[Sophie-Ernestine de Tott, French émigrée artist.] Signed Autograph order for David Morier to pay Gregorio Francisco de Queiroz for Francisco Bartolozzi’s engraving of her painting of the Prince de Condé. With de Queiroz’s signed receipt.

Sophie-Ernestine de Tott (1758-1848), French émigrée artist; Gregorio Francisco de Queiroz (1768-1845), Portuguese engraver, pupil to Francesco Bartolozzi (1727-1815) [David Morier, banker]
Gregorio Francisco de Queiroz
Publication details: 
Signed order by de Tott: ‘No. 13. Princes Street hanover Square / a Londres - ce 16. Juin 1802 -’. Receipt signed by de Queiroz: 16 June 1802; no place.
Gregorio Francisco de Queiroz

A nice set of documents relating to the London émigré art scene. A copy of the engraved portrait to which these two items refer, titled ‘Louis Joseph de Bourbon, prince de Condé, prince du sang’, is BM P&D 1850,0211.17, and carries the information M.de de Tott pinx., F. Bartolozzi RA sculp., and her details, as publisher: London Publish'd by M.de de Tott Octo. 1 1802. De Tott’s original painting is in the Musée Condé in Paris. See Bartolozzi’s entry in the Oxford DNB and the second (1885) edition of Tuer’s monograph on him. The two items are attached with a wafer at top inner corner.

[Anatomical plates by Carlo Cesio, published by Luis Fabri.] ‘Cognizione de Muscoli del Corpo Umano / Per uso di disegno / Opera / di Carlo Cesio’.

Carlo Cesio [Carlo Cesi] (1622-1682), Baroque painter and engraver of the Roman school; Luigi Fabri [Aloisio Fabri; Luis Fabri] (1777-1835), Roman engraver and publisher
Publication details: 
[Early nineteenth century.] ‘In Roma presso Luigi Fabri, Via del Bufalo No. 141.’

First published in Rome in 1679 as ‘Cognitione [sic] de muscoli del corpo humano per il disegno’. The present edition is scarce. JISC LHD suggests that there is no copy in the United Kingdom (not even at the Wellcome), and WorldCat lists only four: at Harvard, Boston Athenaeum, Michigan and Padua University. 18pp, folio, on the rectos of eighteen leaves, of which the first is a new title-page and the second carries the text ‘A chi studio il disegno’ by ‘Carlo Cesio’. Dimensions of plate 21 x 34 cm; dimensions of leaf 33 x 44 cm.

[Henry Le Jeune, Victorian artist, Curator of the Royal Academy Painting School.] Autograph Letter Signed (‘H. Le Jeune’) to his client ‘L. Colles Esqr.’, seeking to make arrangements for a viewing of ‘The Bather’.

Henry Le Jeune (1819-1904), ARA, Victorian artist noted for his historical and genre paintings, Curator of the Royal Academy Painting School
Publication details: 
6 September 1861; 27 Oakley Villas [Adelaide Road, London].

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 2pp, 16mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged, with minor traces of mount to blank reverse of second leaf. Folded twice. Le Jeune’s handwriting is strangely childlike. The recipient is not named. He begins: ‘Dear Sir / Your little picture of “The Bather” has been finished some time, & I should be glad to shew it you at your earliest convenience.’ He briefly suggests arrangements for a showing.

[Angna Enters, American dancer, painter, author.] Sketch of dance costume in pencil and watercolour, captioned 'Fleur du Mal (Proust Sequence)', signed 'Angna Enters '56'. In envelope addressed by her to theatre historian W. J. MacQueen-Pope.

Angna Enters [Anita Enters] (1907-1989), American painter, writer, dancer and mime, partner of Michio Ito, wife of Louis Kalonyme [Louis Kantor] [W. J. MacQueen-Pope, theatre historian]
Publication details: 
Signed and dated to 1957. Envelope with London postmark dated 18 January 1957 and her embossed address: 35 West 57th Street, New York.

Enters exhibited her artistic work - including many sketches of her own costume designs - widely in the United States and Europe, and her work is held by several museums, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. The present item is an attractive impressionistic sketch, in grey and black pencil, with watercolour wash in pink, light red and grey, showing a dancer with arms outstretched and heavy costume with full sleeves and train. Captioned by Enters at bottom left: 'Fleur du Mal (Proust Sequence)'. Signed at bottom left: 'Angna Enters '56'. On 23 x 15.5 cm laid paper.

[ William Leighton Leitch, Drawing Master to Queen Victoria. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. L. Leitch') to the pianist and composer Clara Angela Macirone

William Leighton Leitch (1804-1883), Scottish watercolour painter, Drawing Master to Queen Victoria [ Clara Angela Macirone (1821-1895), pianist and composer ]
Publication details: 
124 Alexandra Rd, St John's Wood [ London ]. 28 November1872.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged. A spirited and characteristic letter. He begins by explaining that he has been 'exceedingly tormented with neuralgia for the last week' and is 'still very ill at ease'. He has not been 'out of doors for some time - & tis quite impossible just now'. He regrets 'missing Dear Old Mozart - & seeing you all', but hopes to 'make up for the loss by being most dreadfully pleasant'.

[ George Allen, London publisher and associate of John Ruskin. ] Sale catalogue of 'Books and Pictures from the Estate of the Late Mr. George Allen', containing a large number of books and pictures by Ruskin.

[ George Allen (1832-1907), London publisher, craftsman and engraver associated with John Ruskin [ Allen and Unwin ]
Publication details: 
'For Sale | May be seen at 156, Charing Cross Road | London | December 1908'.

12 pp., 8vo. Modern marbled bds. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. This interesting item is of significance to Ruskin scholars, containing a whole page describing 24 drawings and engravings by him, as well as a number of interesting books from the library of a close associate. The item was previously bound by Rossetti in a volume with two, unrelated, others. It then passed into the collection of the art historian Rose Sketchley, whose sister C. J. Sketchley presented it to Fulham Public Libraries in 1949. It is scarce: no copy has been traced on either OCLC WorldCat or COPAC.

[ Winchester Cathedral, the Philpot Window. ] Detailed coloured drawing by Alice Philpot of the stained glass window she donated to the Cathedral in memory of her husband, son and family. With newspaper cutting of long article describing the window.

Alice Philpot [ The Philpot Window, Winchester Cathedral ]
Publication details: 
[ Winchester Cathedral. ] Dated by Philpot 29 July 1917.

John Vaughan, in his 'Winchester Cathedral, its Monuments and Memorials' (1919), describes the Philpot Window on p.303, stating that it was executed by Messrs. Powell of Whitefriars, and was 'the gift of Mrs. Alice Philpot, whose husband and son are also commemorated'. On the strength of the present illustration, Alice Philpot is quite capable of having designed the window in addition to donating it. It is on one side of a piece of laid grey tracing paper, roughly 57 x 36 cm.

[ Printed item. ] Twelve Extra Illustrations to the Pickwick Papers by Charles E. Brock.

Charles E. Brock [ Charles Edmund Brock (1870-1938) ] [ Charles Dickens; Pickwick Papers ]
Publication details: 
Published by Arthur W. Waters 64 Bath St. Leamington Spa & Holland Bros. 21 John Bright St. Birmingham. 1921.

Twelve captioned black and white prints, each on a loose 22 x 28 cm. leaf of cream wove paper. All in good condition, lightly aged. In worn paper bifoliate wallet, the leaves of which have become detached from one another, with title printed on front, and two-pages of illustrative quotations from Dickens's book on verso of first leaf and recto of second. Twelve characteristic illustrations by Brock, in his attractive and characteristic style. No copy at the British Library. COPAC lists five copies.

Album of 95 original detailed illustrations (drawings) of antique wrought iron door knockers (70 from Switzerland and 25 from Italy and France) by the English artist Arthur Elliot, titled by him 'A Book of Knockers'. With short essay by Elliot.

Arthur Elliot, English illustrator [Swiss door knockers; doorknobs; Switzerland; architectural hardware]
Publication details: 
The majority of the illustrations dated, and all those to 1907. Mainly taken at Berne and other Swiss cities.

Elliot's illustrations, attractively executed in great detail, recall the style of those in the volumes produced by the publisher B. T. Batsford during the same period. All in excellent condition, the majority with tissue guards; album in good good condition. Fifty-eight of the illustrations, all of Swiss knockers, on paper ranging in size from 21 x 5 cm to 23.5 x 16 cm (the latter the majority), are laid down on the rectos of the first 45 leaves of a 47-leaf landscape folio album (leaf dimensions 36 x 16 cm). All have tissue guards.

[ Paul Sandby, artist and engraver. ] Pencil notes by 'Paul Sandby Esqr.', over 'Monthly Return of the Classes under the First drawing Master at the Royal Military Academy'. With portrait of Sandby, engraved by H. Landseer from a drawing by W. Evans

Paul Sandby (c.1731-1809), English artist and engraver, Chief Drawing Master at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich [ H. Landseer; W. Evans ]
Publication details: 
Engraving 'Published Dec. 4 1809 by T. Cadell & W. Davies, Strand, London'.

MANUSCRIPT: 1p., folio. On the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium. On good watermarked laid paper, with pencil text written over an elegantly printed page divided into five columns ('Class', 'Studies', 'Order', 'Names', 'Remarks'), headed (with manuscript additions in square brackets): 'Monthly Return of the Classes under the First drawing Master at the Royal Military Academy. [March] 1st. 17[39 Paul Sandby Esqr.]'. The manuscript text is written both across the page and lengthwise. At the foot is a stave of music, with the words 'Violoncelloe [sic] de la music militaire'.

[ Rosalind Thuillier, sketches from Graham Sutherland. ] Sketchbook containing captioned ink sketches of 'GS paintings from museums & galleries 2008', for 'possible use in 2nd edition of Inspirations by Rosalind Thuillier'.

Rosalind Thuillier [ Rosalind Adams ] (1939-2015), art critic and artist, authority on her friend Graham Sutherland (1903-1980)
Publication details: 
Place not stated. 2007 and 2008.

16pp. of sketches in 15 x 13 cm. artist's sketchbook. In good condition, in boards covered with decorative paper. On page preceding the sketches: 'Sketch Book 2007', with the following added subsequently: 'GS paintings from museums & galleries 2008 | possible use in 2nd edition of Inspirations by Rosalind Thuillier'. The sketches, all in black ink, are pared-down and assured (as befits the abstract painter that Thuillier was). The first two captions are 'portrait from Goldmark | 1924' and 'Little painting - 1924 (6?). Fine Art Society.

[ Strawberry Hill Press. ] Engraving ('C. Grignion sculp.') depicting 'Earl Rivers presenting his Book & Caxton his Print to Edw. 4'.

Charles Grignion the elder (1721-1810), Huguenot engraver [ William Caxton, English printer; Horace Walpole; the Strawberry Hill Press ]
Publication details: 
Frontispiece to Horace Walpole's 'Royal and Noble Authors', published by the Strawberry Hill Press, 1758 [ 1759 ].

Printed in black ink on one side of a piece of 18 x 11 cm piece of laid paper. Dimensions of image 15.5 x 10 cm. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. The image forms the upper part of the engraving, within a decorative border, with the caption, covering eleven lines, as the lower part, within its own lapidary border. The image is, as the caption explains, from 'a curious M.S. in the Archbishop's Library at Lambeth'.

[ The Earl of Londesborough andn the Lyric Club, Barnes. ] Engraving by Cecil Cutler, with manuscript (autograph?) invitation by the Earl of Londesborough, to 'meet the Oxford Green' [ following the Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race ].

William Denison, 1st Earl of Londesborough (1834-1900), Liberal politician [ Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race; Lyric Club, Barnes; Cecil Cutler, engraver ]
Publication details: 
[ At the Lyric Club, Barnes, on 26 March 1890. ] Engraving: 'Cecil Cutler | Invr. et del. 1890'.

Printed in black on one side of 15.5 x 25 cm card. In fair ondition, aged and worn, with traces of mount on reverse. The illustration, winding along the edge of the page from top left to bottom right, is a pleasing detailed line drawing, showing a fashionable crowd (men in top hats, ladies in coaches and so on) viewing the race from what is probably the Club's part of the bank of the river (a chimney and crenelated wall may serve as identifying landmarks). Among the myriad of faces may be caricatures of individuals.

[ Richard St John Tyrwhitt, art critic. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('R St John Tyrwhitt') to 'Miss Bosworth', presenting a copy of his 'A Handbook of Pictorial Art' to her. With inscribed copy of the book.

Rev. R. St. John Tyrwhitt, M.A. [ Richard St John Tyrwhitt (1827-1895), English art critic, cleric and supporter of John Ruskin ]
Publication details: 
Lettter dated 29 March 1869, no place. Book published at the Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1868.

Letter: 1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Attached by the blank second leaf of the bifolium to the reverse of the front free endpaper of the book. Envelope addressed by Tyrwhitt to 'Miss Bosworth | Parks Town' tipped-in beside the letter. He is not sure whether she has a copy of 'my art-book', which she mentioned 'the other day'. 'If not, will you kindly accept of this one, tho I fear it is not a very good one in the illustrations?' Book: [xv] + 480pp., 8vo. Sixteen-page November 1868 publisher's catalogue at rear.

[ Richard St John Tyrwhitt, art critic. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('R St John Tyrwhitt') to 'Mrs Paul', regarding his book 'Our Sketching Club. Letters and Studies on Landscape Art.' With a copy of the book.

Rev. R. St. John Tyrwhitt, M.A. [ Richard St John Tyrwhitt (1827-1895), English art critic, cleric and supporter of John Ruskin ]
Publication details: 
Letter from Ketilley, Oxford, on cancelled letterhead of Christ Church. 25 September 1875. Book published by Macmillan and Co., London, 1874.

Letter: 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Laid down on the book's flyleaf. In very good condition, lightly-aged. He hears about his book 'every now & then & I suppose it goes off all right'. He advises Mrs Paul to tell her correspondent that 'she has only to go on with its lessons & exercises', and that 'The woodcuts are all meant to be copied, & a fair amount of directions is given.

[ Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe, Scottish antiquary and artist. ] Watercolour drawing of Edinburgh murderer Mrs Mary Mackinnon with a young girl in her condemned cell, attributed to him in a contemporary hand.

Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe (1781-1851), Scottish antiquary, artist and collector, and friend of Sir Walter Scott
Publication details: 
Without date or place. (Mackinnon was hanged 16 April 1823.)

A watercolour drawing in ink, coloured in yellow, blue and red, against a sepia ground. The drawing is on a 24.5 x 18.5 cm piece of thick white paper, laid down on a 28.5 x 29.5 cm piece of grey paper. In good condition, with light signs of age. In pencil in a contemporary hand on the grey-paper mount: 'Mrs Mackinnon - hanged | done by Charles K. Sharpe Esq | She had been a great beauty | murdered a man'. The drawing is not signed, but is in much the same style as other examples of his watercolours (for example those in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London).

[ Lady Eastnor. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to her drawing master Edmund Thomas Parris, with reference to two of his other clients.

Caroline Harriet Somers-Cocks (1794-1873), Lady Eastnor [born Caroline Harriet Yorke], later Countess Somers [ Edmund Thomas Parris (1793-1873), architect and artist ]
Publication details: 
15 Berkeley Square [ London ]. 'Saturday' [no date, but on 1835 Whatman paper.]

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In very good condition, lightly-aged. She begins by explaining that as she is 'obliged to leave London', she will not be able to 'draw any more at his House this year'. She asks him to inform her how much she owes him 'for the Lessons he has been so obliging as to give - Lady Katherine Douglas & Miss Stuart will be at Mr. Parris's this Morning - | Ly Eastnor is desired by Lady Selkirk, & Lady Stuart de Rothesay, to enquire from Mr. Parris, what they are indebted to him for the Lessons to these two young Ladies'.

[ The Royal National Lifeboat Institution. ] Transparencies of two charming illustrations, one a ragamuffin boy fisherman, and the other his sweetheart waving goodbye to him.

[The Royal National Lifeboat Institution; RNLI ]
Publication details: 
'Sold in aid of the R.N.L.I.' Without publishing details or date. [England. 1920s?]

Both transparencies negatives on plastic sheets. The two images attached by a thin vertical strip of Scotch tape. On the right (22 x 14.5 cm) the image of the ragamuffin boy fisherman, with net and rod, looking to the left. On the left (22 x 16.5 cm) his young sweetheart, with fishing nets aand lace apron, waving a lace handkerchief. His image with caption (old Breton poem): 'Dear God be good to me | The sea is so wide | And my boat is so small | Sold in aid of the R.N.L.I.' Her image with the same caption, but with the word 'his' replacing 'my'.

[John Henry Batchelor, illustrator.] Autograph Letter Signed ('John H. Batchelor') to an unnamed recipient, discussing his work and terms.

John Henry Batchelor (born 1936), MBE, English artist and 'arguably the world's foremost technical illustrator' and 'the world's premier stamp illustrator'
Publication details: 
15 St Johns Road, Boscombe, Bournemouth.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper, with water staining to a couple of words. Written in a stylish, calligraphic hand. He begins by thanking the recipient for a letter and postal order, before continuing: 'In case you are interested, I also do paintings of antique weapons. An example of my work can be seen in the August 1962 issue of "Guns Review".' He explains that such illustrations can be in either black and white or full colour, and concludes: 'If you have a particular favourite I shall be pleased to quote.'

[Peltro William Tomkins, drawing master to the royal family.] Autograph Letter Signed ('P W Tomkins') to 'Gentlemen' [booksellers] regarding 'Dr Clarkes Plates' and the desire of the bearer of the letter to be employed as an engraver.d

Peltro William Tomkins (1759-1840), engraver and draughtsman, drawing master to the family of King George III
Publication details: 
53 New Bond Street [London]. 14 March 1809.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on aged paper, laid down on a grey-paper mount. The letter is addressed 'Gentlemen'. In the first paragraph he explains that having received their letter, he sent 'Dr Clarkes Plates [...] to the Writing Engravers but have not as yet received them back'. He has sent the bearer of the present letter to find out when they will be done, and he has been told to tell them the answer he receives. The second paragraph reveals that the bearer of the letter is himself an engraver: 'I understand that he applied to you for the engraving of one of your Portrait Plates.

[Martin Hardie, art historian and curator.] Two Typed Letters Signed to the artist and critic Eric Hesketh Hubbard, discussing the loan and delivery of drawings.

Martin Hardie (1875-1952), art historian and Victoria and curator at the Albert Museum [Eric Hesketh Hubbard (1892-1957), artist and critic]
Publication details: 
First letter: on letterhead of Rodbourne, Tonbridge, Kent. 3 October 1943. Second letter: from Rodbourne. 10 October 1943.

The two items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: 1p., 4to. Regarding the loan by him to Hubbard of drawings, and delivery options for them. TWO: 1p., 12mo. 'You vanished very suddenly after our Meeting and I did not have the chance of discussing arrangements with you. Will you please let me know what time it passes through Tonbridge on the following Monday.' He hopes to bring two more pictures 'straight to Albany from Charing Cross, arriving about mid-day? If you are not to be there I will take them to the Royal Academy and deliver them in the afternoon.'

[Peltro William Tomkins, drawing master to the royal family.] Autograph Letter Signed ('P W Tomkins') to 'Gentlemen' [booksellers] regarding 'Dr Clarkes Plates' and the desire of the bearer of the letter to be employed as an engraver.d

Peltro William Tomkins (1759-1840), engraver and draughtsman, drawing master to the family of King George III
Publication details: 
53 New Bond Street [London]. 14 March 1809.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on aged paper, laid down on a grey-paper mount. The letter is addressed 'Gentlemen'. In the first paragraph he explains that having received their letter, he sent 'Dr Clarkes Plates [...] to the Writing Engravers but have not as yet received them back'. He has sent the bearer of the present letter to find out when they will be done, and he has been told to tell them the answer he receives. The second paragraph reveals that the bearer of the letter is himself an engraver: 'I understand that he applied to you for the engraving of one of your Portrait Plates.

[Martin Hardie, art historian and curator.] Two Typed Letters Signed to the artist and critic Eric Hesketh Hubbard, discussing the loan and delivery of drawings.

Martin Hardie (1875-1952), art historian and Victoria and curator at the Albert Museum [Eric Hesketh Hubbard (1892-1957), artist and critic]
Publication details: 
First letter: on letterhead of Rodbourne, Tonbridge, Kent. 3 October 1943. Second letter: from Rodbourne. 10 October 1943.

The two items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: 1p., 4to. Regarding the loan by him to Hubbard of drawings, and delivery options for them. TWO: 1p., 12mo. 'You vanished very suddenly after our Meeting and I did not have the chance of discussing arrangements with you. Will you please let me know what time it passes through Tonbridge on the following Monday.' He hopes to bring two more pictures 'straight to Albany from Charing Cross, arriving about mid-day? If you are not to be there I will take them to the Royal Academy and deliver them in the afternoon.'

Pencil sketch of George Washington's home Mount Vernon by 'G E Blenkins', with leaf from the orange tree planted by Washington, and explanatory Autograph Note by Blenkins.

Mount Vernon, Virginia home of George Washington, first United States President [George Eleazar Blenkins (d.1894), Assistant Surgeon, Grenadier Guards, and Member of the Royal College of Surgeons?]
Publication details: 
Sketch made and leaf taken by Blenkins on a visit to Mount Vernon, Virginia, in 1840.

While only a rough pencil sketch, the drawing is an attractive one, landscape on a piece of wove paper, 20 x 25 cm, with 'JESSUPS' watermark. In good condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper, folded into a packet for postage, with remains of red wafer. Beneath the drawing, in ink in a shaky contemporary hand: 'Lawn view from the backs of Mount Vernon | This is from the Orange Tree planted by himself.' The reverse carries the following note: 'I made the enclosed rough sketch of Mount Vernon the residence of Genl.

Original seventeenth-century Dutch etching of man vomiting while onlookers hold their noses, attributed to Jan Both after his brother Andries Both, with caption beginning 'Seecker dat is geen Roy, wat mach dat varcken drinckien'.

Jan Both [Jan Dirksz Both] (c. 1614-1652), Dutch engraver and painter, brother of Andries Both (c. 1612-1642)
Publication details: 
[Dutch, seventeenth century.]

On a piece of watermarked laid paper, roughly 26.5 x 20 cm. Dimensions of image 18 x 13.5 cm. The image and text are clear and complete. Fair, on foxed and aged paper, with fraying to margin at edges. Complete text reads 'Seecker dat is geen Roy, wat mach dat varcken drincken | Die Reuck is niet heel moy, gans velten is dat stincken.' Depicts a group of five peasants in the countryside, one sitting on a tree stump vomiting, while another puts her hand on his head, and two hold their noses. The attribution is in the entry on the copy in the Wellcome Library (no.

Album of 95 original detailed illustrations (drawings) of antique wrought iron door knockers (70 from Switzerland and 25 from Italy and France) by the English artist Arthur Elliot, titled by him 'A Book of Knockers'. With short essay by Elliot.

Arthur Elliot, English illustrator [Swiss door knockers; Switzerland; architectural hardware]
antique wrought iron door knockers
Publication details: 
The majority of the illustrations dated, and all those to 1907. Mainly taken at Berne and other Swiss cities.
antique wrought iron door knockers

Elliot's illustrations, attractively executed in great detail, recall the style of those in the volumes produced by the publisher B. T. Batsford during the same period. All in excellent condition, the majority with tissue guards; album in good good condition. Fifty-eight of the illustrations, all of Swiss knockers, on paper ranging in size from 21 x 5 cm to 23.5 x 16 cm (the latter the majority), are laid down on the rectos of the first 45 leaves of a 47-leaf landscape folio album (leaf dimensions 36 x 16 cm). All have tissue guards.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Chas Landseer') to [Walter F. Stocks].

Charles Landseer (1799-1879), R.A., English artist, elder brother of Sir Edwin Landseer
Autograph Letter Signed ('Chas Landseer')
Publication details: 
30 January [1870?]; Royal Academy, on letterhead of the Athenaeum Club.
Autograph Letter Signed ('Chas Landseer')

12mo, 2 pp. 15 lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper. Providing a 'recommendation as a teacher' for his correspondent, 'in the neighbourhood of Leamington'. 'My observation of the progress you have made, during your studentship at the Royal Academy enables me to state, that, you are, in my opinion fully competent to undertake the teaching of the elementary branches of art'. From a small archive of Walter F. Stocks's correspondence.

Detailed pencil illustrations of nine steam engines [locomotives].

B. Reynell [Victorian, Edwardian illustration; railway locomotives; steam engines]
Publication details: 
Without date or place [Edwardian?].

Landscape sketchbook of twelve leaves. Dimensions of each leaf roughly 26.5 x 38 cm. Unbound and stitched. In original brown patterned wraps. Good, on lightly discoloured and spotted drawing paper, with some wear to extremities, heavy wear at head of spine, and in heavily-worn wraps. The first leaf, otherwise blank, has had a small square taken out of it, and there are stubs indicating the removal of a couple of leaves.

Engraving by H. Bond of 'THE DEATH OF MAJOR PIERSON.'

John Singleton Copley [BATTLE OF JERSEY]
Publication details: 
Undated, but mid-nineteenth century. Printed by 'JOHN TALLIS & COMPANY, LONDON & NEW YORK'.

Major Francis Pierson died driving the French from the Market Place of Saint Helier in the Island of Jersey, 6 January 1781. Dimensions of paper roughly ten inches by eight. Dimensions of print roughly six inches by four and a half. Surrounded by six tiny vignettes: two of soldiers and four of battle scenes. Very good and clean. Suitable for framing. Mounted on a larger sheet of paper torn from an autograph album. The original painting is in London's Tate Gallery, and the item is accompanied by an early twentieth-century colour postcard of it, with some damage to the reverse.

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