[James Cleland, Scottish statistician and historical writer; W.J. Hooker] Autograph Letter Signed James Cleland to Doctor Hooker, Bath Street [W.J. Hooker

James Cleland, (1770–1840) Superintendent of Public Works in Glasgow, Scottish statistician and historical writer
Publication details: 
Glasgow, 23 Nov. 1821
Upon request

See Image.One page, 4to, staining, sl. crumpled, closed tears, but text complete and clear. Dear Sir [Doctor Hooker in bottom corner] I regret exceedingly that hitherto it has not been in my power to offer my services in the way of showing your friend our Manufactures; I have been taken up with two or three meetings every day. On Monday next or any subsequent day which may be convenient for you and your friend.I will bemost happy to accompany you[...]. At the foot of the page is written [James Cleland] Author of Annals of Glasgow - a Statistical Account of the City of Glasgow &c. Notes: a.

[Bob Hope’s wife Dolores and Frank Sinatra’s wife Barbara.] Typed Letters Signed from the two women to ‘Bonnie and John’, each thanking them for the Christmas gift of a ‘peppered ham’.

Dolores Hope [née DeFina] (1909-2011), American singer, wife of Hollywood comedian Bob Hope; Barbara Sinatra [née Blakeley] (1927-2017), wife of singer and actor Frank Sinatra
Bob Hope’s wife Dolores and Frank Sinatra’s wife Barbara
Publication details: 
Dolores Hope's letter: 26 January 1993; on letterhead of 'Dolores and Bob Hope'. Barbara Sinatra's letter: undated; embossed 'Barbara Sinatra'.
Bob Hope’s wife Dolores and Frank Sinatra’s wife Barbara

Both letters are addressed to ‘Dear Bonnie and John’. Both in good condition, lightly aged. ONE: TLS from Dolores Hope. Signed ‘Dolores’ in red ink (the letterhead is also red). 1p, 12mo. Reads: ‘The black peppered ham was a big hit at our house and Bob and I can’t thank you enough. We really enjoyed this tasty ham and your thoughtfulness in remembering us at Chistmastime. / Have a healthy and happy New Year!’ TWO: TLS from Barbara Sinatra. Signed ‘Barbara’. 1p, landscape 12mo. On the lower half of an 8vo leaf, which has been converted into a bifolium by a central horizonal fold.

[Admiral of the Fleet James Gambier, distinguished Royal Navy officer.] Navy Office document, signed by Gambier, John Henslow and Charles Hope, querying an account submitted by ‘Captain Stanhope / late of L’Achille’.

James Gambier [Lord Gambier] (1756-1833), Royal Navy Admiral of the Fleet, Lord Commissioner of the Admiralty and First Naval Lord; John Henslow (1730-1815); Captain Charles Hope
Publication details: 
'Navy Office 20th March 1799.'

See Gambier’s entry in the Oxford DNB. He served during capture of Charleston during American Revolutionary War, at the Glorious First of June, and commanded at Battle of Copenhagen and Battle of the Basque Roads. He was First Naval Lord, three times: 1795-1801, 1804-6 and 1807-8. Henslow was Surveyor to the Navy, 1784-1806, and Hope was Deputy Comptroller of the Navy, 1795-1801.

[Lady Maud Wilbraham, President of the Silver Thimble Fund.] Autograph Card Signed to ‘Mrs Allan’ [Mrs Evelyn Julia Allan] of the Red Cross, thanking her for a contribution, and deploring the state of the times.

Lady Maud Wilbraham [Lady Alice Maud Bootle-Wilbraham] (1861-1922), President of the Silver Thimble Fund [Mrs Evelyn Julia Allen of the Chelsea Red Cross; Mrs Hope Elizabeth Hope Clarke of Wimbledon]
Publication details: 
1 June 1918. With printed details of ‘The “Silver Thimble” Fund’, its Wimbledon address deleted and replaced by Wilbraham’s: 26 Lower Sloane Street, SW1 [London].

An evocative artefact of one of the most successful British charities of the Great War. The Silver Thimble Fund was founded by Hope Elizabeth Hope Clarke of Wimbledon in 1915, and run from her house. Damaged trinkets made of precious metals, including 60,000 silver thimbles, were collected and melted down, paying for fifteen ambulances for the front and other medical transportation and equipment. The recipient is Mrs. Evelyn Julia Allan, listed in 1918 in the London Gazette as Honorary Secretary, Chelsea Division, British Red Cross.

[Lieutenant-General Sir John Hope, one of Wellington’s commanders in the Peninsular War.] Autograph Signature as Commander in Chief, Scotland: ‘John Hope / M. Genl. Commdg / in N. B.’

Lieutenant-General Sir John Hope (1765-1836), Scottish soldier, British Army officer, one of Wellington’s commanders in the Peninsular War; Commander-in-Chief in Scotland, 1816-1819
Publication details: 
[Between 1816 and 1819; Scotland.]

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. Between 1816 and 1819 Hope held the post of Major General Commanding in North Britain (i.e. Commander-in-Chief in Scotland). On 9.5 x 4 cm slip of wove paper, presumably the valediction cut from a letter. In good condition, lightly aged, with the reverse bearing a thin strip of grey paper from mount along thin strip at head. Reads: ‘John Hope / M. Genl. Commdg / in N. B.’ See image.

[Suttons Seeds, Reading.] Typed Letter Signed from Martin H. J. Sutton of the Royal Seed Establishment to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, regarding his experiments with 'radio-active fertilizers'.

[Suttons Seeds] Martin Hubert Foquet Sutton (1875-1930) of the Royal Seed Establishment, Reading, grandson of Martin Hope Sutton (1815-1901), seed merchant
Publication details: 
18 September 1915. On letterhead, with Royal Warrant, of The Royal Seed Establishment, Reading, England.

See the entry for Martin Hope Sutton in the Oxford DNB, and that for his grandson Martin Hubert Fouquet Sutton in Who Was Who. 2pp, 4to. I good condition, lightly aged and worn. Folded three times. With RSA date stamp. Signed 'Martin H F Sutton'. In reply to a letter from Menzies, Sutton expresses regret that 'it will be impossible for you to attend the Demonstration here on the 24th inst.' Sutton will be 'publishing certain particulars for the benefit of those present' and will be glad to send Menzies a copy.

[James Bryce [Viscount Bryce; Lord Bryce], jurist and politician, written while British Ambassador to the United States.] Autograph Letter Signed ('James Bryce'), to 'Hope', arranging the return of spectacles he left at the Canadian Club.

James Bryce, 1st Viscount Bryce [Lord Bryce] (1838-1922), Ulster-born Liberal poltician, academic, British Ambassador to the United States
Publication details: 
9 October 1908. On letterhead of Burn Side, Prides Crossing, Massachusetts.

3pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Folded once. The letter begins: 'My dear Hope, I have told Canadian Club you are coming. If I left my spectacles in the Chancery, in their case as I think I did this forenoon, will you please put them into an envelope for me?' He will go over the following morning, 'at Manchester if not'.

[ Sir T. C. Hope and 'Religious Equality'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Theodore C Hope') discussing religious education in schools, together with four pamphlets by him on 'Religious Equality'.

Sir T. C. Hope [Sir Theodore Cracraft Hope] (1831-1915), British civil servant of the Government of India [Religious Equality; Religous Nineteenth-century Education in Schools]
Publication details: 
LETTER: on letterhead of 21 Elvaston Place, Queens Gate, S.W. 28 June 1908. PAMPHLETS: 1906 (2), 1907 and 1908. The first three printed by Church Printing Co., London.

Hope calls (Item Four below) for 'a frank recognition of the fact that the faith of the nation is to be found under various, and in some cases discordant, forms, which each require cultivation in conformity with the conscientious beliefs of those who hold them', this being the only way that religion 'as a national institution' can be saved from 'eventual submergence under the floods of indifference and infidelity which are yearly making way in our own as in other European peoples'.The five items attached by a piece of string.

[ Catherine Gaskin, Irish-Australian author of romantic fiction. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Catherine Gaskin Cornberg') to 'Miss Cord [sic]' [ i.e. Eileen M. Cond ], discussing her former publisher William Hope Collins and his family.

Catherine Gaskin [ Catherine Gaskin Cornberg ] (1929-2009), best-selling Irish-Australian novelist in the field of romantic fiction [ William Hope Collins (1903-1967), Glasgow publisher ]
Publication details: 
On her letterhead, Ballymacahara, Wicklow, County Wicklow, Ireland. 14 June 1970.

1p., 4to. In good condition, lightly aged. She begins by agreeing to inscribe Cond's bookplate, before continuing: 'Ye, I did know Hope Collins – not particularly well, since he was based in Glasgow, and I lived in New York and the West Indies from 1955 to 1967 and so our visits to London rarely co-incided.' She remembers Collins as 'a most kindly and courteous man', and he is 'greatly missed.

[ Keith Murray, Lord Murray, Rector of Lincoln College, Oxford,. ] Typed Letter Signed and Typed Note Signed (both 'Murray of Newhaven'), the letter declining to become a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and the note regarding a meeting there.

Keith Anderson Hope Murray, Baron Murray of Newhaven [ Lord Murray ] (1903-1993), agronomist, Rector of Lincoln College, Oxford
Publication details: 
Both on letterhead of the Leverhulme Trust Fund, 21-23 New Fetter Lane, London, E.C.4. Letter dated 11 January 1967; note dated 9 November 1965.

LETTER: 1p., 4to. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Docketed in red and blue ink. He is grateful for 'the Council's very kind invitation to become a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts', and would have been happy to accept, except that he is 'intending to move from London into the country at a fairly early date', and 'would, therefore, be unable to take advantages [sic] of this Fellowship'. He hopes the Society will 'appreciate the reasons for my reducing rather than increasing my ties in London'. NOTE: 1p., landscape 12mo. Addressed to 'Mr. Samson', Assistant Secretary.

[ General John Hope, 4th Earl of Hopetoun, Scottish politician and soldier. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Hopetoun') to Viscount Melville, respecting the fitting up of a part of the Old Palace at Linlithgow for the county meetings.

General John Hope, 4th Earl of Hopetoun [ Lord Niddry ] (1765-1823), Scottish politician and British Army officer [ Robert Saunders Dundas, Viscount Melville ]
Publication details: 
Hopetoun House. 23 May 1819.

3pp., 4to. In good condition, lightly-aged, on two leaves each neatly cut out of a windowpane mount. Headed 'Private'. Docketted by the recipient: 'Resp[ectin]g. the fitting up a part of the Old Palace at Linlithgow for the County Meeting'. He describes the applications he has made to the Lords of the Treasury and the Prince Regent, and a correspondence between the Keeper of the Palace and the Secretary of State. 'Your Lordship is aware that the Building is a complete Ruin; & of no use whatever, it its present state to any one [...]'.

[ Sir A. J. B. Beresford-Hope, Tory politician and author. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('A J B Beresford Hope') to W. de Boinville, thanking him for uncovering information about the poet Christopher Smart.

Sir Alexander James Beresford Beresford Hope [ Alexander Hope; A. J. B. Hope; A. J. B. Beresford Hope ] (1820-1887), Tory politician and author
Publication details: 
Bedgebury Park, Cranbrook [ Kent ]. 4 February 1858.

3pp., 12mo. Writing in a difficult hand, he thanks him for his very curious & interesting letter respecting Chr. Smart, of whose birthplace I had been previously ignorant, tho' his name was not unknown to me in connection with Horace'.

[ Society of Dilettanti, London. ] Report of the Committee of the Society of Dilettanti, appointed by the Society to superintend the expedition lately sent by them to Greece and Ionia; containing an Abstract of the Voyage of the Mission, [...]

Sir H. C. Englefield, Secretary, Society of Dilettanti, London [ William Bulmer (1757-1830), Shakspeare Press, London ]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by Order of the Society for the use of the Members, By W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-Row, St. James's. 1814.

Full title: 'Report of the Committee of the Society of Dilettanti, appointed by the Society to superintend the expedition lately sent by them to Greece and Ionia; containing an Abstract of the Voyage of the Mission, a List of the Materials collected by them, and a Plan to facilitate the Publication of those Materials.' At end of last page: 'Signed, by order of the Committee, | H. C. ENGLEFIELD, | Secretary.' [2] + 18pp., 4to. Stabbed, but with stitching gone.

[ Lewis Mansergh, Secretary, Public Works Commission, Cape of Good Hope. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Lewis Mansergh') to 'Mr. Anthony', regarding the Irrigation Act.

Lewis Mansergh [ Cornewall Lewis Warwickshire Mansergh ], Secretary of the Public Works Commission, and of the Provincial Council, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa [The Irrigation Act, 1906.]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Office of the Commissioner of Public Works, Cape of Good Hope. 24 September 1906.

2pp., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He is sending, under separate cover, a copy of 'the Irrigation Act as it finally passed the House', but feels there is 'no use loading you up with particulars of the many intervening phases - and they were many. As you have it now it is the law!' He continues with reference to Gordon and Paterson, the former of whom 'will be finally leaving at the end of the year, and the Govt: has suggested another Indian man', whom Gordon recommends.

[James F. L. Wood, Assistant Manager, Society for the Suppression of Mendicity.] Manuscript confidential report (signed 'Exd. R Ferguson') to A. J. B. Beresford Hope, on nine cases of begging letters sent from the Lisson Grove area of London.

James F. L. Wood, Assistant Manager, Society for the Suppression of Mendicity [Mendicity Society] [Sir Alexander James Beresford Beresford Hope (1820-1887), Conservative politician; R. Ferguson]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Begging Letter Department, Mendicity Office, Red Lion Square. 3 April 1856.

3pp., folio. Bifolium on grey paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'A. J. B. Beresford Hope | Esq | Arklow House', with Penny Red stamp and postmarks. In good condition, on aged paper, with some discoloration to the reverse of the second leaf. Printed in red at the head of the first page: 'THIS REPORT IS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL.

[Charles Mercer.] Two Autograph Letters Signed to John Jackson, MP for Dover, the first, with account, regarding payments by the banker Sir William Forbes to Lord Keith and Miss Mercer Elphinstone, and the second regarding various payments.

Charles Mercer [of Allan Park, Stirling?] [Sir John Jackson, 1st Baronet (1763-1820), Member of Parliament for Dover, 1806-1820; Sir William Forbes of Pitsligo, 7th Baronet (1773-1828)]
Publication details: 
First Letter: Edinburgh. 3 August 1814. Second Letter: Hope Park, Edinburgh. 17 January 1815.

Both letters 1p., 4to, and both addressed, with two postmarks, on the reverse, to 'John Jackson Esqr. M.P. | New Broad Street | London'. Both are docketted by Jackson. ONE: Headed by accounts of payments by Sir William Forbes and Messrs Robert Stein & Co, totalling £4600 14s 3d, against the shares of Lord Keith and 'Miss Mercer Elphinstone'. In the letter Mercer explains that Stein's share is for 'his Rent to Lord Keith'.

[The Caledonian Canal, Scotland.] Manuscript Letter, signed by James Hope of Rickman & Hope, solicitors, to the Bank of Scotland, regarding 'dues collected for the passage of Vessels through the Caledonian Canal'. With detailed accounts of receipts.

[The Caledonian Canal, Scotland, designed by Thomas Telford and completed in 1822; James Hope of Rickman & Hope, Edinburgh; George Sanby of the Bank of Scotland]
Publication details: 
31 Moray Place, Edinburgh. 27 December 1825.

4pp., foolscap 8vo, on two bifoliums. On aged and worn paper, with slight bloom at head and a little loss to spine from disbinding.

[Parliamentary paper.] Cape of Good Hope: Botanical Collectors. Extract of a Letter dated 1st September 1814, from Sir Joseph Banks to George Harrison, Esquire, recommending the appointment of two Botanical Collectors at The Cape of Good Hope [...].

[Sir Joseph Banks; George Harrison; the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew; the Cape of Good Hope; British Parliamentary paper, 1821; S. R. Lushington; House of Commons]
Publication details: 
'Ordered, by The House of Commons, to be Printed, 2 April 1821.' [Numbered '374.']

3pp., folio, paginated to 3. Bifolium. Disbound. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper; folded twice into the customary packet, with the title printed lengthwise as usual.

Autograph Letter Signed by the Scottish poet Thomas Campbell, author of 'Gertrude of Wyoming', writing in memorable style on presenting a book to an American visitor about to return home.

Thomas Campbell (1777-1844), Scottish Romantic poet, author of 'The Pleasures of Hope' and 'Gertrude of Wyoming'
Publication details: 
61 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. 16 July 1840.

2pp., 4to. An excellent letter, stylish and charming, and a lucky survival. In poor condition, apparently as a result of fire damage: with wear and chipping repaired with archival tape.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Spencer') from George John Spencer, 2nd Earl Spencer to an unnamed recipient [his agent?], requesting him to engage 'Mrs. Hope's house' and 'the stables at Mr. Wrights'.

George John Spencer (1758-1834), 2nd Earl Spencer [Thomas Hope (1769-1831), connoisseur, and Hon. Louisa Hope (d.1851), his wife]
Publication details: 
'Spencer House Saturday [no date]'.

1p., 12mo. On aged and lightly-spotted paper. Reads: 'My dear Sir, | Mrs. Hope's house will do & I shall be obliged to you to engage it for me, from the Saturday before the show for a week & the stables at Mr. Wrights also. | Yours most truly, | [signed] Spencer'. Mrs Hope is probably the Hon. Louisa Hope (d.1851), wife or widow of the connoisseur Thomas Hope (1769-1831), and one of the wealthiest women of England. If this is the case the letter was written before her second marriage in 1832 to her cousin Viscount Beresford.

Printed facsimile of circular letter to clergymen from 'A J B Beresford-Hope', as Chairman of the Marriage Law Defence Union', writing in opposition to the Married Women's Property Rights Act of 1882.

Sir Alexander James Beresford Beresford Hope (1820-1887), conservative politician [the Marriage Law Defence Union; the Married Women’s Property Rights Act of 1882]
Beresford-Hope, facsimile letter,  Marriage Law Defence Union
Publication details: 
18 September 1883. 20 Cockspur Street, London SW.
Beresford-Hope, facsimile letter,  Marriage Law Defence Union

12mo, 1 p. In good condition. Laid down on a page removed from an album. Addressed to 'Rev. and Dear Sir', and calling the recipient's attention to an 'enclosed appeal' (not present), and asking that he 'would kindly put it up in your Church'. 'It speaks for iself and I can only add that the efficiency of the opposition to the disastrous change of law must greatly depend on the means at the disposal of those who are contending for an old domestic purity.'

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'H W Kennard') to Beresford Hope, the first providing information useful to an Edwardian British attaché in Washington.

H. W. Kennard [Sir Howard William Kennard] (1878-1955), British diplomat [Beresford Hope; James Bryce (1838-1922), 1st Viscount Bryce, British Ambassador to the United States, 1907-1913]
Publication details: 
2 December 1907 and 16 August 1909; both on letterhead of the British Embassy, Washington [second letterhead amended to 'N. E. Harbor'].

Hope had returned to the Foreign Office from Tehran in May 1907, but had moved to the Washington Embassy, as second secretary, that October. The recipient is presumably one of the ten children of the Tory politician A. J. B. Beresford Hope (1820-1887). Letter One: 12mo, 8 pp. Very good on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to 'My dear Beresford Hope'. A teasing, friendly letter, intresting for the information it provides on the situation of a minor attaché in Edwardian Washington.

The Dominions National Days Historical Celebration Movement. The Australia Day Historical Addresss. To be read on board P. & O. Australia Line Steamers at Sea on 26th January. [Inscribed to H. T. B. Drew.]

D. Hope Johnston [Douglas Hope Johnston (1874-1957)], '(Founder and ex-President of the Australasian Pioneers' Club, Sydney, N.S.W.)'
Publication details: 
Date and publisher not stated. Inscription by Johnston dated 'London | Nov 1933.'

4to, 8 pp. Stapled. In original brown printed wraps. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Bumped at head of spine. Inscription on inside of front wrap reads 'To - Captain H. T. B. Drew In appreciation of his unfailing interest & support - from the first of this Movement, & in the London Memorial to the Founder of Australia, Admiral Arthur Phillip RN | From, - his grateful friend [signed] D. Hope Johnston. of The Royal Empire Society London & The Pioneers Club. Sydney N.S.W.' Phillip was Johnston's great-grandfather. Drew was a New Zealand author.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Spencer Todd') to autograph collector S[eymour]. C. J. Freeman-Matthews of Cape Town.

John Spencer Brydges Todd (1840-1921), Executive Commissioner, Paris, for the Universal Exhibition of 1878, and colonial officer
Publication details: 
18 August 1900; on crested letterhead '112, VICTORIA STREET, LONDON, S.W.'

One page, 12mo. Very good. 'Although I am surprised at your wishing to include mine in your collection of autographs, here it is. | I agree with Sir Alfred Milner that Work, Brains & Opportunity are necessary to success; and that the last is most necessary. But I think that Self-control should be added to His Excellency's list.' A printed biographical cutting is appended.

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