[Victorian London: Somers Town.] Printed pamphlet of ‘“The Hall of Light.” / Somers Town Blind Aid Society’, giving ‘Report, 1898’, statement of accounts, press reports, list of officers and so on.

Somers Town Blind Aid Society [Somers Town, London; Mrs. Alec Tweedie]
Publication details: 
‘LONDON, 14th March, 1899.’ Somers Town Blind Aid Society.

A nice item of Victorian charitable ephemera. The Society (later the Hepburn Starey Blind Aid Society) was instituted in 1864, and according to p.5 of the present item the phrase ‘Hall of Light for the Blind’ was ‘Given to Somers Town Blind Aid Society by a Blind Chinese Christian lad’. No copy of this item, or of any other material relating to the Society found on either WorldCat or JISC. 24pp, 12mo. Stitched. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The front cover is laid out in decorative fashion: ‘“The Hall of Light.” / Somers Town / Blind Aid Society.

[Louisa Cornwallis, Marchioness Cornwallis.] Her Autograph Signature and votes for candidates for the Adult Orphan Institution, on its printed ‘Polling Paper for the Election of Three Contributary Wards’.

Louisa Cornwallis [née Gordon] (1776-1850), Marchioness Cornwallis, wife of Charles Cornwallis, 2nd Marquis Cornwallis, daughter of 4th Duke of Gordon [The Adult Orphan Institution, London]
Publication details: 
Marchioness's vote on 25 November 1842. Election date 14 December 1842. At the House of the Adult Orphan Institution, St. Andrew’s Place, Regent’s Park [London].

2pp, 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged, with slight damage at head from breaking of the wafer, and small spike hole at centre. Addressed on reverse to ‘Most Noble / Marchioness Cornwallis / 12 Park Crescent’. The printed statement beside this has been completed in manuscript to show that the Marchioness has twelve votes. The other side of the leaf is headed: ‘Polling Paper / For the Electio of Three Contributary Wards, / On Wednesday, December 14th, 1842, / Between the hours of Two and Four o’Clock, / At the House of the Adult Orphan Institution, / St.

[A. W. Kinglake [Alexander William Kinglake], historian and travel writer.] Autograph Letter Signed stating his opposition to ‘the Bill which threatens to make Charities liable to local assessment’.

A. W. Kinglake [Alexander William Kinglake] (1809-1891), historian and travel writer whose great achievement was the eight-volume ‘Invasion of the Crimea’
Publication details: 
25 March [no year, but presumably during his period in Parliament, from 1857 to 1869]; 12 St James’s Place [London]. 3pp, 12mo.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 25 March [no year]; 12 St James’s Place [London]. 3pp, 12mo. On a bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged, with thin strip cut from top of first leaf (not affecting text). Signed ‘A W Kinglake’. The recipient is not named. Presumably writing during his period as Member of Parliament for Bridgewater, between 1857 and 1869, he begins ‘My dear Sir / I shall make a pint of being present at the discussion of the Bill which threatens to make Charities liable to local assessment’.

[Lady Maud Wilbraham, President of the Silver Thimble Fund.] Autograph Card Signed to ‘Mrs Allan’ [Mrs Evelyn Julia Allan] of the Red Cross, thanking her for a contribution, and deploring the state of the times.

Lady Maud Wilbraham [Lady Alice Maud Bootle-Wilbraham] (1861-1922), President of the Silver Thimble Fund [Mrs Evelyn Julia Allen of the Chelsea Red Cross; Mrs Hope Elizabeth Hope Clarke of Wimbledon]
Publication details: 
1 June 1918. With printed details of ‘The “Silver Thimble” Fund’, its Wimbledon address deleted and replaced by Wilbraham’s: 26 Lower Sloane Street, SW1 [London].

An evocative artefact of one of the most successful British charities of the Great War. The Silver Thimble Fund was founded by Hope Elizabeth Hope Clarke of Wimbledon in 1915, and run from her house. Damaged trinkets made of precious metals, including 60,000 silver thimbles, were collected and melted down, paying for fifteen ambulances for the front and other medical transportation and equipment. The recipient is Mrs. Evelyn Julia Allan, listed in 1918 in the London Gazette as Honorary Secretary, Chelsea Division, British Red Cross.

[Catchpenny; Spoof?; Miss Faithfull; Employment and Emigration of Women] Autograph Letter Signed E.S. Faithfull to unnamed correspondent (Madam) saying how working class women are better provided for than the educated classes.

E.M. Faithfull [pseud.?][Miss Faithfull]
Publication details: 
[Printed Heading] several lines (SEE IMAGE and text below) concluding Sole Office: 136 Regent Street, W. | London, 18 February 1887.

Two pages, 12mo, remnants of tipping in process, good condition. Printed heading commences: English and Foreign Educational, Industrial, Commercial, Plain Work, Benevolent and Emigration Institute for the Employment of Women. Conducted by Miss FAITHFULL [...........] See IMAGE for the (substantial) rest. Text: All my sympathies I must say are given to the homeless & destitute of the educated classes'[.] [T]hey are so utterly friendless. The working classes have untold benefits.

[ Viscount Cranbrook ] Autograph Letter Signed Cranbrook to Lady Strangford [ Emily Ann Smythe or Emily Anne Beaufort (1826–1887), illustrator, writer and nurse, presumably about scheme to make soldiers' wives nurses.

Cranbrook [ Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy, 1st Earl of Cranbrook (1814–1906), Conservative politician ].
Publication details: 
[Embossed heading] 17 Grosvenor Crescent, SW, 26 March 1881.

Three pages, 12mo, bifolium, large hand, good condition. Your object is excellent and the means appear to be well adapted to effect it. Short service must diminish the number of soldiers wives but [then?] ought the more readily to found a way to elevate and [?] for the advantage of their husbands & for the removal of a state of things which has not been creditable to the Service. My name in support of your scheme is at your disposal. I hardly know what kind of of pecuniary aid you require but shall be happy to contribute.

[ Sir Henry Morgan Vane, Secretary of the Charity Commission, Whiteghall. ] Autograph Signature ('Hen. M. Vane') on manuscript Letter to Sir Richard Harington, regarding 'capitation payments' in relation to 'The School' at Whitbourne.

Sir Henry Morgan Vane (1808-1886), Secretary of the Charity Commission, Whitehall
Publication details: 
On printed '"Charitable Acts"' letterhead of the Charity Commission, Whitehall, S.W.

4pp., foolscap 8vo. On bifolium. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Neatly written in another hand.

[ The Civil Service Life-Boat Fund. ] Two Autograph Volumes by Honorary Secretary Charles Dibdin, including minutes, accounts, lists of offices and addresses, and corrected printed lists of Civil Service employees.

The Civil Service Life-Boat Fund, London, British charity founded in 1866, now named the Lifeboat Fund [ Charles Dibdin (1849-1910), Honorary Secretary ]
Publication details: 
[ The Civil Service Life-Boat Fund, London. ] 'Charles Dibdin | Honorary Secretary | 14 John Street, Adelphi, W.C.' 1892 and 1897.

The Civil Service Life-Boat Fund (now the Lifeboat Fund) was founded by a group of civil servants wishing to donate a single lifeboat to the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. In 1866 they issued an appeal for £300 to government offices and raised the sum within a year. Since then the charity has supplied the RNLI with more than fifty lifeboats, which have saved nearly five thousand lives. The present two volumes, for 1892 and 1897, are uniform in heavily-worn halfbindings with black cloth spines and marbled boards.

[ The Royal National Lifeboat Institution. ] Transparencies of two charming illustrations, one a ragamuffin boy fisherman, and the other his sweetheart waving goodbye to him.

[The Royal National Lifeboat Institution; RNLI ]
Publication details: 
'Sold in aid of the R.N.L.I.' Without publishing details or date. [England. 1920s?]

Both transparencies negatives on plastic sheets. The two images attached by a thin vertical strip of Scotch tape. On the right (22 x 14.5 cm) the image of the ragamuffin boy fisherman, with net and rod, looking to the left. On the left (22 x 16.5 cm) his young sweetheart, with fishing nets aand lace apron, waving a lace handkerchief. His image with caption (old Breton poem): 'Dear God be good to me | The sea is so wide | And my boat is so small | Sold in aid of the R.N.L.I.' Her image with the same caption, but with the word 'his' replacing 'my'.

[George Henry Cadogan, 5th Earl Cadogan, as President of the Chelsea Hospital for Women.] Letter in a secretarial hand, with his Autograph Signature 'Cadogan', inviting 'M. Tuck, Esq.' to support the Hospital, in which he takes 'a deep interest'.

George Henry Cadogan (1840-1915), 5th Earl Cadogan, British Conservative politician [The Chelsea Hospital for Women]
Publication details: 
Chelsea House, S.W. [London] 7 August 1888.

1p., 12mo. On aged and worn paper, with two punch holes at head. The letter is written to enclose particulars (not present) 'relating to the Chelsea Hospital for Women', in which Cadogan takes 'a deep interest'. He hopes Tuck 'may be induced to become one of its supporters, as it is urgently in need of increased assistance'. The Hospital's secretary will acknowledge all contributions on Cadogan's behalf.

[Printed item.] A Sermon on Religious Charity. By the Rev. Sydney Smith.

The Rev. Sydney Smith [Sydney Smith (1771-1845), renowned wit and founding contributor to the Edinburgh Review, called 'The Smith of Smiths']
Publication details: 
York: Printed by Thomas Wilson and Sons, High-Ousegate. 1825.

[2] + 17pp., 12mo. Disbound pamphlet. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The York imprint is explained by the fact that Smith was Rector of Foston-le-Clay in Yorkshire; a London edition, by W. E. Andrews, appeared in the same year.

[Sir Thomas Dyke Acland.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos. Dyke Acland') to an unnamed recipient, explaining how he has ceased to make charitable payments to the widow of an artist 'labouring under loss or decay of sight'.

Sir Thomas Dyke Acland (1787-1871), successively Conservative Member of Parliament for Devonshire and North Devon
Publication details: 
From the Waterloo Hotel, on his crested letterhead. 10 June 1863.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight traces of glue from mount along one edge. A hurried letter, illegible at points. 'You will see the name of yr. respectable at the end of the enclosed Petition from My Own Hand. She has no right to refer to me for any further knowledge of herself and her husband, or his position of art - than that of my having understood him to be an artist in a state of much distress, labouring under loss or decay of sight, & that I for some years I might almost , I gave him occasional relief.

[Printed programme.] An Amateur Concert will take place in Mr. Gibson's Show Room, Eynsford, [...] The Proceeds will be expended in the purchase of Coals, to be distributed previous to Christmas, among the poor of the Village.

[Amateur Charity Christmas Concert at Mr. Gibson's Show Room, Eynsford, Kent, 1869; C. Whitely; Miss Borton; T. B. Morrish; Harry Giles; W. & T. Dray; Miss Brice; E. Whomes; Miss Marshall]
Publication details: 
Eynsford, Kent. On Wednesday, December 15th, 1869. [E. Clarke, Printer, St. Mary Cray.]

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium, on yellow paper. In good condition, on aged paper, with traces of mount at head of second leaf. The full title reads: 'An Amateur Concert will take place in Mr. Gibson's Show Room, Eynsford, (Kindly lent for the occasion) On Wednesday, December 15th, 1869. | The Proceeds will be expended in the purchase of Coals, to be distributed previous to Christmas, among the poor of the Village.' Nine committee members are named on the first page, with details of tickets (to be 'obtained of any of the Committee, or Mr. T. M. G. Sharwood, Farmingham').

Three manuscript memorandums concerning the death of Charles William Klugh, for 58 years Secretary to the Governesses' Benevolent Institution, two signed by Rev. Alfred J. Buss, Hon. Sec. and Chairman of the institution, and one by Mary Williams.

Rev. Alfred J. Buss [Alfred Joseph Buss] (1830-1920); Mary Williams [Mrs Theodore Williams] [Charles William Klugh (d.1902), for 58 years Secretary to the Governesses' Benevolent Institution, London]
Publication details: 
Governesses' Benevolent Institution, Home, 47 Harley Street, London. Memorandums of meetings on 11, 12 and 20 March 1902.

All three items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Laid down on two leaves removed from a letterbook. All three on funeral paper, and all three in a secretarial hand. ONE: 1p., 12mo. Unsigned. Headed 'Governesses' Benevolent Institution | Home, 47 Harley Street'. It reports the resolution of the 'Home Committee', 11 March 1902, 'the decease of Mr. Klugh having been reported': 'The Ladies' Committee wish to express their deep sympathy with Mr.

TLS ('Henry') from sculptor Henry Moore to art collector Hans Juda, concerning an Inland Revenue 'ruling (which I think applies only to me)'. With autograph directions from Moore's house Hoglands to Hoddesdon, and copies of four letters by Juda.

Henry Moore [Henry Spencer Moore] (1898-1986), English sculptor [Hans Juda [Hans Peter Juda] (1904-1975), art collector, publisher of the magazine 'The Ambassador']
Publication details: 
Moore's letter and the directions on separate Hoglands letterheads, the letter dated 29 March 1973 and the directions undated. Copies of four Juda letters dated 13 May 1965, 23 March and 3 April 1973, and 29 August 1974.

ONE: Typed Letter Signed ('Henry') from Moore to Juda ('Dear Hans'). On letterhead of Hoglands, Perry Green, Much Hadham, Herts. 29 March 1973. 1p., 12mo.

[Manuscript] Terms of Partnership between Mr Hermann Landau and Mr James Moses Alexander.

[Hermann Landau, Jewish banker and philanthropist, and James Moses Alexnder]
Publication details: 
29 Feb. 1885.

3pp., large folio. Signed by Landau and Alexander. Their agreement was for a business as "Dealers on the Stock Exchange", revealing the investment of both partners, and their terms, covering terms of liquidation etc. Attached: Letter Signed 'Jas M Alexander', to Landau, 26 Feb. 1885 with information about insurance policy on his life. Note: 1885, the year of this agreement, was the year in which the Jews Temporary Shelter was founded, the improved version of which, founded 1886, attracted Landau's benevolence and active support.

[Printed pamphlet containing detailed lists of charity and social work organisations in the Great Depression.] Charity Orginisation Society Manual.

[Charity Organisation Society, London; Rev. J. C. Pringle, Secretary; Miss H. M. Kelly, Assistant Secretary; E. C. Price, Secretary Inquiry Department]
Printed pamphlet containing detailed lists of charity organisations
Publication details: 
'Form No. 33]'. July, 1928. [Spottiswoode, Ballantyne & Co. Ltd., London, Colchester and Eton.]
Printed pamphlet containing detailed lists of charity organisations

16mo, 24 pp. Stitched. Text clear and complete. On aged and lightly-spotted paper. Topics, under nine headings, on pp.1-9, include the 'Aims and Methods' of the Society, constitution, 'Workers', 'Training for Social Work', 'Application for Help', 'Inquiry Department'. Pp.10-15 gives a list of different charity organisations in London, with names of officials, opening hours and other details. Pp.16-17 carry a list of borough offices of 'Metropolitan Mutual Registration of Assistance'. Pp.19-22 carries a 'List of District Committees and Offices.

[Printed pamphlet.] Catalogue of the Westbury Charities. 1896.

[The Westbury Charities] [J. E. Severne, Chairman; R. D. Bromley, Vice-Chairman; W. R. Croft, Clerk; of the Parish Council of Westbury]
Catalogue of the Westbury Charities
Publication details: 
Shrewsbury: W. G. Napier, Printer. 1896.
Catalogue of the Westbury Charities

12mo, 8 pp. Stapled. In original grey printed wraps. Text clear and complete. On aged paper and in spotted wraps.

Autograph Letter Signed John Manners to an unnamed woman (Madam), concerning his support of the Mendicity Society.

Lord John Manners [Mendicity Society]
Autograph Letter Signed John Manners
Publication details: 
[Headed] Belvoir Castle, 13 Jan. 1885.
Autograph Letter Signed John Manners

Three pages, 12mo, black border, some smudging and other marking and minor damage, text clear and complete, as follows: I am not acquainted with Lord Effingham, and cannot undertake to write to him on the subject of the Mendicity Society. | I have for years belonged to, & made use of the machinery of that Society not only to detect imposture, but to relieve real distress, and I never heard before of anybody being deprived of lodgings on account of enquiries being made by that Society - | That you should wish to sell your work ought to meet with your landlady's approbation.

Playbill 'For the Benefit of The Charity Schools. At the Theatre in Colchester, By His Majesty's Servants, from the Theatre-Royal, Norwich'. Performance of 'Such Things Are' and 'The Widow's Vow'.

[Colchester Theatre; the Theatre Royal, Norwich; eighteenth-century playbills; Inchbald; Waddy; Sharpe
Publication details: 
On Monday, October 29, 1787'.

On one side of a piece of laid paper, 25 x 17.5 cm. Text clear and complete. Aged, foxed and creased. Giving casts of the two plays (the first headed by 'Mr. Waddy' as 'Twineall'; and the second by 'Mr. Inchbald' as 'Don Antonio'. After the first cast list: 'End of the PLay, an Address in the Character of The Genius of Charity. To be spoken by Mrs. Sharpe.' At foot: 'Tickets too be had at W. Keymer's Printing-Office; and Places for the Boxes may be taken at the Theatre from Ten to Twelve o'Clock each Day.

Printed Covering Letter, signed by steward 'A Bazzoni', intended to enclose a ticket to the Society's Anniversary Dinner.

Aged Poor Society, London [Augusto Bazzoni; Roman Catholic; philanthropy; charity]
Publication details: 
London, December, 1831.'

4to: 1 p. Printed on the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium of paper watermarked 'R BARNARD | 1828'. Fifteen lines of text. Text clear and complete on aged, creased paper with chipping to extremities, and the two leaves of the bifolium nearly detached. Docketed in contemporary hands '819' at the head of the printed page, and 'No. 72' on the reverse of the second leaf 'No. 72'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed 'Friend'.

Publication details: 
5 September 1890; on letterhead 'BUCKFIELD, | LEOMINSTER.'

Newman established the Orphans' Printing Press in 1873 to enable orphans to earn money and learn a trade. One page, 8vo. Folded twice. Good only: paper slightly discoloured with some closed tears and creasing. 'Dear Friend/ | We should be much pleased if you will come & lodge with us at our approaching Quarterly M[eetin]g. on the 16th & 17th Instant | I suppose E. L. Squire is off to America & will be unable to come | Your sincere Friend | Henry Stanley Newman'.

Document headed “Subscriptions to the Society for bettering the condition of the Poor"

Mathew Carey
Publication details: 
Philadelphia, 1829

And others. Philad[elphia] manuscript 1829. Single leaf 7.75 x 6.25 inches, variously signed, recto only, in ink and pencil. Folded twice, edgeworn with tears that long ago were reinforced verso with several strange tape-products, none of which have bled through. The designated recipients of any donations include: Stephen H. Tyng [pencil], G.C. Potts, Robt. Ralston, Jackson Kemper , G. T. Bedell [pencil, with flourish],Matthew S. Bevan, James San-- [?], Matthew Carey, Ezra Stiles Ely, G. W.Ridgely, E.

Autograph Letter Signed by the Society's secretary W. E. Page to Messrs Coutts & Co, Bankers.

Autograph Letter Signed by the Society's secretary
Publication details: 
2 October 1901, on printed letterhead of the Society, 191, High Street, Stoke Newington, N.
Autograph Letter Signed by the Society's secretary

The society's letterhead has a circular engraving, 1 1/2 inches in diameter, of Jesus and a fallen woman, surrounded by the quotation ':JESUS SAID UNTO HER, NEITHER DO I CONDEMN THEE: GO, AND SIN NO MORE.' It describes the Society as 'Being "THE LONDON FEMALE PENITENTIARY," founded at Pentonville, 1807, and "THE GUARDIAN SOCIETY," founded 1812, for the RESCUE, RECLAMATION, and PROTECTION of BETRAYED and FALLEN WOMEN from all parts of the United Kingdom, and now united under one management." 1 page, 8vo. Grubby, with staple marks and a closed tear affecting two words of text.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent (Edward Frederick Lecks, Secretary, the Royal Asylum of St Ann's Society).

Sir Lancelot Shadwell
Publication details: 
27 March 1837; no place.

Last Vice-Chancellor of England (1779-1850). Two pages, 12mo. Good, but lightly spotted, and with the lower third ruckled by attachment of verso to piece of brown paper. He says he will have great pleasure in 'being a Steward at the Anniversary Festival of the Saint Ann's Society Schools'. He would have answered the note before, 'but it came at a time when I was much occupied & I put it by with the accompanying Papers till the Vacation arrived'. Signed 'Lancelot Shadwell'.

STATEMENT BY The Educational Endowments Committee of the Free Presbytery of Edinburgh of their objections to the Draft Scheme for the administration of the Fettes Endowment [...]

[FETTES SCHOOL] James Stuart Macdonald, Moderator, on behalf of the Educational Endowments Committee of the Free Church Presbytery of Edinburgh
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but circa 1870.

4to bifoliate pamphlet; four paginated pages. Creasing to corners and with recto of first leaf grubby and with some wear not affecting text, otherwise in good condition. Sir William Fettes died in 1836, and the school endowed by him opened in 1870. 'The Committee are decidedly of opinion that the Trustees have disregarded "the spirit of the Founder's intention" to an extent which has perhaps no parallel in the educational history of Scotland, and that the funds entrusted to their care have been misapplied, by the erection of buildings so costly.'

1 Autograph Letter Signed from W[illiam?] Maugham to Percy Gye.

William Maugham
Publication details: 
14 December 1874; Charter House.

Provides invaluable information on the traditions of Charterhouse, the ancient charitable London institution. Maugham may well be the translator of Charles Tilt's 1828 edition of Friedrich Christian Accum's A Practical Essay on Chemical Re-agents. 4 pages, 16mo, grubby but in otherwise good condition. The first page has a mourning border. 'Saturday was the anniversary of the feast devoted to the memory of the founder, and the brothers, in health, feasted in the banquetting hall, and I dare say enjoyed themselves. I am on the sick list and was happily excused.

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