats. It is photogravure by Hollyer from one of my father’s pictures / Yours sincerely / Walter Severn’.

[Thomas Gambier Parry, artist, art collector and benefactor of the Courtauld Institute of Art.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘A. [?]. King’, regarding ‘the Pamphlet on Spirit Fresco’ and ‘Complete printing’.

Thomas Gambier Parry (1816-1888), artist and art collector whose Italian works went to the Courtauld Institute of Art, father of the composer Hubert Parry
Publication details: 
14 May [no year]. On letterhead of Highnam Court, Gloucester.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. Addressed to ‘A. [?]. King Esqr.’ and signed ‘Gambier Parry’. After thanking him for his note he assures him that he ‘had no thought one way or other about the immediate pub[licatio]n: or delay of the Pamphlet or Spirit Fresco.’ He thinks ‘it might be well to give one last look at it before it is actually published -’ (last two words both underlined twice).

[Sir Edward John Poynter, English painter and President of the Royal Academy.] Two Autograph Letters Signed and Two Autograph Cards Signed, to different recipients including the painter Sir E. A. Waterlow.

Sir Edward John Poynter (1836-1919), English painter and President of the Royal Academy [Sir Ernest Albert Waterlow (1850-1919), RA, English artist]
Publication details: 
ONE: 11 July 1874; Hotel de Lille et d’Albion [Paris]. TWO: 30 July 1890; letterhead of 28 Albert Gate, S.W. [London] THREE: 5 November 1905; letterhead of Alnwick Castle. FOUR:13 August 1913; letterhead of 70 Addison Road, Kensington, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. All four items are signed ‘Edward J. Poynter’. The first is somewhat discoloured, with cut corners (not affecting text), the others are in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: ALS to ‘My dear Robin’, 11 July 1874. 1p, 12mo. He has received ‘the four £10 notes’ and reports ‘the most tremendous thunderstorms’. TWO: ACS to ‘Mr. Gilkes’, 30 July 1890. He apologises for being unable to ‘attend the distributions of the School prizes’ that day. THREE: ALS to ‘Waterlow’, 5 November 1905. 1p, 12mo. ‘Your letter gives me the key to the memorial.

[Sir William Rothenstein, artist and writer on art.] Autograph Letter Signed to ‘Mrs Morel’ [Mary Florence Yonge Morel], regarding his painting of her ‘noble husband’ [the campaigning journalist E. D. Morel].

Sir William Rothenstein (1872-1945), artist and writer on art, Principal of Royal College of Art [Mary Florence Yonge Morel [née Richardson], wife of Edmund Dene Morel (1873-1924), journalist]
Publication details: 
31 May 1911; on letterhead of 11 Oak Hill Park, Frognal, Hampstead.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB, along with that of E. D. Morel, a campaigner like Roger Casement against abuses in the Belgian Congo. (Morel had been given a 'testimonial luncheon' two days before the writing of this letter.) 1p, 4to. In good condition, lightly aged, creased and worn. Folded for postage. Ten lines of stylishly-written text. Signed ‘W. Rothenstein’. After thanking her for writing he states: ‘Nothing could please me more than to feel that you care for something I have put into the painting of your noble husband.

[‘The most distinguished marine artist of his day’: W. L. Wyllie [William Lionel Wyllie].] Autograph Letter Signed to S. W. Luard, declining a dinner invitation from the Salters’ Company, as he is starting for Norway at the end of the month.

W. L. Wyllie [William Lionel Wyllie] (1851-1931), ‘the most distinguished marine artist of his day’ [S. W. Luard; the Salters' Company, City of London]
Publication details: 
1 June 1910; on embossed letterhead of Tower House, Tower Street, Portsmouth.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 16mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Signed ‘W. L. Wyllie.’ He is sorry that he will be unable to avail himself of ‘the kind invitation to dinner sent me by the Master of the Salters Company’. He is starting for Norway on the last day of the month, and will not return until the end of July.

[Sir David Wilkie, Scottish genre painter.] Four Autograph Letters, two of them signed and two in the third person, to different individuals.

Sir David Wilkie (1785-1841), Scottish painter noted for genre pieces such as 'The Chelsea Pensioners' [George Doo (1800-1886), engraver]
Publication details: 
1832, 1837, 1838, 1839. All written from Kensington.

See his entry, and that of George Doo, engraver, in the Oxford DNB. The four items are in good condition, lightly aged and worn The items of 1832 and 1838 are in the third person; those of 1837 and 1839 are signed, 'D. Wilkie' and 'David Wilkie' respectively. The 1832 letter, accepting a dinner invitation from 'Dr and Mrs Baillie', is 1p, 16mo; the other three items are each 1p, 12mo. In 1838 he writes to 'Capt Seymour' to ask for 'the present address of Sir William Knighton'.

[Sir David Wilkie, Scottish genre painter.] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'the Director Waagen' [Gustav Friedrich Waagen], arranging a visit to 'the house of the Duke of Wellington.

Sir David Wilkie (1785-1841), Scottish painter noted for genre pieces such as 'The Chelsea Pensioners' [Gustav Friedrich Waagen (1797-1868), Director of the Berlin Gemäldegalerie; Duke of Wellington]
Publication details: 
'7 Terrace Kensington / July 19th 1835'.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Wilkie was in a good position to assist Waagen, who was touring England making notes on significant art collections, for use in his ‘Kunstwerke und Künstler in England und Paris’ (3 vols, Berlin, 1837–39), which formed the basis for his influential ‘The Treasures of Art in Great Britain’ (translated by Lady Eastlake, 4 vols, London, 1854 and 1857). Wilkie had strong connections with Wellington. His 1822 painting ‘The Chelsea Pensioners reading the Waterloo Dispatch’ had been commissioned by the Duke, and was sold to him for the unheard-of sum of 1,200 guineas.

[Peter Blake, English pop artist who did the cover of the Beatles' 'Sergeant Pepper' album.] Autograph Name and Address, with pre-1990 phone number, on leaf torn from an address book or diary.

Peter Blake (b. 1932), much-loved English pop artist, responsible for the cover of the Beatles' album 'Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'
Publication details: 
Without date or place. The telephone number dates from before the introduction in 1990 of the 071 and 081 prefixes.

See his entry in the Oxford Dictionary of Art. 1p, 16mo. On a leaf, with curved corners, extracted neatly from an address book or diary. In good condition. A n oddly attractive item. Apart from the word 'MEMO' printed at the head of the page above a thick-thin rule, the only writing on the leaf is the name 'PETER BLAKE', with his address and phone number (both withheld), written in black ink a neat and childlike hand. See Image (onitting address and phone number).

[Linley Sambourne (1844-1910)], ‘First Cartoonist’ with Punch, artist and illustrator.] Three Autograph Letters Signed, one to 'Griffiths' and the others to different recipients.

Linley Sambourne [Edward Linley Sambourne] (1844-1910), ‘First Cartoonist’ with Punch magazine, artist and illustrator [Harry Furniss (1854-1925), illustrator]
Publication details: 
ONE: 10 April 1889; on letterhead of Whitefriars, London. TWO (to 'Griffiths'): 14 October 1889; on embossed letterhead of 18 Stafford Terrace, Kensington W. [London] THREE: 19 May 1890; 18 tafford Road, Kensington W [London]. THREE:

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. All three items signed 'Linley Sambourne'. All three in good condition, lightly aged and worn, and all folded for postage. ONE: 10 April 1889. 2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Begins 'Dear Sir / Mr Furniss [Harry Furniss, Punch illustrator] has kindly written enclosed & I am sending a boy to you at / 5, Clarendon Place / Hyde Park'.

[Frederick Sandys [Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys], English painter, associated with the Pre-Raphaelites and the Norwich School.] Autograph Signature to printed voucher for Old Welcome Club, Earl’s Court.

Frederick Sandys [Anthony Frederick Augustus Sandys] (1829-1904), English painter, associated with the Pre-Raphaelites and the Norwich School [Old Welcome Club, Earl’s Court; Imre Kiralfy]
Publication details: 
Voucher with printed date 27 August 1897. Old Welcome Club, Earl's Court [London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The ‘Old Empire Club’, presided over by Field-Marshal Lord Roberts of Kandahar, was part of Imre Kiralfy’s ‘Empire of India’ exhibition. The voucher, printed in red, is an attractive item, 13 x 7.5 cm, with perforated edge. In good condition, laid down on leaf carrying typed biographical details. Signed ‘Fredk. Sandys.’ with stamped number 732. Reads: ‘Name and Address of the Holder must be filled in / OLD WELCOME CLUB, / EARL’S COURT. / FRIDAY, 27th AUGUST, 1897. / Gentlemen’s Voucher, No. [732] / Admit ... / of ... / Signed [Fredk.

[G. A. Storey, RA, painter and illustrator.] Two Autograph Letters Signed. ONE: to 'My dear Wolfestan', on artists, scientists and colour theory. TWO: to 'Mrs A'Beckett' on writing a memoir of his brother-in-law.

G. A. Storey [George Adolphus Storey] (1834-1919), RA, English painter and illustrator
Publication details: 
LETTER ONE (to Wolfestan): 2 June 1884; 19 St John's Wood Road. LETTER TWO (to Mrs A'Beckett): 5 May 1898; on letterhead of Hougoumont, [39] Broadhurst Gardens, South Hampstead, N.W. [London]

LETTER ONE (to Wolfestan): 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Damage to text (including signature 'E. A. Storey') along inner edge of last page by clumsy removal from mount, repaired with archival tape. Otherwise in good condition, lightly aged. Folded. Wolfestan's letter is 'capital' and he hopes he will send it 'as it exactly backs up my own statement'.

[Alphonse Legros, French painter and etcher, who settled in England in 1863.] Autograph Note Signed to an unnamed woman, accepting a dinner invitation.

Alphonse Legros (1837-1911), French painter and etcher, who settled in England in 1863
Publication details: 
21 June 1900 ('21 jui 00'). On embossed letterhead of 57 Brook Green, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 12mo. On first leaf of a bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with the blank second leaf damaged on removal from mount. Addressed to an unnamed woman (‘Chère Madame’) and boldly signed ‘A. Legros’. He accepts her dinner invitation with ‘le plus grand plasir’.

[Arthur Severn, English watercolour painter.] Autograph Letter Signed to John Fulleylove, discussing a dinner invitation.

Arthur Severn (1842-1931), English watercolour painter, son of Joseph Severn and brother of Walter Severn and Mary Newton [John Fulleylove (1845-1908), painter]
Publication details: 
15 June [no year]. On letterhead of [28] Herne Hill, S.E. [London]

A successful member of an English artistic family. See the Oxford DNB entries on his father Joseph Severn, brother Walter Severn and sister Mary Newton. 3pp, 12mo. Bifolium on grey wove paper. In good condition, lightly aged, with traces of paper from mount adhering to the blank verso of the second leaf, and details typed at head. Folded once.

[ Alfred D'Orsay, Count D'Orsay, French dandy. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('A. d'Orsay') to his attorney 'Du Pasquier' [J. M. Du Pasquier], touching on his financial embarrassment and his bust of the Duke of Wellington.

Count D'Orsay [ Alfred, Comte d'Orsay (1801-1852), French dandy and artist, notorious for his liaison with the Countess of Blessington ] [ John McMahon Du Pasquier (d.1873), London attorney ]
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 23 October 1851.

4pp., 8vo. Bifolium. In very good condition, lightly-aged. Neatly placed with a windowpane mount onto a leaf of cream paper. Writing within a year of his demise, D'Orsay begins by defending himself to his attorney: 'My Dear Du Pasquier | You received my letter yesterday about Mousley. I could not act otherwise, and even I have no right to complain when a man is losing more than 5000 by me, to find fault that he did not send me £1300. I am astonished that you are so severe. I am sorry that you will not give your assistance in this affair. Do as you like.

[Dumas fils: Alexandre Dumas the younger, French novelist and playwright.] Autograph Letter Signed [to a prospective agent?] with regard to the sale of paintings in his Paris house.

Dumas fils: Alexandre Dumas the younger (1824-1895), French novelist and playwright, author of ‘La Dame aux Camélias’, on which Giuseppe Verdi based his opera ‘La traviata’
Publication details: 
[1883.] On letterhead of Salneuve par Montcresson (Loiret).

An interesting item occupying the zone in which French connoisseurship and literature overlap. In 1880 - three years before the present item - Maurice Mauris (Marchese di Calenzano) described a visit to Dumas fils’s Paris house in Rue de Villers. ‘The walls above the library are enriched with a priceless collection of paintings, modern and antique. Diaz, Fortuny, Marchal, Vernet, Delacroix are there seen at their best. Dumas generally presents himself with a new painting after he has presented a new book to the public.

[Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon.] 37 items, including 21 ALsS from librarian W. S. Brassington to one of the Theatre’s governors, Dr E. M. Boddy, regarding his gift of portraits to Shakespeare Memorial, and resulting disagreement.

Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon [William Salt Brassington (1859-1939), archaeologist; Evan Marlett Boddy (c.1847-1934), FRCS; Stewart Dick; Edgar Flower; Archibald Flower]
Publication details: 
20 of Brassington’s 21 letters from between 1899 and 1902, and on letterheads of Shakespeare Memorial, Stratford-upon-Avon; the other is from 1910. Among the other items are ones dated from between 1899 and 1928.

The Shakespeare Memorial Theatre was founded through the efforts of local brewer Charles Edward Flower (1830-1892), after whose death its management was taken over by his brother Edgar Flower (1833-1903), also Chairman of the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust. On Edgar’s death these duties fell to his son Archibald Flower (1865-1950), several times mayor of Stratford-upon-Avon. The present correspondence concerns a gift to Shakespeare Memorial Association by the appropriately-named anatomist Evan Marlett Boddy.

[Percy Bysshe Shelley: supposed portrait by George Romney.] Five Autograph Letters Signed from William Salt Brassington, Librarian of the Shakespeare Memorial, to the donor of the picture Evan Marlett Boddy.

[Percy Bysshe Shelley; George Romney] William Salt Brassington, archaeologist and librarian of the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon; Evan Marlett Boddy; Richard Garnett
Publication details: 
Three of the five from 1900 (28 and 31 August, and 4 September); and two from 1901 (5 and 13 December). All on letterheads of the Shakespeare Memorial, Stratford-upon-Avon.

These five items are part of a collection of correspondence (the rest is offered separately) relating to a supposed portrait of a young Percy Bysshe Shelley by George Romney, which was in a group of paintings donated to the Shakespeare Memorial Association by the appropriately-named anatomist Evan Marlett Boddy. (The Shelley portrait is reproduced in ‘The Magazine of Art’, 1901, with the caption ‘Reputed portrait of Shelley as a boy, by Romney. In the Shakespeare memorial, Stratford-on-Avon.’, in an article on ‘Portraits of Shelley at the National Portrait Gallery’, p.

[Lady Eastlake [Elizabeth, Lady Eastlake], author, wife of Sir Charles Lock Eastlake, President of the Royal Academy.] Autograph Letter Signed to the widow of the travel writer Richard Ford, offering a gift of 'early strawberries & grapes'.

Lady Eastlake [Elizabeth, Lady Eastlake, née Rigby] (1809-1893), author, wife of painter Sir Charles Lock Eastlake, President of Royal Academy and first Director of the National Gallery [Richard Ford]
Publication details: 
'7 Fitzroy Sqr [London] / May 4. 1864.'

A jaunty missive. Lady Eastlake and her husband have separate entries in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 16mo. Eighteen lines. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded twice. Addressed to 'Dear Mrs Ford' and signed 'Eliz Eastlake'. A 'kind friend in the country' is insisting on sending her 'early strawberries & grapes' and she asks Mrs Ford not to 'commit the extravagance of orderg any yourself, but trust to me to have the offering transferred to 123 Park Street'. She will be sending for the fruit at Euston Station around 2 o'clock on the Saturday, '& they shall be shortly after that with you'.

[Sir Thomas Fairbairn, Manchester industrialist and patron of the Pre-Raphaelites.] Autograph Note Signed, inviting ?Yonge? to bring his rod and 'try the river'.

Sir Thomas Fairbairn (1823-1891), industrialist with engineers William Fairbairn & Sons, and patron of the Pre-Raphaelites, leading figure in the foundation of the Manchester City Art Gallery
Publication details: 
?Saturday? [no date or place].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once for postage. Reads: ?Dear Yonge / Will you bring your rod & try the river this morning / Yours always / Thomas Fairbairn / Saturday?.

[Sir Herbert Maxwell, 7th Baronet, Scottish writer, salmon fisher and Conservative MP.] Autograph Letter Signed to Grant Reid, sending a copy of one of his books, and explaining that his days of drawing are over.

Sir Herbert Maxwell [Sir Herbert Eustace Maxwell, 7th Baronet] (1845-1937), Scottish writer, artist, antiquarian, horticulturalist, salmon angler and Conservative MP
Publication details: 
4 December 1895; on his crested letterhead from The Airlour, Whauphill, Wigtownshire, N[orth]. B[ritain]. (i.e. Scotland).

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. The recipient would appear to have been an impudent autograph collector. Addressed to ‘Grant Reid / Esq’ and signed ‘Herbert Maxwell’. Begins: ‘Dear Sir / I have directed a copy of Post Meridiana to be sent to you according to your desire.’ He cannot however comply with Reid’s other request. ‘I have no time to give to drawing now, and my family have possessed themselves of all my old drawings.’

[Frank Greenwood, painter, etcher and illustrator.] Autograph Receipt for ‘Pen & Ink Sketch / Stokesay’, made out to J. D. Hughes of Sherratt & Hughes, with ink caricature self-portrait.

Frank Greenwood (1883-1954), painter, etcher and illustrator [Joseph David Hughes (d. 1951) of the Manchester booksellers Sherratt & Hughes]
Frank Greenwood
Publication details: 
No date. On letterhead of Sherratt & Hughes, Booksellers and Publishers, 34 Cross Street, Manchester.
Frank Greenwood

1p, 12mo. In fair condition, on discoloured and lightly-creased paper. Beneath letterhead: ‘to J D Hughes Esq’. Around middle of page: ‘Pen & Ink Sketch / Stokesay 15/-’. On lower part of page: ‘Recd with thanks / Frank Greenwood’. Beneath the signature is a simple stylized cartoon depicting the head and shoulders of a smiling walrus-faced figure (Greenwood?) in a trilby, with stiff-colour shirt and black bow tie.

[Sophie-Ernestine de Tott, French émigrée artist.] Signed Autograph order for David Morier to pay Gregorio Francisco de Queiroz for Francisco Bartolozzi’s engraving of her painting of the Prince de Condé. With de Queiroz’s signed receipt.

Sophie-Ernestine de Tott (1758-1848), French émigrée artist; Gregorio Francisco de Queiroz (1768-1845), Portuguese engraver, pupil to Francesco Bartolozzi (1727-1815) [David Morier, banker]
Gregorio Francisco de Queiroz
Publication details: 
Signed order by de Tott: ‘No. 13. Princes Street hanover Square / a Londres - ce 16. Juin 1802 -’. Receipt signed by de Queiroz: 16 June 1802; no place.
Gregorio Francisco de Queiroz

A nice set of documents relating to the London émigré art scene. A copy of the engraved portrait to which these two items refer, titled ‘Louis Joseph de Bourbon, prince de Condé, prince du sang’, is BM P&D 1850,0211.17, and carries the information de Tott pinx., F. Bartolozzi RA sculp., and her details, as publisher: London Publish'd by de Tott Octo. 1 1802. De Tott’s original painting is in the Musée Condé in Paris. See Bartolozzi’s entry in the Oxford DNB and the second (1885) edition of Tuer’s monograph on him. The two items are attached with a wafer at top inner corner.

[Samuel Carter Hall, editor of the Art Journal.] Autograph Letter Signed, setting out terms with regard to work on newspaper advertising.

Samuel Carter Hall [S. C. Hall] (1800-1889), Anglo-Irish journalist and author, editor of the Art Journal
Publication details: 
1 July 1878 on letterhead of Avenue Villa, 50 Holland Street, Kensington. W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 4to. Fourteen lines. The recipient is not named. Written in a large loose hand, rendering the following reading tentative. In fair condition, lighty aged and worn, with minor traces of grey paper mount on reverse. Reads: ‘Dear Sir.

[F. W. Fairholt [Frederick William Fairholt], artist and wood-engraver.] Autograph Letter Signed to fellow-antiquary Edwin Keet, postponing a meeting, on reverse of Autograph Letter Signed from Keet to ‘Dr. Bell F.R.S. F.S.A.’, postponing the meeting

F. W. Fairholt [Frederick William Fairholt] (c.1813-1866), artist, wood-engraver and antiquary [Edwin Keet]
Publication details: 
Neither item dated or with place (Fairholt’s is headed ‘Wednesday’). On paper with 1850s watermark.

See Fairholt’s entry in the Oxford DNB. The letters on either side of a 12mo leaf. In good condition, neatly placed in windowpane mount. On one side is the response: ‘Wednesday / Dear Mr Keet / I find I must not go out at night for a week to come. I ventured last night & am worse to day in consequence / You must excuse me with many thanks for your intentions / Yours very try / F. W. Fairholt’. On the reverse is a hurried and smudged ALS signed ‘Edwin Keet’ and addressed to ‘Dr. Bell F R. S. / F. S.

[F. W. Fairholt [Frederick William Fairholt], artist and wood-engraver.] Autograph Receipt Signed for payment from 'Mr Clements' for 'a drawing in wood of a Candelabra'. With IOU to Fairfholt signed by 'C. Rimbault'.

F. W. Fairholt [Frederick William Fairholt] (c.1813-1866), artist, wood-engraver and antiquary
Publication details: 
Fairholt's receipt with neither date nor place. Rimbault's IOU dated 20 October 1883.

See Fairholt’s entry in the Oxford DNB. ONE: Receipt by Fairholt. 1p, landscape 12mo. In good condition, in windowpane mount. Good firm signature. Reads: 'Received of Mr Clements the sum of fifteen shillings for a drawing in wood of a Candelabra. / F. W. Fairholt / £- 15s . 0d'. TWO: IOU by Rimbault. 1p, 16mo. In good condition, in windowpane mount. Reads: 'I. O. U. / Thirty pounds / Oct 20 . 1883 / C. Rimbault / to F. W. Fairholt'. Rimbault's identity (a relation of the musicologist Edward Francis Rimbault?) has not been established. See Image.

[Heinz Berggruen, German and American art dealer, with a renowned private collection of twentieth century masters.] Typed Letter Signed to London printseller Robert Erskine, regarding prints he has ‘set aside’ for him.

Heinz Berggruen (1914-2007), German and American art dealer, with a renowned private collection of twentieth-century masters [Robert Erskine, London printseller]
Publication details: 
10 May 1954; Paris. On letterhead of Berggruen & Cie, ‘gravures originales modernes’.

Berggruen was awarded the French Legion of Honour and the German Order of Merit. Among those attending his funeral were German Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Horst Köhler. One of his sons is the US billionaire investor and philanthropist Nicholas Berggruen. In the year this letter was sent Erskine opened his influential St Georges Gallery Prints off Cork Street. 1p, 12mo. In fair condition, but with slight damage and creasing at the centre of the right-hand margin. Highly stylized signature, ‘Heinz Berggruen’. Folded once for postage. Reads: ‘Dear Mr.

[Patric Dickinson, poet, and John Stanton Ward, artist.] Limited edition, signed by artist and poet: copy of 'Two Into One', 'Poems by Patric Dickinson / Drawings by John Ward'. With photographic print of study of Dickinson by Ward.

Patric Dickinson [Patric Thomas Dickinson] (1914-1994), poet, translator, BBC radio broadcaster; John Stanton Ward (1917-2007), artist
Publication details: 
'Printed and Published by Geerings of Ashford Limited. A limited edition of 750 copies. No 31'.

John Stanton Ward was a noted portrait painter, who resigned his membership of the Royal Academy in protest at the ‘Sensation’ show of 1997. See his obituaries in the Telegraph, Times, Guardian and Indpendent. Patric Dickinson has not received his due. A self-styled ‘poet and impresario of poetry’, Dickinson occupied a central position in the cultural landscape of post-war Britain.

[Alfred Parsons, landscape painter and garden designer.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Miss Lewis'

Alfred Parsons [Alfred William Parsons] (1847-1920), landscape painter, illustrator, and garden designer
Publication details: 
24 January [no year]. On letterhead of 54 Bedford Gardens, Kensington, W. [London]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once.Addressed to 'Dear Miss Lewis' and with good firm signature 'Alfred Parsons'. He will be very pleased to dine with her the following Friday, '& dance one set of Lancers after; I feel much complimented at being asked with the young people'.

[Frederick Spencer Gore] Anonymous pencil drawing of him painting at an easel.

Frederick Spencer Gore [(26 May 1878 – 27 March 1914) was a British painter of landscapes, music-hall scenes and interiors, usually with single figures.]
Frederick Spencer Gore
Publication details: 
Without date or place.
Frederick Spencer Gore

English Camden Town Group Painter (1878-1914). Dimensions seven inches by ten inches. Grubby, but in good condition. From the Mark Bonham Carter collection. Captioned 'Spencer Gore | Freddy', with an arrow pointing to impressionistic representation of figure, nine inches high, of the artist in a suit, with high-collared shirt, holding a palette in his left hand and with his right hand outstretched and painting onto a canvas. Around the figure dabs of watercolour and a representation of a foot. Crude drawing of seascape on reverse. Together with scrap of paper reading 'MR.

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