[Mary Russell Mitford, author of 'Our Village'.] Autograph Letter in the third person to the bookseller William Baynes, expressing pleasure at sending contributions for his 'intended publication'. With reference to her publisher G. B. Whittaker.

Mary Russell Mitford (1787-1855), author and playwright, best known for her collection of sketches, ‘Our Village’ [William Baynes & Son; George Byrom Whittaker (1793-1847), London publisher]
Publication details: 
'Three Mile Cross, near Reading / June 10th. 1825.'

See her entry, and that of Whittaker, in the Oxford DNB. 1p, landscape 12mo. A corner of the letter carrying a few words of text has been torn away on opening; it is still attached, beneath a red wax seal, so that the entire document is present in two parts. Otherwise in fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Addressed by Mitford 'To / Messrs. Baynes & Son / 23 Paternoster Row'. Begins: 'Miss Mitford presents her Compts. to Mr.

['Zadkiel' (Richard James Morrison, ' the most famous astrologer of Victorian times').] Ten-year run of ‘Zadkiel’s Almanac’, 1851 to 1860.

'Zadkiel', i.e. Richard James Morrison (1795-1874), 'the most famous astrologer of Victorian times'; Zadkiel’s Almanac, London
Publication details: 
1851 to 1860; London. 1851 and 1852 published by Hall & Co.; 1853 and 1854 by Piper Brothers & Co.; 1855 to 1858 by Piper, Stephenson & Spence; 1859 and 1860 by George Berger.

Morrison’s entry in the Oxford DNB describes him as ‘the most famous astrologer of Victorian times’. The present nonce-collection contains ten yearly issues of ‘Zadkiel’s Almanac’, in workmanlike black-cloth binding. Some of the outer leaves heavily discoloured, and the whole somewhat worn, otherwise in fair condition. All in 12mo, and with much the same lay-out of the title-page. Occasional illustrations. Title-pages state print-runs between ‘Twentieth Thousand’ (1851) and ‘Forty-second Thousand’ (1855 and 1856).

[John Colbatch: anonymous pamphlet on Trinity College, Cambridge.] A Vindication of the Lord Bishop of Ely's Visitatorial Jurisdiction over Trinity-College In General and over the Master thereof in Particular.

[John Colbatch (1664-1748)] Trinity College, Cambridge; Thomas Green (1658-1738), Bishop of Ely
Publication details: 
London: Printed for T. Cooper, the Corner of Ivy-Lane, next Pater-Noster-Row. MDCCXXXII. [1732]

44pp, 4to. In poor condition, worn and stained, in damaged remains of vellum-paper wraps. Library stamp carelessly cut away from blank part of title, causing closed cut to second leaf. Six copies on JISC LHD (COPAC); now uncommon. The date of publication is mistakenly given in Colbatch's entry in the Oxford DNB as 1729.

[King Edward VII: marriage to Princess Alexandra, 1863.] Printed souvenir booklet titled: 'Come to the Marriage! A Memorial of the Marriage of H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, to H.R.H. The Princess Alexandra, of Denmark, March 10th, 1863.'

'F. G.' [marriage of the Prince of Wales (future King Edward VII) to Princess Alexandra of Denmark, 1863; The Book Society, Paternoster Row, London]
Publication details: 
'London: The Book Society, 19, Paternoster Row, And Bazaar, Soho Square.' [1863.]

No other copy of this royal memento has been traced, either on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC. It is 29 + [3]pp, 32mo. Stitched with white thread into shiny white paper covers, with title duplicated within border in black on front, and back cover carrying an advertisement for a 'New Series of Packets of Books, for the young'. The final three pages carry a catalogue of 'Publications of The Book Society, 19, Paternoster Row, London.' In fair condition lightly aged, with faded front cover and dogeared corners.

[Robert Hawker, Devon clergyman called the 'Star of the West'.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Rob Hawker') to London bookseller Ebenezer Palmer, regarding the marketing of the tracts of the Village Sermon Society.

Robert Hawker (1753-1827), Devon clergyman and hymnologist; vicar of Charles Church, Plymouth, called the 'Star of the West' for his popular preaching [Ebenezer Palmer, London theological bookseller]
Publication details: 
[Plymouth?]; 22 November 1824.

2pp, 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, aged and spotted, with loss at foot of reverse of last leaf, the verso of which is addressed to 'Mr Palmer | Bookseller | 18 Paternoster Row'. The recipient is the theological bookseller Ebenezer Palmer the elder (c.1782-1866). Twenty-two lines of text in a difficult hand. The stridently pious tone perhaps hints at some degree of mental instability. The letter opens: 'My dear Sir & friend in the LORD | I greet you in Him'.

[In original boards, with catalogue of Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, London booksellers.] Memoir of the Early Life of William Cowper, Esq. written by himself, And never before published..

William Cowper [ Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster Row, London. ]
Publication details: 
Second edition. London: Printed for R. Edwards, Crane Court, Fleet Street; and sold by all booksellers. 1816. [ Printed by R. Edwards, Crane Court, Fleet Street, London. ] With catalogue of Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster Row, London, 1816.

Subtitle: 'With an Appendix containing some interesting letters, and other authentic documents, illustrative of the memoir.' 130pp., 12mo. Frontispiece. Bound in at the end is a twelve-page catalogue, dated 1 October 1816, and with drophead title: 'Valuable Periodical Works, Published by Sherwood, Neely, and Jones, Paternoster Row, London. Beneath the drophead title is a woodcut of a lion. Only one copy of the trade catalogue traced on OCLC WorldCat.

[ Awnsham Churchill and Edward Clarke of Chipley, John Locke's associates. ] Printed Exchequer receipt, completed in manuscript, and signed by the bookseller 'A. Churchill' and witnessed by radical MP 'E Clarke'.

Awnsham Churchill (1658-1728), bookseller at The Black Swan, Paternoster Row, London, Whig member of parliament, publisher and friend of John Locke; Edward Clarke (1650-1710) of Chipley ]
Publication details: 
[ Her Majesty's Receipt of Exchequer, London. ] 28 June 1715.

1p., 8vo. On aged paper worn at head. Customary printed Exchequer receipt, completed in manuscript, headed (manuscript text in square brackets): 'Annuities, 3700l. per Week. | Record' [19 Janu. 1715]'. Calculations in right-hand margin and clerical sign on reverse. Recording the payment by Sir Richard Onslow of £100 to 'Awnsham Churchill Attorney for mr ffra: Bennett & for selfe'.

[ A. C. R. Carter, editor of 'The Year's Art'. ] Two circular letters, both in the form of facsimiles of signed autograph letters,

A. C. R. Carter [ Albert Charles Robinson Carter ] (1864-1957), English journalist and collector, editor of 'The Year's Art'
Publication details: 
Both on letterheads of 'The Year's Art', 34, 35, 36 Paternoster Row, London. 31 October 1916 and September 1917.

Each 1p., 12mo. Both in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Both carry the stamp and manuscript mark of the Royal Society of Arts. Convincing facsimiles of signed autograph letters. The first reads: 'In the third year of war my publishers and myself are determined to carry on "The Year's Art" without a break. | Will you, therefore, be good enough to amend the enclosed extract describing the institution in your charge, with especial reference to changed conditions. | Please notify also names (with dates of death) of any of your members or staff dying at home or abroad.

[ Pamphlet. ] The Robbery of the Poor.

William H. P. Campbell [ The Modern Press, Paternoster Row, London ]
Publication details: 
London: The Modern Press, 13 and 14, Paternoster Row, E.C. 1884:

54pp., 12mo. Disbound without covers. In good condition, on aged paper. Dedication: 'To | The Poor of England, | This Pamphlet is dedicated | By ONE | Who would hasten the coming of the Day | When we shall not [last word underlined] have them | With us.' He concludes with 'one word' to those who think that 'what we believe in as possible is a splendid Utopia that can never exist, a pleasant dream that shall never be realised': 'Have it so, if you please.

[ Longmans, London publishers. ] Prospectus for Clarke Abel's 'Personal Observations, made during the Progress of the British Embassy through China', and list of Longmans books 'Published in the Course of August and September [1817]'.

Clarke Abel, Physician and Naturalist to the Embassy [ Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, of Paternoster-row, London Booksellers; Longmans; East India Company ]
Publication details: 
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, Paternoster-row. The prospectus is undated; the list of publications is dated 'Oct. 1817.'

The two items are disbound, but attached to one another. On aged and worn paper. PROSPECTUS: 1p., 12mo. Reads: 'Mr. Abel's Account of the Embassy to China. | In the press, and immediately will be published, | In One Volume, Quarto, illustrated by Maps and other Engravings, of Landscape, Natural History, Geology, &c.

[Proof engraving of 'The Welcome Coffee House' (Moreton Pinkney, Northamptonshire?) ] Manuscript Letter, signed 'Pro S. W. Partridge & Co | F. N', to W. H. Dunlop, enclosing a proof engraving from the 'Coffee Public News'.

[ S. W. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, London publishers ] [Samuel William Partridge (1810-1903); W. H. Dunlop (proprietor?), The Welcome Coffee House (Moreton Pinkney, Northamptonshire?) ]
Publication details: 
S. & W. Partridge & Co., 9 Paternoster Row, London. 25 October 1880.

Both the engraving and the letter are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ENGRAVING: Dimensions of image: 5.5 x 9 cm. Dimensions of paper: 12 x 18 cm. In black ink. The coffee house, with signage, is shown behind an old stone wall, in front of a country house. It is built like a barn with a taller structure beside it (possibly a reading room). LETTER: 2pp., 12mo. Bifolium.

[Rev. Dr Henry Christmas.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Henry Christmas') to Arthur Hall, discussing the plan of a magazine, with the names of contributors and sub-editors of sections, for a prospectus, and describing a section of 'Lyra Evangelica'.

Rev. Dr Henry Christmas [Noel-Fearn] (1811-1868), editor and numismatist [Arthur Hall, London publisher [Arthur Hall, Virtue & Co., Paternoster Row]
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and unevenly-sunned paper. He begins by giving six numbered points which 'will do for the Introduction' to a prospectus for a magazine. The first reads: 'The biographical & archaeological portion of the Magazine will be placed under the superintendance of the Revd Professor Christmas, M.A.

[Printed pamphlet in the series of 'Haughton's Popular Illustrated Biographies'.] The Life of Thomas Carlyle. [With steel engraved portrait.]

[Haughton & Co., 10, Paternoster Row; 'Haughton's Popular Illustrated Biographies'; Thomas Carlyle]
Publication details: 
['Haughton's Popular Illustrated Biographies.'] London: Haughton & Co., 10, Paternoster Row. [1881.]

16pp., 8vo. Disbound. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Steel engraved portrait of Carlyle on title-page. Clearly produced immediately following Carlyle's death, as the commencement indicates: 'On a cold wintry Monday morning in February the Times announced that Thomas Carlyle was seriously ill.

[Publication Committee, Presbyterian Church of England, 18 Paternoster Square, London.] Engraved card announcing that the Committee have taken possession of the premises and made them into a shop and offices; with plan of premises on reverse.

Publication Committee, Presbyterian Church of England, 18 Paternoster Square, London
Publication details: 
[Publication Committee, Presbyterian Church of England, 18 Paternoster Square, London.] [Circa 1882.]

The text is engraved in copperplate on one side of a piece of card, with plan on reverse of the the premises at 18 Paternoster Square, with Newgate Street, Warwick Lane, Rose Street and Paternoster Row also shown. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with unobtrusive vertical crease. A nice piece of nineteenth-century London book trade ephemera. The text reads: 'Publication Committee | Presbyterian Church of England, | 18 Paternoster Square.

[Two parts, all published.] Our Old English Newspapers: being verbatim reprints of the various newspapers published by our ancestors. Originally Printed and Published by Francis Coles and Lawrence Blaikelock, at the Old Bailey and Temple Bar.

Francis Coles; Lawrence Blaikelock; D. Stewart [Stewart & Co., Warwick Chambers, Paternoster Row, London EC]; Hay Nisbet, Glasgow printer
Publication details: 
Re-issued by D. Stewart [Stewart & Co.], at the Offices, Warwick Chambers, Paternoster Row, London. [Hay Nisbet, Printer, 219 George Street, Glasgow.] July and August 1876.

Both 48pp., 4to (Part II paginated 49-96). Both in printed blue wraps, with front cover carrying the ownership inscription of R. R. Lloyd. Both with stamps of the St. Albans' Architectural & Archaeological Society, and small taped label to wraps. Both in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in chipped and worn wraps. Part I reprints seven items from 1641 to 1645 (the first: 'Diurnall Occurrences from 27. December to the 3. of January 1641.

[Printed quarto booklet.] Old Janet's Christmas Gift.

Mrs Ellen Ross (Nelsie Brook) [Ellen Edith Alice Brook (d.1892)] [S. W. Partridge & Co, London]
Publication details: 
'No. 3. Coloured Series.' London: S. W. Partridge & Co., 9, Paternoster Row. [1870s.]

17pp. 4to. Three illustrations: one in colour on the cover, and one each in black and white on the back wrap. The last page of text, numbered 17, is on the back inner wrap, followed by a decorative presentation of a biblical text. Covering the back outer cover is a black and white decorative representation of the text 'GLORY TO GOD | ON EARTH PEASE, GOOD WILL TOWARD MEN. | IN THE HIGHEST', engraved by 'T. M.'. In coloured wraps, with attractive cover carrying a large coloured illustration of Old Janet and three others, looking at a donkey.

[Printed book.] Rational Stenography; or, Short-Hand Made Easy, In a few familiar Lessons, founded on the Principles of the late John Byrom, Esq. M.A. F.R.S. With numerous improvements. By the Rev. J. Nightingale.

Rev. J. Nightingale, Author of "A Comparative View of Mavor's and Byrom's Systems," and of several Works of History and general Science, &c. [Joseph Nightingale (1775-1824); John Byrom (1692-1763)]
Publication details: 
London: J. Robins and Co. Ivy Lane, Paternoster Row. 1823. [J. Robins and Co. Albion Press, London.]

40 + 3 + 4 pp., 12mo. With frontispiece, and three plates on one fold-out strip. In original grey printed wraps (giving the price as 2s 6d). In good condition, on lightly-aged and spotted paper, in worn wraps. Excellent frontispiece portrait, with tissue guard, captioned 'Rev. Joseph Nightingale. | Drawn by Shoosmith - Engraved by R. Roffe. | Published by J. Robins & Co. London. Feby. 1. 1824.' Six-page preface, dated 'Southwark Square, 1823.' Three plates on one fold-out strip, facing p.12.

Autograph Letter Signed ('M Berry') from the diarist Mary Berry, sister of Agnes Berry and friend of Horace Walpole, [to her publishers Longman & Co] regarding proofs [of her book 'A Comparative View of the Social Life of England and France'].

Mary Berry (1763-1852), author and diarist, sister and companion of Agnes Berry (1764-1852), and friend of Horace Walpole [Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, publishers, of Paternoster Row, London]
Publication details: 
'Petersham Wedy. Mony' [1828].

1p., 12mo. 12 lines. Good on lightly-aged paper. She is requesting 'an alteration to be made in the Contents of Chapr 9. to the necessity of which I had not adverted till I saw that Chapr. in Print'. After correcting the chapter she 'desired a Revise', but 'foolishly forgot to Revise the Contents of the Chapr.' 'It cannot however be too late & must be done, as the Chapr: ends with Mr Fox'. The work referred to is clearly Miss Berry's 'Comparative View', published by Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green in 1828, the ninth and last chapter of which does indeed end with Charles James Fox.

Autograph Note Signed from the General Baptist minister Jabez Burns ('J Burns') to the Paternoster Row publishers Houlston & Wright.

Jabez Burns (1805-1876), General Baptist minister
Jabez Burns (1805-1876), General Baptist minister
Publication details: 
23 March 1855.
Jabez Burns (1805-1876), General Baptist minister

Landscape 12mo, 1 p. Text clear and complete. Good, on aged paper, with light traces of mount adhering to the blank reverse. Asking for a copy of his 'Sermons for Families & Villages' ['Sermons chiefly designed for family reading and village worship', 1842] to be given to an individual, and 'put to my Account'.

Three catalogues of publications by the Religious Tract Society ('Illustrated Gift Books', 'The "Pen and Pencil" Series' and general catalogue for September 1906) together with three ephemeral items relating to the Society.

[The Religious Tract Society; Victorian booktrade]
Three printed catalogues of publications by the Religious Tract Society
Publication details: 
The general catalogue dated to September 1906, another item from 1899, and the rest undated. [London: Paternoster Row.]
Three printed catalogues of publications by the Religious Tract Society

All items unbound. Texts clear and complete. On aged and dusty paper, with some spotting and one item creased at extremities. ITEM ONE: General catalogue (4to, 68 pp). In original yellow printed wraps. ITEM TWO: Catalogue of 'Illustrated Gift Books' (12mo, 12pp). Numerous vignettes. The front page, bearing an engraving of a seagull, headed in red 'Sold by W. EARDLEY, Crewe'. ITEM THREE: 'The "Pen & Pencil" Series.' (12mo, 10pp). Illustrations, including one of the Bishop's Rock Lighthouse. ITEM FOUR: Handbill advertisement (8vo, 4 pp) for 'The Annotated Paragraph Bible'.

Printed notice of relocation, and advertisement for new publications.

James Blackwood & Co., London publishers and wholesale stationers
Publication details: 
[Circa 1910.] London: James Blackwood & Co., 12/14 Heneage Lane, Bevis Marks, E.C.

4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. Nicely printed with vignette of flowers and ribbons on first page. Fair, on aged paper. The firm, boasting establishment in 1849, is described on the first page as 'late of Lovell's Court, Paternoster Row, E.C.', where the announcement is made 'that they have Transferred their Business to the Above Address'. Six new editions of works are advertised on the following two pages, with details given of contents. The last page advertises 'Blackwood's Diaries for 1911' and 'Blackwood's New Series of Scribbling Diaries'.

Catalogue of Books published by James Blackwood & Co., Publishers & Wholesale Stationers.

James Blackwood & Co., Publishers and Wholesale Stationers [trade catalogues]
Publication details: 
[Circa 1910.] London: James Blackwood & Co., 8. Lowell's Court, Paternoster Row, E.C. [amended in manuscript to '12/14 Heneage Lane. E.C.']

12mo, 24 pp. Unbound. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper, with rusting to staples. Hundreds of titles, in such series as 'The Unique Library', 'Choice Readings. Books suitable for presents, etc.', 'Universal Library of Standard Authors', 'Blackwood's Edition of the Poets', 'Library of Thoughtful Books' and 'Choice Books for Young Persons'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('David S. Meldrum') to unnamed female correspondent.

David Storrar Meldrum (1864-1940), novelist and partner in the publishing house of Blackwood's
Publication details: 
4 September 1897; on company letterhead '37, Paternoster Row, London, E.C.'

8vo: 3 pp. On grubby, lightly creased paper. The recipient has made Meldrum a 'pretty present' of her edition of Burns (COPAC provides no clue as to her identity). He finds the volumes 'very dainty', and will read her notes 'with interest'. He has already read her 'Introductions' with 'great pleasure'. He comments on her assessment of a couple of poems and finds her 'standpoint' on 'the man & the poet' 'capital'. 'But you must allow me one criticism: you read into the poems a political significance which I'm sure wasn't there.

The History, Or Anecdotes, Of the Revolution in Russia, In the Year 1762. Translated from the French of M. De Rulhiere.

Claude Carloman de Rulhiere [Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia; Russian eighteenth-century history; revolution of 1762]
Publication details: 
London: Printed for T. N. Longman, Paternoster-Row. 1797.

8vo: [ii] + xxiv + 178 + [ii] pp. With half-title, and final leaf containing two pages of 'New Publications printed for T. N. Longman, No. 39, Paternoster-Row.' Frontispiece, becoming detached, of 'Catherine II. Empress of Russia, Taken from an Original Bust.' Tight copy, on aged and lightly discoloured paper, in worn and stained contemporary half-binding of chipped vellum spine and corners and marbled boards. Minor staining at foot of frontispiece, title and first leaf of prelims.

A series of engravings, drawn and engraved by W. Grainger for the 'Royal Encyclopedia', each headed 'An exact representation of the Manual Exercise, according to modern Military Discipline, See Treatise on Military Affairs.'

William Grainger, engraver; Charles Cooke, bookseller, Paternoster Row [Hanoverian British army; eighteenth-century military history; commands; discipline; musketry; firearms]
Publication details: 
London: 'Published as the Act directs, by C. Cooke No. 17 Paternoster Row May 28 1790'.

Four plates, each roughly 39.5 x 22 cm. Good, clear impressions. The first two plates have a little light staining in the margins, and the first has some light foxing. The other two in very good condition, and the set good overall. An attractive series, each plate containing twelve main engravings, mainly of an infantryman with his musket in various positions, but also of an officer with sword. Begins with 'Dress to the Right' and ends with 'Sword Salute'. Mains numbered series begins '1st. Poise Firelock' and ends '35th. Shoulder Firelock'. Occasional smaller engravings in the background.

The Struggle.

Joseph Livesey, Preston [William Strange, Paternoster Row; Free Trade; repeal of the Corn Laws]
Publication details: 
No. 75. 'Printed and Published by J. LIVESEY, Preston. Sold by W. Strange, Paternoster-row, London [...]. [between 1842 and 1846]

4to: 4 pp. Unbound. Good. Half-page illustration on first page of 'The Emigrant's Farewell'. Small vignette on p.3 of 'Sancho Panza flogging himself, or the Landlords laying peculiar burthens on themselves!' Includes articles entitled 'Onward Still!', 'The Sugar Monopoly' and 'The Working Man his Own Capitalist'. Ends with 'A HINT. - Every newspaper containing debates on the corn laws, should be sent through the post from one hand to another while it will hold together.'

Poor Richard's Almanack, for the year 1848. Leap Year. Containing, in addition to all that is requisite in an Almanack, A list of all the fairs in England and Wales, and advertisements for three hundred and thirty-two Heirs-at-Law.

Richard Allen, editor [almanack; almanacks; ephemerides; ephemeris]
Publication details: 
Illustrated edition. 1848. London: W. Strange, 21, Paternoster Row. Heywood, Manchester; Philip, Liverpool; Webb and Co. Leeds; Guest, Birmingham; Allen, Nottingham; Allen, Leicester. [Nottingham: - Printed by R. Allen, 57, Long Row.]

12mo, 32 pp. In original pink printed wraps. Unbound and stitched. Text clear and entire. Tight, but grubby and dogeared, and with closed tear and creasing at head of recto of front wrap. Densely printed in a variety of point sizes, with frontispiece and twelve wood-cuts (one for each month). Contains advertisements, 'Borough Regulations', a 'Gardener's Calendar', 'Table of the Sun's rising and setting' and other matter. Neat ownership signature of 'Mrs. Paterson' at head of recto of front wrap, and twelve others of her signatures at the head of each month.

Castle Avon. By the author of "Emilia Wyndham," "Mordaunt Hall," etc. etc.

Anon. [Anne Marsh (later Anne Marsh-Caldwell) (1791-1874)]
Publication details: 
London: Thomas Hodgson, 13, Paternoster-row. [Woodfall and Kinder, Printers, Angel Court, Skinner Street, London.] [1855]

12mo, 352 pp. In contemporary brown calf half-binding, with marbled boards and grey endpapers. Loose and foxed in worn binding.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent (John Tyndall?).

Alexander Strahan
Publication details: 
21 January 1874; on letterhead '12, Paternoster Row, London'.

Two pages, octavo. Good, apart from damage and loss to one edge caused by removal from mount. Would appear to relate to the controversy between the surgeon Sir Henry Thompson (1820-1904) and John Tyndall (1820-1893), held in the pages of Strahan's 'Contemporary Review'. Reads 'I herewith send you the proof of your reply to Sir Henry Thompson | Please revise and return it tomorrow.

Autograph Letter Signed to G. K. Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

George Herbert Whitaker [WHITAKER'S ALMANACK]
Publication details: 
22 January 1919; on letterhead 'Office of WHITAKER'S ALMANACK, | 12, WARWICK LANE, PATERNOSTER ROW, | LONDON, E.C.'

Bookseller and publisher (1862-1933). One page, 12mo. Very good, docketed with the Society's stamp. 'In reply to your circular letter, I beg to apply for admission as a Fellow of your Society and herewith forward my application together with my cheque value 2 guineas, which in the event of not being elected, please return to | Yours faithfully | George H. Whitaker'.

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