[A. C. Fraser [Alexander Campbell Fraser], Scottish philosopher and theologian.] Autograph Letter Signed, referring to his forthcoming edition of Bishop Berkeley, and two recent reviews by him.

Alexander Campbell Fraser (1819-1914), Scottish philosopher and theologian, editor and biographer of George Berkeley
Publication details: 
23 October 1865; University of Edinburgh.

See his entry in the Oxford DNB. 1p, 12mo. With mourning border. In good condition, lightly aged, folded for postage. Recipient (‘Sir’) not named. Signed ‘A. C. Fraser’. He is ‘pleased to think that anything [he has] written has given pleasure’ to the recipient. ‘As yet my productions have been occasional & fragmentary, but I am now engaged in a larger work - an edition of Berkeley’s writings, for the Oxford Press.’ Postscript: ‘I have an article in the last (September) North British Review on Mill & Hamilton, & in the October Macmillans Magazine on the “Literary Life of Isaac Taylor”’.

[Lady Charlotte Bury, Regency novelist of the ‘Silver Fork’ school.] Autograph Letter in the third person, requesting that Sir William Hamilton subscribes to a forthcoming work by her.

Lady Charlotte Bury [Lady Charlotte Susan Maria Bury, née Campbell] (1775-1861), Regency ‘Silver Fork’ novellist and diarist, lady in waiting to George IV’s wife Queen Caroline
Publication details: 
26 August 1831. 3 Park Square, London.

The daughter of the fifth Duke of Argyll, Lady Charlotte bore eleven children to her two husbands, and was forced to write novels by her first husband’s death and second husband’s profligacy. See her entry in the Oxford DNB. 4pp, 16mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Neatly attached by a paper hinge to part of a leaf from an album. Begins: ‘Lady Charlotte Bury presents her Compts to Sir William Hamilton, & takes the liberty of soliciting for the honor & favor of his name, as a subscriber to a work by Lady Charlotte of which the enclosed Prospectus gives every particular.

[Royal Academy of Music, London.] Circular in form of facsimile letter from Principal Sir A. C. Mackenzie, asking alumni to take part in centenary celebrations. Addressed to cellist Ambrose Gauntlett.

[Royal Academy of Music, London: centenary celebrations.] Sir Alexander Campbell Mackenzie (1847-1935), Scottish composer, Principal of RAM, 1888-1924 [Ambrose Gauntlett (1889-1978), cellist]
Publication details: 
8 February 1922; on letterhead of Royal College of Music, London.

See Mackenzie’s entry in the Oxford DNB. Gauntlett was later appointed Professor of Cello at the Royal Academy of Music. See Sir Anthony Lewis’s appreciative Times obituary. 2pp, 4to. On bifolium of good paper, with letterhead printed in black with the College’s arms in red. A very good facsimile of Mackenzie’s autograph and signature, with twenty-five lines of text. Addressed in manuscript to ‘A. Gauntlett, Esq. / 12 Fairholme Road / W Kensington / W.’ Begins: ‘You will doubtless have heard of our intention to celebrate the centenary of the R. A. M.

[Thomas Campbell, Scottish Romantic poet.] Autograph Letter, in the third person, to Campbell's publisher Henry Colburn, regarding an article by William Hazlitt.

Thomas Campbell [Thomas Campbell(1777-1844), Scots Romantic poet; his wife, born Matilda Sinclair (c.1780-1828)] [Henry Colburn (1784-1855), London publisher; William Hazlitt, celebrated essayist]
Publication details: 
'Thursday 11 oclock / 10 Seymour St West [London] -'. [No year, but between 1825 and 1828.

See his entry, and that of Colburn, in the Oxford DNB. Campbell agreed to edit Colburn’s ‘New Monthly Magazine’ in 1820, his first number in the post being that of January 1821, and the letter was presumably written between this period and Mrs Campbell’s death in 1828. The reference to ‘Mr Ollier’ would close the dates even further: the Oxford DNB’s entry for Charles Ollier (1788-1859) stating that, after financial difficulties, ‘by the autumn of 1825 he returned to the publishing trade as the chief literary reader and adviser to Henry Colburn in New Burlington Street’. 1p, 12mo.

[Lord John Russell on the General Assembly of the Leeward Islands, 1840, 1841.] Two printed Colonial Office documents: copy of letter to him by J. Campbell and T. Wilde, ‘Her Majesty’s Attorney and Solicitor General’, and covering circular dispatch.

Lord John Russell as Secretary of State for the Colonies, 1841 [General Assembly of the Leeward Islands; John Campbell (Lord Campbell), Attorney General; Thomas Wilde (Lord Truro), Solicitor General]
Publication details: 
ONE: Letter of Campbell and Wilde from Temple [London], 9 December 1840. TWO: Campbell’s covering dispatch from Downing Street [London], 15 April 1841.

Both items scarce: no other copy of either traced. Disbound from a volume and paginated in manuscript. In good condition, lightly aged. ONE: ‘Copy’ of letter to ‘The Right Honorable Lord John Russell’, signed in type ‘J. CAMPBELL, / T. WILDE.’ 2pp, 8vo. Paginated in manuscript 27-28. Printed in copperplate font. Begins: ‘My Lord, / We have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Mr. Vernon Smith’s letter of the 3d inst.

Autograph Manuscript, by the Scottish romantic poet Thomas Campbell, of his essay 'Remarks on the Geography of the Ancients'.

Thomas Campbell (1777-1844), Scottish poet, author of 'The Pleasures of Hope' (1799) and 'Gertrude of Wyoming' (1809)
Publication details: 
Without date or place. Published in 'The Metropolitan', London, May 1831, where it is stated to have been 'Read at the Literary Union, Wednesday, Apri 27th, 1831.'

32pp, 8vo. In very good condition, on lightly-aged laid Whatman paper with watermarked date 1830. Ruled in pencil by Campbell, and written out in his attractive calligraphic hand. With occasional emendations, and with an entire revision of the twentieth page made by overlaying another leaf of paper over the top of the original with wafers in each corner. (The two versions can be separated from one another with ease.) Campbell's essay was the leading article in the first issue of 'The Metropolitan', published in London by James Cochrane and Co.

[Henry Westmacott, sculptor, brother of Sir Richard Westmacott.] Signature to Autograph Receipt for payment for ‘Monument to the Memory of Col[one]l. Campbell - including cases - Inscriptions - &c’.

Henry Westmacott (1784-1861), sculptor who worked on Nelson’s tomb in St Paul’s Cathedral, brother of Sir Richard Westmacott (1775-1856), and member of British sculpting dynasty
Publication details: 
Dated 18 February 1814. No place.

On one side of slip of laid paper, with watermark date ‘1811’. Dimensions: 18.5 x 7.5 cm. In good condition, folded three times. Good firm signature. Reads: ‘Received Feby: 18th: 1814. of Mrs. Campbell One Hundred & fifty Pounds for a Monument to the Memory of Coll. Campbell - including cases - Inscriptions - &c | £150 | Henry Westmacott.’ For Westmacott's work on Nelson's tomb, see the Archaeological Journal, 1894, vol. 51 (2nd series no. 1), p.161..

[Marinus Campbell, Dutch bibliographer.] Autograph Letter Signed ('M. F. A. G Campbell') in French [to Basil Montagu Pickering], describing the response of William Blades to his discovery in Ghent of 'un Caxton inconnu'.

Marinus Fredrik Andries Gerardus Campbell (1819-1890), Dutch bibliographer, [Basil Montagu Pickering (1835-1878) William Blades (1824-1890); William Caxton]
Publication details: 
'La Haye [The Hague, Holland] 18 Septembre 1875.'

Campbell was Librarian of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, and Chief Director of the Museum Meermanno-Westreenianum. 4pp, 12mo. Bifolium. Neatly and closely written. In good condition, lightly aged. The recipient ('Cher Monsieur') is not named, but the context of the letter identifies him the London publisher and bookseller Basil Montagu Pickering, who in 1874 published 'Calcoen, A Dutch narrative of the Second Voyage of Vasco da Gama to Calicut, Printed at Antwerp circa 1504', edited by Jean Philibert Berjeau (1809-1891).

[Alexander Campbell Fraser, Scottish philosopher.] Autograph Letter Signed ('A. Campbell Fraser') to 'Miss Alice', expressing pleasure at her request for his autograph, 'inartistic & illegible as it is'.

Alexander Campbell Fraser (1819-1914), Scottish philosopher
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Gorton, Hawthornden, Midlothian, N.B. [Scotland] 6 October 1893.

1p, 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged, with central vertical fold. The letter reads: 'Dear Miss Alice, | I am flattered to learn that you desire to have a Specimen of my Writing, - inartistic & illegible as it is, and I am truly glad to learn that you do not contemplate going from your native country next winter.'

[Hall Caine, novelist: studio portrait and signed autograph inscription.] Signed Autograph Inscription ('Hall Caine') to Lady Campbell Clarke, with print of studio portrait photograph.

Hall Caine [Sir Thomas Henry Hall Caine] (1853-1931), popular Isle of Man author [Lady Campbell Clarke]
Publication details: 
No place. 9 November 1905.

An attractive item, in good condition, lightly aged and spotted. On one side of a piece of 17.5 x 25 cm landscape paper, with the autograph writing on the right-hand side and the 15 x 10 cm print of a studio portrait laid down on the left-hand side. Caine was a striking and instantly-recognisable individual, and the photograph shows him in characteristic style, bare-headed in his usual dress of long double-breasted coat with white cravat, staring intently at the camera, with a book in his right hand, and his right hand draped across his left thigh, his left leg being elevated on a chair.

[ Lord Frederick Campbell, Scottish nobleman and politician. ] Autograph Note in the third person to 'Mr: Heath', apologising for missing him when he called.

Lord Frederick Campbell (1729-1816), Scottish nobleman and politician, Lord Clerk Register of Scotland, and successively Member of Parliament for Glasgow Burghs and Argyllshire
Publication details: 
'Arlington Street - Saturday' [ 1806 ].

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and creased paper, with strip of paper from mount adhering to reverse. The leaf has been folded in two, with 'Mr: Heath' written by Campbell on one part, beneath which, in another hand are the recipient's initials 'J. H.' and the date 1819. Above this, in pencil, in a third hand: 'Ld. Fredk Campbell still living at the age of near 90'.

[ Sir Alexander Campbell Mackenzie, Scottish composer, and John Mackenzie Rogan, Director of Music, Coldstream Guards. ] Their signatures, each with an autograph bar of music, for composer Herman Finck, on a menu from Pagani's Restaurant, London.

Sir Alexander Campbell Mackenzie (1847-1935), composer and conductor; John Mackenzie Rogan (1855-1932), Director of Music, Coldstream Guards [ Herman Finck (1872-1939); Pagani's Restaurant, London ]
Publication details: 
Menu from Pagani's Restaurant, London. Dated by Mackenzie 4 November 1909.

Attractive menu, printed in black and gold, on card bifolium, folding into two 8 x 17 cm. panels, partly detached. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Calligraphic design, with 'Pagani's' printed in gilt on the cover, and the menu itself on the recto of the second leaf, facing some calligraphic flourishes on the verso of the first leaf. The two inscriptions are both in pencil, mainly on the recto of the second leaf but with the second extending somewhat onto the facing page. The upper of the two, signed by 'A. C.

[ John Campbell, 1st Baron Campbell, Lord Chancellor, as Attorney-General. ] Autograph Letter Signed (J. Campbell'), concerning the 'Seminary Cadetship' of Robert Campbell at the East India Company Military Seminary at Addiscombe.

John Campbell, 1st Baron Campbell (1779-1861), Lord Chancellor of the United Kingdom [ East India Company Military Seminary, Addiscombe ]
Publication details: 
New Street, Spring Gardens [ London ]. 9 December 1834.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The recipient is unnamed. The letter begins: 'Sir | The President of the Board of Control has been pleased to present me with a Seminary Cadetship for Mr Robt. Campbell a youth of 16, son of John Campbell Esq of Kilberry in the County of Argyle.

[ Hugh Hume-Campbell, 3rd Earl of Marchmont. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Marchmont'), the second concerning the 'Great Seal' and the death of Andrew Pringle, Lord Alemoor.

Hugh Hume-Campbell, 3rd Earl of Marchmont [ Lord Marchmont; in youth styled Lord Polwarth ](1708-1794), Scottish politician, Governor of the Bank of Scotland, 1763-90 [ Andrew Pringle, Lord Alemoor ]
Publication details: 
Both from London. 18 February 1766; 18 April 1776.

Both letters 1p., 4to. Both on bifoliums with second leaf docketed. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: London; 18 February 1766. He begins with reference to the sending of two bills to 'Mr. Fairholme', then turns to the question of a receipt for 'Rob: Minto', which he provides, with its own signature, at the end of the letter. He then states that as a result of 'Mr Pringles Letter' he has 'lost hopes of Lord Nisbet'. Finally he says that he has 'had a Letter of form from Billie notifying Widderburn's Death'. TWO: London; 18 April 1776. Docketed 'Great Seal'.

[ Lieut-Col. Arthur Campbell Yate, traveller and soldier. ] Autograph Card Signed and Two Autograph Letters Signed (all 'A. C. Yate') to Sir H. T. Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, on papers on the Indian Branch of the Red Cross and Indian Army

Lieut-Col. Arthur Campbell Yate (1853-1929) of Beckbury Hall, Shifnal, traveller, soldier, author, and Honorary Secretary, Central Asian Society [ Sir Henry Trueman Wood; Royal Society of Arts ]
Publication details: 
The three items on letterheads of Beckbury Hall, Shifnal. Postcard: 5 March 1915. Letters: 10 and 13 December 1916.

According to his long obituary in The Times, 13 June 1929 ('Central Asian Politics'), Yates's 'studies of the affairs of the Indian borderland, Central Asia, and the Middle East were probably excelled by few retired officers of the Indian Army in wealth of detail and personal knowledge of events and personalities spread over the last half-century'. See also his long entry in Who Was Who. The three items are in fair condition, on aged and worn paper with rusting from paperclip. They carry the stamp and docketing of the Society. The card - signed 'A. C. Yate (Lt..

[ Winifred Gordon, W. J. Barwick of Truslove and Hanson, and C. F. Cazenove. ] Autograph Letter Signed by Gordon, two Autograph Letters Signed and Autograph Note Signed by Barwick, and three copies by Cazenove, on her book on Romania.

Winifred Gordon [ Winifred Monckton Campbell Gordon ] (d.1957), author; W. J. Barwick, director, Truslove and Hanson, London publishers; Charles Francis Cazenove (1870-1915), London literary agent
Publication details: 
Gordon's letter on letterhead of the Hotel d'Angleterre, Copenhagen. 24 June 1912. Barwick's three items on letterheads of Truslove and Hanson, 6a Sloane Street, London. June and July 1912.

Gordon is described in The Times, 20 August 1958, as a 'traveller, lecturer, and author', and a resident of Lausanne at the time of her death. All seven items in fair condition, on aged paper, with some rust spotting from a paperclip. The book referred to is 'Roumania, Yesterday and Today' (1918), which has an introduction and two chapters by the Queen of Romania. ONE: Gordon's letter to Barwick. 24 June 1912. 3pp., 8vo. She writes that she has already tried to place 'the little book' with 'Geo. Bell - Jacks - & Gay & Hancock. As to yr.

[ David Murray, 2nd Earl of Mansfield. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Mansfield') to the Duke of Portland, sometime Prime MInister, regarding the resignation of 'Dr Campbell' and the arrangements for his pension.

David Murray, 2nd Earl of Mansfield (1727-1796) [ The Viscount Stormont between 1748 and 1793 ], politician and diplomat [ William Cavendish-Bentinck, 3rd Duke of Portland; Dr Thomas Campbell ]
Publication details: 
'Kenwood Tuesday afternoon | July 28 [ 1793 ]'.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to 'D. of Portland'. The date '93' has been added in a contemporary hand beside 'July 28'. Knowing Portland, he feels that 'Dr Campbells Interests cannot be safer' than in his hands. He is transmitting a letter of resignation, to be used whenever Portland thinks proper.

[ Pamphlet. ] The Robbery of the Poor.

William H. P. Campbell [ The Modern Press, Paternoster Row, London ]
Publication details: 
London: The Modern Press, 13 and 14, Paternoster Row, E.C. 1884:

54pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. In good condition, on aged paper. Dedication: 'To | The Poor of England, | This Pamphlet is dedicated | By ONE | Who would hasten the coming of the Day | When we shall not [last word underlined] have them | With us.' He concludes with 'one word' to those who think that 'what we believe in as possible is a splendid Utopia that can never exist, a pleasant dream that shall never be realised': 'Have it so, if you please.

[ John Campbell, 7th Duke of Argyll, as Lord John Campbell of Ardencaple. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('J: D: Campbell')

John Campbell (1777-1847), 7th Duke of Argyll, as Lord John Campbell [ Lord John Douglas Edward Henry Campbell ] of Ardencaple, Dunbarton, Scottish Member of Parliament
Publication details: 
Ardencaple [ Dunbarton, Scotland ]. 25 August 1825.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Addressed (with broken seal in red wax) on reverse of second leaf to 'Archibald Campbell Esq | Army Agent | Regent Street | London'. The letter begins: 'I have just seen a Letter from the Widow of the late Stuart Campbell with a Copy of yours to her, recommending her to try, the effect of circulating Subscription Papers amongst the Friends of her late Husband, and certainly there appears little chance of obtaining any other Relief for her and her destitute Family'.

[ Daniel Terry, actor and dramatist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Danl. Terry') to the wife of the architect William Atkinson

Daniel Terry (c.1780-1829), English actor and dramatist, friend of Sir Walter Scott [ William Atkinson (c.1774-1839), English architect ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but with note stating that it was written 'about the year 1829'.

1p., 12mo. Addressed to 'My dear Mrs. Atkinson', and with contemporary note at head stating that the letter is 'To Mrs. Atkinson Grove end - about the year 1829', Grove End in Paddington being the estate of the architect William Atkinson. In good condition, lightly-aged, with minor traces of stub adhering to one edge on blank reverse. He thanks her for her 'beautiful present' and informs her that he has 'secured 6 places in the front Boxes for to-morrow evening - and shall do myself the pleasure of bringing up admissions for that Number either to day or early to morrow morning'.

[ Daniel Terry, actor and dramatist. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Danl. Terry') to William Campbell, playfully inviting him to come and drink with him and 'Geddes' in Mount Street.

Daniel Terry (c.1780-1829), English actor and dramatist, friend of Sir Walter Scott
Publication details: 
'Sunday Afternoon'. Without place or date.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed on second leaf to 'Wm Campbell Esqr. | Brook Street'. In good condition, lightly-aged. The letter begins: 'Had I been aware, before dinner, of what our friend Geddes has just informed me after dinner, - that you are at present a Batchelor, you certainly should have had no excuse for not returning with him to a friendly knife & fork in Mount Street'. He asks him, if he is 'quite alone', to 'come immeditely & lecture him for his remissness - & drink to his better behaviour - we are quite en famille with only Geddes'.

[ Sir Alexander Douglas Campbell. ] Papers relating to 9th Corps, BNAF, compiled immediately after the Tunisia Campaign, including a 'General History of Ninth Corps' by Campbell, original manuscript tracings, duplicated maps, order by Crocker.

Sir Alexander Douglas Campbell (1899-1980), Chief Engineer, IX Corps, BNAF [ British North Africa Force ]; General Sir John Tredinnick Crocker (1896-1963), Officer Commanding [ Tunisia Campaign ]
Publication details: 
On folder: 'Field B.N.A.F. [ British North Africa Force ] 29th May, 1943.' Campbell's 'General History' dated from 'FIELD, | 18 May 43.'

Twenty-seven items in paper folder with printed (not duplicated) cover: '"If the trumpet give an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself to the battle" | General History of Ninth Corps | Field B.N.A.F. 29th May, 1943.' The collection is in fair condition, with rust staples from paper clips and other signs of age and wear. The presence of matter including the manuscript originals of maps makes it clear that the collection derives from Campbell himself. The following description divided into six items. ONE: Duplicated typescript: 'GENERAL HISTORY OF 9 CORPS'. 10pp., 8vo. Anonymous.

[ William Campbell Maclean, Professor of Military Medicine, Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley. ] Autograph Signature ('W. C. Maclean') on valediction to letter.

William Campbell Maclean (1811-1898), Professor of Military Medicine, Royal Victoria Hospital, Netley
Publication details: 
Without place or date.

On 6 x 11 cm piece of paper, cut from the end of a letter. Reads: 'I am | Dear Sir | Yours faithfully | W. C. Maclean'. In good condition, lightly aged, with frayed printed slip attached at base of paper.

[ John Edward Kempe, Rector of St James's, Piccadilly. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'John Edw Kempe'), the first regarding Archibald Campbell Tait, on his appointment as Bishop of London, both to 'Rev. S. Smith'.

John Edward Kempe (1810-1907), M.A., Prebendary of St. Paul's, Chaplain to Queen Victoria, and Rector of St James's, Piccadilly [ Archibald Campbell Tait (1811-1882), Archbishop of Canterbury ]
Publication details: 
Both from St James's Rectory, Piccadilly [London]. 22 September 1856 and 21 June 1858.

Both items in good condition, lightly aged and worn. ONE: 22 September 1856. 4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Docketted: 'Revd J. E. Kempe about Annie's XG. & Tait, new Bp of London | Sep 1856'. After discussing arrangements for meeting he turns to Tait, about to be consecrated Bishop of London. 'You ask about our new Bishop. I have reason to think it an excellent appointment.

[Francis Campbell Bayard and Hugh Robert Mill, as Secretaries, Royal Meteorological Society.] Lithographed Certificate, signed by the two men, electing 'Charles Anthony Esq. Jun. M. Inst. C. E.' a Fellow.

Hugh Robert Mill (1861-1950), Scottish geographer and meteorologist; Francis Campbell Bayard (1851-1927) President of the Royal Meteorological Society
Publication details: 
Royal Meteorological Society, 70 Victoria Street, Westminster, SW. 21 March 1906.

1p., 4to. On bifolium. In good condition, lightly aged and smudged paper. Engraved copperplate certificate. Signed 'Francis Campbell Bayard' and 'Hugh Robert Mill'.

[William Angus Knight, Professor of Moral Philosophy, University of St Andrews.] Autograph Letter Signed ('W. Knight.') to James Dykes Campbell, expressing regret at revealing the existence of Wordsworth's 'Axiologus' sonnet, and attacking T. J. Wise

William Angus Knight (1836-1916), Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of St Andrews, 1876-1902 [James Dykes Campbell (1838-1895), Coleridge biographer; Thomas James Wise. forger]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the 'University of St Andrew. N.B. [Scotland]'. 2 January 1892.

2pp., 12mo. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper. Written in a difficult hand. The letter begins: 'My dear Campbell. | You will find all I know about Axiologus, and Miss Maria Williams, in a prefatory note Vol I of my Edition of W[illiam]. W[ordsworth].s Poems (not Life).' He confirms that the poem is by Wordsworth, and expresses regret at 'letting it be known: for it led Tutin [John Ramsden Tutin (1855-1913)] of Hull to go & print the sonnet for private circulation some years ago.

[Campbell Dodgson, Keeper of Prints and Drawings at the British Museum.] Autograph Letter Signed to an unnamed male recipient, regarding a portrait of David Garrick.

Campbell Dodgson (1867-1948), Keeper of Prints and Drawings at the British Museum and art historian [David Garrick]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Department of Prints and Drawings, British Museum, London. 21 June 1928.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with a small closed tear to one edge. He informs the recipient that his portrait of Garrick is 'the second state of the engraving: the first is before all letters. | The person who engraved the lettering evidently made a mistake.' He notes an inscription sometimes found on impressions of the second state of the engraving, and change made in the third state.

[Arthur Campbell, Victorian photographer.] Memorandum of Agreement in which he undertakes to teach Leonard Langsford 'how to prepare the photographic paper called "Gelatino-chloride glossy printing-out paper"'. With three associated signed documents.

Arthur Campbell of 6 Brooks Road, Gunnersbury, Victorian photographer [Leonard Langsford of the Lisle Press, 24 Whitcomb Street, London, printer; Campbell Studios?]
Publication details: 
Memorandum: 17 June 1910. Receipt by Campbell: on letterhead of The Acacias, Brooks Road, Gunnersbury, W. [London]. 8 July 1910. Letter by Langford: on letterhead of The Lisle Press Ltd., 24 Whitcomb Street, Pall Mall. 17 June 1910.

The collection consists of four items. All four in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with slight creasing. ONE: Typed Memorandum. 3pp., foolscap 8vo. Signed over a stamp by Campbell, and witnessed by Florence Campbell of Newcastle-on-Tyne. Campbell agrees to teach Langsford 'how to prepare the photographic paper called "Gelatino-chloride glossy printing-out paper" by the same formula and process as he uses and put him in the way to start and carry on a business for himself'.

[John Campbell, 2nd Marquess of Breadalbane.] Autograph Letter to him from John Wilson, on behalf of the estate of the London coachbuilder William Honeywell, offering terms for the settlement of the bill for the 'Job Chariot'.

[John Campbell (1796-1862), 2nd Marquess of Breadalbane, Lord Chamberlain, 1848-1852); William Honeywill of Berners Street and Oxford Street, London coachbuilder; John Wilson of 29 Oxford Street]
Publication details: 
London. 24 April 1841.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Addressed, with postmarks and red wax seal, to 'The Most Honble | The Marqss. of Breadalbane | Taymouth Castle | Perthshire'. Docketted: 'Honeywell coach | to be attended the beginning of May - 1846'. He writes that the trustees and executors of Honeywell's estate are handing in 'the remainder of their account for work done since the delivery of the last account to May 20th 1840, in which they have not included the amount of Interest due on purchase of the Job Chariot'.

[John Campbell, 4th Earl and 1st Marquess of Breadalbane.] Nine Autograph Letters Signed to him, from various parties, most on estate matters, including five from his agent Duncan Campbell, several showing the hardships suffered by his rural tenants.

John Campbell (1762-1834), 4th Earl and 1st Marquess of Breadalbane, Scottish landowner [Duncan Campbell; William Stewart; the Highland Clearances]
Publication details: 
From Ardvorlich, Edinburgh, Killin and Rockhill in Scotland, and one from London. Between 1803 and 1833.

Eight of the items are in very good condition, on lightly aged paper, the ninth (Item Four) is damp-stained. One letter (Item Five) is incomplete. Five letters (Items One to Five) are from Breadalbane's estate manager (and kinsman?) Duncan Campbell, and there are other letters from the latter's family.

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